6 research outputs found

    Priests, a grandmother and schizophrenia

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    The observations reported in this article have been recorded as part of the research project ‘Using collaborative visual research methods to understand experiences of mental illness, coercion and restraint in Ghana and Indonesia’, an Economic and Social Research Council (UK) GCRF-funded project

    Il ruolo di sacerdoti Camilliani nella cura di persone vittime di pratiche di contenimento e/o reclusione a causa di malattia mentale nell’isola di Flores in Indonesia

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    In this ethnographic excerpt, the researchers describe their experience in Flores island Indonesia, where they collected visual testimonies on the role that local Camillian priests play in the care of people dealing with severe mental illness subjected to a practice of containment and/or imprisonment known as ‘pasung’ in bhasa Indonesia. This excerpt is part of a comparative study carried out in Ghana and Indonesia focused on exploring, through visual ethnography and participatory video, examples of collaborations between mental health professionals and traditional or faith-based healers to extrapolate what are the factors and dynamics that support such collaborations and contribute to eradicating the violation of the human rights towards people suffering with mental disorders. This excerpt provides an example from one of the few Catholic communities present in Indonesia

    Pengembangan Potensi Ekonomi Usaha Rumah Tangga Berupa Olahan Berbahan Ikan di Desa Tempuran Kabupaten Karawang

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    Desa Tempuran memiliki potensi pengolahan ikan menjadi produk makanan siap jual karena bersebelahan dengan Desa Ciparagejaya yang merupakan lokasi TPI terintegrasi. Produktivitas tangkapan ikan nelayan Ciparagejaya seluruhnya masuk ke TPI. Jika dihitung, perharinya mencapai 10 – 20 ton ikan. Desa Tempuran yang memiliki jumlah wanita 2.641 jiwa (data tahun 2019). Berdasarkan survey awal, diketahui bahwa jumlah wanita di desa ini berpotensi untuk melakukan kegiatan produktif pada fase proses produksi maupun pasca produksi sehingga pendapatan ekonomi masyarakat meningkat. Wanita di desa ini dapat mengembangkan hasil ikan dari Desa Ciparagejaya dengan mengolahnya menjadi produk makanan bergizi dan siap jual. TIM PKM melakukan pelatihan pembuatan 3 olahan makanan bergizi berbahan dasar ikan dan siap jual serta pelatihan digital marketing, kemasan, perencanaan keuangan dan akuntansi sederhana. Luaran kegiatan ini adalah, peningkatan pengetahuan wanita di Desa Tempuran tentang pengolahan produk makanan berbasis ikan

    Japan Tobacco International: : To ‘be the most successful and respected tobacco company in the world’

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    Japan Tobacco International (JTI) is the international division of Japan Tobacco Incorporated, and the world's third largest transnational tobacco company. Founded in 1999, JTI's rapid growth has been the result of a global business strategy that potentially serves as a model for other Asian tobacco companies. This paper analyses Japan Tobacco Incorporated's global expansion since the 1980s in response to market opening, foreign competition, and declining share of a contracting domestic market. Key features of its global strategy include the on-going central role and investment by the Japanese government, and an expansion agenda based on mergers and acquisitions. The paper also discusses the challenges this global business strategy poses for global tobacco control and public health. This paper is part of the special issue 'The Emergence of Asian Tobacco Companies: Implications for Global Health Governance'.19 page(s

    Case Report Waardenburg Syndrome Type I with Iris and Retinal Coloboma

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    We present a rare case report, Waardenberg syndrome type I, and ocular abnormalities related to the disease. A Boy, 11 months, presented with blue and hole in inferior iris. Patien also controlled to pediatric and ENT departement according his global developmental delayed, and unresponsiveness to sound stimulus since birth. Patient presented with distophia cantrorum, bilateral iris coloboma, brilliant blue iris, and retinal coloboma. Others systemic condition were skin hypopigmentation, bilateral sensorineural hearing lost, and global developmental delay equal to 6 months old baby. According to manifestations, this supporting diagnosis for Waardenberg syndrome type I. The management consists in treating the symptoms accordingly. Careful follow up and work up is important to improve patient quality of lif

    The Role of Transformational Leadership and Self-Efficacy on Readiness to Change Through Work Engagement

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    Readiness to change is a basic thing that teachers must have to be able to adapt to technology and scientific developments. This study aims to determine the effect of self-efficacy and transformational leadership on job engagement. Then to determine the effect of self-efficacy and transformational leadership on readiness to change. This research is descriptive and quantitative research conducted on 124 junior high school teachers in Pringsewu Lampung using the Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) method. The results showed that self-efficacy and transformational leadership had a positive effect on work engagement. Transformational leadership also has a positive effect on readiness to change, but self-efficacy does not directly affect readiness to change. Furthermore, job engagement mediates the effect of self-efficacy and transformational leadership on readiness to change. This research has implications for being applied to teachers during the process of being more open to accepting chang