86 research outputs found

    Effect of Calcimycin Regulated Autophagy on Nuclear Receptor HNF-4a Expression in THP-1 Cells

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    Nuclear receptors (NRs) include 49 members and belong to family that function as ligand-inducible transcription factors. The basic structure of nuclear receptors involves the n - terminal transactivation domain and c - terminal ligand binding domain. Transactivation domain that is DNA binding domain contains highly conserved zinc finger region whereas ligand binding domain is responsible for the transactivation within the targeted tissue. It has been reported that PPARγ, one of the nuclear receptor play an important role in mycobacterial infection. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the bug that causes tuberculosis which is one of the deadly diseases of humankind. This bacterium gains entry through air passage and internalized by alveolar macrophages for efficient clearance. In spite of these barriers, bug has the tremendous ability to abrogate these responses for its own multiplication like inhibition of autophagy. Autophagy is one of the host defence mechanisms that have gained popularity in last 4 - 5 years for their anti-microbial responses.Various factors like ATP, Vitamin D and cytokines have been shown to induce autophagy. ATP is reported to induce autophagy by increasing intracellular calcium level. In our lab we are trying to study the response of one of the calcium ionophore that increases intracellular calcium level, Calcimycin in inducing autophagy in THP-1 cells. So, in this study we tried to link the role of calcimycin induced autophagy with the expression of another nuclear factor, HNF-4α

    Placental abruption an obstetric emergency: management and outcomes in 180 cases

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    Background: During a period of eight months, 180 cases of abruption that occurred from January 2007 to August 2007 at GMH, Nayapool, Hyderabad were analysed. Total number of deliveries during the study period of eight months were 14004. Incidence of abruption cases delivered was - 1.3%. In this series 88% were unbooked in our hospital, were referrals. Objective of this study was to study maternal fetal outcome of placental abruption.Methods: Initial clinical assessment, investigations for maternal fetal wellbeing, expedite delivery, manage complications as per accepted protocol. In this series of cases, ARM was done in 85 cases (47.22%), ARM was done and oxytocin drip was started in 36 (20%), ARM was done and PGE1 tablet 25 mcg. was inserted in the vagina in 39 (21.66%).Results: The bleeding was revealed in 146-81.1% and concealed in 34-18.88%. The number of cases with hypertension complicating pregnancy were 102-57%, hypotension in 16-8.88%, prolonged clotting time 13-7.22%, the number of patients who received blood transfusions were 105 (58.3%), number of patients who received fresh frozen plasma, FFP transfusions were 65-36.11%. Taken for LSCS at admission were - 46. Failure to progress after ARM or other methods of labour augmentation were 20 cases. The total number of caesarean deliveries were 66/180 - (36.66%), number of vaginal deliveries were 114 (63.33%). Perinatal outcome: the total number of intra uterine fetal deaths (IUFD) at admission were 103-57.2%. The number of still births were 7-3.8%. Live born babies were 70- 38.8%. Neonatal deaths were 11-6.1% and total perinatal deaths were 121-67.2%. (IUFD at admission-103, + still births - 7, + neonatal deaths - 11=121 perinatal deaths. There were five maternal deaths in 180 cases of placental abruption, 2.7% mortality.Conclusions: Need to consider measures to reduce the occurrence of this condition

    Website Accessibility Evaluation of National Institutes under the DEPWD Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment

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    Accessibility is an important aspect in this IT era for updated information for every individual with a disability as well. They also have an equal right to access the contents available online. Thus, web developers should follow the universally accepted guidelines to develop the web pages reachable for everyone. Websites that are not complying with WCAG 2.0 guidelines are very difficult to access by the disabled users. This evaluation is an attempt to analyze the accessibility of the websites of the National Institutes under the DEPWD, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment under the different priority level of WCAG2.0. Evaluation of the websites has been done by automatic web accessibility evaluation tool WAVE and AChecker

    Online Reading Behaviour of Ph.D. Students in The Department of Library and Information Science at Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow: A Survey

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    The purpose of this paper is to identify online reading behaviour of Ph.D. students of Department of Library and Information Science of Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University Lucknow. This study adopted survey methodology to find out how many students are aware and uses the online reading resources in the departments. It also looks at the motive and problems of students while accessing the online reading resources. This research makes a few ideas on how to increase online reading habit

    Analysis of different parking space and its comparison

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    In the “Analysis of different parking space and its comparison” we collected data from different parking space of our institute N I T Rourkela. Initially we figured out what is the variation of pcu with a certain time and then we compared all these data with the help of “t- test“ to find out whether these parking pattern and demand are same or different. In another part we find out the “spatial and temporal distribution” of main road traffic vehicle, here “spatial distribution” is the variation of PCU(passenger car unit) with distance and in “temporal distribution” variation of PCU with time. in last section we decoded the data from a market video of Rourkela main road in which we got the variation of pcu with speed and flow.

    Ethics In Insider Trading: An Analysis From A Deontological Perspective

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    From the time of inception of the new world order and from the beginning of the stock market itself, we have seen cases of insider trading which have had severe impacts on the style and strategies of investing. Insider trading is the trading of a public company\u27s stock or other securities such as bonds or stock options based on material, non-public information about the company. In various countries, some kinds of trading based on insider information are illegal. This is because it is seen as unfair to other investors who do not have access to the information, as the investor with insider information could potentially make larger profits than a typical investor could make. In this paper we discuss the various aspects of insider trading, the steps taken by various regulatory bodies to curb the practice. It also discusses some popular cases of insider trading which led to formulations of stringent laws. The paper analyses Ethics in Insider Trading from a Deontological Perspective to highlight what should be the best ethical practice

    Restorative effect of Azadirachta indica against fenvalerate induced haematological and biochemical toxicity in a freshwater fish Clarias batrachus

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    Pesticide use in recent times has increased many folds to enhance the yield of crops. The water bodies like ponds and others are extensively used for the cultivation of fishes. Since these fishes are a good source of protein and nutritious value, hence are consumed by humans. These pesticide-contaminated fishes are consumed by the human, causing health hazards. The objective of the present research work was to know the bio remedial effect of Azadirachta indica on fenvalerate induced toxicity in a freshwater air-breathing catfish "Mangur" known as Clarias batrachus ( Linnaeus). The fishes were treated with 1/3rd of LC50, i.e. 0.92 ppm of a pyrethroid pesticide fenvalerate and observed the fishes for 96 hours. Thereafter, the aqueous leaf extract of Azadirachta indica was administered orally, daily by gastric intubation method at the dose of 100 mg/Kg body weight per day for 15 days. The study revealed that, after the exposure of 0.92 ppm of fenvalerate, there was a significant decrease in RBC count from 2.76 to 2.14 X (106) (mm-3), Total leukocyte count from18.10 to 16.30 X (103) (mm-3), , packed ell volume from 24 % to 16% , haemoglobin from 6.89 g/100 ml to 4.23 g/100ml of blood whereas increase in the level of serum glucose and cholesterol level from 50.33 mg/dl to 103.73 mg/dl and 168.52 g/dl to 248.99 g/dl respectively. At the same time, serum protein level decreased from  3.16g/dl to2.52 g/dl due to pesticide in the experimental fishes.   But, after the administration of aqueous leaf extract of Azadirachta indica there was significant normalisation in the test parameters of the fishes. The study indicated that neem leaves possessed restorative effect against fenvalerate induced toxicity in Clarias batrachus

    Relationship between phyto-chemicals in Mentha piperita and their Antibacterial Activity

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    A plant with as diverse a role as Peppermint leaves is a versatile resource for all forms of life. The plant extracts have active compounds in the form of alkaloids, glycosides, lactones and steroids. All these active compounds have immunomodulatory and physiological roles of different types, thereby demonstrating the diverse versatility of the plant. Studies need to be conducted with aspects of how the active compounds actually interact with the living systems and affects the structure-function relationships Aqueous extract of Peppermint leaves were extracted by aqueous method. In the qualitative phytochemical testing presence of various secondary metabolites were found in aqueous extract of Peppermint leaves were Alkaloid, Flavonoids, Tannins and Saponin. In the quantitative analysis carbohydrate was found in) Peppermint leaves sugar conc. is found (470 μg/ml). Antimicrobial activity was also quite good, in Peppermint leaves respectively against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. The study demonstrates that the Mentha piperita contains the presence of different bioactive compounds having the potential as herbal drug

    Mortality and morbidity associated with illegal use of abortion pill: a prospective study in tertiary care center

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    Background: In India, medical method of abortion is allowed for first 7 weeks of intra uterine pregnancy. As per WHO it is safe and effective method for termination of early pregnancy under medical supervision. It is done by using mifepristone (200mg) and misoprostol (800mcg). These drugs are not for contraception but are abortion pills. Women use the abortion pills for unintended pregnancy inspite of using various method of contraception due to lack of knowledge, apprehension, poverty, denial, and ignorance of contraceptive use without any medical supervision (illegal use) and become victim of unsafe abortion. The main aim of this study was to find out mortality and morbidity associated with illegal use of abortion pill.Methods: A prospective observational study was carried out in the department of obstetrics and gynaecology, TMMC and RC Moradabad, a tertiary care center with history of intake of abortion pill (mifepristone and misoprostol) for 1 year from 1st May 2015 to 1st April 2016 on 120 patients. Data was collected and analysed by percentage and proportions.Results: Illegal use of abortion pill was more common among 30-39 years (55%) group of women and mostly were grand multiparous (81.67%). In most of the cases husband brought the pills (85%) from advice of chemist (70%).The most common presenting complaint was excessive bleeding per vaginum (66.3%). Most common complication was moderate anemia (38.3%).Conclusions: The present study recommends medical method of abortion is safe and effective under medical supervision. Illegal use of abortion pills without supervision results in serious complications. 

    Flaws in Differential Cryptanalysis of Reduced Round PRESENT

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    In this paper, we have presented flaws in differential cryptanalysis of reduced round variant of PRESENT given by M.Wang in [3] [4] for 80 bits key length and we have shown that it is not possible to recover 32 subkey bits by differential cryptanalysis of 16-round PRESENT as claimed in [3] [4].We have also shown that at the most 30 subkey bits can be recovered by the attack given in [4] after some modifications in the algorithm presented in [3][4]