5 research outputs found


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    Gedung lama BEC merupakan pusat pembelanjaan. Gedung tersebut belum memiliki instalasi jaringan LTE indoor atau IBC. Berdasarkan hasil walk test didapatkan nilai rata-rata SINR antara -5.58 dB dan 5.52 dB dan RSRP -121.71 dBm dan -98.44 dBm . Hal tersebut belum memenuhi standar operator XL. Sedangkan berdasarkan hasil drive test diperoleh nilai rata-rata SINR dan RSRP memenuhi standar operator XL yaitu -83.89 dBm untuk nilai RSRP sedangkan untuk SINR 17.33 dB. Padatnya bangunan dan tinggi bangunan sekitar gedung menyebabkan sinyal dari eNodeB yang diterima UE didalam gedung tidak sama dengan diluar gedung karena terjadinya pelemahan sinyal. Penyebab utama ialah redaman yang menyebabkan sinyal EnodeB terhalang masuk ke dalam gedung. Agar seluruh user pada area tersebut terlayani, solusi yang tepat ialah melakukan perencanaan indoor Building Coverage pada jaringan LTE. Untuk mengetahui nilai parameter RSRP dan SINR pada tahapan Drive Test Initial dan Walk Test menggunakan software TEMS Pocket, menganalisa hasil DT dan WT menggunakan software Mapinfo, perhitungan capacity dan coverage serta melakukan simulasi dengan software RPS. Melalui perhitungan coverage dan capacity planning didapatkan jumlah antena yaitu 33 antena. Berdasarkan simulasi diperoleh rata-rata RSRP > -20 dBm hingga -30 dBm dan SINR > 15 dB hingga 25 dB dan nilai RSRP > -90 dBm ialah 100% sedangkan SINR > 5dB sebanyak 72.% - 100%. perbandingkan hasil simulasi sesuai standar RF parameter operator XL terhadap nilai WT initial didapatkan bahwa perencanaan telah memenuhi standar operator yang menyebabkan area Gedung Lama BEC mengalami peningkatan di sisi coverage. Kata kunci : LTE, RSRP dan SINR, Indoor Building Coverage ,Coverage dan Capacity Planning, RP


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    Kebutuhan kecepatan data yang tinggi, latency yang rendah merupakan tantangan yang akan dihadapi oleh teknologi seluler generasi kelima  (5G). Pengkodean kanal sangat diperlukan untuk mengurangi error dan deteksi error agar performansi sistem komunikasi 5G yang didapatkan dapat mencapai standardisasi Teknologi 5G yaitu low latency dan high speed data rate . Salah satu teknik pengkodean kanal 5G. Teknik pengkodean kanal sederhana yang umum digunakan pada sistem komunikasi yaitu Repetition Code. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan kajian mengenai seberapa efektif dari kedua teknik pengkodean kanal tersebut untuk error corection pada sistem komunikasi 5G. Jurnal ini melakukan simulasi dan analisis teknik pengkodean Polar Code dan Repetition Code pada pemodelan kanal 5G Multipath dengan menggunakan modulasi 16 QAM dan menggunakan teknik multicarrier CP-OFDM Numerology 2. Selain itu jurnal ini melakukan simulasi dan analisis pemodelan kanal 5G dengan parameter lingkungan Kota Bandung dan spesifikasi sistem 5G dengan frekuensi kerja 28 GHz. Hasil pemodelan kanal menghasilkan 9 path dengan nilai mean excess delay sebesar 5,039 ns dan RMS delay spread sebesar 22,747 ns. Pada Repetition Code nilai BER yang dihasilkan yaitu  pada Eb/No 34.62 dB dan pada Polar Code dengan BER=0 pada Eb/No > 20 dB. Nilai FER yang dihasilkan Polar Code jauh lebih rendah, pada Eb/No 19,8 dB yaitu  sedangkan Repetition Code yaitu . Sehingga Teknik Channel Coding yang efektif untuk menurunkan bit error dan frame error pada sistem komunikasi 5G adalah Polar Code


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    Product safety, both food and non-food, is a very important aspect of everyday life. Lack of attention to this has often resulted in impacts in the form of a decline in consumer health, ranging from food poisoning due to unhygienic storage and presentation processes to the risk of cancer due to the use of dangerous food additives. The negative impact that is felt if the safety of the product is not considered and consumed can cause various diseases such as diarrhea, headache, fever. In unsafe products there can be biological or microbiological hazards consisting of parasites (protozoa and worms), viruses, and pathogenic bacteria that can grow and develop in food ingredients, so that they can cause infection and poisoning in humans. Based on this, it is necessary to carry out activities to provide information to the public regarding checking the safety of a product. The purpose of this community service activity is to make the community more aware of the safety of  products that are used in everyday life. Service activities are carried out by direct counseling methods (offline). The counseling went very well, as evidenced by the value of the post-test results which increased compared to the pre-test.. Keywords: safety, food, non-food, community service, BPO

    Analisis Beban Kerja Mental dan Kebutuhan Tenaga Kerja Perawat Bangsal Sumbodro dengan Metode NASA-TLX dan Workload Indicator Staffing Need (WISN) (Studi Kasus Rumah Sakit Jiwa Daerah Surakarta)

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    Hospital is one of the institutions that plays an important role and is needed in community services to fulfill public health. One of them is the Rumah Sakit Jiwa Daerah Surakarta which is a Hospital that handles patients with psychiatric disorders. There are 16 inpatient rooms where one of them is the Sumbodro room, which is a ward that handles female patients with acute psychiatric disorders. One of the most important roles needed in handling patients in this ward is nurses, who are the most frequent medical workers interacting with patients. Nurses on this ward need vigilance while working because patients can go berserk at any time. In the work the nurses also feel the shortage of labor that can cause the nurses to feel psychological fatigue so that the nurses become easily emotional, sensitive or so, while the nurse's friendly nature is one of the most needed in the healing process of the patient. To avoid a high workload, the workload is calculated both mentally and workload based on the adequacy of the nursing workforce. Based on the results of the calculation of the mental workload of nurses using the NASA-TLX method, it was found that 51.60 showed a high category mental workload. As well as the result of labor requirement calculation using WISN method the result that this ward needs additional 1 nurse work place

    Factors Associated with Depression among Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients at a Tertiary Hospital during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by chronic hyperglycemia that can cause various complications, economic burdens, and psychosocial issues that eventually lead to depression. This study aimed to describe the prevalence of depression among type 2 diabetes mellitus patients in the Internal Medicine Outpatient Clinic of a South Jakarta tertiary hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic. This cross-sectional study was conducted from May to July 2021. The data were collected consecutively from 100 patients aged 18 years or older who came for regular consultation. The instrument used for determining depression is Beck Depression Inventory-II. The prevalence of depression, a correlation between depression and participants' characteristics, and multivariate analysis for risk factors were determined. The results showed that the prevalence of mild to severe depression based on the BDI-II classification was 17%. Screening showed mild to severe depression predominantly in females above 60 years old, with higher levels of education, obesity grade I, individuals with one or more comorbidities, and those who had diabetes for more than ten years. In this study, having one or more comorbidities was associated with an increased risk of depression in people with diabetes