140 research outputs found

    Shock Wave Dispersion in Weakly Ionized Gas

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    Electrodeless microwave (MW) discharge in two straight, circular cylindrical resonant cavities in TE1,1,1 and TM0,1,2 modes were introduced to perform additional experimental studies on shock wave modification in non-equilibrium weakly ionized gases and to clarify the physical mechanisms of the shock wave modification process. The discharge was generated in 99.99% Ar at a gas pressure between 20 and 100 Torr and at a discharge power density less than 10.0 Watts/cm3. Power density used for operating the discharge was rather low in the present work, which was determined by evaluating the power loss inside the resonant cavity. It was found that the shock wave deflection signal amplitude was decreased while the shock wave local velocity was increased in the presence of the discharge. However, there was no apparent evidence of the multiple shock structure or the widening of the shock wave deflection signal, as observed in the d.c. glow discharge [3,5]. The shock wave always retained a more compact structure even in the case of strong dispersion in both the TE and the TM mode. The shock wave propagated faster through the discharge in the TE mode than in the TM mode. Discharge characteristics and local parameters such as gas temperature Tg, electron density Ne, local electric field E, and average power density, were determined by using the MW discharge generated from an Argon gas mixture that contains 95% Ar, 5% H2, and traces of N2. The gas temperature was evaluated by using the amplitude reduction technique and the emission spectroscopy of Nitrogen. The gas temperature distribution was flat in the central region of the cavity. By comparing the gas temperature calculated from the shock wave local velocity and from the amplitude reduction technique, the present work was sufficiently accurate to indicate that the thermal effect is dominant. The electron density was obtained from measured line shapes of hydrogen Balmer lines by using the gas temperature and the well-tested approximate formula for deconvolution of Stark and Doppler broadening. The local electric field inside the MW discharge was evaluated by using a simplified kinetic model. Dispersion of a shock wave in a MW discharge will most likely be applied in future technical solutions in aircraft design, or rocket shock wave modification systems. We hope that the present study will contribute to a better understanding of the physical mechanism leading to shock wave dispersion in weakly ionized gas


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    To investigate of pupils were observed and interviews of their early childhood classroom learning environments with the instructional internships in teaching early childhood of the pre-primary activity trainee student teacher internships for improving and creating scientific attitude skills toward early childhood in pre-primary educational school level in Thailand. Associations between these perceptions with their performances and pupils' attitudes toward early childhood performances were determined. Using the research instruments on classroom learning environments obtained of the 25-item My Class Inventory (MCI) and with the 8-item Test Of Performance-Related Attitude (TOPRA) were assessed which convention on individualized open and inquiry-based education, teacher-pupil interactions, and pupils’ creating activity performances attitude skills were assessed with the volunteer staff with the observe and interview forms. The MCI questionnaire has an Actual Forms and a Preferred Form. The questionnaire was administered in three phases with the Custer Random Sampling technique to a sample consisted of 720 pupils in 30 early childhood classes from 30 schools at the pre-primary levels in Maha Sarakham Primary Educational Service Area Office 1-3 and Roi-Et Pre-Primary Educational Service Area Office 1-3. Statistically significant differences between pupils were observed and interviews of actual-1, actual-2 and preferred performance activity learning environments of their classroom climates, distinguish individualized classrooms with their improving and creating attitudes skills’ sustainable development were also found. Predictions of the monitoring and evaluation of managing activity performances by the trainee student teachers of their internships; pupils’ skills developments of their activity performances’ sustainable for the set of actual and preferred environments as a whole and early childhood related attitudes also were correlated. The R2 values indicate that 57%, 72%, and 80% of the variances in pupils’ attitudes to their actuale-1, actual-2 and preferred for the MCI in early childhood classes were attributable to their performances of their actual-1, actual-2 and preferred environments and their developing creative activity performances skills’ sustainable toward activity performance are provided

    The Conceptual Design and Implementing Web Services Security Framework for Ministry of Information and Communication Technology in Thailand

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    This research aims to present a Web Services Security Framework for Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MICT) in Thailand as referred to international standard BS7799 on information security management. With a pilot development of web services which based on e-government, the researcher used Ministry of Information and Communication Technology as a case study. In order to understand the developmental pilot, it’s crucial to realize particularly in web services security and to determine proposed or existing system. Finally, it can be as standard guideline for Thai public organization for developing web services security framework

    Model Development for Inclusive Education Management: Practical Guidelines for Inclusive Schools

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    Inclusive education is a central step of education management in the new millennium: it, allow every child to learn, which is a human right. Education management for the children who have special needs is based on a belief that every of them has capability and potential to learn and develop if appropriate learning opportunities are granted. This study aims to answer the following research questions: 1) What are the current status of, problems of, and needs for inclusive education in Thailand ? 2) What are the inclusive best practices in other countries ? 3) How can this body of knowledge be applied to Thailand’s inclusive schools ? The researcher is therefore interested in investigating and developing the inclusive education model for the entire school system. This is accomplished by conducting research and applying development design, using mixed methods and both quantitative and qualitative approaches (John W.2007). The results of this study will yield the following expected benefits of: 1) Acquired knowledge on the current need for inclusive education in mainstreaming schools, The problems will be clearly identified, leading to a plan for the development of an effective inclusive education model relevant to the actual situation in schools. 2) A body of knowledge from the inclusive best practices in other countries, applicable to Thailand’s core mainstreaming schools; and 3) An inclusive education model that will benefit children with special needs, teachers, school administrators, parents, communities, and special needs education management organizations in Thailand. Keywords: Inclusive education management, Inclusion, Mainstreaming school pilo


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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh kurangnya pemahaman peserta didik pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia dikarenakan banyak materi yang bersifat abstrak khususnya pada materi gemar membaca serta keterbatasan dalam penggunaan media pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) Mengetahui media pembelajaran video animsi interaktifyang layak digunakan pada materi kegemaranku di kelas 1 Mis Al-Fitrah Oesapa.(2) Mengetahui keefektifan media pembelajaran video animasi interaktif yang dikembangkan pada materi kegemaranku di kelas 1 Mis Al-Fitrah Oesapa. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian dengan pengembangan (R&D). Subjek penelitian ini adalah 10 peserta didik kelas I Mis Al-Fitrah Oesapa Tahun Ajaran 2021/2022. Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah media pembelajaran video animasi interaktif, instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah (a) lembar kuesioner  validasi produk media pembelajaran video animasi interaktif dan perangkat pembelajaran, (b) lembar kuesioner untuk mengukur kepraktisan media pembelajaran video animasi interaktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Prosedur dan pengembangan media pembelajaran video animasi interaktif untuk peserta didik kelas I Mis dimodifikasi kedalam tiga tahap yaitu Define, Design, dan develop. (2) Validasi media pembelajaran video animasi interaktif memiliki kualitas “sangat valid” dengan perolehan skor sebesar 4,20 penilaian kepraktisan pendidik dan peserta didik terhadap media pembelajaran video animasi ingteraktif mendapatkan rata skor sebesar 90 dari skor maksimal 100 dan masuk kategori sangat praktis. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa media pembelajaran video animasi interaktif memiliki kualitas yang baik dan dapat membantu peserta didik memahami materi pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia

    The Novel ICT Strategic Model for developing of ICT in Public Universities based on BSC

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    The purposes of this research were to evaluate Information and Communication Technology (ICT) management of public universities in Thailand using balance scorecard (BSC) and to develop key performance indicators (KPIs) of ICT in order to develop new ICT strategic model. This proposed model provide some guidelines to improve Investment and worthwhile ICT management and to conform with strategies of universities. The research methodology were both qualitative and quantitative research. The findings of this research showed how universities have been developed ICT as strategic management and the efficiency of ICT management. Further more, the specific KPIs have been created to measure and follow up the use of ICT. Then, the proposed ICT strategic model could apply to other public organization

    A Quality Evaluation of Internet Banking in Thailand

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    The sampling groups in this research are customer who use the banking service via Internet system and the customer of D-Computer Co., Ltd. who usually use Internet Banking services such as inquiry about outstanding balance, fund transfer between accounts, and transfer payment for public utility. The sampling group specification of this research are must use Internet Banking services at least once a month. The research tools are questionnaires in the Web page form. Questionnaires are adapted from the tools that are used to evaluate the service quality called “The dimension of quality by David A. Garvin” by evaluating the quality of eight dimensional services: Performance, Features, Reliability, Conformance, Durability, Aesthetics, Serviceability and Perceived quality. During the sampling survey, we received 300 questionnaires that being answered completely. For information analysis, we use the fundamental statistics to analyze the characteristics of sampling group and test the relative variable factor by means of Chi-square and obtain the result to build a variance factor linear prototype. The results were as follows: 1. The quality level of internet banking service of commercial banks in Thailand in the perspective of performance was different in each bank. 2. By weighting the important of criteria that used to evaluate the Internet Banking service quality in Thailand, the most important was the dimension of reliability, serviceability and durability. The less important was in dimension of perceived quality

    An Evaluation E-Commerce Performance in Hotel Businesses Using Balanced Scorecard

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    In the modern business world, the IT advances accelerate the world’s commercial development with the help of Internet technology in supporting variety of activities. As a result, e-commerce play a significant role in almost every industry. Hotel industry is one of those which are fully beneficial from the e-commerce, which fulfills the customer’s needs. This research is conducted to study the character of the hotel e-commerce and the measurement of performance of the hotel e-commerce in Thailand in all perspectives of Balanced Scorecard. In the research, the researcher uses the reasoning approach to describe the relationship between the variables of causes and effects whose directions are precisely specified. The samples of the research are the hotels in the Bangkok metropolitans and vicinity areas. The researcher uses questionnaires to measure the customer satisfaction of business operations according to the Balanced Scorecard. Then, the initial collective information is analyzed to categorize those samples in percentage. Next, the result of the satisfaction based on Balanced Scorecard measurement is tested for the relationship of all variables by using the statistic of interrelation and chi-square values. The result of the research provides us the character of operating of the hotel industries and the sufficiency of operating e-commerce of hotel industries in Thailand. In addition, it can be used as a guideline in hotel business development which enhances the capabilities of performance and competition


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    To investigate of students' perceptions of their physics classroom learning environments with the instructional internships in teaching physics of the master science trainee educational students for improving and creating scientific attitude skills toward physics in upper secondary educational students in Thailand. Associations between these perceptions and students' attitudes toward physics were determined. The learning environment perceptions were obtained using the 35-item Physics Laboratory Environment Inventory (PLEI), the 25-item Individualized Classroom Environment Questionnaire (ICEQ), the 48-item Questionnaires on Teacher Interaction (QTI), and with the Test Of Physics-Related Attitude (TOPRA) were assessed which convention on individualized open and inquiry-based education, teacher-student interactions, and students’ creating science attitude skills. Both these questionnaires have an Actual Form and a Preferred Form. The questionnaires were administered in three phases with the Custer Random Sampling technique to a sample consisted of 989 students in 28 physics classes from 10 schools at the grade 10-12 levels in the Secondary Educational Service Area 26 and Area 27. Statistically significant differences between students' perceptions of actual-1, actual-2 and preferred environments of their physics laboratory, distinguish individualized classrooms, and teacher interpersonal behaviours with their improving and creating attitudes skills’ sustainable development were also found. Predictions of the monitoring and evaluation of master science trainee educational students of their internships; students’ skills developments of their physics achievements’ sustainable for the set of actual and preferred environments as a whole and physics related attitudes also were correlated. The R2 values indicate that 58%, 67%, and 84% of the variances in students’ attitudes to their actuale-1, actual-2 and preferred for the PLEI; 42%, 63%, and 72% for the ICEQ, and 38%, 59%, and 68% for the QTI in physics classes were attributable to their perceptions of their actual-1, actual-2 and preferred environments and their developing creative science skills’ sustainable toward physics, consequently.  Article visualizations

    Total Quality Management (TQM) Model for Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) in Thai Communities

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    Knowledge management systems (KMS) are commonly tacit patterns practiced in Thai communities. Effective KMS is essential to successfully implement knowledge management (KM) and sustainable development organization. Appropriate model of total quality management (TQM) for Thai community’s knowledge management systems will be designed. This study incorporated the concepts and theories of TQM models, KM and KMS in Thai communities. Index and standard of knowledge quality are analyzed and integrated concept of analytical TQM and Delphi technique are applied
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