9 research outputs found


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    Charmadal is a type of Kshudrakushta characterized with symptoms such as redness, itching, pustules, pain and cracks in the skin and tenderness. Most of the symptoms of Eczema can be correlated with Charmadal as mentioned in Ayurvedic classics. A diagnosed case of Eczema came with chief complaints of red patches on skin associated with severe itching, burning and dryness over different body parts (on face, neck, upper arm) since 4 years with complaint of oozing of blood from the patches after itching. No satisfactory treatment is present except topical steroids, but in Ayurveda text line of treatment for Charmadal is present i.e., Virechana Karma”. Before giving Virechana treatment SCORAD (Scoring atopic dermatitis) was 26.55% and after follow up SCORAD 86.05%. Before Virechana treatment DLQI was 25% (extremely large effect on patient’s life) and after follow up DLQI was 4% (small effect on patient life). The results of the study showed that when Virechana Karma was performed, it increased the efficacy of oral Ayurveda medicines in the patient of Charmadal. Virechana improved the condition of patient to very much extent


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    Avascular necrosis (AVN), also called osteonecrosis, aseptic necrosis, or ischemic bone necrosis, is a condition that occurs when there is loss of blood supply to the bone, an interruption to the blood supply causes bone to die. If not stopped this process eventually cause the bone to collapse. It is the most challenging condition of the present era in orthopedics. In Ayurveda it can be co-related with the Asthi Majja Gata Vata due to similar sign and symptoms of Avascular necrosis of neck of femur. Aim and objectives: To assess the efficacy of Manjisthadi Kshara Basti, Rooksha Choorna Pinda Swedana, Pizhichil and Shastikashali Pinda Swedana in the management of AVN. Objective was to stop the further deterioration of the hip joint and to reduce the chances of surgical intervention in managing AVN. Materials and methods: A diagnosed and non operated case of Avascular necrosis of stage 3 with complaints of pain of bilateral hip joint, restricted movements and limping gait approached the out-patient division of the hospital and was managed by Rooksha Choorna Pinda Swedana, Manjisthadi Kshara Basti, Pizhichil and Shastikashali Pinda Swedana. Observation and Result: Significant improvement was noticed after the treatment. Pain was reduced significantly with improvement in range of movement. Patient was able to walk and climb stairs after the treatment without pain and stiffness. There was reduction in VAS scale, marked improvement was noticed in Harris Hip Score


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    Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a gastrointestinal disorder characterized by altered bowel habits and abdominal pain in the absence of detectable structural abnormalities. The pathogenesis of IBS is poorly understood, although roles for abnormal gut motor and sensory activity, central neural dysfunction, psychological disturbances, stress, and luminal factors have been proposed. About 10-15% of the population is affected at some time but only 10% of these consult their doctor because of symptoms. In Ayurveda, IBS can be correlated to Grahani Roga due to similarity in their clinical presentation. In this case an effort was made to treat a 32 years old male patient having symptoms of Muhurbaddha Muhurshithil (episode of constipated and loose stools), Apakwa Malapravritti (Stool with mucus), Udarshool (abdominal pain). Patient treated with various Panchakarma (five Bio-cleaning Ayurvedic therapies) procedures like Basti (herbal medicated enema), Takra Dhara (pouring Herbal medicated butter milk on head) and oral medications. At the end of 60 days of treatment patient got significant improvement in episode of constipated and loose stools (75%), distension of abdomen (75%), anorexia (100%) and stool with mucus (100%)

    A Systematic review on the Ayurveda concept of Immunity w.s.r. to Covid-19 and other viral infection

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    System protect us from infections through various lines of defence is called immune system. If immune system is not functioning as it should, it can result in disease. This system is divided into two types: innate and adaptive immunity. First line of defence consists of physical, chemical and cellular defense against pathogen is innate immunity. Adaptive or acquired immunity is second line immunity against non-self-pathogen. In this article focus to give a way to understand the concept of immunology in Ayurveda and its role to prevent disease along with its type as Vyadhiutpada Pratishedhakatva (like as innate immunity) and Vyadhivala Virodhitva (like as acquired immunity), factors responsible for immunity and way to strengthen it naturally. Comparing the concept of Ayurveda with viral infections found now a days and how it interpreted for managing by using Ayurveda principle

    Unique contributions of Keraleeya Ayurveda in pediatric health care

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    Childhood is considered as the most important phase in life, which determines the quality of health, well being, learning and behaviour across the lifespan. This may be the reason for giving the foremost position for Balacikitsa among Ashtangas (8 branches) of Ayurveda. The regional growth of indigenous medicine gave significant contribution for the development of primary health care. Kerala has major contribution of many authentic textbooks of Balacikitsa like Arogyakalpadruma, Vaidya Tarakam etc. These are more practically oriented and it can be considered as a physician's quick reference hand book. Many new diseases which are not mentioned in classical textbooks have found their place in these books. Medications like Praakaara yoga, Uramarunnuprayoga were administered in children as a mode of immunization, which helps in the maintenance of health and prevention of disease. Many diseases like Karappan (balavisarpa), Shakarogas etc. were common in Kerala and various indigenous treatment modalities were developed for such diseases. Single drug Prayogas with herbs like Mayaphal (galls), Tripadi (DesmodiumTriflorum L.), etc. and yogams like Nalikerakwatha (Putapakakalpana), Mukkuti (Takrakalpana) etc. were practiced commonly. Many effective therapies like Shashtikapindasweda, Thalapothichil (Sirolepa) etc. are an inevitable part of Balacikitsa. In this paper, an attempt is made to compile the theoretical concepts and unique practices of Balacikitsa in Kerala and to convey it's importance. The present article also addresses, how these vernacular books and traditional knowledge waned away from the Mainstream Ayurveda. Keywords: Ayurveda, Balacikitsa, Newborn, Kerala, Pediatri

    An analytical study on panchavalkala choorna - a poly herbal compound in the management of psoriasis

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    Background: Panchavalkala Choorna is a poly herbal compound made from the barks of five major drugs from the Ficus family. It is widely quoted as an effective remedy in various skin disorders explained under the wide spectrum of Kushta (skin disorders), mentioned in Ayurvedic classics. However, till date no published data is available on the analytical profile of this compound formulation. The present study was aimed to standardize and develop the pharmacognostical and phytochemical profile of Panchavalkala Choorna. The compund was prepared as per classical methods and analytical findings were systematically recorded. The samples were subjected to organoleptic analysis, physicochemical analysis and High performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) examination by optimizing the solvent systems. Pharmacognostical profile of Panchavalkala Choorna was established. Loss on drying, Specific gravity, Viscosity and Refractive index, Iodine value, Acid value and Saponification value of Panchavalkala Choorna were found within prescribed limits. HPTLC fingerprinting profile of ST revealed 6 spots at 254 nm and 4 spots at 366 nm. Two spots were merging in both the long and short UV, showing common characters in both the wavelengths

    Ayurvedic clinical decision-making methods to predict, prevent and manage childhood allergic disorders

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    Allergy is a conundrum lacking satisfactory answers despite its global prevalence. Traditional systems of medicine may contain sustainable and effective solutions for the same. For mainstreaming them, an evaluation based on the system's own methods is inevitable rather than symptom-based correlations. Atopy is a novel entity in Ayurveda, but the methods of tripartite delineation (disease pattern, disease targets and influencing factors) of novel diseases and multifactorial approach to diagnosis and management in Ayurveda can bring about comprehensiveness in collection and categorization of data regarding the entity. This in turn can make the prediction, prevention and management of the same more precise, effective and sustainable. The article provides a template for the application of Ayurvedic biological framework in the diagnosis and management of novel diseases, with special reference to childhood allergic disorders

    Ayurvedic management of cirrhotic ascites

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    Cirrhosis is the final stage of most of the chronic liver diseases and is most invariably complicated by portal hypertension resulting in ascites. A case of chronic liver disease with portal hypertension (cryptogenic cirrhosis), managed at Amrita School of Ayurveda is discussed in this paper. The clinical picture was that of an uncomplicated cirrhotic ascites. Snehapāna (therapeutic oral administration of lipids) followed by virecana (purgation) was done after an initial course of nityavirecana (daily purgation). Later Vardhamāna pippalī rasāyana [administration of single drug - pippalī (piper longum) in a structured dose pattern] was administered with an intention of rejuvenating liver cells. Ascites and lower limb oedema were completely resolved after the therapy. No recurrence of ascites has been reported after a follow up period of one year

    Setting up of an integrative center for the management of mild-moderate COVID-19

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    Introduction: Besides the expansion of vaccine drive, the discovery of new strains of corona virus is creating havoc all around the world. Based on the pragmatic trial conducted, there is an increasing recognition that an effective integrated holistic approach is urgently needed to combat the COVID pandemic. During an infectious outbreak, a health-care unit is anticipated to function as a high-level isolation unit. Herein, we describe the execution plan, experiences, observations, and challenges that were encountered during the establishment and functioning of COVID Health-Care Ward at All India Institute of Ayurveda. Methodology: Since the situation was novel, standard operative procedures and protocols were developed accordingly. Strategic plans carried out in infrastructure, biomedical waste management, surveillance, and observations were compiled directly from the hospital administration. Results: Till date when the 29th team has completed the duty rotation, about 600 COVID mild-to-moderate positive cases have been successfully managed. Zero incidence of nosocomial COVID transmission or death has been reported so far. The recovery speed of patients was found to be remarkably faster at COVID Health Center-AIIA as compared to all other hospitals of the state and a significant number of patients were recovered with the use of Ayurvedic medications alone. On follow-up, only a limited number of patients (two patients) turned up with mild severity of post-COVID complications. Mild respiratory discomfort was noted in these patients for a period of 2 months. The score for Anxiety Depression Scale of among patients and health-care workers reduced significantly. Conclusion: Indigenous system of medicines is comparatively less explored in pandemic times. Here, a tertiary care hospital has upgraded to integrative health-care model in the management of mild-to-moderate COVID-19 cases