85 research outputs found


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    This study aims to determine the effect of trust and member satisfaction on member loyalty of KSPPS Tamzis Bina Utama, Godean Branch, Yogyakarta. The population used in this study were all members of Tamzis Bina Utama, Godean Branch, with a sample of 150 respondents. The sampling technique used convenience sampling technique. Data collection techniques using observation and a list of questions. The data analysis method used is validity and reliability test, classic assumption test, multiple regression analysis, hypothesis testing. The results of this study indicate that trust and satisfaction simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on the loyalty variable

    Strategy of the Financial Services Authority in Developing Digital Talent Competence in the Financial Technology Era in the Banking Sector

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    Digital talent competency is an urgent to fulfill the digital competency requirements need in the labour industry. The World Economic Forum report in 2018 estimated that nearly 75 million jobs will be lost as a result of Artificial Intelligence technology development in 2025, but it is also estimated that nearly 133 million new jobs will be created. This makes the gap in competency requirements for digital talent in the banking sector unavoidable in the digitalisation of the economy. The Banking Industry requires competent human resources in order to improve the quality and variety of financial services products based on digital technology. The purpose of this article is to determine OJK's strategy in developing human resources in the banking industry, which is one of the important factors to improve competence and understanding of financial services products, so as to provide services that prioritise consumer protection and productivity. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods through literature studies, observations and interviews. The results show that efforts to fulfill the competency gap require planned, measurable, and sustainable human resource development by preparing the Indonesian National Work Competency Standards, preparing the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework, increasing human resource development through training, seminars, and workshops and fulfilling competency needs in the field of digital technology through the preparation of the Digital Competency Dictionar

    Competence and Performance Aspects in the Placement of the Head of Financial Affairs at the North Kalimantan Police Work Unit

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    The Indonesian National Police as well as other organizations in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 are also faced with various challenges. The main task of the National Police as a protector, protector, and servant of the community, maintaining security and public order and law enforcement will be more complex in the future due to the rapid advancement of information technology. This study aims to analyze aspects of competence and performance in the placement of the head of financial affairs at the North Kalimantan Regional Police Work unit. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques, namely interviews and documentation. The informants in this study were 5 personnel who served in the Itwasda work unit, Ditresnarkoba, Bidpropam, Biddokkes, and Yanma Regional Police North Kalimantan. Data analysis techniques, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing.  The results of the study showed that personnel with the rank of Brigadier General who was appointed to the position of Kaurkeu even though they were with temporary stakeholder status, were still able to run well. This can be seen from the well-running of police activities at the Regional Police North Kalimantan, especially in the Work units at the Regional Police North Kalimantan. This of course cannot be separated from the role of financial managers in each work unit. Even with the rank of First Brigadier, the personnel appointed to the Kaurkeu position were able to show good performance. Although from interviews conducted with them, it was found that the five of them did not have an educational background related to finance, either in general or specifically in managing police finances. They only study independently under the guidance of the Regional Police's financial advisory function, namely the Bidkeu Regional Police. However, 4 of the 5 personnel have certificates as treasurers from State Treasury Service Office Tanjung Selor. Thus, it can be concluded if the deficiency in the competency factor can be covered by the existence of social support

    Interactive Governance of Regulatory Reform in the Issuing of Building Construction Permits in DKI Jakarta

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    This study assessed interactive governance of regulatory reform in the implementation of integrated permit processing in the Investment Agency and One Stop Services (DPMPTSP). Interaction/coordination among regulatory reform actors in the integrated units was plagued by problems. Improvement in interactive governance was adopted to solve the problems in the regulatory reforms of processing building construction permits. The research was based on qualitative research design. Used Data collection techniques included in-depth interviews and desk research. Results showed that regulatory reforms in the processing of building construction permits in DPMPTSP, DKI Jakarta is influenced by rigidity of regulations, weak institutional functions, and inconsistency in central government policies. Weak institutionalization of interactive governance is the major obstacle that has hampered the implementation of regulatory reform in the building construction permits processing. Recommended course of action include strengthening institutional capacity, improving policy consistency between the central government and DKI Jakarta administration, and creating avenues that strengthen coordination and interaction among relevant actor

    Analysis of Merit System in the Open Promotion of High Leadership Positions for Women in the Ministry of Home Affairs

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    This research aims to analyze the application of the merit system in the open promotion of High Leadership Positions (JPT) for women and find out the factors that influence women's vertical mobility in the bureaucracy. This research was conducted at the Ministry of Home Affairs using a postpositivist research approach and qualitative data collection technique. The results showed that filling in the JPT at the Ministry of Home Affairs has not been based on a succession plan, and there is a Pelaksana Tugas (Plt) JPT with a term exceeding the applicable provisions. In addition, there were differences in administrative requirements for selection vacancies with relevant regulations. The track record tracking process was only carried out through curriculum evaluation and monitoring and evaluation of High-ranking Officials (PPT) performance appraisals only based on Employee Performance Target (SKP) every year. Women's interest in registering for selection tends to be slight, and incomplete facilities support women's productivity. The results also showed differences from previous research. The merit system policy in this study refers to the Regulation of the Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (Permenpanrb) Number 15 of 2019. Besides, it also proves the inaccuracy of The Theory of Organizational Barries, Self-imposed Barriers, and Gender Role Congruity

    Performance Management Concept Framework of The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in Optimizing State Loss Recovery

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    The performance of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has always been in the public spotlight, so significant research has been carried out, especially on one of the performance indicators that has become a public issue, namely how the KPK has performed in recovering state losses. Starting from this background, the purpose of this study is to develop a conceptual framework for the performance management of the corruption eradication commission in optimizing the recovery of state losses. The conceptual framework is based on the theory of performance management or performance management (PMS), using the dimensions of the balanced scoring model Niven (2008) which is sliced with the BSC model of Moullin (2017) and model of Aydin (2019), and operationalized with indicators, where most of these indicators have so far also been used as indicators for measuring KPK's performance. The framework of the performance management concept of the corruption eradication commission in optimizing the recovery of state losses can be the basis for researchers when they want to examine the performance of the KPK in the context of optimizing the recovery of state losses

    The Determinant of Trust in Telemedicine: A Systematic Review

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    Telemedicine is a form of utilizing technology in the health sector that has been rapidly adopted globally, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic. Telemedicine has the potential to be a solution to overcoming the problem of access to health services. Despite its great benefits, telemedicine also encountered obstacles in its implementation, and among them that are fundamental is trust. Trust in telemedicine is unique and different from electronic services because it involves personal and sensitive data. This study examine the role of trust in telemedicine and the factors that determine trust in telemedicine services through a systematic review. This study uses a systematic review method of related publications from 2012 to 2022 derived from the Scopus database. A selection process was carried out based on the eligibility criteria set for 1196 related publications, so 17 articles were obtained, which were analyzed in this study. Based on a literature review, trust in telemedicine is multi-dimensional and is shaped by various factors of trust that influence each other. The main factors are trust in the care organization, trust in the care professional, trust in the treatment, and trust in the technology. Another factor that determines trust in telemedicine is individual’s characteristics, such as age, gender, level of education, technological literacy, income, type of disease, health condition, frequency of use, and experience. Moreover, there are factors external from the individual characteristics that can also determine trust in telemedicine, such as family support, living area, community, and social media, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the existence of policies and regulations that support and enforced

    Reformasi Administrasi Publik pada Digitalisasi Pelayanan Surat Izin Mengemudi (SIM)

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    Driving license (SIM) is proof of registration and identification for a person who has met the administrative requirements, is physically and mentally healthy, as well as proof that the person understands traffic regulations and can drive a motorized vehicle, so it is granted by the Police. Making and renewing SUM is carried out at the Office of the SIM Administration Executing Unit (Satpas) which are available in several locations in each region, and when obtaining a SIM cannot be represented by someone else. There were problems in managing SIMs, one of which was extortion, which then triggered the implementation of administrative reforms towards digitizing services. There are three main principles in practice in preventing extortion in licensing and non-licensing, namely predictability, digitizing services and not burdening. Departing from public problems related to SIM services, the Directorate of Registration and Identification (Dit Regident) of Korlantas Polri innovates by utilizing technology

    Understanding Japan’s Civil Service System: Norms, Meritocracy, and Institutional Change

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    This article aims to elucidate the tradition of Japan’s public administration emphasizing the civil service system. A number of studies explain the impact of the tradition (norms, values, and institutions), in shaping the process and result of public administration reform. By applying the historical institutionalism perspective, this study reveals how the legacy of the past, the tradition promoted by the Meiji Restoration, creates the new tradition of public administration. This study selects Japan as a typical case representing Asian developmentalists. The remarkable Meiji restoration marked the process of adoption and adjustment of the Germanic traditions in the bureaucracy modernization. Norm institutionalization has established the new norms and civil service system. The basic norms consist of legality, consensus, and seniority. It develops the "kyaria" denoting recruitment, selection, and promotion influenced by seniority, long term performance, and prestigious university recommendation and produces competent and dominant mandarins in the policy process. However, the parliament continuously initiates the reform to reduce the mandarin's domination and heighten political control over the bureaucracy. The reform has not yet changed the power balance of two institutions since the ”kyaria's” embeddedness in Japan's polity produces two consequences. First, it contributes to public administration modernization. The mandarin’s outstanding performance increases political legitimacy and social acceptance to the "kyaria"system. Second, the parliament cannot drastically reduce the mandarin’s role since the lifetime employment model enriches them with knowledge and experience of the government affairs. Conducting cautious reform and, at the same time, working closely with the mandarin are the primary reform strategy of the parliament


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    This study aims to determine the effect of product, price, location and promotion on purchasing decisions, as measured by partial significance test (t test) and simultaneous significance test (F test), the data analysis technique used to answer hypothesis by multiple linear regression test. The population in this study is consumers / buyers of Tjokro Boulevard Bantul housing. The sampling technique uses the Axial Sampling method with a total sample of 50 people. The results of this study indicate that: 1) The product has a positive effect on purchasing decisions, this is evidenced by the significance of 0.000 < 0.05, the value of t-count (3.791) > t-table (1.676); Price has a positive effect on purchasing decisions, this is evidenced by the significance of 0.002 < 0.05, calculated t-value (3.297) > t-table (1.676); Location has a positive effect, this is evidenced by the significance of 0.000 < 0.05, the value of t-count (4.084) > t-table (1.676); Promotion has a positive effect on purchasing decisions, this is evidenced by a significance of 0.002 < 0.05, calculated t-value (3.374) > t-table (1.676). 2) Product, price, location, and promotion have an influence on purchasing decisions, this is evidenced by significance 0.000 < 0.05, calculated Fvalue (78.776) > Ftable (2.57). 3) Multiple linear equation Y = -2.414+ 0.334 (X 1)+0.247 (X 2) + 0.302 (X 3) + 0.228 (X 4). 4) The coefficient of determination (R2) is 0.864 indicating that product, price, location, and promotion have an influence on purchasing decisions by 86.4% while 13.6% is influenced by other factors not examined
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