20 research outputs found

    Education 4.0: Pergeseran pendidikan sebagai konsekuensi revolusi industri 4.0

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    Industrial Revolution 4.0 is changing how we live, work, and communicate. The education field should develop to adapt to the revolutionary changes that happen in the world recently. Industrial revolution 4.0 makes shifted paradigm in education. Education 4.0 is the desired approach to learning that aligns itself with the emerging fourth industrial revolution. It brings up the well-known educational concepts such as self-directed learning and long-life learning. This paper discuss shifting educational theory in Education 4.0 and the phenomenon of the emerging new education technology which attempts to fill the need for self-directed learning dan long-life learning

    Development of an inquiry-based module with scientific equipment to facilitate primary school students learning the force concept

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    Recently, science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) applications have become more demanding, promoting students' interest in science from an early age. Science class in primary school needs more attention to attract students’ interest. This study aims to develop an inquiry- based module with scientific equipment for the primary school level to optimize science learning at the primary school level. The development process used a 4-D (define, design, develop and   disseminate) model. The developed module and   equipment cover the topics of forces and include four experiments, i.e., exploring friction in inclined planes, exploring the mechanical advantage of a pulley, observing magnetic force   and exploring static equilibrium in a lever. The modules and   scientific equipment are distributed to some schools in Indonesia that lack practical work facilities. The inquiry-based modules and scientific equipment are implemented in classes at four primary schools in Indonesia. In this study, the students' response to the implementation of inquiry-based modules and scientific equipment in the class is also investigated. Overall, the average of the   students' responses is 3.37 (out of 4.00). It means students respond positively to the learning activity and the supporting module. Active learning with an inquiry approach is feasible to attract students' interest in science

    Implementation of a Tracker-Assisted Modeling Activity in an Online Advanced Physics Experiment Course

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    Experiment or laboratory work is an essential part of physics and other science courses. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, face-to-face classes have had to be transformed into remote classes. Because laboratory access has become very limited, technology must be utilized to substitute for hands-on activity in laboratory-based courses. Additionally, maintaining students’ motivation during remote classes is also challenging. In this paper, we report on the implementation of modeling activities using Tracker in our online Advanced Physics Experiment course. We examine the effectiveness of Tracker-assisted modeling activity in improving students’ graph interpretation skills on the topic of Fraunhofer-Diffraction. The results show that 20 out of 21 participants demonstrated an increase in graph interpretation skills. The average normalized gain is 0.74, which can be seen as a high degree of improvement. Although the activity did not allow students to practice hands-on skills, this activity can encourage students to practice other science-related skills. Moreover, according to the survey, students feel more motivated to learn physics online after being exposed to the modeling activity

    Developing Students' Engagement in Online Learning Questionnaire using Rasch Measurement Model

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    Student engagement is an essential factor in online learning. Hence, it needs to be assessed. This study developed a questionnaire to measure student engagement in online learning. Initially, 24 items were developed. All items were measured using a five-point Likert scale. Experts reviewed the items; revisions were conducted based on experts’ appraisals. Then, Rasch analysis was conducted to determine the construct validity and reliability. One hundred seventeen undergraduate students participated in the trial phase. Based on the Rasch analysis using Winsteps, the item and person reliabilities were 0.98 and 0.82, respectively. The item reliability can be considered very good. The item and person separation indexes were 6.37 and 2.15, respectively. The mean-square (MNSQ), standardized as a z-score (ZSTD), and point measure correlation were used as criteria to refine items. Five items should be dropped because they did not meet the requirements. The final questionnaire consisted of 19 items. Keywords: student engagement, online learning, Rasch Measurement mode

    Improve critical thinking skills using traditional musical instruments in science learning

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    Experiment activity is an essential part of science learning. Suling (flute), a traditional musical instrument from West Java, can be used as a learning media for sound wave concepts. Technology-based mobile can be used as an experimental tool is Phypox. This study aims to report using a combination of Suling and Phypox in experiment activities. The designed activity aims to engage students in critical thinking. The instrument for measuring critical thinking consists of five questions based on the critical thinking aspect: interpretation, analysis, evaluation, inference, and explanation. The study used a one-group pre-and post-test design on 32 8th-grade students at one of the junior high schools in West Java Province, Indonesia. The study procedure is a pre-test, discussion of Suling’s concepts, introduction to Phypox application, experiment activity, presentation, and post-test. Data analysis uses the normalized gain to compare the pre-and post-test. Experiment activities help students to understand frequency, open organ pipes concepts, and investigate the speed of sound produced by Suling. The study found a significant change in the pre-and post-test scores of students after experimenting, so it could be interpreted that the experimental activities using Suling and Phypox affected critical-thinking students

    Investigation of science process skills and computational thinking dispositions during the implementation of collaborative modeling-based learning in high school physics class

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    Computational thinking (CT) skills are essential with the rapid advancement of technology. Developing CT attitudes in students is also required for improving CT skills.   On the other hand, science process skills are also emphasized in high school physics classes. This study aims to design and implement collaborative modeling-based learning for high school physics classes that stimulates computational thinking (CT) and science process skills. The learning activities use a collaborative approach and adapt the modeling process that scientists usually use. A pilot study in a high school physics course was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of collaborative modeling-based learning. The research instruments used in this study include a test for assessing theoretical understanding, an observational rubric for assessing science process skills and a self-report checklist to assess CT dispositions. A pre-and post-test design is employed in the pilot study. Eighty-nine students participated in this study. Students who participated in collaborative modeling-based learning gained a theoretical understanding. Moreover, they have excellent science process skills. According to the self-report checklist, students also demonstrated positive CT attitudes and indicated that they planned to apply CT aspects to their learning.   It indicates that the modeling process has engaged students to think computationally and develop their process skills

    Pendampingan Eksperimen Fisika Bagi Siswa-Siswa SMA di Surabaya

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    ABSTRAK Fisika adalah ilmu yang sangat erat dengan kehidupan sehari-hari dan menjadi tonggak perkembangan teknologi. Oleh sebab itu, mata pelajaran fisika diberikan pada siswa-siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA). Pembelajaran Fisika harusnya menekankan pada pengalaman langsung untuk mengembangkan kompetensi agar siswa mampu memahami fenomena alam. Hal ini akan membantu siswa untuk memperoleh pemahaman yang lebih mendalam. Akan tetapi, banyak sekolah-sekolah di Indonesia tidak memiliki peralatan yang cukup memadai untuk menunjang pembelajaran eksperimen, termasuk beberapa SMA di daerah Surabaya dan sekitarnya. Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika sebagai institusi yang mencetak calon guru-guru fisika perlu memberikan andil dalam mengatasi keterbatasan yang dimiliki oleh SMA-SMA di Surabaya dan sekitarnya. Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika memiliki peralatan dan sumber daya manusia yang cukup memadahi sehingga memungkinkan untuk mengadakan program pengabdian masyarakat berupa Pendampingan Eksperimen Fisika untuk Siswa-Siswa SMA. Program ini telah terlaksana sejak September 2018 hingga April 2019 melibatkan 14 sekolah mitra dengan jumlah siswa yang berpartisipasi sebanyak 1259 siswa. Kegiatan ini mendapatkan respon yang baik dari pihak sekolah, guru fisika, dan para siswa. Melalui kegiatan ini, keterbatasan peralatan eksperimen di sekolah cukup teratasi. Para siswa juga antusias sebab dengan kegiatan eksperimen pembelajaran fisika menjadi lebih menarik.Kata Kunci: eksperimen fisika; pengabdian kepada masyarakat; sekolah menengah atas.ABSTRACT Physics is closely related to our daily life and becomes a fundamental subject for technology development. That is why physics is given to high school students. The physics learning process should emphasize direct experience to guide students in understanding phenomena in nature. The direct experiment will stimulate students to develop their in-depth knowledge.   However, most schools in Indonesia, including in Surabaya, do not have adequate experiment apparatus to support that physics learning activity with experiments.  Department of Physics Education, as an institute that educates pre-service physics teachers, should contribute to solving the limitation of some senior high schools in Surabaya. Department of  Physics Education in Widya Mandala Catholic University has sufficient experiment facilities and human resources to conduct a community service program in the form of Physics Experiment Assistance for High School Students. The program has been conducted from September 2018 until April 2019. There are 14 schools attendinng this program, with 1259 students involved. This program gains positive responses from school principals, physics teachers, and students. Through this program, the limitation of several high schools in providing experiment facilities can be partially solved. Students who involve in this program are enthusiastic because, through experiments, physics learning activity becomes more interesting. Keywords: community service; physics experiment; senior high school

    Developing Computer Program as a Learning Resource on Gas Law Topics for High School Students

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    The research aims to: (1) produce a computer program as a learning resource on gas law topics; (2) determine the appropriateness and quality of the computer program; and (3) describe the effectiveness of the computer program to help students in learning the concept of gas law. We employed 4D (define, design, develop, disseminate) models in this research. The computer program is validated by physics expert, learning media expert, and physics teachers. The appropriateness and quality of the computer program were analyzed descriptively. The field testing involved a small group consists of 4 students and a larger group consists of 61 students. The effectiveness of the computer program in improving students’ learning achievement was investigated through one group pretest and posttest design. The results of this study showed that the computer program is feasible for high school physics learning. Based on the assessment by physics experts, learning media experts and high school physics teachers, the quality of computer program can be categorized as very good. Normalized gains from the conducted pretest and posttest to small and larger group are found as 0.68 and 0.55, respectively. It indicates that there is medium improvement of students’ learning achievement after using the computer program as a learning resource


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    As communication technology develops, online learning grows significantly. However, online physics learning still faces constraints related to incorporating laboratory work. This paper reports on implementing the Arduino-assisted 5E learning model in physics online learning. The learning phase consists of engagement, exploration, explanation, elaboration, and evaluation. The learning strategy includes Arduino-based hands-on physics experiments conducted by students at home. The learning model is implemented in a class consisted ten college students majoring in physics education. We also investigate the effect of the learning model on improving students' understanding of thermal physics. Our study shows that students' understanding of thermal physics improves moderately, with an average N-gain of 0.56

    Developing Computer Program as a Learning Resource on Gas Law Topics for High School Students

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    The research aims to: (1) produce a computer program as a learning resource on gas law topics; (2) determine the appropriateness and quality of the computer program; and (3) describe the effectiveness of the computer program to help students in learning the concept of gas law. We employed 4D (define, design, develop, disseminate) models in this research. The computer program is validated by physics expert, learning media expert, and physics teachers. The appropriateness and quality of the computer program were analyzed descriptively. The field testing involved a small group consists of 4 students and a larger group consists of 61 students. The effectiveness of the computer program in improving students’ learning achievement was investigated through one group pretest and posttest design. The results of this study showed that the computer program is feasible for high school physics learning. Based on the assessment by physics experts, learning media experts and high school physics teachers, the quality of computer program can be categorized as very good. Normalized gains from the conducted pretest and posttest to small and larger group are found as 0.68 and 0.55, respectively. It indicates that there is medium improvement of students’ learning achievement after using the computer program as a learning resource