744 research outputs found

    A recommendation for optimizing workflow process in Welldev Team for enhancing PT. XYZ world class performance

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    WellDev is a team in PT XYZ which responsible to directly support oil production by preparing surface facilities for new wells.Since its roles play very important part to PT. XYZ reputation and performance, it is very important for WellDev Team to deliver the projects safely and timely.In general, surface facilities preparation works are divided into two major activities: preparing well pad location to accommodate drilling need and installing oil production facilities,such as piping and electrical facilities, so the newly drilled well can be put in production. WellDev Team’s responsibilities starts from surveying new wells location as requested by AsDev team, designing new surface facilities, estimating and managing project cost, and managing execution of surface facilities construction. Major challenge this team face is the fluctuation of drilling schedule. This caused WellDev team must frequently shift its effort and priority in order to avoid costly drilling rig stand-by. Usually the team could fulfill this by preparing as many as possible well pad to be ready for drilling. However in the situation where resources are limited, this strategy might not be possible. This paper presents the recommendation for WellDev team to improve its performance in order to meet specified target set by company despite limited resources.Lean Sigma methodology is used to identify waste in the team’s workflow process and identify the noise in current work practices. This paper will discuss deeply in Lean Sigma methodology conducted and improvement plan proposed by the initiative


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    The purpose of writing this journal is to explain the behavior patterns of young generations of high education that are problematic in society. The young generation is highly educated in the Novel "Angkatan Baru" by Hamka to tell the young generation of higher education but is unacquainted with the hard work and reluctantly devoting themselves to high paying. Science only becomes jewellery for him, not used for benefits and for many people. Younger generations are good at reading books, but are not good at reading people. The writing in this journal uses qualitative Enelitian using a descriptive method. Because it described the depiction of the young generation or youth in the Novel of the Buya Hamka "Angkatan Baru". This method was chosen to assess the growing problems in life especially for young generations after attending higher education in college. The data source used is the Novel "Angkatan Baru" by Hamka

    Perancangan Interior Terminal Bandar Udara Sultan Syarif Kasim II Di Pkeanbaru - Riau

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    The Effect of Selection Employeers and Control Work Againts the Performance Employees in Bank Btn Pekanbaru

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    The Purpose of this research to find out how about the effect of selection employeers and scrutiny work againts the performnanceemployees in bank btn Pekanbaru . Selection as an independent variable (X1) consist of , education selection, work experience, healty., personal And control as independet variale (X2) consist of, determinaton of standart of work,the result of the work measurement,correction. And than performance as independen variable(Y) as work quality, personall quality, quantity, timeliness, independence.The research used sample of the employee of Bank BTN Pekanbaru. The number of this sample is 57 persons with slovin. This research is also used propertionate sratified random sampling. Data of this research is primary data, with spread questions to the nurses. The data analysis of this research is statistical analysis with SPSS program.This research shows that selection emplooyee as independent variable is positive implications for the employee in Bank BTN Pekanbaru as coefficeents determination value (R2) is 74,4 it mens that 74,4% and 25,6% is not served in this researvh

    Sebaran Kepiting Mangrove (Crustacea: Decapoda) Yang Terdaftar Di Koleksi Rujukan Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi-lipi 1960-1970 [the Mangrove Crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda) Recorded in Refference Collection of Research Centre for Oceanografi-Indonesian Insitute of Sciences 1960-1970]

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    Brachyura is a group of Crustaceans species often found in mangrove areas. Mangrove crabs in this study were from mangrove areas found in almost all Indonesian waters that were stored in the Reference Collection of Marine Biota Division, Research Center for Oceanography, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) from 1960 to 1970. The aim of this study was to assess the presence and distribution of mangrove crabs from the waters of Indonesia as a search and as a reference collection from 1960 to 1970.A total of 359spesimens were observed, consisted of 54 species, 22 genera, and seven families. The data were stored in a database system to perform spatial information analisys

    Potensi Kapuk Randu (Ceiba Pentandra Gaertn.) Dalam Penyediaan Obat Herbal

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    : The Cultivation venture kapok (Ceiba pentandra Gaertn.) already done since hundreds of years ago, but has not been well developed. The amount of kapok plants in Indonesia continues to decline. whereas tree is very beneficial to health treatment. The purpose of this paper is to find out the potential of kapok trees associated with raw materials herbal remedy or treatment so that the kapok plant can remain preserved . The methods used are library research which descriptive and explorative approaches mainly from previous examination. In the implementation in the field conducted field survey and interview techniques. The results showed that: (1) a range of secondary metabolite compounds are present in every part of the plant, such as the kapok seeds, leaves, stems, and roots. (2) secondary metabolites found in every part of the plant has antibacterial properties kapok, antifungi, bitter taste, and antioxidants, (3) ceiba pentandra as a potencial multifunction medicinal plants that needs to be improved in its use as modern medicine and prevented from extinction

    Perbandingan Isi Berita Kampanye Presiden Dan Wakil Presiden Masa Bhakti 2014-2019 Di Indonesia

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    Pemilihan Presiden dan Wakil Presiden tahun 2014 merupakan pemilihan presiden langsung ketiga di Indonesia dimana masyarakat diberi kesempatan untuk memilih secara langsung Presiden dan Wakil Presidennya. Terdapat dua pasangan yang menjadi kandidat dalam pemilihan presiden kali ini, yaitu pasangan Prabowo Subianto-Hatta Rajasa dan Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla. Pemberitaan ajang lima tahunan tersebut tentu banyak bermunculan di berbagai media massa di Indonesia, khususnya media online. Peran media sangatlah penting dalam memberikan informasi, memberikan gambaran, maupun mempengaruhi pikiran masyarakat untuk dapat mengikuti perkembangan kegiatan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana perbandingan isi berita kampanye di dua media online, apakah memiliki kecenderungan-kecenderungan tertentu atau tidak, dimana kedua media yang digunakan merupakan media terpopuler pertama dan kedua di Indonesia. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan teknik analisis isi, dimana peneliti menganalisis beberapa unit analisis yang di dalamnya terdapat berbagai kategorisasinya. Hasil dari penelitian ini diperoleh perbedaan hasil pada unit analisis media dimana Detik.com memperoleh prosentase 36% sedangkan VivaNews.com memperoleh prosentase 64%, sementara untuk unit analisis yang lain hasilnya sama. Pada unit analisis tokoh yang diberitakan, tema berita, sumber berita, lingkup berita, topik kampanye, cara/pelaksanaan kampanye, gaya penceritaan, tipe peliputan, panjang berita, orientasi berita, dan interaktifitas berita sama-sama ditempati oleh kategori kombinasi, suasana kampanye, tokoh partai politk/Capres-Cawapres, nasional, politik, testimoni, kombinasi, satu sisi, pendek, pemerjelas, dan facebook
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