234 research outputs found

    Persepsi User Terhadap Desain Website Ecommerce (Studi Pada Pengguna Website Jkm Store)

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    This study aims to describe the dimensions of, appearance, navigation, content, shopping process in the user \u27s perception of eCommerce website design on the website JKM Store, type of research used in this study is a descriptive study. This research was conducted in the village of Malang Talok with www.jualkaosmusik.com website research object variable used is the Appearance, Navigation, Content, Shopping Procces. Methods of data analysis using descriptive statistical analysis and data analysis technique used is the frequency distribution data were processed by a computer program SPSS for Windows version 19.00. The results showed that the appereance of the main features on the website gives a good impression on visitors as a support to increase consumer interest. Navigation makes it easy for the search process in finding the desired visitors on the website. Content comprehensive information and support regarding appropriate product images to guarantee that consumers will get some form of complete and real information. shopping process can be seen that the expenditure on the JKM website quite efficiently store, providing convenience and security of shopping process

    Development of Electronic Commerce on Tourist Traveling

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    The research aims to specify the effect of the expansion of e-commerce on the ticket booking business. The method used in this research was descriptive analysis, which was a method that presents a complete picture of the phenomena that occur in the case raised. Besides that, this study identifies the extent of the impact resulting from the development of e-commerce on the ticket booking business, as well as the benefits to be gained from the results of the ticket booking. The results of this study prove that booking tickets online is very efficient and makes it easy in the transaction process. Based on the analysis conducted, the impact of the development of e-commerce on the online ticket booking business has a major effect on the development of e-commerce. The research concluded that the effect of e-commerce development has a big influence on people's interest in booking tickets online

    Analisis Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi dan Kepuasan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Bagian Marketing Bank Panin Pekanbaru

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    This study aimed to analyze the effect in partial and simultaneous of variable organizational culture and job satisfaction to employee performance marketing section of Bank Panin Pekanbaru. Study using purposive sampling and stratified sampling by giving questionnaire to the respondents. Analysis of the data using qualitative methods and quantitative methods by SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) version 20.0. The result showed organizational culture and job satisfaction to employee performance marketing section of Bank Panin Pekanbaru and the effect in partial and simultaneously. The coefficient of determination (R2) equal to 69.50% and the remaining 30.5% is influenced by other factors not examined in this study. Organizational culture has a stronger influence on employee performance. So good organizational culture of a company and job satisfaction of employees created by employee will improve employee performance marketing section of Bank Panin Pekanbaru.Keywords: Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction, Employee Performance

    An Analysis of Textbook Entitled “Pathway to English” Published by Erlangga at the First Semester of the 11th Grade of Senior High School

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    The purpose of this study was to find out whether the Pathway to English textbook of the eleventh grade at the first semester fulfilled syllabus points of the 2013 curriculum and how broad they presented. The researcher used descriptive qualitative research. The data would be gathered from document analysis of an English textbook entitled Pathway to English published by Erlangga. The Pathway to English textbook had fulfilled syllabus points of 14 from 16 items of basic competence and 6 from 6 items of learning material. Each basic competence was provided in some exercises of 4 English skills. The learning materials were successfully included and developed supported materials which interpreted about social function formed cooperating tasks, text structures were available and related the other rules of text structures, and language features were available and were developed based on suitable vocabulary, exercise of pronunciation and intonation, and related grammar to support the materials of modals, adverb, tenses, connector, etc. It was also provided and developed appropriate topics and multimedia using based on the syllabus guidance. On the other hand, this textbook had weakness about there were not available BC 4.5 and BC 4.6 criteria and lack notes of enrichment vocabulary and pronunciation

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Frekuensi Listrik Terhadap Performa Generator HHO Dan Unjuk Kerja Engine Honda Kharisma 125CC

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    Energi yang dihasilkan oleh engine merupakan hasil dari proses pembakaran campuran bahan bakar dengan udara (oksigen). Secara praktis pembakaran menghasilkan gas yang sangat berbahaya bagi kesehatan. Salah satu perkembangan teknologi adalah dengan brown gas, atau sering disebut Generator HHO, dimana alat ini akan menghasilkan gas HHO (2 unsur gas hydrogen dan 1 unsur gas oksigen) dari proses elektrolisa air murni yang di hubungkan dengan arus listrik. Pengujian dilakukan secara eksperimental dengan menggunakan Generator HHO pada engine Honda Kharisma berkapasitas 125cc. Generator HHO tersebut menggunakan Elektroda jenis pipa Stainless steel AISI 316L dengan ukuran Ø21mm x 101mm, Ø34mm x 101mm, Ø48mm x 101mm dan Ø61mm x 101mm dengan tebal 3mm, larutan elektrolit 2liter aquades dan 1,4 KOH. Variasi yang diberikan pada generator HHO adalah besar frekuensi listriknya. Untuk pengujian, Perubahan kecepatan dilakukan dengan full open throttle menggunakan chasis water brake dynamometer. Pengujian dilakukan pada putaran engine dengan kelipatan 500 rpm, dimulai dari 3500 rpm sampai dengan 8500 rpm. Hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini adalah frekuensi untuk generator dengan effisiensi thermal terbaik adalah pada 10Hz sebesar 20,06%. Dengan daya generator 118,74 Watt, debit 13,13 L/jam, kenaikan temperature 0.7°C/menit, torsi maksimal pada engine 27.09 Nm, daya efektif 6114,651 Watt, bmep 860,627 Pa, SFC 9.608E-08 kg/watt.s, effisiensi thermal engine 23,22% serta pengurangan emisi CO 1,17% dan HC 83ppm

    Rekrutmen Politik Partai Demokrat Tahun 2013 di Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi

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    This study wanted to know why the cadres of other political parties chose to move to the Democratic Party and also want to know how the contribution generated by the new members recruited Branch Council of the Democratic Party Singingi Kuantan District. The background of this study is as a consequence of the Parliamentary system where the threshold for political parties that do not mecapai threshold numbers can no longer follow the next general election but to join another political party if you want to follow the next general election. So that three cadres namely the Patriot Party, National Party Indonesia Marhaneisme, and Ulema National Awakening Partys seat in the House of Representatives District Kuantan Singingi and intend to advance in the general election of 2014 had to resign from the previous political party to move to the Democratic Party. This study used qualitative methods are implemented in the Democratic Party Branch Council Kuantan Singingi, data obtained either directly or indirectly, which is then analyzed using descriptive data analysis techniques.Based on the results of research in the field with the fact - the fact that it appears that this happened because of political recruitment peer relationships among members of the House of Representatives District Singingi Kuantan is the chairman of the Democratic Party with the three members who were recruited from the other party. Then the recruitment is done in order to fill vacancies for qualified cadres can be nominated at the 2014 general election in order to win the fight seats in the House of Representatives District Singingi Kuantan. This is due to the impact of the dualism of the internal leadership of the Democratic Party so that there is a cadre who came out as opposed to the legitimate leadership or management. Then the contribution of recruitment of new members nominated at the last general election in 2014 the Democratic Party is able to maintain the number of seats in the House of Representatives Regency Kuantan Singingi and also an increase in the acquisition of significant noise experienced by the Democratic Party which in 2009 only gained 8798 votes, while in 2014 were able to obtain 16 191 voice or sound 94% increase. Thus meaning that the Democratic Party political recruitment success, despite internal conflicts within the party.Keywords : Rekruitmen Politic, Democratic Party District Kuantan Singing

    Kajian Kuat Lentur Beton pada Perkerasan Kaku Jalan Tol Balikpapan-Samarinda

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    The Balikpapan - Samarinda toll road is one part of the trans Kalimantan toll road that arrived currently under construction. The construction of this toll road uses rigid pavement. Road construction This toll road by the East Kalimantan Provincial Public Works Department requires a minimum flexural strength of 45 kg / cm² for 28 days of concrete age. The purpose of this study is to study flexural strength concrete on the rigid pavement of the Balikpapan-Samarinda toll road based on the planning of concrete mixes at field. This study uses experimental methods in the laboratory. Credit samples are made based on concrete mix planning in the field and testing in the laboratory. The sample as many as 24 pieces for a cylinder size of 15 x 30, and 12 pieces for blocks measuring 15 x 15 x 60, which will remain at the age of 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. The results of the strong test on the cylinder is obtained at 382 kg / cm2, 27% bigger than planning, and flexural strength in the beam of 53.48 kg / cm2, 18% greater than requirements. So it can be concluded that the pavement work is rigid on the Balikpapan-Samarinda toll road Has been in accordance with the provisions stipulated by the East Kalimantan Provincial Public Works Department

    Hubungan Pengetahuan Kesehatan Reproduksi dan Pendidikan Ibu dengan Risiko Wanita Pus Muda di Desa Candigaron Kecamatan Sumowono Kabupaten Semarang Tahun 2017

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    The risk of young married woman is a woman who has been married for less than 20 years.Health impact is the risk of maternal death during childbirth.Factors of knowledge, education, culture become the cause. Every year there is a risk of young married women in Candigaron village, Sumowono district, Semarang regency for the last five years (2013-2017).The objective of the study was to analyze the relationship of reproductive health knowledge and maternal education with the risk of young married women.The type of research is explanatory research with case control study approach because the number of cases occur slightly.The case population is the first married woman with age less than 20 years.The control population is the first married woman with the age of 20-35 years(889 women).The sample case is the total population with 30 respondents.The control sample has the same number of cases (30 respondents).The total sample is 60 respondents.Data were analyzed by univariate and bivariate.Bivariate analysis was conducted with descriptive and analytic bivariate.Descriptive bivariate uses frequency distribution and analytic bivariate with chi square. The results of the study provide information that there is no correlation between reproductive health knowledge (p=0,071 OR 2,983 with 95% CI = 1,044-8,527) and no mother's education relationship (p = 0,127 OR 3,250 with 95% CI=0,888-11,899) with risk of young married woman.Advice given to young women is to form PIK Remaja with the aim of delaying the first marriage age and for KUA by facilitating PIK Remaja and socializing marriage law and the impact of young marriage