9 research outputs found

    Analisis Potensi Ekosistem Mangrove Center Tuban Sebagai Sumber Belajar Pendidikan Lingkungan Bahari Dalam Pembelajaran IPS

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis potensi yang ada di ekosistem Mangrove Center Tuban kemudian dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber belajar pendidikan lingkungan bahari dalam pembelajaran IPS. Seiring dengan melimpahnya manfaat yang terkandung dalam mangrove, dengan tujuan khusus sebagai upaya untuk memberikan pemahaman kepada peserta didik terkait pentingnya melestarikan alam dan peduli terhadap lingkungan mangrove. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan subjek penelitian yang dipilih secara purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara, serta dokumentasi dengan menggunakan analisis data model Miles dan Huberman. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik triangulasi untuk menilai keabsahan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa melalui kajian IPS (Sejarah, Geografi, Sosiologi, dan Ekonomi) banyak ditemukan potensi yang dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber belajar IPS di Mangrove Center Tuban. Luaran dalam penelitian sebagai rekomendasi sumber belajar berupa RPP/Modul Ajar dan E-LKPD berbantu live worksheet

    The Development of Geomobile App-Based Outdoor Study to Improve Critical-Social Abilities and Collaborative in the 21st Century

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    Geography learning in high school is built through field and contextual experiences to verify the theories. The learning method used by the geography teacher is not quite effective in improving students’ critical-social and collaborative abilities. This study aims to 1) develop a Geomobile app-based outdoor study that is valid and practical, and 2) determine its effectiveness in improving students’ critical-social and collaborative abilities in the 21st century. This study used research and development with a modified version of the Borg and Gall model. This research utilized validity tests conducted by material experts, media professionals, and learning specialists. The authentic instruments used to measure critical-social and collaboration abilities. The data analyst used descriptive statistics to assess the quality of the product and conducted an independent sample t-test to evaluate the effectiveness of the Geomobile app for outdoor study. The research was conducted on 216 eleventh-grade Social Science students in five high schools in East Java Province during the academic year 2021–2022. Research findings show that students need tools to enhance essential skills in the 21st century through the use of Geomobile app-based outdoor study. The development results indicate that expert validation feedback on the Geomobile app is very positive, with an average rating of 93%. Additionally, the Geomobile app has been found to effectively enhance critical-social abilities by 59% and collaborative abilities by 63%. Therefore, this development effectively improves students’ abilities in the 21st century. The research has provided support for students to become future social agents, especially in terms of building a better working place and social community in the 21st century

    The collaboration learning interactive multimedia using traditional games "Benteng-Bentengan" in geography subject for high schools

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    This study aims to develop a collaboration learning with interactive multimedia using traditional games "Benteng-Bentengan" in Geography Subject for high school. The application of the traditional games "Benteng" has been modified and adapted to the characteristics of the material. The design of this study used the Borg and Gall model which was modified into six, namely (1) needs analysis, (2) product development, (3) product revision, (4) product testing, (5) designing and (6) carrying out evaluation. This development research uses the validity test of learning, media and material experts. The study was conducted on 72 students of class XII IPS SMA Wachid Hasyim 2 Taman. The results of the questionnaire showed that the collaboration of interactive multimedia learning and the traditional games "Benteng" gave positive results with 94% or 34 students stating that collaboration is a fun, recreational, educative learning and faster understanding of the material. Based on the results of the competency test in the experimental class, an average of 84 was obtained with a gain score of 19 point. Thus, the collaboration of interactive learning multimedia and traditional games "Benteng-Bentengan", is able to effectively improve the learning outcomes of experimental class students. The results of this development and research are able to create a learning climate for millennial students to become agents of change in the future, especially the development of learning methods in the educational community

    Development of e-learning, mobile apps, character building, and outdoor study (emco learning model) to improve geography outcomes in the 21st century

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    This development study aims to 1) create a learning model that fuses e-learning, a mobile app, character building, and outdoor study and 2) determine the effectiveness of the EMCO learning model on student learning outcomes. This study uses a research and development design with the model of Dick and Carey. A product feasibility test is performed by the learning, media, and materials expert validators, and the product’s effectiveness is tested by students. The data analysis includes descriptive statistics to determine the product feasibility and an independent sample t-test to determine the effectiveness of the learning model. The results of the expert validation show that the EMCO model is in the very good category and does not need revision. The EMCO model has a learning syntax with four phases: LKPD (student worksheet), assessment instrument, learning media, and teaching materials. Results indicate that the EMCO learning model is effective in improving geography learning outcomes. The model has the advantages of 1) effective and innovative material delivery; 2) easy-to-use navigation keys to access the material; 3) attractive design; 4) availability of CBT (computer-based test); and 5) online learning media that can be accessed anytime, anywhere, and under any conditions. The research has a positive impact on students and is able to transform them into 21st-century learning agents

    The collaboration learning interactive multimedia using traditional games "Benteng-Bentengan" in geography subject for high schools

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    This study aims to develop a collaboration learning with interactive multimedia using traditional games "Benteng-Bentengan" in Geography Subject for high school. The application of the traditional games "Benteng" has been modified and adapted to the characteristics of the material. The design of this study used the Borg and Gall model which was modified into six, namely (1) needs analysis, (2) product development, (3) product revision, (4) product testing, (5) designing and (6) carrying out evaluation. This development research uses the validity test of learning, media and material experts. The study was conducted on 72 students of class XII IPS SMA Wachid Hasyim 2 Taman. The results of the questionnaire showed that the collaboration of interactive multimedia learning and the traditional games "Benteng" gave positive results with 94% or 34 students stating that collaboration is a fun, recreational, educative learning and faster understanding of the material. Based on the results of the competency test in the experimental class, an average of 84 was obtained with a gain score of 19 point. Thus, the collaboration of interactive learning multimedia and traditional games "Benteng-Bentengan", is able to effectively improve the learning outcomes of experimental class students. The results of this development and research are able to create a learning climate for millennial students to become agents of change in the future, especially the development of learning methods in the educational community

    The Development of Geomobile App-Based Outdoor Study to Improve Critical-Social Abilities and Collaborative in the 21st Century

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    Geography learning in high school is built through field and contextual experiences to verify the theories. The learning method used by the geography teacher is not quite effective in improving students’ critical-social and collaborative abilities. This study aims to 1) develop a Geomobile app-based outdoor study that is valid and practical, and 2) determine its effective�ness in improving students’ critical-social and collaborative abilities in the 21st century. This study used research and development with a modified version of the Borg and Gall model. This research utilized validity tests conducted by material experts, media professionals, and learning specialists. The authentic instruments used to measure critical-social and collabora�tion abilities. The data analyst used descriptive statistics to assess the quality of the product and conducted an independent sample t-test to evaluate the effectiveness of the Geomobile app for outdoor study. The research was conducted on 216 eleventh-grade Social Science students in five high schools in East Java Province during the academic year 2021–2022. Research findings show that students need tools to enhance essential skills in the 21st century through the use of Geomobile app-based outdoor study. The development results indicate that expert validation feedback on the Geomobile app is very positive, with an average rating of 93%. Additionally, the Geomobile app has been found to effectively enhance critical-social abilities by 59% and collaborative abilities by 63%. Therefore, this development effectively improves students’ abilities in the 21st century. The research has provided support for stu�dents to become future social agents, especially in terms of building a better working place and social community in the 21st century

    Makna Makna Simbolik Tradisi Haul Punden Sebagai Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila

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    AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginterpretasikan makna dan interaksi simbolik yang terdapat dalam kegiatan Tradisi Haul Punden Mbah Kramat yang memiliki pengaruh terhadap penguatan profil pelajar Pancasila, dalam praktik dari tradisi ini terdapat nilai – nilai sosial yang juga terkandung dalam unsur – unsur Profil Pelajar Pancasila dan hal ini memiliki peran besar dalam pembelajaran karakter, terutama sebagai sumber belajar IPS. Penelitian ini menggunakan literatur sebagai referensi pada tema yang diangkat dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif yang dimaksudkan untuk menjadikan Haul Punden Mbah Kramat sebagai penguatan profil pelajar Pancasila. Penelitian ini menggunakan kajian berdasar Teori Interpretatif Simbolik oleh Clifford Geertz dan Teori Interaksionisme Simbolik oleh Herbert Bloomer. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, buku, jurnal, ataupun sumber yang lain yang mempunyai kesamaan tema. Lokasi penelitian di Desa Randu Padangan Karangpoh. Hasil penelitian ini adalah Haul Punden Mbah Kramat tidak hanya kegiatan religius, akan tetapi juga sebagai salah satu cara masyarakat dusun menghormati leluhur dengan mengirimkan doa dan adanya kegiatan haul punden ini membuat masyarakat menjadi lebih tinggi rasa solidaritasnya, sehingga pada haul punden ini masyarakat desa Randu Padangan Karangpoh menggunakannya sebagai bentuk acara untuk rasa berterima kasih dan memohon kesejahteraan untuk sang ahli kubur kepada Allah SWT. Keywords: Tradisi, Haul Punden, Gotong Royon

    Development of mobile learning app based on Islamic and science integration to improve student learning outcomes

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    The integration of Islamic and science in Mobile Learning App (MLA) is an innovative and flexible digital learning media to help students learn during pandemic. This study aimed 1) to develop of MLA integrated with Islamic and science, 2) to determine the effect of MLA integrated with Islamic and science on students learning outcomes. This study used the Gall, Gall, & Borg Research and Development (R&D) model. The product fitness has been tested by the expert validators in learning media, materials, linguistics, and integration of Islamic and science, and the product effectiveness has been tested on students. The result showed that: 1) the integration of Islamic and science in MLA was fit to be used in learning with effective category and 2) the integration of Islamic and science in MLA was effective to improve student's learning outcomes in hydrosphere topic. Suggestions for media users include the following: 1) use media in an area with a strong network or internet connection; 2) conduct an outdoor study using mobile learning media; and 3) provide knowledge about using media before the lesson begins.This research provides positive energy for students as a provision to become agents of change in the 21st century, especially in mobile learning app based on Islamic and science.Research development using technology in science and Islamic curriculum also support to improve learning outcomes