67 research outputs found
Cordelia's salt : Interspatial reading of Indic filial-love stories
This essay attempts an interspatial reading of Shakespeare's King Lear and Indic filial-love folktales, as I will refer to them in this essay. My reading is located between my father's edition of the play and my return to it after his death in early 2014. The idea of interspace forms the basis for my analysis of thematically connected but distinct narratives in this essay. Thehaveatepick political philosopher Hannah Arendt explains that the interspace is the world that exists between people and things, conscious of individual distinctions, but simultaneously provides the very foundation for constructive dialogue, relations and purposes. So important is the interspace, Arendt argues, that to lose it, is to lose the world itself (1968:13).Issue title: Transmissions and Transitions in Indian Oral Traditions
Post Colonoscopy Colonic Intussusception Reduced via a Laparoscopic Approach
The authors discuss a case of colon intussusception following colonoscopy successfully treated by laparoscopic reduction
Objectives: Stroke is one of the leading causes of death and long-term disability in world. Stroke is an important cause of premature death and disability in low-income and middle-income countries like India, largely driven by demographic changes and enhanced by the increasing prevalence of key modifiable risk factors. The main aim of our study was to assess the clinical profile with special reference to the etiology of the condition, the management, and drug utilization review.
Methods: This is a hospital-based prospective observational randomized control trial which was conducted for a period of 6 months at Government General Hospital, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Kadapa. Seventy-five patients were recruited based on study criteria. The data were analyzed and summarized as frequency and percentage by GraphPad Prism software using Microsoft Excel.
Results: In a total of 75 patients, it was found that 45 and 30 patients were female. Maximum number of patients (i.e. 36 patients) belonged to 51–60 years age group. We observed that 52 patients were suffering from ischemic stroke, 21 patients were suffering from transient ischemic stroke, and only 2 patients were suffering from ischemic stroke and transient ischemic stroke. Among 75 patients studied, hypertension (62%), diabetes mellitus (28%), smoking (33%), and alcohol (33%) were the risk factors.
Conclusion: In this study, ischemic stroke was most prevalent. Hypertension, that is, increase of blood pressure considered as one of the important and major risk factors for stroke occurrence and recurrence. Proper management includes non-pharmacological (physiotherapy) along with pharmacological treatment that included cardiovascular system drugs such as hypolipidemics, cognition enhancers, anticoagulants, and antihypertensive therapy
Efficient Classification of Brain Tumor Images Using Neural Network Technique
Brain tumor identification and categorization are critical for timely medical intervention and patient care. This paper proposes a unique strategy for the effective classification of brain tumor images by leveraging the power of deep learning. We suggest using neural network techniques, notably Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), to automate brain tumor image categorization, improving both diagnostic accuracy and efficiency. Our study begins with the collecting and pre-processing of a large dataset of brain tumor photos to ensure consistency and quality. The dataset is painstakingly divided into training, validation, and test sets. Our process is built around a carefully selected neural network architecture that has been refined through hyperparameter tweaking. To ensure robust model performance, we add critical architectural components like as convolutional layers, pooling layers, and fully connected layers, as well as dropout and batch normalization. To prevent overfitting, the neural network is trained by minimizing a suitable loss function, such as cross-entropy, while monitoring validation measures. Our model's performance is thoroughly validated on an independent test dataset using a variety of measures such as accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score, and confusion matrices. Comprehensive visualization and post-processing tools help to refine the classification results even further. This study intends to advance medical image analysis by providing a fast and precise method of identifying brain tumor images, thereby benefiting healthcare professionals in their decision-making processes. By conducting various experiments on our proposed model we finally came to conclusion that our proposed Vgg-19 model achieved more accuracy compared with several other CNN models
Face Recognition Using the Eigen Face Algorithm to Support Smart Voting
A new authentication technique in online voting system using facial recognition of the voter is used. In India, currently there are two types of voting system in practice. They are secret Ballet paper and Electronic Voting Machines (EVM), but both of the processes have some limitation or demerits. In India online voting has not been yet implemented. The current voting system is not safe and secure too. The voters need to go to distributed places like polling booths and stand in a long queue to cast their vote, because of these reasons most of the people misses their chance of voting. The voter who is not eligible can also cast its vote by fake means which may leads to many problems. That’s why in this project we have to propose a system or way for voting which is very effective or useful in voting. In our approach we have three level of security in voting process. The first level is the verification of unique id number (UID), second level is the verification of election id number (EID) and third level is face recognition or face matching. The security level of our system is greatly improved by the new application method for each voter. The user authentication process of the system is improved by adding face recognition in an application which will identify whether the particular user is authenticated user or not
Controlling of Home Appliances Using Internet of Things
In this new millennium of modern technology, everything is getting automated. Manual work is replaced by machines which reduced the burden on human beings. Nowadays humans have made internet an integral part of their everyday life without which they are helpless. Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of networks in which each object is identified by a unique identity that allows devices to connect, sensed and controlled remotely across a network infrastructure. In this paper we focus on controlling of home appliances by using internet of things. The devices connected to the cloud server are controlled by admin by giving commands. The controlling can be done by using Arduino. This whole system using Internet of Things (IoT) will be used to control home appliances from anywhere in the world by using internet connection. The system designed is economical and can be expanded as it allows connection and controlling of a number of different devices. Internet of Things (IoT) is an emergingtechnology that is making our world a global village. An IoT based Home automation is also one of such examples. In IoT based home automation various things such as lighting, home appliances, computers etc., all are connected to the Internet and allowing user to monitor and control things regardless of time and location constraint. This paper uses ThingSpeak IoT Platform for controlling home appliances through internet. The proposed system presented in this paper is used for controlling of home appliances through Internet of Things(IoT)
Antibiotic regimens utilization in treating community acquired pneumonia of a government practice setting: a prospective observational study in medical inpatients
Background: Pneumonia is a lower respiratory tract infection characterized by inflammation of lung tissue accompanied by infiltration of alveoli and bronchioles. Most common type is community acquired pneumonia (CAP). Initial therapy is usually empirical that is designed to treat various pathogens. In CAP cases, antibiotic therapy should begin at the earliest. The objectives of the study include to identify most common causative micro-organisms, to assess risk of developing CAP in patients having co-morbidities, to identify most commonly prescribed antibiotic regimen.Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted for period of 6 months at RIMS, Kadapa. 120 patients were recruited based on inclusion criteria. Treatment was given according to Infectious Diseases Society of America and American Thoracic Society guidelines.Results: In a total of 120 patients, 77 were males and 43 were females. 69 patients belong to 46-55 & above age groups. 84 patients had social habits and 36 patients are without social habits. Patients with single lobe infiltrations are 105 and patients with multiple lobe infiltrations are 15. In our study, streptococcus pneumoniae and pseudomonas aeruginosa were the most common isolated organisms. Monotherapy was given for 7 patients, dual therapy for 97 patients and triple therapy for 16 patients. 33 patients received ceftriaxone (CEF) and augmentin (AUG), 29 patients received CEF and azithromycin (AZI), 7 patients received levofloxacin (LEV), 25 patients received CEF and LEV, 10 patients received CEF and ciprofloxacin (CIP) and 16 patients received CEF, AUG and AZI. 100 patients had less than 8 days of hospital stay.Conclusions: Research study concluded that β lactum antibiotics were the most commonly prescribed class. CEF and AUG was highly recommended drug regimen
Seroprevalencija virusnog proljeva goveda u uzgojnim farmama u Indiji
Bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) is an important infectious viral disease affecting cattle populations all over the world. In addition to direct loss caused by the disease, the virus causes immunosuppression thereby predisposing the host to other diseases. A cross-sectional study was undertaken to detect the prevalence of BVD in 14 well-organized herds located in different parts of India. A total of 880 serum samples (646 cattle and 234 buffaloes) were screened by a commercial ELISA kit, detecting antibodies towards the p80 (NS3) region of BVDV. The overall true prevalence was 56.67% (95% CI: 53.26-60.02%) and within herds, it ranged from 0-99.99%. The prevalence rate was higher in cattle (65.42%) than in buffaloes (32.49%) and the difference was statistically significant. Further, a significant difference in prevalence among cattle breed types was recorded, with the lowest in indigenous cattle (16.49%) followed by crossbreeds (16,97% and exotic breeds (87.80%). Higher positivity was detected among females (68.87%) than males (48.83%) but this difference was not significant, as revealed by multivariate regression analysis. Of the 10 semen stations studied, the prevalence varied from 9.72% to 72.68%. However, none of the animals from these semen stations turned positive in the antigen ELISA test, suggesting the antibodies detected in this study were from past infections. On the two dairy farms/bull mother farms showing very high positivity, two (one each) persistently infected cows were detected during whole herd screening by antigen ELISA test. One bull mother farm was free of BVD antibodies suggesting it is possible to maintain BVDV-free herds. The present study indicates the endemicity of BVDV in Indian organized herds, and therefore a suitable testing strategy and management should be adopted in response to testing to control the introduction and further transmission of the disease on farms.Virusni proljev goveda (BVD) važna je zarazna virusna bolest od koje obolijevaju goveda diljem svijeta. Osim izravnoga gubitka uzrokovanog bolešću, virus uzrokuje imunosupresiju zbog čega domaćin postaje podložan drugim bolestima. Provedeno je presječno istraživanje kako bi se otkrila prevalencija BVD-a u 14 organiziranih uzgoja koji su uključivali farme bikovskih majki i stanice za proizvodnju sjemena za UO. Uzgoji su se nalazili u različitim područjima Indije. Ukupno je 880 uzoraka seruma (646 goveda i 234 bivola) analizirano komercijalnim ELISA testom za otkrivanje protutijela na regiju p80 (NS3) BVDV-a. Ukupna je stvarna prevalencija iznosila 56,67 % (95 % CI: 53,26 – 60,02 %), a unutar stada kretala se u rasponu od 0 do 99,99 %. Stopa prevalencije bila je veća u goveda (65,42 %) nego u bivola (32,49 %) i razlika je bila statistički znakovita. Nadalje, zabilježena je znakovita razlika u prevalenciji među pasminama goveda, s tim da je najmanja bila u autohtonih pasmina goveda (16,49 %), slijede zatim križanci (61,97 %) te egzotične pasmine (87,80 %). Veća je pozitivnost zabilježena u ženki (68,87 %) u odnosu na mužjake (48,83 %), ali multivarijantna regresijska analiza nije potvrdila znakovitost te razlike. Među deset istraživanih stanica za proizvodnju sjemena za UO, prevalencija je varirala od 9,72 % do 72,68 %. No ni jedna životinja iz tih stanica nije bila pozitivna na antigenskom ELISA testu, što pokazuje da protutijela pronađena u ovom istraživanju potječu od prijašnjih infekcija. Na dvjema farmama mliječnih krava - bikovskih majki tijekom testiranja cijelog stada antigenskim ELISA testom, utvrđena je visoka pozitivnost pri čemu su dvije krave bile stalno zaražene. Na jednoj farmi bikovskih majki nisu pronađena BVD protutijela što upućuje na to da je moguće održati stada bez ove bolesti. Rezultati istraživanja upućuje na endemičnost BVDV-a u organiziranim uzgojima goveda u Indiji zbog čega postoji potreba za odgovarajućim strategijama testiranja i upravljanja stadom kako bi se kontrolirao unos bolesti i njezino širenje na farmama
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