211 research outputs found

    Analisis Perbandingan Service Quality Antara Jne Dan J&t Ekpress

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    JNE dan J&T Ekspress merupakan sebuah Perusahaan yang bekerja dibidang jasa pengiriman barang. Banyaknnya jumlah Perusahaan yang bergerah dalam bidang yang sama menyebabkan JNE dan J&T Ekspress memiliki banyak kompetitior. Dengan meningkatnya dunia bisnis terutama online , mall , toko atau ruko yang berkembang di Indonesia. Kualitas layanan sangat penting dalam kelangsungan kehidupan para pelanggannya. Penelitian ini akan menganalisa perbandingan kualitas layanan yang tidak dapat dipisahkan melalui 5 dimensi yaitu fisik (tangibles), keandalan (reliability), daya tanggap (responsiveness), jaminan (assurance), empati (empathy) bagi jasa pengiriman JNE dan J&T Ekspress tersebut. Penelitian ini akan dilaksanankan dengan menyebarkan 100 kuisioner yang menggunakan jasa pengirimnan JNE dan J&T Ekspress . Teknik yang dilakukan menggunakan teknik analisis kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian akan membuktikan bahwa adanya perbedaan kualitas antara JNE dan J&T Ekspress , Ketiga dimensi dari kualitas layanan jasa kurir tersebut adalah dimensi order accuracy, dimensi order discrepancy handling, dan dimensi personnel contact quality merupakan yang relatif samatetapi berbeda persepsi

    Aplikasi Trainmeasure Perjalanan Kereta Api Dengan Algorithma Dijkstra Untuk Mengukur Jarak Stasiun Terdekat Berbasis Android

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    Travel by train to use the cities on the island of Java became one of the current public transportation options. In the course of passenger trains often have to want to know where his journey and also how much longer to arrive at the destination station.The development of information technology one can help provide information to passengers about the train position and also a journey that must be taken to arrive at the station where the journey tujuan.ai and also how much longer to arrive at the destination station.The widespread use of smartphones due to a more affordable price. Making everyone can have it. With the application of "Trainmeasure" is expected to help provide the information needed passenger trains. Especially on a trip distance and travel time

    Hay, Provides Problem Solution of Fulfilling Forages Feed for Dairy Cattle Agribusiness

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    The need of forages feed for dairy cows were quite a lot,  namely as food intake in order to produce high-quantity and high-quality of dairy milk. The forages feed need that needed per dairy cow were about 10% of its body weight. In fulfilling these forages feed need, sometimes it’s necessary to pay for buying forage feed, especially when the dry season arrives. So it can lead to higher production costs in managing dairy cattle agribusiness. Therefore, the purpose of this activity to provide solutions for dairy farmers in fulfilling the needs of forage feed sources, without causing cost overruns. Hay processing can be an alternative solution for this problem. In this activity, hay is processed from dried soybean straw that added with urea to assist the process of amoniation and then printed in the form of blocks using a hay press. The technique of making hay is very simple and does not require high cost. Soybean straw which is indeed very abundant during the dry season. It can meet the needs of fullfilling dairy feeding, moreover it can minimize the expenditure of feed costs on the management of dairy cattle agribusiness

    Analisis Pemindahan Moda Angkutan Barang Di Jalan Raya Pantura Pulau Jawa (Studi Kasus: Koridor Surabaya-Jakarta)

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    Pertumbuhan volume muatan yang diiringi pertumbuhan kendaraan bermotor di Pulau Jawa melonjak tajam sebagai konsekuensi pembangunan yang terpusat di Pulau Jawa. Namun, pertumbuhan tersebut tidak diimbangi peningkatan kapasitas jalan raya, sehingga beban jalan raya semakin meningkat. Akibatnya, muncul efek domino dari kejenuhan beban jalan tersebut, yaitu kemacetan, meningkatnya polusi udara, biaya pemeliharaan dan perawatan jalan, meningkatnya subsidi BBM, serta biaya kecelakaan. Konsekuensi dari semua itu tentunya adalah biaya tinggi pada transportasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa potensi muatan jalan Pantura yang bisa dipindahkan pengangkutannya ke moda transportasi lain. Sehingga kepadatan jalur Pantura dapat berkurang dan biaya transportasi dapat ditekan. Moda transportasi yang akan diamati adalah truk general cargo, truk peti kemas, kereta api peti kemas, dan kapal peti kemas. Penelitian akan dilakukan dengan membandingkan komponen biaya transaksional dan non transaksional, kapasitas angkut, dan beban biaya publik yang muncul dari kegiatan pengangkutan barang setiap moda. Kereta api peti kemas dan kapal peti kemas adalah moda transportasi alternatif yang bisa digunakan untuk mengurai beban jalan tersebut dengan menerapkan konsep pengangkutan multimoda. Sehingga kepadatan jalur pantura dapat berkurang sebesar 47,97% di tahun pertama dengan mengoperasikan 10 rangkaian kereta api peti kemas dan 4 kapal peti kemas berukuran 538 TEUS

    Analisis Perbandingan dan Implementasi Sistem Keamanan Data Menggunakan Metode Enkripsi RC4 SHA dan MD5

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    The development of computer systems and interconnections through Multimedia networkhas Increased . Currently computer system more accessible , Time sharing system and remoteaccess system causes a security problem Becomes one of the weaknesses of communication data.In an era of universal electronic connectivity Often there is interference in the form of hackers,viruses , fraud , electronic or hear secretly electronically. Data security issues for organizations or educational institutions is very important in theinformation age. In the world of education, especially among university one way to secure the data ofstudents who are in an existing information systems in college as I-LISTPRO, required cryptographicencryption methods. Encryption method used in this study using three methods of encryption, namely RC4SHA and MD5. Data security is one very important aspect in the use of computers. The data owner willwant to secure their data against interference from actions that are not in want, either from a personalcomputer (PC) or a network

    Katalis Asam Padat Silika Tersulfonasi untuk Proses Pembuatan Minyak Pelumas

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    In the process of crude palm oil (CPO) to be lubricant, homogeneous acid catalyst is commonly used. This kind of catalyst has some disadvantages including the difficulty to remove well from the product and corrosion problem. Therefore, it is necessary to develop solid acid catalyst that is easy to be removed from the product. The purpose of this work were to determine the effect of the template removal method and the concentration of polyethylene glycol (PEG). In this work, solid acid catalyst of sulfonated silica from water glass (sodium silicate) was prepared. The silica pores were expanded by templating using PEG. Two methods were used for template removal: calcination at 550C and solvent extraction using dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). The results showed that although calcination provided better performance in removing PEG, the silica produced tended to shrink. On the other hand, solvothermal extraction could avoid the shrinkage to give higher surface area. The higher surface area indicates that there are more active sites available for sulfonate groups to be grafted to exchange silanol groups on the silica surface. The results showed that ionic capacity of the sulfonated-silica obtained by solvothermal extraction was larger than that of calcination. The ionic capacity took the value of approximately 12.603 mmol/g silica. This result approached the ionic capacity of resins that is commonly used as a catalyst in the process of CPO to be lubricant

    Analisis Pengaruh Fenomena El Nino dan La Nina terhadap Curah Hujan Tahun 1998 - 2016 Menggunakan Indikator Oni (Oceanic Nino Index) (Studi Kasus : Provinsi Jawa Barat)

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    Perubahan iklim dalam rentang 10 tahun terakhir membawa Perubahan yang sangat drastis di permukaan bumi. Beberapa pengaruh iklim ini salah satunya anomali suhu udara yang mencolok seperti fenomena El Nino dan La Nina atau yang lebih dikenal dengan fenomena ENSO (El Nino Southern Oscillation). Fenomena ENSO merupakan suatu kondisi permukaan laut di wilayah Samudera Pasifik mengalami kenaikan atau penurunan suhu permukaan laut sehingga menyebabkan adanya pergeseran musim di wilayah Indonesia. Pergeseran musim yang terjadi karena fenomena ENSO juga berpengaruh besar terhadap produksi pangan dan komoditas pertanian yang lain.Pada penelitian ini, metode pengolahan data penelitian menggunakan bahasa pemograman untuk mengolah data SST dan data curah hujan dari tahun 1998 sampai tahun 2016. Data yang digunakan berupa data suhu permukaan laut yang berasal dari satelit NOAA yaitu SST Reynolds (Sea Surface Temperature) serta data curah hujan harian yang berasal dari satelit TRMM. Pembuatan indeks ONI pada penelitian ini menggunakan data SST bulanan yang telah dikonversikan kemudian dikelompokkan kedalam masing-masing kelas. Masing-masing kelas mempunyai nilai kurang dari -0,5 yaitu keadaan La Nina, lebih dari 0,5 yaitu keadaan El Nino dan nilai diantara -0,5 sampai 0,5 yaitu keadaan normal. Pengujian data menggunakan analisis pola spasial curah hujan dan suhu permukaan laut yang dipengaruhi oleh fenomena El Nino dan La Nina.Hasil penelitian berupa peta sebaran SST dan curah hujan secara musiman untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari fenomena El Nino dan La Nina di wilayah Jawa Barat. Fenomena El Nino dan La Nina di Laut Jawa terjadi pada bulan Agustus sampai bulan Februari. Pada saat El Nino, nilai suhu permukaan laut (SST) 27áµ’C -28áµ’C dengan rata-rata 27,71áµ’C sedangkan untuk intensitas curah hujannya yaitu 1,0mm/hr-2,0mm/hr dengan rata-rata 1,63mm/hr. Pada saat La Nina, nilai suhu permukaan laut (SST) 29áµ’C-30áµ’C dengan rata-rata 29,06áµ’C sedangkan intensitas curah hujannya yaitu 9,0mm/hr-10mm/hr dengan rata-rata 9,74mm/hr. Korelasi antara curah hujan dan SST sebesar 0,413 yang menyatakan hubungan yang cukup kuat antar parameter. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan, kenaikan SST saat La Nina mempengaruhi kenaikan intensitas curah hujan sedangkan untuk penurunan SST saat El Nino mempengaruhi penurunan intensitas curah hujan

    Analisis Spasial Perubahan Luasan Mangrove Akibat Pengaruh Limpasan Sedimentasi Tersuspensi dengan Metode Penginderaan Jauh (Studi Kasus : Segara Anakan Kabupaten Cilacap, Jawa Tengah)

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    Indonesia as maritime country has a coastline along the 99.093 kilometer and 70% of the total area of the archipelago is made up of the ocean with surrounding coastal areas flooded that are affected by the tide. The coastal area is very potential to support the prosperity of the human life, one being the development of coastal vegetation and mangrove forest ecosystem conservation areas that can contribute as the lungs of the world. The density of Mangrove forests is located in estuary area Segara Anakan of Cilacap. Runoff sedimentation in the upper Segara Anakan gave positive impact for the existence of mangrove vegetation because arise of delta muddy its potentialy become mangrove habitat. The development of remote sensing technologies very rapidly that can be utilized as monitoring environmental quality control such as degradation of the mangrove forests, besides able to monitoring changes in the quality of waters due to runoff and sedimentation are suspended from the upper reaches of the river.In this study, the mangrove forests identification and the extraction of concentration Total Suspended Solid (TSS) value using satellite imagery Landsat multitemporal such as Landsat 5 TM 1994, Landsat 7 ETM + in 2003, Landsat 8 OLI TIRS 2015. Image classification methods for identifying mangrove forests using the supervised classification with five classes. There are non mangrove vegetation, mangroves, land, residential and hydrographic. As for the separation of the waters and the mainland to get the lagoon morphology of Segara Anakan also uses the supervised classification with band combinations as well as to extract TSS concentrations using algorithms Syarif Budiman (2004) and Parwati (2006).The results of this research showed that the extensive mangrove forests in Segara Anakan, Cilacap in 1994 is around 7955 Ha, in 2003 is around 6333 Ha and in 2015 is around 5796 Ha, during the years 1994-2003 abrasion mangrove forests of 2756 Ha, accretion of mangrove forests 1134 Ha, whereas in the 2003-2015 ranges occur abrasion of 2163 Ha of mangrove forests, mangrove forest accretion 1626 Ha. Moreover, the research results proved that the massive concentration of Total Suspended Solid (TSS) from the extraction of satellite image data is processed using algorithms Parwati and Sharif Budiman have significant influence and positively to measurement data Total Suspended Solid (TSS) in the field with a significance level of 5%
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