49 research outputs found

    Identifikasi Kinerja dan Kesenjangan Stakeholder dalam Pelestarian Elang Jawa [Spizaetus Bartelsi]

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    This approach is quite different from existing conservation actions, which are site based and fragmented. Research was conducted since December 2009 until February 2010 in Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park (GGPNP), Telaga Warna Nature Reserve and its surrounding forested areas. The objectives of this study were to: 1) identify relevant stakeholders in Javan Hawk-eagle conservation, 2) identify regulation related to Javan Hawk-eagle conservation, 3) analyze stakeholder performance related to Javan Hawk-eagle conservation, 4) analyze the gaps in Javan Hawk-eagle conservation (gap in normative performance and implemented performance, gap between groups of stakeholders within protected areas and outside area, and gap performance among stakeholders within protected areas, and 5) identify factors causing the gaps. Primary data were collected using indepth interview and field observation. Stakeholders were identified through snowball method. Secondary data were collected through reference study. Data analysis were conducted using spatial analysis, stakeholder identification and analysis, content analysis and gap analysis. Research results recognized two conservation management approaches: 1) species level, and 2) habitat level. These approaches would effectively conserve the existing fragmented and less protected forest blocks as well as boost the participation and synergism of many stakeholders. Further, by using this approach, a gap in conservation management among local conservation agencies would also be discussed for the benefit of the Javan Hawk-eagle's conservation in particular and for biodiversity in general

    Analisis Faktor Penyebab Perambahan Kawasan Taman Nasional Gunung Ciremai

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    Gunung Ciremai National Park (GCNP) is one of the conservation areas that has been facing forest land coverchanges due to uncontrolled activities of people around the area. They have been practicing shifting cultivation system for horticulture that can lead to forestdegradation in GCNP area. The aim of this research was to analyzesocio-economic factors that influence expansion in GCNP. Data on sosio-economic were taken in GCNP for one month in August 2010. Collected attributed data including socio-economic conditions, knowledge and attitude of people. The results of image processing were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively using the attribute data to determine its impact on land cover changes. Socio-economic factors that influenced expansion of land cultivation into the park areas were rate of income in outside area, knowledge especially on cover function and attitude of people to the existing forest. To anticipate expansion of land cultivation into the forest area, the national park should create alternative beneficial projects in order to improve people income outside national park zone, rehabilitation of zone of national park and supervise the activities to people about national park

    Analisis Penataan Ruang Kawasan Lindung Kabupaten Pandeglang dengan Aplikasi Gis dan Remote Sensing

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    The need for space is increasing along with the growth of population. It had become one of the matters which caused exploitation of natural resources and abuse of space uses. Protected area provided life support system, but in fact it had been degraded and experienced function changes. Pandeglang as one of areas with high natural resources potential had also encountered environmental problems. Geographic information system (GIS) could provide the latest data and help in to reach decision of space policy to push the protection area management. The research was carried out on September until November 2009 with the purpose to: (1) identify the legal formal protected area based on the Presidential Decree Number 32 year 1990 about protected area management; (2) identify the gap of legal formal and actual protected areas, and the abuse of protected areas spatial pattern, and; (3) formulate strategy and policy direction in supporting the management of legal formal protected areas. The data was collected through thematic maps, remote sensing and direct observation. Data analysis was based on the results of overlay analysis and the percentage of deviation (summary) analysis. The result showed that the actual protected areas, based on the distribution of forest function (DFH), in Pandeglang Regency were Ujung Kulon National Park (TNUK), Carita Nature Recreation Park (TWA) and protected forest, while the actual protected areas based on spatial area allocation in spatial area arrangement plan (RTRW) in Pandeglang Regency were TNUK and protected forest. The gap between the legal formal protected area with the actual protected area was 99,957.20 Ha (35.55%). All protected areas were dominated by forest in different coverage. There were inconsistency of planning steps and spatial pattern abuse of protected areas. Management of the legal formal protected areas could be supported through the assignment of an institution with authority/mandate and responsibility in the management of legal formal protected areas, particularly toward natural disaster prone areas and local protected areas. The RTRW document should be reviewed to provide actual data, the use of similar format of data reference, and reach a consistent spatial arrangement

    Analisis Deforestasi Menggunakan Regresi Logistik Model Di Tahura Sekitar Tanjung Provinsi Jambi

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    Deforestation cause damage to the environment, climate change and greenhouse gas emissions. Deforestation in Tahura was caused by ilegall logging and forest fire. To reduce deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions, Tahura can participate in REDD+ scheme. REDD+ scheme is a scheme to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and provide incentives if it is able to reduce emissions. Related to REDD+ was required information on forest cover change (deforestation) and predictions. The method that used in the deforestation analysis, namely logistic regression. This study shows that forest cover in Tahura has changed from 2000 to 2015. Changes in forest cover into a bush is the biggest change with a percentage of 71%. Factors which is tested in logistic regression method i.e. the distance from the road, the distance from the river, the distance from the plantation and total population. Based on the prediction of deforestation, forest area that deforested amount of 103 ha in 2030