9 research outputs found

    Model Perilaku Inovatif Individu Dalam Penggunaan Pasca Adopsi Teknologi Informasi

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    The aim of this study was to confirm the relationship between variables that allegedly affect the postadoptionbehavior of technology in business organizations based on information technology (IT) Post-adoptionbehavior investigated was to innovate with IT that appears on the stage of infusion. The object ofresearch was paperless office internal (POINT) at PT. Telekomunikasi (Telkom), Indonesia, Tbk. Datawas collected from permanent employees of PT. Telkom Indonesia in four locations whose usingPOINT application shaped by internal web-based portal. Data collected by using questionnaires inthe period December 2010 to January 2011. Respondent were 118 workers. Data analysis was performedusing a model of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with component-based applicationassistance SmartPLS 2.0. The results state that user satisfaction, personal innovative and facilitatingconditions were positively related directly to innovate with IT. Post-adoption perceived usefulnessand confirmation of expectations were positively related indirectly to innovate with IT, while selfefficacyand rewards found no effect on innovate with IT. The result of research confirmed previousresearch and conducted discussions on the results of research that was unique. Discussion and conclusionsof study yields several implications and needed further research on the behavior of innovatingwith IT

    Transformasi Peran Internal Auditor Dan Pengaruhnya Bagi Organisasi

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    Organizations underpressure to manage businessrisks are increasingly re­lying on the role of internal auditor for help in achieving these objectives. Internal auditors are meeting to challenge to add value in various ways. Their strategies include transforming their role to bring the auditing function closer to management needs. This transformation cannot occur unless the auditor and the all level of man­agement start to think differently about the role of internal auditor. Changing current paradigms, adding training and hiring new personnel may be required to achieve these goals

    Web Server Berbasis ATmega 128 Untuk Monitoring Dan Kontrol Peralatan Rumah

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    Penggunaan mikropengendali untuk mengendalikan perangkat yang ada di rumah tentu menjadi salah satu penerapan prinsip kerja yang praktis dan fleksibel.Mikropengendali dapat digunakan untuk memudahkan dalam mengendalikan lampu ruangan, pemantauan suhu, dan pengendalian sistem penggerak tirai.Dengan memanfaatkan modul jaringanNM7010A TCP/IP Starter Kit maka aplikasi rumah tersebut dapat dikendalikan melalui jaringan intranet. Pada mikropengendali ATmega128, data akan diproses dan dieksekusi untuk mengendalikan sistem kerja keseluruhan rangkaian. Dari hasil pengujian membuktikan bahwa mikropengendali dapat berperan sebagai Embedded Server untuk mengendalikan lampu, pengaktifan kanal Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) yang digunakan untuk memantau suhu.Hasil pengujian terhadap LM35 menunjukan bahwa rata-rata error konversi sebesar 0,64%. Untuk mengeksekusi sistem melalui jaringan TCP/IP diperlukan waktu tunda antara 0,5 sampai 1,2 detik

    Pengaruh Komposisi Material Biokomposit dengan Matriks Polyester Berpenguat Serat Alam terhadap Kekuatan Mekanik dan Fisik

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh komposisi serat alam dalam komposit polymer terhadap kekuatan lentur dan densitas dari biokomposit dengan matriks polyester berpenguat serat rami, serat bambu betung, dan serat tebu. Dilakukan pengujian mekanik berupa pengujian kekuatan lentur dan melakukan perhitungan densitas sebagai pengujian fisik. Komposisi matriks dengan penguat seratnya diatur sebesar 70% polyester dan 30% serat alam. Sebagai varibel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah membuat dominasi komposisi jenis serat dalam bentuk jumlah berat yang yang terukur sehingga menghasilkan perbandingan jenis serat alam mana yang mempunyai nilai pengujian yang lebih baik. Dari hasil pengujian kekuatan lentur didapat bahwa biokomposit dengan dominasi serat tebu mempunyai nilai kuat lentur terbesar dengan 261,66 kg/cm2 sedangkan biokomposit yang didominasi rami dan bambu secara berurutan menghasilkan kuat lentur sebesar 101,465 kg/cm2 dan 185,89 kg/cm2 . Hasil perhitungan densitas menunjukkan densitas tertinggi dicapai oleh material biokomposit dengan dominasi komposisi serat rami ( 70% Polyester : 20% Serat Rami, 5%Serat Bambu 5%Serat Tebu) sebesar 1,049 g/cm3

    Gamma Irradiation on Growth and Development of Amorphophallus Muelleri Blume.

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    Iles-iles (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume) produces apomictic seeds lead to low genetic variation. In order to induce genetic variation, germinated seeds were exposed to Gamma irradiation (Co-60) at doses of 10 to 100 Gy. Seed irradiation was conducted at Center for the Application of Isotope and Irradiation Technology -National Nuclear Energy Agency (CAIRT), Indonesia. Morphology and yield of M1 generation were observed. Results showed that irradiation at a dose of 10 Gy close to LD50 with survival rate 56%. Gamma irradiation at a dose of 10 Gy delayed seeds germination. Germination rates gradually increased and reached maximum at 4 weeks after planting (WAP) for control plants, and 14 WAP of irradiated plants. At 16 WAP, germination rate of 10 Gy irradiated plants was 56% and 84% for those of control plants. Irradiation induced chimera as indicated by short petiole, variegated and abnornal shape of leaflets. Some irradiated plants entered dormancy at 8-10 weeks later than control ones. Prolong vegetative periode lead the plants to produce heavier corms. This study revealed the possibility to induce variation of A. muelleri by using gamma irradition. Keywords: Amorphophallus muelleri, gamma irradiation (Co-60), morphological variation, mutation breedin

    Effect Of Annealing On Cu-nb-sn Superconducting Wire

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    EFFECT OF ANNEALING ON Cu-Nb-Sn SUPERCONDUCTING WIRE. The most common application of superconductors is done in the form of superconducting wire. Among the existing types of superconductors, Cu-Nb-Sn superconductors are the most widely used as a wire, producing a high magnetic field. But the critical temperature (TC) values of its superconductors are low enough so that the resulting magnetic field and its application fields are limited. In this study we investigated the effect of annealing treatment on the Cu-Nb-Sn superconducting wire. Note that the process of annealing on superconducting wire can increase the value of the critical temperature of 8K to 16K. The increase is predicted because of the forming of Nb3Sn compounds, and the Nb3Sn compound becomes more stable.Annealing processes were performed at temperatures ranging from 873K to 1173K as well as various annealing time from 32 hours to 120 hours. The superconductivity of the samples were analyzed using resistivity measurement by cryogenic system under low temperature condition. The annealing can be performed optimally at the temperature of 873K for 72 hours when TC reaches 16K. However, the purity of the conductivity properties obtained at the optimal annealing temperature at 723K for 72 hours

    Investigation of Ground Motion and Local Site Characteristics of the 2018 Lombok Earthquake Sequence

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    In 2018, Lombok Island was hit by a major earthquake sequence. The Indonesia Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) reported that the Lombok Island earthquake sequence started with an Mw 6.4 foreshock, followed by an Mw 6.8 main shock, aftershocks of Mw 5.8 and Mw 6.2, and a second mainshock of Mw 6.9 in the eastern part of Lombok. This study presents an investigation of strong motion characteristics using the Indonesia National Strong Motion Network (INSMN) data from two accelerometer stations, the MASE station (at Praya Lombok International Airport, Lombok Island, Vs30 = 770 m/s, SB site class) and TWSI station (in Sumbawa Island, Vs30 = 1152 m/s, SB site class). Signal analysis techniques using a power spectrum via fast Fourier transform, wavelet transform and horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio (HVSR) have been applied in this study. There are significant differences in the results (e.g., predominant frequencies, wavelets, H/V ratios, and frequencies at peak H/V ratio) for the MASE and TWSI stations, highlighting the importance of actual Vs30 profiles and the limitation of the site class system in providing necessary predictive information. The variation of the peak ground acceleration (PGA) values and the spectral amplitudes could only be explained by hypothesizing the effect of the volcanic structure of Mount Rinjani on the strong motion waveforms