26 research outputs found

    Government and Multinationals: Conflict over Economic Resources in East Kalimantan, 1998-2003

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    Permasalahan-permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah pajak bumi dan bangunan memiliki resiko tidak dibayar lebih tinggi dibandingkan pajak lainnya, karena kurangnya fasilitas, sarana dan prasarana dalam pembayaran pajak tersebut. Peneliti menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data, berupa observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan kepustakaan. Sumber data adalah data primer dan sekunder dengan wawancara kepada pegawai di bidang penagihan DPPKAD Karanganyar dan dokumen dari DPPKAD Karanganyar. Peneliti menemukan adanya kelebihan dan kekurangan. Kelebihan yang peneliti temukan yaitu DPPKAD Karanganyar melakukan persiapan yang baik dalam pengalihan PBB dari pusat ke daerah. Kelemahan yang peneliti temukan yaitu sarana dan prasarana yang minim sehingga menghambat pelaksanaan pendataan objek pajak, misalnya kendaraan untuk pegawai dalam melakukan pendataan di daerah terpencil. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah DPPKAD melakukan persiapan yang baik dalam melakukan berbagai upaya dalam meningkatkan pendapatan asli daerah. Terdapat peningkatan jumlah wajib pajak sebanyak 5017 orang dan kenaikan jumlah pendapatan PBB dari tahun 2013 ke tahun 2014 sebesar Rp.5.925.661.33


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    This article aims to discuss the problem of categorization sociological of economical players who direct the organization of production in sectors – and territories – which remained in technologically residual condition in the turmoil of contemporary capitalist restructuring. For this discussion we used the case study of the industrial cluster located in the Brazilian city of Franca, the leading manufacturer of men’s shoes in the country. It was found that manual dexterity in this sector can be interpreted as a gateway to the “business world” and the creative ability is still an important issue to explain the emergence of entrepreneurs. It was also observed, in conclusive character, as in footwear industry, and more specifically in the productive territory analyzed, social actors who in a abstract analysis could be classified as entrepreneurs, have very distinct characteristics of this particular category in a sense strictly.O presente artigo tem como objetivo discutir o problema da categorização sociológica de agentes econômicos que protagonizam a organização da produção em setores – e territórios – os quais permaneceram em condição tecnologicamente residual no torvelinho da reestruturação capitalista contemporânea. Para esta reflexão utilizou-se o estudo de caso do pólo industrial localizado no município brasileiro de Franca, principal fabricante de calçados masculinos do país. Verificou-se que neste setor a habilidade manual pode ser interpretada como uma porta de acesso ao “mundo empresarial” e a capacidade criativa ainda constitui um aspecto relevante a explicar a emergência de empresários do setor. Observou-se ainda, em caráter conclusivo, que no setor, e mais especificamente no território produtivo analisado, atores sociais que numa análise puramente abstrata poderiam ser classificados como empresários, apresentam concretamente características bastante distintas desta categoria em um sentido stricto sensu

    The Unfinished Privatization of Semen Padang: The Structure of the Political Economy in Post-Suharto Indonesia

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    Page range: 51-70This paper argues that in the absence of well-delineated boundaries establishing property rights of the different parties, actors involved in the conflict diverted their energies into efforts that would clarify those boundaries. The privatization of Semen Padang illustrates how a struggle between Indonesia’s central government and one of its provinces for a more efficient allocation of resources transformed into a fight over power

    Ethnicity and Voting Patterns in the 2007 and 2012 Gubernatorial Elections in Jakarta

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    This paper evaluates the dynamics of ethnicity and politics in the 2007 and 2012 gubernatorial elections in Jakarta. Previous research has mostly emphasised the negative impact of ethnicity on politics in the reformasi era, particularly through ethnic polarisation. By closely evaluating the major ethnic groups living in the mega-city, i.e. the Javanese, Betawi and Chinese, the author shows that the relationship between ethnicity and voting patterns is an intricate one that is not static, particularly if one evaluates a commonly overlooked but crucial factor – the time frame. The author argues that ethnicity continues to play a role in elections even though it is less significant than education and flood variables. The relationship between ethnicity and voting patterns is thus very dynamic, being related to the political context at the time of an election. The findings in this paper open up new questions on ethnicity and politics in a plural society like Indonesia

    Perancangan Sistem Penjualan Berbasis Web pada CV. Kicau Burung Kabupaten Kudus

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    Information Technology development is becoming ever rapidly. With a wide range of technologies found that supports this information led to the development of information technology so rapidly, to reach markets spanning the globe, the marketing model by using the internet or better known as e-commerce is more efficient in terms of cost compared to marketing using marketing models conventional. E-commerce will change all marketing activities and also while cutting operational costs for marketing activities. So that markets and open trade without limits, as well as equal opportunities for business people do not know whether he was of large employers, medium, or small. The development of information technology is well understood and used by the author to design, build and develop a sales system and the chirping of birds breeding for certain types of birds. The writer uses library research methods to search for and collect the ingredients are sourced from the internet and books related to the subject matter to add information and can complete the correctness of the data is also making program. The author also conduct interviews with parties related to several parties associated with the writing of this material. Expectations of the author hopefully with the sale of birds can be known both among customers and the surrounding community

    Ethnicity and voting patterns in the 2007 and 2012 gubernatorial elections in Jakarta

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    "This paper evaluates the dynamics of ethnicity and politics in the 2007 and 2012 gubernatorial elections in Jakarta. Previous research has mostly emphasised the negative impact of ethnicity on politics in the reformasi era, particularly through ethnic polarisation. By closely evaluating the major ethnic groups living in the mega-city, i.e. the Javanese, Betawi and Chinese, the author shows that the relationship between ethnicity and voting patterns is an intricate one that is not static, particularly if one evaluates a commonly overlooked but crucial factor - the time frame. The author argues that ethnicity continues to play a role in elections even though it is less significant than education and flood variables. The relationship between ethnicity and voting patterns is thus very dynamic, being related to the political context at the time of an election. The findings in this paper open up new questions on ethnicity and politics in a plural society like Indonesia." (author's abstract

    Ethnicity and Voting Patterns in the 2007 and 2012 Gubernatorial Elections in Jakarta

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    This paper evaluates the dynamics of ethnicity and politics in the 2007 and 2012 gubernatorial elections in Jakarta. Previous research has mostly emphasised the negative impact of ethnicity on politics in the reformasi era, particularly through ethnic polarisation. By closely evaluating the major ethnic groups living in the mega-city, i.e. the Javanese, Betawi and Chinese, the author shows that the relationship between ethnicity and voting patterns is an intricate one that is not static, particularly if one evaluates a commonly overlooked but crucial factor – the time frame. The author argues that ethnicity continues to play a role in elections even though it is less significant than education and flood variables. The relationship between ethnicity and voting patterns is thus very dynamic, being related to the political context at the time of an election. The findings in this paper open up new questions on ethnicity and politics in a plural society like Indonesia