3,331 research outputs found

    The GL 569 Multiple System

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    We report the results of high spectral and angular resolution infrared observations of the multiple system GL 569 A and B that were intended to measure the dynamical masses of the brown dwarf binary believed to comprise GL 569 B. Our analysis did not yield this result but, instead, revealed two surprises. First, at age ~100 Myr, the system is younger than had been reported earlier. Second, our spectroscopic and photometric results provide support for earlier indications that GL 569 B is actually a hierarchical brown dwarf triple rather than a binary. Our results suggest that the three components of GL 569 B have roughly equal mass, ~0.04 Msun.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal; minor corrections to Section 5.1; changed typo in 6.

    Adjoint bi-continuous semigroups and semigroups on the space of measures

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    For a given bi-continuous semigroup T on a Banach space X we define its adjoint on an appropriate closed subspace X^o of the norm dual X'. Under some abstract conditions this adjoint semigroup is again bi-continuous with respect to the weak topology (X^o,X). An application is the following: For K a Polish space we consider operator semigroups on the space C(K) of bounded, continuous functions (endowed with the compact-open topology) and on the space M(K) of bounded Baire measures (endowed with the weak*-topology). We show that bi-continuous semigroups on M(K) are precisely those that are adjoints of a bi-continuous semigroups on C(K). We also prove that the class of bi-continuous semigroups on C(K) with respect to the compact-open topology coincides with the class of equicontinuous semigroups with respect to the strict topology. In general, if K is not Polish space this is not the case

    K2 reveals pulsed accretion driven by the 2 Myr old hot Jupiter CI Tau b

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    CI Tau is a young (~2 Myr) classical T Tauri star located in the Taurus star forming region. Radial velocity observations indicate it hosts a Jupiter-sized planet with an orbital period of approximately 9 days. In this work, we analyze time series of CI Tau's photometric variability as seen by K2. The lightcurve reveals the stellar rotation period to be ~6.6 d. Although there is no evidence that CI Tau b transits the host star, a ~9 d signature is also present in the lightcurve. We believe this is most likely caused by planet-disk interactions which perturb the accretion flow onto the star, resulting in a periodic modulation of the brightness with the ~9 d period of the planet's orbit.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Tuning and Locking the Localized Surface Plasmon Resonances of CuS (Covellite) Nanocrystals by an Amorphous CuPdxS Shell

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    [Image: see text] We demonstrate the stabilization of the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) in a semiconductor-based core–shell heterostructure made of a plasmonic CuS core embedded in an amorphous-like alloyed CuPd(x)S shell. This heterostructure is prepared by reacting the as-synthesized CuS nanocrystals (NCs) with Pd(2+) cations at room temperature in the presence of an electron donor (ascorbic acid). The reaction starts from the surface of the CuS NCs and proceeds toward the center, causing reorganization of the initial lattice and amorphization of the covellite structure. According to density functional calculations, Pd atoms are preferentially accommodated between the bilayer formed by the S–S covalent bonds, which are therefore broken, and this can be understood as the first step leading to amorphization of the particles upon insertion of the Pd(2+) ions. The position and intensity in near-infrared LSPRs can be tuned by altering the thickness of the shell and are in agreement with the theoretical optical simulation based on the Mie–Gans theory and Drude model. Compared to the starting CuS NCs, the amorphous CuPd(x)S shell in the core–shell nanoparticles makes their plasmonic response less sensitive to a harsh oxidation environment (generated, for example, by the presence of I(2))

    Soft Body Impact Against Aeronautical Structures

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    Statistics show that impacts of soft body against aeronautical structure are not so rare events. The damage caused by the impact of hailstones or of birds can sometimes be so heavy to compromise the service life of the vehicle. Companies, research centers and universities are interested in the evaluation of the effects of this kind of events and lots of researching works have been recently developed in this field. In this paper, an overview of the last studies performed at the Laboratory for the Safety in Transports (LaST – Crash Lab.) of Politecnico of Milan are presented throughout experimental tests and numerical finite element models. The validity of the correlation results method to prevent possible heavy consequence caused by these events is shown

    Discovery of close companions to the nearby young stars HD 199143 and HD 358623

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    Young stellar systems in the solar neighborhood provide valuable laboratories for detailed studies of star and planet formation. The bright F8V star HD 199143 and the Li-rich late-type emission line star HD 358623 are among the nearest young stars identified to date, and may be members of a young association in Capricornus. We present high-resolution near-infrared images of these two sources, obtained using the adaptive optics system on the 3.6-meter telescope at the European Southern Observatory in La Silla, Chile. Our observations reveal that both are in fact close binary systems. The newly discovered companion at a separation of \sim1'' may account for the unusual characteristics of HD 199143 --rapid rotation, emission lines, ultraviolet variability, and excess infrared emission-- recently discussed by van den Ancker and co-workers. HD 199143 may be a rare example of a close binary with only a circum{\it secondary} disk. With the detection of a \sim2'' companion, HD 358623 is now possibly one of the closest known T Tauri binaries. Both binary systems are prime targets for follow-up spectroscopic and astrometric observations.Comment: 9 pages, 1 PostScript figure, to appear in The Astrophysical Journal Letter

    A convergent blind deconvolution method for post-adaptive-optics astronomical imaging

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    In this paper we propose a blind deconvolution method which applies to data perturbed by Poisson noise. The objective function is a generalized Kullback-Leibler divergence, depending on both the unknown object and unknown point spread function (PSF), without the addition of regularization terms; constrained minimization, with suitable convex constraints on both unknowns, is considered. The problem is nonconvex and we propose to solve it by means of an inexact alternating minimization method, whose global convergence to stationary points of the objective function has been recently proved in a general setting. The method is iterative and each iteration, also called outer iteration, consists of alternating an update of the object and the PSF by means of fixed numbers of iterations, also called inner iterations, of the scaled gradient projection (SGP) method. The use of SGP has two advantages: first, it allows to prove global convergence of the blind method; secondly, it allows the introduction of different constraints on the object and the PSF. The specific constraint on the PSF, besides non-negativity and normalization, is an upper bound derived from the so-called Strehl ratio, which is the ratio between the peak value of an aberrated versus a perfect wavefront. Therefore a typical application is the imaging of modern telescopes equipped with adaptive optics systems for partial correction of the aberrations due to atmospheric turbulence. In the paper we describe the algorithm and we recall the results leading to its convergence. Moreover we illustrate its effectiveness by means of numerical experiments whose results indicate that the method, pushed to convergence, is very promising in the reconstruction of non-dense stellar clusters. The case of more complex astronomical targets is also considered, but in this case regularization by early stopping of the outer iterations is required

    CTprintNet: An Accurate and Stable Deep Unfolding Approach for Few-View CT Reconstruction

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    In this paper, we propose a new deep learning approach based on unfolded neural networks for the reconstruction of X-ray computed tomography images from few views. We start from a model-based approach in a compressed sensing framework, described by the minimization of a least squares function plus an edge-preserving prior on the solution. In particular, the proposed network automatically estimates the internal parameters of a proximal interior point method for the solution of the optimization problem. The numerical tests performed on both a synthetic and a real dataset show the effectiveness of the framework in terms of accuracy and robustness with respect to noise on the input sinogram when compared to other different data-driven approaches

    Turbocompound power unit modelling for a supercapacitor-based series hybrid vehicle application

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    In this paper, starting from the measurements available for a 2000 cm3 turbocharged diesel engine, an analytical model of the turbocharger is proposed and validated. The model is then used to extrapolate the efficiency of a power unit with a diesel engine combined with a turbocompound system. The obtained efficiency map is used to evaluate the fuel economy of a supercapacitor-based series hybrid vehicle equipped with the turbocompound power unit. The turbocompound model, in accordance with the studies available in the technical literature, shows that the advantages (in terms of efficiency increase) are significant at high loads. For this reason, turbocompound introduction allows a significant efficiency improvement in a series hybrid vehicle, where the engine always works at high-load. The fuel economy of the proposed vehicle is compared with other hybrid and conventional vehicle configurations

    Jensen-Shannon divergence as a measure of distinguishability between mixed quantum states

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    We discuss an alternative to relative entropy as a measure of distance between mixed quantum states. The proposed quantity is an extension to the realm of quantum theory of the Jensen-Shannon divergence (JSD) between probability distributions. The JSD has several interesting properties. It arises in information theory and, unlike the Kullback-Leibler divergence, it is symmetric, always well defined and bounded. We show that the quantum JSD (QJSD) shares with the relative entropy most of the physically relevant properties, in particular those required for a "good" quantum distinguishability measure. We relate it to other known quantum distances and we suggest possible applications in the field of the quantum information theory.Comment: 14 pages, corrected equation 1