7 research outputs found

    Comparative Advantage and Export Performance of Indonesia and Vietnam Coffee to the US Market during 2001-2019

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    Coffee as a strategic commodity in the world opens up opportunities for various producing countries including Indonesia and Vietnam. Both countries have a significant role to supply the US market as the main export destination. This study aims to evaluate comparative advantage and export performance of Indonesian and Vietnamese coffee. Quantitative method has been used by calculating the Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA), Export Competitiveness Index (ECI), and Export Product Dynamic (EPD) using secondary data from 2001-2019. In term of RCA, both Indonesia and Vietnam have a comparative advantage in US. Indonesia’s RCA valuewas lower than Vietnam’sones, i.e., 5.52 8.57. This result was caused by the lower Indonesia’s export performance rather than Vietnam’s ones. The ECI of both countries were dynamic but tended to decrease in international market.In term of EPD, Indonesia and Vietnam were both in the rising star position that indicated strong capability of both countries in supplying coffee to the US market. Therefore, both countries shared a similar big opportunity to increase their coffee export quantities

    Citrus Export Performances of Southeast Asian Countries: A Comparative Analysis

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    Citrus is a popular horticultural commodity worldwide, including in Southeast Asian. This study aimed to comparatively analyze export performances of citrus (limited to lime and lemon) among Southeast Asian countries (ASEAN), that are represented by the top 5 larger exporters, namely Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore. This study applied several approaches, i.e., RCA (Revealed Comparative Advantage), ECI (Export Competitiveness Index), TSI (Trade Specialization Index), AR (Acceleration Ratio), and EPD (Export Product Dynamics). The secondary data is derived from the International Trade Center from 2010 to 2020. The result showed that those five countries had a low comparative advantage (RCA 1). If we look further, Indonesia was still in the initial stage of the citrus export activity to the world market (TSI -0.9), in similar to Singapore and Malaysia, while Vietnam's position was more advanced (TSI 0.9). Indonesia still has a chance to maintain its market share, as indicated by the increased export trend, even though the current condition showed a weak comparative advantage and is still in the initial export stage

    Pelatihan Pembuatan Lilin Aromaterapi Berbahan Baku Kopi Pada Ibu PKK di Dusun Krajan, Patrang

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    In addition, the culture of using coffee as a drink has existed since ancient times and is carried out both at the household and community level. The benefits of coffee are increasingly being noticed during this pandemic, along with the many diversification of coffee products, this service is carried out by making aromatherapy candles with waste coffee raw materials in the form of ground coffee as the main ingredient. Imperfectly broken coffee which does not pass the market is generally marketed at a low selling price at the household level. Therefore this service is carried out for PKK women as an effort to improve coffee processing skills into other products. The service will be held in August 2021 using direct practice methods and offline presentation of material with representatives from PKK Dusun Krajan, Patrang District. Based on the results obtained that there is a change in both the knowledge and skills of the participants. Prior to participating in the training, the participants did not know the benefits of coffee and other preparations besides coffee drinks, but after participating in the training, the participants became more aware of the benefits and variety of preparations made from coffee, especially aromatherapy candles made from coffee. In addition, on the skill side, it also increased, where before the training the participants did not have the skills to process aromatherapy candles, after the training the participants became confident to make aromatherapy candles independently

    Entrepreneurship Competence Level of Organic Farmers in Yogyakarta Province

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    Business on organic farming is now growing rapidly. Entrepreneurship competence has an important role in improving the organic business growth. Therefore, the objectives of this study are 1) to determine personal competence level such as self confidence, creative, risk taking, focus on problem solving, interpersonal ability, and readiness to learn, 2) to analyze technical competence level such as input creation skills, increasing production skills, and enhancing quality skills, and 3) to know the management competence levels namely general planning abilities, monitoring and evaluation, networking, customer management and marketing management. This study was conducted in Bantul, Sleman, and Kulon Progo Districts of Yogyakarta Province among organic rice, fruit, and vegetable farmers. A purposive technique was used to select 90 farmers. Normalized Rank Order method is applied to develop the scale, while Entrepreneurship Behavior Index (EBI) is used to assess the personal, technical, and management competence levels. The entrepreneurial dimension competence assumed different scale values from 5.72 to 1.00, with self confidence getting the highest scale.  The result showed organic rice, fruit, and vegetable farmers have high in some of competence. Furthermore, it still need to be increased the management, personal, and technical competence among the organic farmers

    Pertumbuhan Setek Bibit Kopi Robusta Dengan Berbagai Komposisi Media Kompos Kulit Kopi Dan Perbedaan Jumlah Ruas

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh komposisi media kompos sekam kopi dan jumlah pucuk optimum terhadap pertumbuhan bibit stek kopi. Politeknik Negeri Jember menjadi tempat penelitian ini. Rancangan acak kelompok faktorial (RBD) dengan dua komponen adalah pendekatan eksperimental yang digunakan. Komponen pertama adalah komposisi media kompos sekam kopi yang terdiri dari K0 = 1:1:1 (tanah, pasir, pupuk kandang), K1 = 0:1:1, K2 = 0:2:1, dan K3 = 0:1:2 (tanah, pasir, kompos sekam kopi). R1 = Bagian 1, R2 = Bagian 2, R3 = Bagian 3, dan R4 = Bagian 4 merupakan komponen yang kedua. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang sangat nyata antara semua parameter (jumlah daun, lebar daun, tinggi pucuk, dan panjang akar) dengan komposisi media kompos sekam kopi dengan perbandingan 0:1:2 (K3) pada waktu pengamatan 104, 118, dan 132 HST. Semua parameter (jumlah daun, lebar daun, tinggi tajuk, dan panjang akar) berpengaruh nyata dengan perlakuan menggunakan nomor batang atas kedua (R2) pada pengamatan 104 hst, 118 hst, dan 132 hst. Jumlah tunas tidak berpengaruh pada sifat media kompos sekam kop

    THE KEY SUCCESFULL OF Extension Service On Thailand Durian Performance To The World Market

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    This book will not only tell about the keys to the success of Thailand in cultivating durian, but also durian marketing. It’s not only contains the author's personal experiences while in Chanthaburi Province, but also contains statistical data that supports the statement, as well as other reliable sources. This book is the result of an internship program that has been carried out by the author while in Thailand, especially in Chanthaburi Province, Office of Agricultural Research and Development Region 6 Chanthaburi Province. An internship program was carried out to increase knowledge and experience of agricultural conditions in Thailand which is known to be advanced. The author would like to thank Assoc. Prof. Am On Aungsuratana as the main supervisor during the program in Thailand and Dr. Rapee Dokmaithes. In addition, thanks are also conveyed to all staff and parties involved while the author is in OARD Region 6 so the author can run and complete the internship program smoothly, as well as write about their success in developing durian in Thailand. In addition, the authors also thank the University of Jember for all the knowledge provided. I would also like to thank my father (alm) Irfan Boedi Setiawan S.P., my mother Mrs. Dr. Asrumi, M.Hum, and younger brother Firnanda Pulung Wibowo, S.P., for all their enthusiasm and motivation. Finally, the author would like to thank to beloved husband, Sabran, S.K.M., M.P.H. and lovely son Randika Arung Naradipta for all the support given during the writing of this book. The last happy reading and hopefully useful

    Upaya Pemberdayaan Pemuda Pertanian melalui Edukasi Pertanian Organik di Kelurahan Sisir Kota Batu

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    Peran generasi muda dalam meningkatkan mutu di bidang pertanian memiliki peran yang sangat krusial. Namun dewasa ini kesuburan tanah di Indonesia semakin hari semakin menurun seiring penggunaan lahan pertanian yang semakin intensif. Sehingga wawasan para pemuda terkait teknik budidaya yang ramah lingkungan melalui pertanian organik perlu ditambah dan diperkuat untuk menciptakan kemajuan dalam bidang pertanian dan ketahanan pangan. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah upaya meningkatkan pemahaman generasi muda terkait pertanian organik melalui penyuluhan dan pembuatan demplot budidaya sayur organik menggunakan pestisida nabati dan pupuk organik cair (POC) urin kelinci untuk meningatkan produk pertanian dan menstabilkan perekonomian masyarakat sekitar. Metode kegiatan yang dilakukan melalui penyuluhan, sosialisasi serta praktek langsung melalui pembuatan demplot. Penyuluhan mengenai pertanian organik dan dampaknya kepada lingkungan. Demplot difokuskan pada cara kerja dan teknik yang benar dalam pertanian organik melalui aplikasi pupuk organik cair (POC) dan pestisida nabati. Setelah adanya program kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan dan keterampilan generasi muda petani meningkat terkait budidaya tanaman sayuran secara organik dan dampak pertanian organik terhadap lingkungan