10 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Instrumen Keputusan Pembeli Terhadap Produk Olahraga

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan instrumen tes keputusan pembeli terhadap produk olahraga. Dalam penelitian ini,kami menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D). Prosedur penelitian adalah: (1) tahap pertama adalah studi literatur,pengumpulan data, dan analisis kebutuhan,(2) tahap kedua adalah perencanaan pengembangan instrumen, dan (3) tahap ketiga adalah uji coba, evaluasi, dan revisi, dan (4) tahap keempat adalah implementasi instrumen. Sebanyak 253 orang berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini Analisis validitas dan reabilitas yang akan dipergunakan adalah korelasi product-moment untuk uji validitas dan cronbach alpha untuk uji reliabilitas. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan aplikasi SPSS. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah 1) terciptanya instrumen tingkat pengetahuan pembeli . 2) Berdasarkan uji validitas ini, dari 50 butir soal hanya 48 butir soal yang dinyatakan valid,instrumen penelitian keputusan pembeli yang diujikan diperoleh 48 item dengan r-hitung > 0,304 dan dinyatakan valid untuk digunakan dalam pengambilan data penelitian. 3) Hasil yang diperoleh adalah r -hitung = 0,951 dan r tabel 0,304, sehingga nilai r hitung > r tabel, maka instrumen ini dinyatakan reliabel dan dapat digunakan sebagai alat pengumpulan data. Kesimpulan. Pengembangan instrumen keputusan pembeli menghasilkan instrumen yang valid dapat mengukur dan mengevaluasi tingkat pengetahuan pembeli terhadap produk olahraga

    Exploration Of Injury Knowledge Levels, Prevention And First Aid For Climbing Athletes

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    Objective. The aim of this study was to determine the level of knowledge of climbing athletes regarding injury awareness, prevention and first aid specifically in climbing. In the process of exploration, the level of knowledge includes various methods and concepts, such as how well does the athlete know about injuries, types of injuries, and assistance when and what treatment should be given. Method. This type of research is quantitative research with a quantitative descriptive design. The population taken was students of rock-climbing athletes who love nature and the environment, Padang State University (MPALH UNP). Non-random sampling was done to obtain n=20 participants, consisting of 65% (male) and 35% (female) which included three climbing category numbers, namely lead climbing (LC), speed climbing (SC) and bouldering climbing. (BC). Results. Knowledge of injuries, prevention and assistance in the sport of climbing by MPALH UNP with a score of 48.45 ± 8.4 was found to be in the fairly good category. “Good” score value category n = 1 (5%). “fairly good” category n=15 (75%). Then the score for the "Not good" category n = 4 (20%). Conclusion. The results of this study indicate that the level of knowledge of MPALH UNP climbing athletes on knowledge, prevention and first aid is still in the goodn enough category, although some athletes score in the poor category. Thus, specific training must be provided by the management and the climbing division of the UNP MPALH so that they can improve their capacities in terms of injuries, prevention and first aid to perform

    Application of FIFA 11+ Kids: Method to minimize sports injuries in youth football

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    Football is one of the sports with the highest risk of injury, with injuries to children around 3% per year with serious injuries occurring at only 0.69% per year. The objective of the study is to investigate the application of FIFA 11+ Kids in minimizing sports injuries in youth football through enhancement components of physical condition, namely, leg muscle power and muscle flexibility. This study is an quasi-experimental research by using a pre-test - post-test control group design. The sample in this study are 20 people, divided into control and treatment groups. In this study, the sample is determined using a purposive sampling technique, with the following inclusion criteria: 1) male, 2) 11-12 years old, 3) practicing football regularly, 3) willing to be a research sample. In contrast, the criteria exclusion is experienced injured and unwilling to be a research sample. The distribution of control and treatment groups using matching subject ABBA technique. Instruments used in this research are the standing broad jump test to measure leg muscle power and sit and reach test to measure muscle flexibility. The data analysis is a t-test regression analysis with a level of 5% significance. This study found that the application of FIFA 11+ Kids can be used as a method to minimize sports injuries in youth football. The limitation of this study is that the sample is limited to only 20 children. This research is important because it contributes to the science of football coaching in terms of preventing injuries to children. Future research is expected to thoroughly examine the components of other physical conditions related to injury prevention, and use a larger sample from various age groups of soccer school students

    Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Motorik Kasar Siswa TK Kelompok A

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan model pembelajaran motorik kasar siswa TK kelompok A yang telah disesuaikan dengan kurikulum dan karakteristik siswa TK kelompok A, diharapkan dapat dipergunakan guru dalam penyelenggaraan kegiatan belajar mengajar siswa TK kelompok A. Penelitian ini terdiri dari sembilan langkah dengan mengadaptasi langkah-langkah penelitian pengembangan menurut Sugiyono yang langkah-langkahnya terdiri dari (1) potensi dan masalah, (2) pengumpulan data, (3) desain produk, (4) validasi desain, (5) revisi desain, (6) uji coba produk, (7) revisi produk, (8) uji coba pemakaian, dan (9) revisi produk. Uji coba skala kecil dilakukan terhadap 20 siswa TK Happy Holy Kids Sleman, Yogyakarta. Uji coba skala besar dilakukan terhadap 15 siswa TK Harapan Sleman, Yogyakarta dan 20 siswa TK Sari Asih 1 Sleman, Yogyakarta. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data adalah petunjuk umum wawancara, catatan lapangan, lembar evaluasi, angket skala nilai validasi, rubrik penilaian siswa, pedoman observasi permainan, dan pedoman observasi keefektifan permainan. Hasil penelitian berupa model pembelajaran motorik kasar siswa TK kelompok A, yang terdiri dari 10 permainan, yaitu: (1) permainan tebak hewan, (2) permainan ular mencari makan, (3) permainan lari citah, (4) permainan mencari hewan, (5) permainan mengambil hewan, (6) permainan loncat kangguru, (7) permainan lompat bangau, (8) permainan lubang tikus, (9) permainan ikan sapu-sapu, dan (10) permainan undur-undur. Setiap permainan terdiri dari aktivitas pemanasan, inti, dan pendinginan. Model permainan disusun dalam bentuk buku pedoman dengan judul Permainan Motorik Kasar. Berdasarkan penilaian para ahli materi dan guru dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran motorik kasar siswa TK kelompok A yang dikembangkan efektif dan telah sesuai dengan kurikulum dan karakteristik anak TK kelompok A sehingga layak dipergunakan dalam pembelajaran motorik kasar siswa TK kelompok A

    Peran Pendidikan Jasmani dalam Pengembangan Motorik Kasar pada Anak Usia Dini

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    Gross motor skills are essential physical abilities needed in daily life that can influence the physical, cognitive, and social development of children. This study aims to analyze the role of physical education in developing gross motor skills in early childhood using a literature review method to gather and analyze data from various sources. The collected data will be evaluated and analyzed to ensure validity. The results show that physical education plays an important role in developing gross motor skills in young children, which can affect their cognitive, social, and emotional development. However, there are still challenges in developing gross motor skills in young children, such as a lack of knowledge and understanding among parents and educational institutions regarding the importance of physical education. This study implies the need to raise awareness and knowledge of the importance of physical education in developing gross motor skills in early childhood, integrating it into the educational curriculum, and providing more attention to the development of gross motor skills in young children

    Peran Pendidikan Jasmani dalam Pengembangan Motorik Kasar pada Anak Usia Dini

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    Gross motor skills are essential physical abilities needed in daily life that can influence the physical, cognitive, and social development of children. This study aims to analyze the role of physical education in developing gross motor skills in early childhood using a literature review method to gather and analyze data from various sources. The collected data will be evaluated and analyzed to ensure validity. The results show that physical education plays an important role in developing gross motor skills in young children, which can affect their cognitive, social, and emotional development. However, there are still challenges in developing gross motor skills in young children, such as a lack of knowledge and understanding among parents and educational institutions regarding the importance of physical education. This study implies the need to raise awareness and knowledge of the importance of physical education in developing gross motor skills in early childhood, integrating it into the educational curriculum, and providing more attention to the development of gross motor skills in young children

    Потенціал впливу поліфенольних сполук квітів розелли на зменшення оксидативного стресу та запалення після проведення фізичних вправ: систематичний огляд

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    Study purpose. This study aims to analyze and highlight the potential of rosella flowers in reducing oxidative stress and inflammation after physical activity. Materials and methods. The study used a systematic review method by searching various journal databases such as Scopus, Web of Science, Pubmed and Embase. The inclusion criteria in this study were articles published in the last 5 years and articles discussing Rosella Flowers, Oxidative Stress, Free Radicals, Inflammation, and Exercise. The exclusion criteria in this research were articles published in disreputable journals. A total of 357 articles from the Scopus, Web of Science Pubmed and Embase databases were identified. A total of 8 articles that met the inclusion criteria were selected and analyzed for this systematic review. For standard operations, this study followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) assessment. Results. The results of this systematic review research report that the flavonoid content found in rosella flowers has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which have the potential to reduce oxidative stress and uncontrolled inflammation caused by physical activity and intense exercise. Conclusions. Rosella flowers show their ability as an anti-oxidative by donating hydrogen atoms to free radicals through phenolic compounds, thus breaking the cycle of ROS formation. The natural active ingredients in rosella flowers are able to reduce MDA and increase GSH which contributes to reducing oxidative stress and decreasing TNF-α which provides an anti-inflammatory effect in athletes after exercise.Мета дослідження. Метою даного дослідження є аналіз та визначення потенціалу впливу квіток розелли на зменшення оксидативного стресу та запалення після фізичної активності. Матеріали та методи. У дослідженні використовувався метод систематичного огляду шляхом пошуку в різних наукометричних базах даних журналів, таких як Scopus, Web of Science, Pubmed та Embase. Критеріями включення до даного дослідження були статті, опубліковані за останні 5 років, а також статті, в яких розглядалися такі питання, як квіти розелли, оксидативний стрес, вільні радикали, запалення та фізичні вправи. Критеріями виключення в дослідженні були статті, опубліковані в недоброчесних журналах. Загалом було знайдено 357 статей з науковометричних баз даних Scopus, Web of Science Pubmed та Embase. Для даного систематичного огляду було відібрано та проаналізовано загалом 8 статей, які відповідали критеріям включення. Що стосується стандартних операцій, дане дослідження проводилося відповідно до оцінки «Переважні елементи звітності для систематичних оглядів і мета-аналізів» (PRISMA). Результати. Результати даного систематичного оглядового дослідження свідчать, що вміст флавоноїдів у квітках розелли має антиоксидантні та протизапальні властивості, які потенційно сприяють зниженню оксидативного стресу та неконтрольованого запалення, спричиненого фізичною активністю та інтенсивним тренуванням. Висновки. Квіти розелли володіють антиоксидантною дією, оскільки через фенольні сполуки передають атоми водню вільним радикалам, розриваючи таким чином цикл утворення АФК. Природні активні компоненти квітів розелли мають здатність зменшувати рівень МДА та підвищувати вміст GSH (глутатіону), що сприяє зменшенню оксидативного стресу та зниженню рівня TNF-α, який забезпечує протизапальний ефект у спортсменів після виконання фізичних навантажень