52 research outputs found

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar pada Mata Pelajaran Sosiologi Kelas X-3 SMA Negeri 1 Mojolaban Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016

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    Aditya Surya Pratama. K8410004. PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN PROBLEM BASED LEARNING UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR PADA MATA PELAJARAN SOSIOLOGI KELAS X-3 DI SMA NEGERI 1 MOJOLABAN TAHUN AJARAN 2015/2016. SKRIPSI. Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, Oktober 2016.Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan penerapan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik pada mata pelajaran Soiologi kelas X-3 SMA Negeri 1 Mojolaban Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Penelitian dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus, setiap siklus terdari dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan, tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi atas tindakan yangtelah dilakukan. Subjek penelitian adalah peserta didik kleas X-3 SMA Negeri 1 Mojolaban yang berjumlah 36 peserta didik. Sumber data berasal dari guru dan peserta didik. Teknik utama dalam pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi dan tes, sementara teknik pendukung menggunakan wawancara dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dengan menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatif.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan Problem Based Learning dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar Sosiologi di kelas X-3 SMA Negeri 1 Mojolaban. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan peningkatan nilai hasil belajar pada pra tindakan dengan nilai rata-rata 74.17 meningkat menjadi 77.94 pada siklus I dan 86.64 pada siklus II.Simpulan penelitian ini adalah penerapan Problem Based Learning dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik kelas X-3 SMA Negeri 1 Mojolaban Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016

    Fasilitas Industri Kreatif Media Cetak di Surabaya

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    Fasilitas industri kretif media cetak di Surabaya” merupakan fasilitas yang mewadahi minat masyarakat Surabaya dalam hal media cetak khususnya bagi anak muda yang ingin menuangkan kreasinya dan juga membuka USAha dalam bidang media cetak dengan tujuan agar kreasi anak muda ini dapat dihargai dan mempunyai tempat di masyarakat Surabaya. Selain itu juga sebagai sarana edukasi bagi masyarakat Surabaya, dimana myarakat dapat mengetahui bagaimana proses produksi media cetak itu berlangsung. Fasilitas Industri Kreatif Media Cetak di Surabaya ini terletak pada jalan raya mulyosari yang dekat dengan beberapa universitas besar di Surabaya. Oleh karena itu desain bangunan ini harus sesuai dengan perilaku enterpreanur muda agar dapat menarik minat dari anak mud

    Hubungan Karakteristik Pekerja Dengan Unsafe Action Pada Tenaga Kerja Bongkar Muat Di PT. Terminal Petikemas Surabaya

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    Unsafe action is a trigger for work accident. Unsafe action happened for two reasons, such as unintentional mistakes and active errors or violation of a rule. Unsafe action influenced by the internal factor from workers itself, such as characteristic of workers. The objectivs of this research is to aims of this study are analyze the relationship between the characteristics of workers to unsafe action, in stevedor at PT. Terminal Petikemas Surabaya. This study was observational Descriptive. The sample was all stavedore in a group of which consisted of 60 people. The data presented in the form of distribution the frequency and tabulation cross then analyzed statistically the Spearman. The result of this study shownthat there was an relatively low association between the characteristic of workers with unsafe action, but there was one variable had the strong enough relationship, such as knowledge variable and unsafe action on stevedore in PT. Terminal Petikemas Surabaya with coefficient corelation 0.417. Based on the result of this study, suggestions that can be given to the HSE departement are scheduled refreshment through training and briefing to increase knowledge of occupational safety and health at work, meanwhile supervisor of field have to do a strict and firmly supervise to stevedore who performing unsafe action. So it expected to reduce the number of work accident in the process of loading and unloading

    Semiquantitative and Quantitative Biostratigraphy for Correlation and Depositional Environment Analysis Case Study Kedinding Hill Area, Blora, Central Java

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    Biostratigraphy has a significant role in petroleum exploration, especially for correlation and depositional environment analysis. This research located in Kedinding Hill Area, Blora, Central Java, Indonesia. We uses semiquantitative graphic correlation method and quantitative constrained cluster analysis with data taken from measuring section of Kedinding River Track (Section-1) and Kalen River Track (Section-2). Both sections generate crossover in biostratigraphic event sequence that trouble the biozonation determination which resolved by Graphic Correlation Method and generate FAD Neogloboquadrina humerosa – LAD Globorotalia merotumida – LAD Globigerina venezuelana as regional biostratigraphic event sequence. Constrained Cluster Analysis method generate five cluster for depositional environment in both Section-1 and Section-2. Depositional environment of each cluster in Section-1 are: Cluster 1 (unpredictable), Cluster 2 (deep middle – outer shelf), Cluster 3 (outer shelf), Cluster 4 (outer shelf), Cluster 5 (outer shelf – upper slope), meanwhile in Section-2: Cluster 1 (inner shelf), Cluster 2 (deep middle – outer shelf), Cluster 3 (deep middle shelf), Cluster 4 (deep middle shelf), Cluster 5 (outer shelf – upper slope)


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    The initial problems of fishermen still use their semi-modern catches and still use ice cubes as a cooling medium, due to the lack of innovation in the development of the cooling media caught by fishermen. The implementation of solar panel energy is the beginning for the development of refrigerator power consumption caught by fishermen. The goal is to calculate the cooling load on the refrigerator, calculate the Coefficient of performance (COP) at the refrigerator and the loading factors at the refrigerator, where the average ambient temperature is 34 β„ƒ and the temperature to be achieved is 0℃, the fisherman results used in the study this is a shrimp with a capacity of 20 kg and the cooling time is 4 hours. Where the total cooling load value is 244.29 Watt, multiplied by 10% safety factor, so the overall cooling load is 268.72 Watts, refrigerant mass flow rate is 0.0012 Kg / s, the evaporator capacity is 261 Watt, compressor power is 15.6 Watt, The coefficient of performance (COP) value was 16.73 while for the refrigerant capacity was 0.074 Tons of refrigerant, the loading factors in the study were used to run a refrigerator with 80 Watt power for 4 hours, so that the total refrigerator load was 320 Wh (Watt hour) , to produce 320 Wh power is used 2 solar panel modules with a capacity of 50 Wp (Watt Peak), and uses a solar change controller (SCC) with a capacity of 10 A. The output power of the solar panel is influenced by the intensity of the sun's light emitted, from the test obtained an average value the average output of solar panels is 90.6 watts, while the total power generated in 11 test points is 536 watts, the type used is polycrystalline, solar panels battery and inverter capacity must be greater than the refrigerator power consumption, in this study used a 12V 35 Ah battery capacity and 500 Watt Inverte

    Gestalt Akuntansi : Komitmen Perusahaan dalam Pengungkapan Intellectual Capital

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    Intellectual capital disclosure is a tool that can be used by a company to communicate withtheir stakeholders. With disclose company intellectual information, a company could decreaseasymmetric information level with their stakeholders. The nature of intellectual capital disclosureis voluntary disclosure, therefore, a company had choose to not disclose some information if theirfelt it will not bring an advantage for them. The purpose of this research is to compare intellectualcapital disclosure in the prospectus with the intellectual capital disclosure in the subsequentannual report. The main objective was to investigate a company commitment toward intellectualcapital disclosure. A higher level of disclosure on annual report showed a company commitmenttoward intellectual capital disclosure. The second objective was to investigate whether companiesreport more on intellectual capital in the prospectus rather than in annual report.This study was a quantitative study using secondary data, namely a company prospectusand subsequent annual report which collected from www.idx.co.id also pojok BEI UNDIP. Numberof used were as many as 38 different companies, which IPO from 2005-2010 in four differentcategory industry, which banking, manufactured, services, and property. 47 item of intellectualcapital disclosure measured using content analysis method. SPSS version 17.0 was used toprocessing data through multiple linier regressions.The result of hypothesis test showed the existence of intellectual capital disclosurecommitment was not confirmed. Moreover, the results showed that companies report moreextensively on intellectual capital in their prospectus rather than their annual report

    Comparing Mental Lexicon Between L1 And L2 On Intermediate Efl Learners Of Fourth Semester Students At Study Program Of English, Universitas Brawijaya

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    Psycholinguistics show that words are stored in the mental lexicon. In exploring the mental lexicon, WAT (Word Association Test) has been used by psycholinguists. The principle of WAT is that stimulus words are presented to the subjects and then the subjects are asked to respond with the first word that appears in mind. There are three problems to be solved in this research, namely: (1) What types of word association are produced by intermediate EFL learners at Study Program of English; (2) What pattern emerges from the responses in L1 and L2 produced by those intermediate EFL learners; (3) What are the reasons of those intermediate EFL learners in choosing the responses. In this research, the researcher investigates the mental lexicon in intermediate EFL learners of fourth semester students at Study Program of English in Universitas Brawijaya. This research is expected to describe the comparison of mental lexicon between L1 and L2. Furthermore, It is expected to trigger the exploration of mental lexicon in Bahasa Indonesia. This research is classified as qualitative research. The type of qualitative research employed in this research is case study. The data were collected from 26 EFL learners from Study Program of English, Universitas Brawijaya. All subjects were asked to take a word association test which consists of eight stimulus words in Indonesia and eight stimulus words in English

    Analisis Percepatan terhadap Waktu Proyek (Study Kasus : Kantor Dinas SKPD Gedung B3 di Tenayan Raya)

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    Project implementation have always refers to the construction assumption and forecast while time plans and schedule were made, Therefore, the contruction problem will arise if there is a discrepancy between plan and assumptions comparing to the actual project. Delays of project implementation is generally always lead to adverse consequences both for the owner and contractor. The project the (SKPD) Unit City Government of Pekanbaru in Riau is having a delay of 75 days. The Best construction time acceleration is 45 days. Construction acceleration can be conducted by 3 alternatives solutions such as: overtime alternative, equipment and workers addition alternative, and shift system alternative. The analysis started from the critical path. Network project the analysis, was obtained from the cost due to delay stands at Rp. 4.761.786.975,00. Cost of construction acceleration caused by overtime alternative is Rp. 2.152.360.596,00 with a total 11.136 hours of extra work for workers, cost of construction acceleration by the workers and equipments additionionally for alternative result Rp. 2.434.965.492,00 with a total 14 new workers, with additional of 2 new equipment units. Cost of construction acceleration from shift alternative is Rp. 2.434.965.492,00 with a total of 14 new workers, a total 2 of equipment units. In conclusion, the most effective construction acceleration method is overtime alternative, obtained the minimum financial loss and recommended to use for the construction acceleration
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