122 research outputs found

    Near Optimal Subdivision Algorithms for Real Root Isolation

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    We describe a subroutine that improves the running time of any subdivision algorithm for real root isolation. The subroutine first detects clusters of roots using a result of Ostrowski, and then uses Newton iteration to converge to them. Near a cluster, we switch to subdivision, and proceed recursively. The subroutine has the advantage that it is independent of the predicates used to terminate the subdivision. This gives us an alternative and simpler approach to recent developments of Sagraloff (2012) and Sagraloff-Mehlhorn (2013), assuming exact arithmetic. The subdivision tree size of our algorithm using predicates based on Descartes's rule of signs is bounded by O(nlogn)O(n\log n), which is better by O(nlogL)O(n\log L) compared to known results. Our analysis differs in two key aspects. First, we use the general technique of continuous amortization from Burr-Krahmer-Yap (2009), and second, we use the geometry of clusters of roots instead of the Davenport-Mahler bound. The analysis naturally extends to other predicates.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figure

    Fault Detection and Classification using Wavelet and ANN in DFIG and TCSC Connected Transmission Line

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    This paper presents fault detection and classification using Wavelet and ANN based methods in a DFIG-based series compensated system. The state-of-the art methods include Wavelet transform, Fourier transform, and Wavelet-neuro fuzzy methods-based system for fault detection and classification. However, the accuracy of these state-of-the-art methods diminishes during variable conditions such as changes in wind speed, high impedance faults, and the changes in the series compensation level. Specifically, in Wavelet transform based methods, the threshold values need to be adapted based on the variable field conditions. To solve this problem, this paper has proposed a Wavelet-ANN based fault detection method where Wavelet is used as an identifier and ANN is used as a classifier for detecting various fault cases. This methodology is also effective under SSR condition. The proposed methodology is evaluated on various fault and non-fault cases generated on an IEEE first benchmark model under varying compensation levels from 20% to 55%, impedance faults, and wind velocity from 6m/sec to 10m/sec using MATLAB/Simulink, OPALRT(OP4510) manufactured real-time digital simulator environment, Arduino board I/O ports communicating with external PC in which ANN model dumped, using Arduino support package of MATLAB. The preliminary results are compared with the state-of-the-art fault detection method, where the proposed method shows robust performance under varying field conditions

    Molecular Markers Associated with Agro-Physiological Traits under Terminal Drought Conditions in Bread Wheat

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    Terminal drought stress poses a big challenge to sustain wheat grain production in rain-fed environments. This study aimed to utilize the genetically diverse pre-breeding lines for identification of genomic regions associated with agro-physiological traits at terminal stage drought stress in wheat. A total of 339 pre-breeding lines panel derived from three-way crosses of ‘exotics × elite × elite’ lines were evaluated in field conditions at Obregon, Mexico for two years under well irrigated as well as drought stress environments. Drought stress was imposed at flowering by skipping the irrigations at pre and post anthesis stage. Results revealed that drought significantly reduced grain yield (Y), spike length (SL), number of grains spikes−1 (NGS) and thousand kernel weight (TKW), while kernel abortion (KA) was increased. Population structure analysis in this panel uncovered three sub-populations. Genome wide linkage disequilibrium (LD) decay was observed at 2.5 centimorgan (cM). The haplotypes-based genome wide association study (GWAS) identified significant associations of Y, SL, and TKW on three chromosomes; 4A (HB10.7), 2D (HB6.10) and 3B (HB8.12), respectively. Likewise, associations on chromosomes 6B (HB17.1) and 3A (HB7.11) were found for NGS while on chromosome 3A (HB7.12) for KA. The genomic analysis information generated in the study can be efficiently utilized to improve Y and/or related parameters under terminal stage drought stress through marker-assisted breeding

    Meta-analysis of grain yield QTL identified during agricultural drought in grasses showed consensus

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In the last few years, efforts have been made to identify large effect QTL for grain yield under drought in rice. However, identification of most precise and consistent QTL across the environments and genetics backgrounds is essential for their successful use in Marker-assisted Selection. In this study, an attempt was made to locate consistent QTL regions associated with yield increase under drought by applying a genome-wide QTL meta-analysis approach.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The integration of 15 maps resulted in a consensus map with 531 markers and a total map length of 1821 cM. Fifty-three yield QTL reported in 15 studies were projected on a consensus map and meta-analysis was performed. Fourteen meta-QTL were obtained on seven chromosomes. MQTL<sub>1.2</sub>, MQTL<sub>1.3</sub>, MQTL<sub>1.4</sub>, and MQTL<sub>12.1 </sub>were around 700 kb and corresponded to a reasonably small genetic distance of 1.8 to 5 cM and they are suitable for use in marker-assisted selection (MAS). The meta-QTL for grain yield under drought coincided with at least one of the meta-QTL identified for root and leaf morphology traits under drought in earlier reports. Validation of major-effect QTL on a panel of random drought-tolerant lines revealed the presence of at least one major QTL in each line. <it>DTY</it><sub><it>12.1 </it></sub>was present in 85% of the lines, followed by <it>DTY</it><sub><it>4.1 </it></sub>in 79% and <it>DTY</it><sub><it>1.1 </it></sub>in 64% of the lines. Comparative genomics of meta-QTL with other cereals revealed that the homologous regions of MQTL<sub>1.4 </sub>and MQTL<sub>3.2 </sub>had QTL for grain yield under drought in maize, wheat, and barley respectively. The genes in the meta-QTL regions were analyzed by a comparative genomics approach and candidate genes were deduced for grain yield under drought. Three groups of genes such as stress-inducible genes, growth and development-related genes, and sugar transport-related genes were found in clusters in most of the meta-QTL.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Meta-QTL with small genetic and physical intervals could be useful in Marker-assisted selection individually and in combinations. Validation and comparative genomics of the major-effect QTL confirmed their consistency within and across the species. The shortlisted candidate genes can be cloned to unravel the molecular mechanism regulating grain yield under drought.</p

    Liebetanzomyces polymorphus gen. et sp. nov., a new anaerobic fungus (Neocallimastigomycota) isolated from the rumen of a goat

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    An extended incubation strategy to culture slow growing members of anaerobic fungi resulted in the isolation of a novel anaerobic fungus from the rumen of a goat after 15 days. The novel genus, represented by type strain G1SC, showed filamentous monocentric thallus development and produced uniflagellate zoospores, hence, showing morphological similarity to the genera Piromyces, Buwchfawromyces, Oontomyces and Pecoramyces. However, strain G1SC showed genetic similarity to the genus Anaeromyces, which, though produces uniflagellate zoospore, also exhibits polycentric thallus development. Moreover, unlike Anaeromyces, strain G1SC did not show hyphal constrictions, instead produced a branched, determinate and anucleate rhizoidal system. This fungus also displayed extensive sporangial variations, both exogenous and endogenous type of development, short and long sporangiophores and produced septate sporangia. G1SC utilised various complex and simple substrates, including rice straw and wheat straw and produced H2, CO2, formate, acetate, lactate, succinate and ethanol. Phylogenetic analysis, using internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) and D1/D2 domain of large-subunit (LSU) rRNA locus, clearly showed a separate lineage for this strain, near Anaeromyces. The ITS1 based geographical distribution studies indicated detection of environmental sequences similar (93–96%) to this strain from cattle faeces. Based on morphological and molecular characterisation results of strain G1SC, we propose a novel anaerobic fungus Liebetanzomyces polymorphus gen. et sp. nov., in the phylum Neocallimastigomycota

    qDTY1.1, a major QTL for rice grain yield under reproductive-stage drought stress with a consistent effect in multiple elite genetic backgrounds

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Drought is one of the most important abiotic stresses causing drastic reductions in yield in rainfed rice environments. The suitability of grain yield (GY) under drought as a selection criterion has been reported in the past few years. Most of the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for GY under drought in rice reported so far has been in the background of low-yielding susceptible varieties. Such QTLs have not shown a similar effect in multiple high- yielding drought-susceptible varieties, thus limiting their use in marker-assisted selection. Genetic control of GY under reproductive-stage drought stress (RS) in elite genetic backgrounds was studied in three F<sub>3:4 </sub>mapping populations derived from crosses of N22, a drought-tolerant <it>aus </it>cultivar, with Swarna, IR64, and MTU1010, three high-yielding popular mega-varieties, with the aim to identify QTLs for GY under RS that show a consistent effect in multiple elite genetic backgrounds. Three populations were phenotyped under RS in the dry seasons (DS) of 2009 and 2010 at IRRI. For genotyping, whole-genome scans for N22/MTU1010 and bulked segregant analysis for N22/Swarna and N22/IR64 were employed using SSR markers.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A major QTL for GY under RS, <it>qDTY<sub>1.1</sub></it>, was identified on rice chromosome 1 flanked by RM11943 and RM431 in all three populations. In combined analysis over two years, <it>qDTY</it><sub><it>1.1 </it></sub>showed an additive effect of 29.3%, 24.3%, and 16.1% of mean yield in N22/Swarna, N22/IR64, and N22/MTU1010, respectively, under RS. <it>qDTY</it><sub><it>1.1 </it></sub>also showed a positive effect on GY in non-stress (NS) situations in N22/Swarna, N22/IR64 over both years, and N22/MTU1010 in DS2009.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This is the first reported QTL in rice with a major and consistent effect in multiple elite genetic backgrounds under both RS and NS situations. Consistency of the QTL effect across different genetic backgrounds makes it a suitable candidate for use in marker-assisted breeding.</p

    Effects of Irritable Bowel Syndrome on Daily Activities Vary Among Subtypes Based on Results From the IBS in America Survey

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    Background & Aims Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is associated with significant disease burden and decreased quality of life (QOL). We investigated the effects of IBS on different areas of daily function and compared these among disease subtypes. Methods The Life with IBS survey was conducted by Gfk Public Affairs & Corporate Communications from September through October 2015. Respondents met Rome III criteria for constipation-predominant or diarrhea-predominant IBS (IBS-C and IBS-D, respectively). Data were collected from 3254 individuals (mean age, 47 years; 81% female; and 90% Caucasian) who met IBS criteria. Results Respondents who were employed or in school (n = 1885) reported that IBS symptoms affected their productivity an average of 8.0 days out of the month and they missed approximately 1.5 days of work/school per month because of IBS. More than half the individuals reported that their symptoms were very bothersome. Individuals with IBS-C were more likely than with IBS-D to report avoiding sex, difficulty concentrating, and feeling self-conscious. Individuals with IBS-D reported more avoidance of places without bathrooms, difficulty making plans, avoiding leaving the house, and reluctance to travel. These differences remained when controlling for symptom bothersomeness, age, sex, and employment status. In exchange for 1 month of relief from IBS, more than half of the sample reported they would be willing to give up caffeine or alcohol, 40% would give up sex, 24.5% would give up cell phones, and 21.5% would give up the internet for 1 month. Conclusions Although the perceived effects of IBS symptoms on productivity are similar among its subtypes, patients with IBS-C and IBS-D report differences in specific areas of daily function

    Genomic Prediction of Gene Bank Wheat Landraces

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    This study examines genomic prediction within 8416 Mexican landrace accessions and 2403 Iranian landrace accessions stored in gene banks. The Mexican and Iranian collections were evaluated in separate field trials, including an optimum environment for several traits, and in two separate environments (drought, D and heat, H) for the highly heritable traits, days to heading (DTH), and days to maturity (DTM). Analyses accounting and not accounting for population structure were performed. Genomic prediction models include genotype × environment interaction (G × E). Two alternative prediction strategies were studied: (1) random cross-validation of the data in 20% training (TRN) and 80% testing (TST) (TRN20-TST80) sets, and (2) two types of core sets, “diversity” and “prediction”, including 10% and 20%, respectively, of the total collections. Accounting for population structure decreased prediction accuracy by 15–20% as compared to prediction accuracy obtained when not accounting for population structure. Accounting for population structure gave prediction accuracies for traits evaluated in one environment for TRN20-TST80 that ranged from 0.407 to 0.677 for Mexican landraces, and from 0.166 to 0.662 for Iranian landraces. Prediction accuracy of the 20% diversity core set was similar to accuracies obtained for TRN20- TST80, ranging from 0.412 to 0.654 for Mexican landraces, and from 0.182 to 0.647 for Iranian landraces. The predictive core set gave similar prediction accuracy as the diversity core set for Mexican collections, but slightly lower for Iranian collections. Prediction accuracy when incorporating G × E for DTH and DTM for Mexican landraces for TRN20-TST80 was around 0.60, which is greater than without the G × E term. For Iranian landraces, accuracies were 0.55 for the G × E model with TRN20-TST80. Results show promising prediction accuracies for potential use in germplasm enhancement and rapid introgression of exotic germplasm into elite materials

    Bedaquiline, Delamanid, Linezolid and Clofazimine for Treatment of Pre-extensively Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis.

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    BACKGROUND Treatment success rates for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) remain low globally. Availability of newer drugs has given scope to develop regimens that can be patient-friendly, less toxic, with improved outcomes. We proposed to determine the effectiveness of an entirely oral, short-course regimen with Bedaquiline and Delamanid in treating MDR-TB with additional resistance to fluoroquinolones (MDR-TBFQ+) or second-line injectable (MDR-TBSLI+). METHODS We prospectively determined the effectiveness and safety of combining two new drugs with two repurposed drugs - Bedaquiline, Delamanid, Linezolid, and Clofazimine for 24-36 weeks in adults with pulmonary MDR-TBFQ+ or/and MDR-TBSLI+. The primary outcome was a favorable response at end of treatment, defined as two consecutive negative cultures taken four weeks apart. The unfavorable outcomes included bacteriologic or clinical failure during treatment period. RESULTS Of the 165 participants enrolled, 158 had MDR-TBFQ+. At the end of treatment, after excluding 12 patients due to baseline drug susceptibility and culture negatives, 139 of 153 patients (91%) had a favorable outcome. Fourteen patients (9%) had unfavorable outcomes: four deaths, seven treatment changes, two bacteriological failures, and one withdrawal. During treatment, 85 patients (52%) developed myelosuppression, 69 (42%) reported peripheral neuropathy, and none had QTc(F) prolongation >500msec. At 48 weeks of follow-up, 131 patients showed sustained treatment success with the resolution of adverse events in the majority. CONCLUSION After 24-36 weeks of treatment, this regimen resulted in a satisfactory favorable outcome in pulmonary MDR-TB patients with additional drug resistance. Cardiotoxicity was minimal, and myelosuppression, while common, was detected early and treated successfully