33 research outputs found


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    Cinnamon oil is processed from cinnamon bark that has a high selling price. Cinnamon oil can be produced through a process either distillation or extraction. In this study, cinnamon bark is washed, dried, milled, and sieved to obtain size 2-3; 0.85-2; <0.85 mm. Then vacuum hydrodistillation is carried out with 800mL of water, 100 grams of cinnamon bark, at 70 ° C and 450mmHg (0.59 atm). Product from vacuum hydrodistillation is then measured and analyzed for levels cinnamic aldehyde. Optimum variables in this study are 0.85-2mm particle size and 4.5 hours which give the greatest yield is 3.02 (g oil produced/100 g cinnamon bark). Product of cinnamon oil with vacuum hydrodistillation have a good quality with 72.60% cinnamic aldehyde and fulfilling the standards of cinnamon oil

    Kinetic Modeling of Flocculation and Coalescence in the System Emulsion of Water-Xylene-Terbutyl Oleyl Glycosides

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    The development of a mathematical model for explaining the kinetics of flocculation and coalescence of emulsion droplets is essential to study the stability of an emulsion system of the kinetics of emulsion stability. Mathematic models was developed from the equation Van Den Tempel by modifying emulsion systems. The emulsion was made by mixing water-xylene and surfactant tert-butyl oleyl glycosides. This research studied the effect of stirrer speed on the value of flocculation rate constant (a) and coalescence rate constant (K). The model identified the emulsion development condition whether controlled by coalescence or flocculation. It was observed that under lower agitation speed (1000 rpm) the emulsion development was controlled by flocculation mechanism, while a faster agitation (2000 rpm or higher) exhibited coalescence controlled mechanism. The results confirmed that the 1st model was the most appropriate for water-xylene-TBOG emulsion system. From four models after fitting with experimental data, the most suitable model is 4th model, because it has the smallest error of 2.22 %.


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    Minyak sawit masih bisa ditingkatkan nilai tambahnya melalui pengubahan menjadi surfaktan. Surfaktan berbasis minyak nabati bersifat mudah terurai (biodegradable), dan ramah lingkungan. Salah satu surfaktan yang dapat disintesis dari minyak sawit adalah polyoxyethylene mono-digliserid (POE-MDG) melalui proses gliserolisis yang dilanjutkan dengan proses etoksilasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji parameter proses pada gliserolisis maupun etoksilasi. Proses glyserolisis menggunakan katalis MgO dan pelarut n-butanol, dilakukan dengan memvariasikan suhu, rasio gliserol: minyak, dan rasio n-butanol: minyak. Dari penelitian ini diperoleh variable yang berpengaruh pada proses glyserolisis adalah rasio glyserol: minyak, konversi tertinggi 0,785. Hasil gliserolisis adalah MDG, selanjutnya dietoksilasi untuk mendapatkan surfaktan (POE-MDG). Proses etoksilasi MDG menggunakan katalis MgO, dengan memvariasi perbandingan MDG : polietilen glikol (PEG). Berdasarkan analisa Forrier Transform Infra Red (FTIR) memberikan puncak baru pada 1743,65 cm-1 yang menunjukkan pembentukan ikatan C-O-O. Analisis dengan kolom kromatografi memberikan hasil &nbsp;polyoxyethylen (POE) tertinggi 9,20 % pada rasio MDG : PEG = 4, waktu reaksi 120 menit, temperatur 1600C, kecepatan pengadukan 400 rpm, konsentrasi katalis 2%. Hasil uji kestabilan emulsi menunjukkan bahwa surfaktan POE-MDG mempunyai efek emulsifier</p

    Microwave Irradiation-Assisted Chitosan Hydrolysis Using Cellulase Enzyme

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    The influence of microwave irradiation on the chitosan hydrolysis catalyzed by cellulase enzyme was studied. The hydrolyzed chitosan was characterized by measuring its viscosity and reducing sugar. Further, it was also characterized by Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The classical Michaelis-Menten kinetic parameters were measured by analyzing the amount of reducing sugars. The results were compared with the hydrolysis by using conventional shaker incubator. The hydrolysis reaction time needed to obtain similar reducing sugar yield was significantly lower for microwave irradiation than shaker incubator. On the other hand, the reduction rate of the relative viscosity was significantly higher for the hydrolysis of chitosan using shaker incubator. A significant difference in chemical structure was observed between hydrolysis using microwave irradiation and shaker incubator. Overall, the result showed that the hydrolysis behavior of chitosan using microwave irradiation is significantly different with using shaker incubator. 

    Enhanced Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Chitosan by Surfactant Addition

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    Less attention has been paid for the effects of surfactant on the hydrolysis of chitosan. This paper presents the influence of the surfactant Tween 80 addition on the chitosan hydrolysis catalyzed by cellulase enzyme. The hydrolyzed chitosan was characterized by measuring its reducing sugar content, its chemistry by Fourier transforms infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), its formation of aldehyde groups by ultraviolet - visible spectra (UV-Vis), and its crystallinity degree by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The results showed that Tween-80 could increase the hydrolysis rate and decrease the crystallinity of chitosan. The formation of reducing sugar increased by increasing reaction time up to 24 hours and then leveled off. A more significant effect of surfactant was observed when the hydrolysis was performed at a low surfactant concentration and a low substrate concentration. IR spectra showed that both raw and hydrolyzed chitosan have similar chemical structure

    Potential of LiNO3/Al2O3 Catalyst for Heterogeneous Transesterification of Palm Oil to Biodiesel

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    Production of biodiesel through transesterification process using heterogenous catalysts in order to avoid the saponification problem was studied. In this process, palm oil reacted with methanol to form a mixture of glycerol and biodiese over a solid basic catalyst. One type of the catalysts used in this research is basic catalyst of LiNO3/Al2O3. The parameters studied in this research are concentration of LiNO3 loading on Al2O3 and effect of different reaction time. The products was analyzed using Gas Chromatography to determine composition and yield of resulted methyl esters as well as conversion of palm oil to biodiesel. The major products in this transesterification reaction were biodiesel and glycerol. It can be concluded that the 20 wt% LiNO3/Al2O3 catalyst is potential for producing biodiesel from palm oil over transesterification reaction. Advantages of the usage of this catalyst is that the soap formation was not observed in this research. ©2010 BCREC UNDIP. All rights reserved(Received: 24th April 2010, Revised: 20th May 2010; Accepted: 21st May 2010)[How to Cite: I. Istadi, B. Pramudono, S. Suherman, and S. Priyanto. (2010). Potential of LiNO3/Al2O3 Catalyst for Heterogeneous Transesterification of Palm Oil to Biodiesel. Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering and Catalysis, 5(1): 51-56. doi:10.9767/bcrec.5.1.7128.51-56][How to Link / DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.9767/bcrec.5.1.7128.51-56 ]</p

    Optimization of the Stability of Nano-emulsion Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT) using α-Cyclodextrin

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    This study aims to determine the stability of nano-emulsion synthesized from virgin coconut oil (VCO) using α-cyclodextrin, and lecithin or tween 80 as surfactants. The study procedures included the production of nanoemulsions, examining emulsion type, density, particle size, pH, and zeta potential. The effect of the independent variables on the pH of the product was also examined using the response surface method (RSM). The results obtained 10 nano-emulsion formulas, belonging to the o/w type. The samples typically had a density range of 1.178–1.254 g/mL, with a pH of 5.0–5.5, which was considered safe for the skin. The smallest particle size of 5.495 µm was obtained from formula 6 (60 mL, 16 mL, 18 g, 6 g of water, VCO, cyclodextrin, and tween 80 as surfactant) with a zeta potential of -45.500 to -89.567 mV. Based on these results, formula 6 had the best characteristics, with an optimum pH of 5.5, small particle size, and good stability, as indicated by the zeta potential value

    Synthesis and performance evaluation of polymeric surfactant from rice husk and polyethylene glycol for the enhanced oil recovery process

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    A tertiary recovery technique is needed to recover the remained oil in the oil field after primary and secondary recoveries, which can only recover approximately 30–50% of the total oil. This study investigated the synthesized polymeric surfactants from rice husk and polyethylene glycol (PEG) for the enhanced oil recovery (EOR) process as a tertiary recovery technique. The rice husk was used as sodium lignosulfonate (SLS) surfactant production feedstock. SLS-PEG polymer surfactant from rice husk has not been widely studied, especially for the EOR process. This study has comprehensively investigated the effect of PEG concentration on the polymeric surfactant properties. The surfactants were characterized using Fourier transform-Infrared (FT-IR) analysis. Several other tests were also conducted, including surfactant compatibility, viscosity, thermal stability, interfacial tension (IFT), and phase behavior. It was found that the PEG introduction to the SLS surfactant could increase the hydrophilic property of the polymeric surfactant due to the presence of the C−O−C group. In addition, the IFT value decreased with the increase in the PEG concentration due to the increase in the hydrophilic property. However, the IFT value decreased when the PEG concentration was too high. The lowest IFT value was obtained at the SLS to PEG ratio of 1:0.8. It produced the highest increase in the additional recovered oil after brine flooding. The results showed that the rice husk, which is agricultural waste, could be utilized as a feedstock for the surfactant production


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    Eksplorasi minyak bumi memerlukan air injeksi yang menghasilkan air terproduksi. Air terproduksi mengandung komponen utama berupa minyak dan air dimana komponen minyak merupakan campuran hidrokarbon yang bersifat lethal maupun sublethal. Pengolahan air terproduksi pada umumnya menggunakan 2 tahap proses yang terdiri dari pengolahan awal dan pengolahan lanjut. Di sisi lain, membran ultrafiltrasi telah banyak digunakan untuk mengolah limbah berminyak dan mampu menurunkan konsentrasi minyak dan COD. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada pengolahan air terproduksi menggunakan membran ultrafiltrasi polyethersulphone (PES) 10 kDa dan kombinasi ozon. Karakterisasi air terproduksi menunjukkan konsentrasi COD, minyak, toluene, dan xylene melebihi standar baku mutu yang disyaratkan. Analisa membran menggunakan SEM menunjukkan bahwa membran polyethersulfone yang digunakan adalah membran asimetrik. Pengujian kinerja dilakukan dengan mengetahui profil fluks selama 120 menit dan rejeksi (total oil content, COD, benzene, toluene, xylene) untuk mengetahui karakteristik permeat hasil pengolahan air terproduksi. Hasil penelitian menunkukkan bahwa membran ultrafiltrasi yang digunakan mampu merejeksi COD sebesar 96,8%, total oil content sebesar 99,9%, toluene sebesar 83% dan xylene sebesar 82%

    High-Performance Polymeric Surfactant of Sodium Lignosulfonate-Polyethylene Glycol 4000 (SLS-PEG) for Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) Process

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    Recently, the increase in fuel oil demand was not supported by petroleum production due to the low productivity of old wells. Furthermore, an appropriate technology, such as Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) technology, is needed to maximize the productivity of the old well. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to synthesize a polymeric surfactant for the EOR process from sodium lignosulfonate (SLS) and polyethylene glycol (PEG) in various SLS to PEG ratios, namely 1:1 (PS1), 1:0.8 (PS2), and 1:0.5 (PS3). The surfactants were characterized using several methods, such as Fourier Transform-Infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), compatibility, stability, viscosity, and phase behavior tests. The performance of the surfactants for the EOR process in different brine solution concentrations (16,000 ppm and 20,000 ppm) was also studied. The result showed that the introduction of the PEG molecule to the surfactant had been successfully conducted as FT-IR analysis confirmed. The surfactant's hydrophilicity increased with the introduction of PEG due to the increase of the ether group. A Winsor Type I or lower phase microemulsion was formed due to the high hydrophilicity. The highest oil yield (79 %) was obtained by PS1 surfactant, which has the highest PEG dosage, in a brine solution of 1,600 ppm. Therefore, it was concluded that the introduction of PEG could increase the hydrophilicity, viscosity, and EOR performance