17 research outputs found

    Sistem Deteksi Struktur Kalimat Bahasa Arab Menggunakan Algoritma Light Stemming

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    To understand Arabic, it is necessary to study nahwu theory. Nahwu theory is the study of structure of Arabic sentences. By learning nahwu, being able to distinguish subjects, predicates and objects in sentences. One of the fields in the computer that studies about human language processing is NLP (Natural Language Processing), which is natural human language processing through syntactic analysis of sentences structure. One method to analyzing syntactic of sentences is stemming. One variant of the stemming algorithm is Light Stemming algorithm. Light Stemming algorithm is an algorithm that only removes prefix and sufix. Based on the tests conducted, the light stemming algorithm is able to detect nahwu with an accuracy rate of 82.22%. The 17.78% failure rate occurs because words that do not have an affix will be detected automatically the type is fi’il (verb), even though the fact may be that the type is isim (noun), and the failure of the detection results is also due to not being able to stemming the words that have affix in the middle (infix), because indeed the process of light stemming only eliminates the sufix and prefix

    FAST Method to Design Web-Based Patient Registration System

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    Manual patient registration at the Polyclinic of Politeknik Negeri Jember (POLIJE) offers ineffectiveness in the patient services. Long waiting time and uninformed service hours at the polyclinic are two problems that need to solve. This study aimed to design a website-based registration system for the POLIJE Polyclinic. The researcher used the FAST (Framework for the Application of System Thinking) method. This method has detailed stages and is capable of producing more efficient, effective, accurate and timely data and information management. The application was built using PHP programming language with Laravel Framework. The registration system was implemented using RFId on patient cards to make the process of reading and registering patient data faster. The web-based registration system with RFId patient cards functions well with features: new patient registration, registration of patient visits with RFId cards, patient queues, verification of patients who register online, as well as patient, doctor and clinic data management

    Design and Development of a Web-Based Medical Record Retention Information System at Polyclinic X Jember Regency

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    Medical record retention activities that have been carried out at Polyclinic X Jember Regency have encountered obstacles in sorting files that are still manual, starting with the officer checking the month and year of the patient's last visit to the Polyclinic's SIM Clinic, then taking several medical records on the storage rack and recording the medical record number for sorting. There are quite a lot of files on the storage rack, making officers have to sort the files one by one. The type of research used R&D with the Waterfall system development method, namely Requirement Definition, System and Software Design, Implementation and Unit Testing, Integration and System Testing, also Operation and Maintenance. Data collection techniques using interviews and observations with 2 respondents, namely the head of polyclinic and medical records officers. This study aims to design and create a web-based medical record retention information system by minimizing errors in sorting medical record files and facilitating the performance of medical record officers in the filing section. The result of this research is a web-based medical record retention information system created using the PHP programming language

    Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Using a Software as a Service (SaaS) with a Single Identity Number at the Polije Polyclinic

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    Manual management of medical records at the Polije Polyclinic causes long data retrieval time, misfiling, and requiring a lot of spaces for storage, thus hampering health services. Electronic Medical Records (EMR) are one type of medical record management that can be used to solve the issue. EMR is built based on Software as a Service (SaaS) which enables it to be used by all healthcare providers with minimal infrastructure and optimal data integration. The application used a single identity number for each patient, and it caused less redundancy in patient registration data. Developed using the Waterfall method, it was processed at several stages: analysis, design, implementation, testing, deployment, and maintenance. The EMR system had some features: recording history, diagnosis, and therapy. In the diagnosis section, the system had a disease code related to ICD-10. It can be concluded that the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) is ready to be implemented in the POLIJE polyclinic. The implementation of EMR is important to reinforce the Regulation of the Indonesian Minister of Health Number 24 of 2022 concerning Medical Records

    Pelatihan Dasar Kewaspadaan Bencana dan Evakuasi Mandiri di Pondok Modern Muhammadiyah Pakusari Kabupaten Jember

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    Jember Regency is not immune from the risk of disasters. Information released by BPBD of Jember Regency, in 2018 there have been 224 disasters. This figure has increased more than 100% from the number of events in 2017. Efforts to reduce the risk of existing disasters and prevent new risks can be done by increasing the resilience of the community. From this background the writer through community service activities held a basic training on disaster alert at the Muhammadiyah Modern Pakusari Pondok. In the training the material will be delivered with lectures and demonstrations. With this training the insights of the participants will increase, especially in the field of disaster alertness. In addition participants were also trained to evacuate themselves against the earthquake disaste

    Diagnosis of Stroke and Diabetes Mellitus With Classification Techniques Using Decision Tree Method

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    : Stroke is a cerebral vascular disease characterized by the death of brain tissue that occurs due to reduced blood and oxygen flow to the brain. Ischemic stroke is associated with diabetes mellitus, therefore it is important to identify the risk factors that cause stroke and DM by diagnostic cause of the disease. This study aimed to classify and compare accuracy tests on medical record data sets for stroke and DM. This study analyzed the diagnosis of stroke and DM using Decision Tree. The risk factors consisted of gender, age, blood pressure, nutritional status, smoking, history of DM, and history of hypertension. The results of the analysis using the Decision Tree method showed that the accuracy rate was 86.67%, which means that the modeling has a good level of correctness of the prediction results. We conclude that the Decision Tree method was an accurate method for detecting stroke and DM

    Pengembangan Rumah Desa Sehat Dengan Implementasi Sistem Informasi Gizi Keluarga (SIGA)

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    oai:ojs2.diankes.pubmedia.id:article/3The Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration establishes Healthy Village Homes (RDS) in every Village in the Regency and City where stunting prevention is prioritized. Based on the preliminary survey, the implementation of RDS activities in Kemuning Lor Village was not going well so that it had an impact on stunting and other nutritional problems in the village. The purpose of this community service activity was to implement a Family Nutrition Information System (SIGA) in RDS that could be used by the community for early detection of stunting and other nutritional problems. This activity was attended by 24 participants consisting of village officials, RDS managers, and communities with toddlers. The activity phase included a preliminary survey, permit coordination, system creation, preparation of the SIGA manual book, socialization of SIGA implementation, and evaluation. Evidenced by the increased knowledge of participants in early detection of stunting and other nutritional problems after being given socialization and training. It is recommended for RDS managers to develop RDS as a stunting control center in Kemuning Lor Village by providing more intense socialization and health education to the community

    Perbandingan Akurasi Metode TOPSIS dan Metode Weight Product untuk Menentukan Siswa Berprestasi

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    In determining outstanding students (a case study at MTs. Al-Ishlah Jenggawah Jember) there are several criteria to be assessed. The criteria contained in student achievement in MTs. Al-Ishlah includes the average report card, behavior, discipline, neatness and attendance. For the sake of subjective assessment, an appropriate method is needed, namely the Technique for Others Reference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) and Weight Product (WP). The purpose of this study is to compare the accuracy of TOPSIS and WP, ​​where each assessment in this case is that all students are compared with one another, thus providing an output of priority values ​​that produce a rating value for each student. After comparison and analysis, the accuracy of both methods was obtained, namely the TOPSIS method was 84% ​​while the WP method obtained an accuracy value of 87.5%. This means that in the case study, the determination of outstanding students is carried out at MTs. Al-Ishlah Jenggawah Jember showed that the WP method was better than the TOPSIS method

    Perbandingan Algoritma Boyer-Moore dan Brute Force pada Pencarian Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia Berbasis Android

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    String matching is an algorithm for matching a text to another text or also known as a text search. There are several algorithms that can be used for string matching, including the Boyer-Moore algorithm and the Brute Force algorithm. The Boyer-Moore algorithm is a string matching algorithm published by Robert S. Boyer and J. Strother Moore in 1977. This algorithm is considered the most efficient algorithm in general applications. The Boyer-Moore algorithm starts matching characters from the pattern on the right. While the Brute Force algorithm is an algorithm that matches a pattern with all text between 0 and n-m to find the existence of a pattern in the text. These two algorithms have different patterns in the search process. In this article, a comparative analysis of the performance of the Boyer-Moore and Brute Force algorithms is carried out in a case study of the search for the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) based on Android. The search process is carried out by searching based on words and word descriptions. The results of this study indicate that the criteria for running time, the Brute Force algorithm is faster than the Boyer-Moore algorithm with the total running time of the Brute Force algorithm is 168.3 ms in words, 6994.16 ms in word descriptions, while the Boyer-Moore algorithm for running time reached 304.7 ms on the word, 8654.77 ms on the word description. In the testing criteria based on related keywords, the two algorithms can display the same list of related keywords