829 research outputs found
Kajian Potensi Penggunaan Kompos Dari Residu Gas Bio Untuk Perencanaan Sosialisasi
BPPT has conducted Integrated Research on Biogas from night soil. This research has done thought pilot plant in Pondok Pesantren Tebu Ireng Jombang East Java. The product of the biogas pilot plant are compost and methane gas. The using of these products has been researched to the community. The community survey using descriptive methods, has a result that 79.5 % of the respondens said they intend to use composts for their plantation.There fore the application of biogas technology in waste water treatment should be socialized
Women\u27s Portrayals in the Comic Books (a Visual Grammar of the Heroines\u27 Portrayals in the Selected Comic Books Published by Dc Comics and Marvel)
This paper entitled “Women\u27s Portrayals in the Comic Books (A Visual Grammar of the Heroines\u27 Portrayals in the Selected Comic Books Published by DC Comics and Marvel)” is aimed at investigating how women, especially heroines are portrayed in the comic books and what the portrayals signify. The study is a qualitative study using the visual grammar theory proposed by Kress and van Leeuwen (2006) and the systemic functional linguistics theory proposed by Halliday (2004). The data are in the form of four online comics published by DC Comics and Marvel. The study finds that heroines are portrayed in negative and positive ways. The negative ways portray the heroines as sex symbols, the ones who sexually stimulate men\u27s attention in their appearance, greedy, fragile (especially when the heroines play their character as alter ego). While, the positive ways portray the heroines as strong, brave, smart and impressive ones. The findings also show that no matter how strong the heroines, they are still in the subjection
Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran dan Motivasi Belajar terhadap Hasil Belajar Desain Web di Smk Negeri 1 Surabaya
Web design lessons is one of the competencies to be mastered in learning of Network and Computer Technique. In the world of education in Indonesia, especially SMK expertise and information technology, web design is a subject that must be mastered. This research has purposes: (1) to know the differences about the result of study between students who are taught by using video tutorial media and student who are taught by using PowerPoint media, (2) to know the differences about the result of study between student who has higher motivation and student who has lower motivation, and (3) to know the interactions between the use of learning media and motivation on the student, and how those things can give influence on the result of study.The research design used in this study is the design of a 2×2 factorial study that compared the two groups, which consisted of learning to use the medium of video tutorials and media PowerPoint with distinguish student\u27s motivation is high or low. For processing the data using Two Ways Anova with SPSS. from the results of hypothesis testing with Anova techniques the first hypothesis was obtained Fcalculate = 5,552. In the second hypothesis was obtained Fcalculate = 53,042. And third hypothesis was obtained Fcalculate = 49, 97. The research concludes: (1) the use of video media tutorial shown an affect student learning outcomes better than the use of PowerPoint media, (2) students who have high motivation to learn it have better learning outcomes than low-motivated students, and (3) interaction of media use video tutorials to students who have high motivation to learn gave good results compared to the interaction of media use PowerPoint with other motivational factors. The research advises: (1) video tutorial is very appropriate medium used to improve student learning outcomes compared student taught with PowerPoint media, (2) video media tutorials will obtain the best results when applied to the students who have high motivation to learn, and (3) to students who have low motivation If teached by video tutorial media will increase their learn motivation
Pengaruh Lama Penyinaran Dan Komposisi Media Terhadap Mikropropagasi Tanaman Karet (Hevea Brasiliensis Muell. Arg.)
The aimed of the research to know the influence of photoperiod of rubber tree (Hevea Brasiliensis Muell. Arg.) in the different medium composition. The research was carried out in the Microcutting Laboratory, PT. Perkebunan Nusantara III Kebun Gunung Pamela Tebing Tinggi, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. The research began from March to July 2015. The research used completely randomized design with eighteen treathments and six replications. The results showed that interaction of photoperiod and medium with combination of growth regulators were significantly to percent of shoots. Photoperiod 24 h light and the medium of WPM + BAP 0,5 mg/l was the best medium to multiplication of rubber
Pangembangan Lks Tumrap Undhak-undhakane Katrampilan Nulis Ringkesane Crita Fiksi Siswa Kelas VII SMP Muhammadiyah 6 Surabaya Taun Piwulangan 2012/2013
Pangembangan LKS Tumrap Undhak-Undhakane Katrampilan Nilis Ringkesane Crita Fiksi
Siswa Kelas VII SMP Muhammadiyah 6 Surabaya Taun Piwulangan 2012/ 2013
Sangga Dewi Gati Pratiwi
Pendidikan Bahasa Daerah, FBS, UNESA ([email protected])
Pangembangan LKS katrampilan nulis iki dilandhesi dening panganggone sumbere pasinaon sing asipat tradhisional, instan, lan tetukon. Kahanan kaya mangkono iku sing ndadekake siswa kurang nduweni greget anggone sinau, saengga asile pasinaon ora bisa nggayuh SKBM. Mula saka kuwi, ditindakake upaya kanggo ngembangake LKS supaya luwih inovatif lan variatif. Tujuwane kanggo narik kawigatene siswa supaya luwih greget anggone sinau, saengga asile pasinaon bisa salaras karo tujuwan pasinaon.
Underane panliten iki, yaiku (1) kepriye proses pangembangane LKS katrampilan nulis ringkesane crita fiksi; (2) kepriye tingkat validitas pangembangane LKS katrampilan nulis ringkesane crita fiksi; (3) kepriye tingkat kapraktisan panganggone LKS katrampilan nulis ringkesane crita fiksi; (4) kepriye tingkat efektivitas panganggone LKStumrap undhak-undhakane katrampilan nulis ringkesane crita fiksi. Salaras karo underane panliten dingerteni tujuwan saka panliten iki, yaiku (1) ngandharake proses pangembangane LKS; (2) ngandharake tingkat validitas pangembangane LKS; (3) ngandharake tingkat kapraktisan panganggone LKS; (4) ngandharake tingkat efektivitas panganggone LKStumrap undhak-undhakane katrampilan nulis ringkesane crita fiksi. Paedahe saka panliten iki, yaiku menehi gambaran marang guru supaya bisa milih lan nggunakake sumber pasinaon sing inovatif lan salaras karo kabutuhane siswa, bisa ngundhakake aktivitase siswa lan supaya siswa luwih greget anggone sinau, mligine ing piwulangan nulis, lan aweh konstribusi tumrap sekolah kanggo ngupaya ningkatake mutu pendhidhikan kanthi cara ngembangake sumbere pasinaon kang inovatif..
Konsep ngenani pangembangan LKS katrampilan nulis iki nggunakake modhel pangembangane Thiagarajan ing bukune Trianto (2010) sing judhule Model Pembelajaran Terpadu. Modhel pangembangan kasebut diarani modhel 4-D, yaiku define, design, develop, lan dessaminate. Modhel 4-D kasebut banjur diadaptasi dadi 3-P, jalaran panliten iki mung tekan tahap katelu, yaiku pangandharan, pangrancangan, lan pangembangan. Asil kang dipikolehi saka kagiyatan pangembangan iki, yaiku prodhuk LKS tumrap katrampilan nulis kanggo siswa SMP. Konsep LKS nggunakake teorine Prastowo minangka landhesane. Prastowo ngandharake yen LKS iku mujudake lembaran sing isine arupa ringkesane materi lan pitakonan sing wajib digarap dening siswa. Sabanjure teori katrampilan nulis nggunakake pamawase basir, sing unine yen katrampilan nulis kuwi mujudake sawijine katrampilan proses kanggo ngandharake pamikir kanthi cara runtut, logis, lan ngandhut makna tartamtu. Ing panliten iki, materi sing dijupuk ana gegayutane karo sastra, mligine crita fiksi. Mula saka kuwi, panliti nggunakake teori sastra sing diandharake dening Nurgiyantoro, crita fiksi yaiku crita rekaan/ khayalan sing ora ana kasunyatane.
Prodhuk LKS katrampilan nulis kasebut banjur divalidasi dening validator media lan validator materi. Validasi media ditindakake dening dosen jurusan Teknologi Pendidikan, dene validasi materi ditindakake dening dosen jurusan basa Jawa lan guru basa Jawa ing SMP. Sawise divalidasi banjur diujekake lumantar uji coba kang winates marang 10 siswa lan uji coba kang jembar marang 61 siswa.Presentase asile validasi saka ahli media, yaiku 92% nuduhake yen prodhuk kasebut “valid banget”. Presentase saka ahli materi 1, yaiku 80%, saengga kagolong “valid”. Asile pambiji saka ahli materi 2 uga mbuktekake yen LKS sing dikembangake uga “valid banget”, katitik saka asile presentase, yaiku 85,71%. Panganggone LKS sajrone kagiyatan pamulangan antuk tanggapan kang apik banget saka siswa. Perangan kasebut bisa diwawas saka asile tanggapane siswa sawise nggunakake LKS. Asile tanggapane siswa sing apik saka kelas VII B yen dipresentasekake, yaiku 90,97, dene tanggapan sing kurang apik, yaiku 9,03%. Kelas VII C, tanggapan sing apik presentasene 89,66% lan tanggapan sing kurang apik ana 10,33%.
Panganggone LKS sajrone kagiyatan pasinaon bisa ngundhakake efektivitas katrampilan nulis ringkesane crita fiksi. Katitik saka asile pasinaon ing siklus II luwih dhuwur tinimbang siklus I. Asil pasinaone siswa kelas VII B ing siklus I, biji reratane 58,52, presentase siswa sing tuntas ana 45,45%, presentase siswa sing ora tuntas ana 54,55%. Biji rerata asil pasinaone siswa kelas VII C, yaiku 48,71. Siswa sing tuntas presentasene, yaiku 29,03% lan siswa sing ora tuntas, yaiku 70,97%. Ing siklus II, biji reratane siswa kelas VII B mundhak dadi 78,06. Presentase siswa sing tuntas uga luwih akeh, yaiku 80,65%, dene presentase siswa sing ora tuntas mudhun dadi 19,35%. Asil pasinaone siswa kelas VII C ing siklus II yen dirata-rata asile yaiku 80,65. Siswa sing tuntas yen dipresentasekne ana 87,10% lan sing ora tuntas mung 12,90%.
Panganggone LKS sajrone kagiyatan pasinaon, kejaba bisa ngundhakake efektifitas uga bisa ngundhakake aktivitas guru lan siswa. Kabukti yen aktivitas guru lan siswa ing siklus II luwih apik tinimbang siklus I. Kabukti saka asile pambiji sing ditindakake dening observer. Pambiji tumrap aktivitas guru lan siswa kelas VII B ing siklus I, yaiku 88,33% lan 88,57%. Asile pambiji tumrap aktivitas guru lan siswa kelas VII B ing siklus II, yaiku 91,67% lan 99,55%. Aktivitas guru lan siswa ing kelas VII C uga ana undhak-undhakane. Presentase aktivitas guru mundhak saka 86,67% dadi 91,67%. Presentase aktivitas siswa uga mundhak saka 80% dadi 91,11%.
Kata kunci : pangembangan, LKS, katrampilan nulis, crita fiksi. 
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