72 research outputs found

    On Coverage Control for Limited Range Multi-Robot Systems

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    This paper presents a coverage based control algorithm to coordinate a group of autonomous robots. Most of the solutions presented in the literature rely on an exact Voronoi partitioning, whose computation requires complete knowledge of the environment to be covered. This can be achieved only by robots with unlimited sensing capabilities, or through communication among robots in a limited sensing scenario. To overcome these limitations, we present a distributed control strategy to cover an unknown environment with a group of robots with limited sensing capabilities and in the absence of reliable communication. The control law is based on a limited Voronoi partitioning of the sensing area, and we demonstrate that the group of robots can optimally cover the environment using only information that is locally detected (without communication). The proposed method is validated by means of simulations and experiments carried out on a group of mobile robots

    Hierarchical Traffic Management of Multi-AGV Systems With Deadlock Prevention Applied to Industrial Environments

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    This paper concerns the coordination and the traffic management of a group of Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) moving in a real industrial scenario, such as an automated factory or warehouse. The proposed methodology is based on a three-layer control architecture, which is described as follows: 1) the Top Layer (or Topological Layer) allows to model the traffic of vehicles among the different areas of the environment; 2) the Middle Layer allows the path planner to compute a traffic sensitive path for each vehicle; 3) the Bottom Layer (or Roadmap Layer) defines the final routes to be followed by each vehicle and coordinates the AGVs over time. In the paper we describe the coordination strategy we propose, which is executed once the routes are computed and has the aim to prevent congestions, collisions and deadlocks. The coordination algorithm exploits a novel deadlock prevention approach based on time-expanded graphs. Moreover, the presented control architecture aims at grounding theoretical methods to an industrial application by facing the typical practical issues such as graphs difficulties (load/unload locations, weak connections,), a predefined roadmap (constrained by the plant layout), vehicles errors, dynamical obstacles, etc. In this paper we propose a flexible and robust methodology for multi-AGVs traffic-aware management. Moreover, we propose a coordination algorithm, which does not rely on ad hoc assumptions or rules, to prevent collisions and deadlocks and to deal with delays or vehicle motion errors. Note to Practitioners-This paper concerns the coordination and the traffic management of a group of Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) moving in a real industrial scenario, such as an automated factory or warehouse. The proposed methodology is based on a three-layer control architecture, which is described as follows: 1) the Top Layer (or Topological Layer) allows to model the traffic of vehicles among the different areas of the environment; 2) the Middle Layer allows the path planner to compute a traffic sensitive path for each vehicle; 3) the Bottom Layer (or Roadmap Layer) defines the final routes to be followed by each vehicle and coordinates the AGVs over time. In the paper we describe the coordination strategy we propose, which is executed once the routes are computed and has the aim to prevent congestions, collisions and deadlocks. The coordination algorithm exploits a novel deadlock prevention approach based on time-expanded graphs. Moreover, the presented control architecture aims at grounding theoretical methods to an industrial application by facing the typical practical issues such as graphs difficulties (load/unload locations, weak connections, ), a predefined roadmap (constrained by the plant layout), vehicles errors, dynamical obstacles, etc. In this paper we propose a flexible and robust methodology for multi-AGVs traffic-aware management. Moreover, we propose a coordination algorithm, which does not rely on ad hoc assumptions or rules, to prevent collisions and deadlocks and to deal with delays or vehicle motion errors

    Avaliação de Trichogramma spp. para o controle de Trichoplusia ni.

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    Resumo O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as características biológicas dos parasitoides Trichogramma acacioi, T. atopovirilia, T. marandobai, T. demoraesi, T. exiguum (duas linhagens) e T. pretiosum (seis linhagens), criados em ovos de Trichoplusia ni. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com 15 repetições. As características biológicas avaliadas foram: parasitismo, viabilidade, razão sexual e número de indivíduos por ovo. A percentagem de parasitismo variou entre 7,66 e 53%, com maior valor observado para a linhagem Tspd de Trichogramma pretiosum, e o menor para a linhagem Trecife de T. pretiosum. Não houve diferença significativa dessa espécie quanto à viabilidade, que ficou acima de 85%. A razão sexual variou de 0,75 a 1, e a linhagem Tspd apresentou o menor valor. O número de parasitoides por ovo variou entre 2,39 para T. marandobai (linhagem Tm1) e 1,34 para T. exiguum (linhagem Te1). A espécie que apresentou o melhor desempenho em laboratório foi T. pretiosum (Tspd), com os maiores valores observados na percentagem de parasitismo e na emergência. Termos para indexação: Brassicaceae, controle biológico, lagarta mede?palmo, parasitismo, parasitoide de ovos

    A soft-bodied modular reconfigurable robotic system composed of interconnected Kilobots

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    We describe the Kilobot Soft Robot, a novel soft-bodied robot that is modular and reconfigurable. The Kilobot Soft Robot is realized by inter-connecting a group of miniature mobile modules, based on the commercially available Kilobot, through an elastic material. It moves and deforms fully autonomously. Each module executes a distributed algorithm that exploits only information that is locally obtained using omnidirectional, infrared based signaling. A series of experiments were conducted to validate the algorithm, investigating the ability of the robot to follow a predefined trajectory, to squeeze and extend its shape and to control its motion independently of the number of modules

    Parasitism capacity of Trichogramma pretiosum on eggs of Trichoplusia ni at different temperatures.

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    ABSTRACT: Trichogramma spp. are egg parasitoids of various pest species of Lepidoptera including Trichoplusia ni, an important pest of plants in the genus Brassica. Of the climatic conditions that can impair Trichogramma spp. parasitism capacity, the temperature is critical. Thus, the objective of this research was to evaluate the parasitism capacity of Trichogramma pretiosum on eggs of T. ni at 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, and 33ºC; 70±10% RH; and 12/12 hours photophase (L/D). Fresh eggs of the host moth were offered to T. pretiosum daily. The parasitism rate varied between 8 and 11.4 eggs/female at the temperatures evaluated for the first 24 hours. The highest number of parasitized eggs per female occurred at 24ºC (53.0 parasitized eggs/female). The period of parasitism and the mean longevity of females were inversely related to the temperature. Temperature heavily influences the parasitism rate of T. pretiosum on eggs of T. ni, and the best overall performance of the parasitoid occurs from 24 to 27ºC. RESUMO. Trichogramma spp. são parasitoide de ovos de várias espécies pragas de Lepidoptera incluindo Trichoplusia ni, uma importante praga de plantas do gênero Brassica. Das condições climáticas que podem influenciar a capacidade de parasitismo de Trichogramma spp., a temperatura é uma das principais. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a capacidade de parasitismo de Trichogramma pretiosum em ovos de T. ni nas temperaturas de 18, 21, 24, 27, 30 e 33ºC; 70±10% UR; e 14/12h fotofase. Ovos frescos de T. ni foram oferecidos diariamente para T. pretiosum. A taxa de parasitismo nas primeiras 24h variou de 8 a 11,4 ovos/fêmea do parasitoide entre as temperaturas avaliadas. O maior número de ovos parasitados por fêmea ocorreu a 24ºC (53,0 ovos parasitados/fêmea). O tempo de parasitismo e a longevidade média dos parasitoides adultos foram inversamente relacionados à temperatura. Temperatura influência enormemente no parasitismo de T. pretiosum em ovos de T. ni, e os melhores resultados do parasitoide foram obtidos de 24 a 27ºC

    Adult feeding and mating effects on the biological potential and parasitism of Trichogramma pretiosum and T. acacioi (Hym.: Trichogrammatidae).

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    ABSTRACT: This work was carried out to study the effects of adult feeding and mating on the biological potential and parasitism of Trichogramma pretiosum and T. acacioi (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) to improve their use in biological control programs. Both species presented higher parasitism and longevity whenever adults were fed. Fed and unmated T. pretiosum females led to low parasitism whereas T. acacioi females did not present parasitism whatsoever. Egg viability of T. pretiosum was similar for fed and mated individuals, but T acacioi showed lower values for this parameter when unfed and without mating. Unmated females produced only males while mated ones had more than 60% female descendents for both Trichogramma species. Therefore, mated and fed female parasitoids should be released in crop systems to increase the biological control. RESUMO: Os efeitos do acasalamento e alimentação no potencial biológico e parasitismo de Trichogramma pretiosum e Trichogramma acacioi (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), foram estudados objetivando-se aprimorar o uso dessas espécies no controle biológico. O parasitismo e longevidade dos adultos de ambas as espécies foram maiores para fêmeas alimentadas e o parasitismo foi nulo e baixo para fêmeas acasaladas e não-alimentadas de T. acacioi e T. pretiosum, respectivamente. A viabilidade de ovos parasitados por T. pretiosum foi semelhante entre os tratamentos, mas para T. acacioi houve uma menor viabilidade do parasitismo realizado por fêmeas sem acasalamento e sem alimento. Descendentes de T. pretiosum e T. acacioi sem acasalamento produziram apenas machos, enquanto fêmeas acasaladas tiveram mais de 60% dos descentes fêmeas para as duas espécies de Trichogramma. Portanto, fêmeas acasaladas e alimentadas devem ser liberadas para o controle biológico