5 research outputs found


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    The Borobudur area is a cultural heritage area that is not only an ancestral cultural heritage but also a tourist attraction. The development of heritage tourism in the Borobudur area has developed not only around the temple. However, it has developed into the residential area of the surrounding villagers as a rural tourism activity. This tourism activity impacts changes in elements of rural space, such as houses, public facilities, and roads, thus affecting the authenticity value as a rural tourist attraction, which is the basis for developing a tourist village. The setting and resources, the basic concept of a tourist village, are the spatial system of changing rural space elements. This spatial change of elements is caused by the spatial adaptation made by the user due to changes in ideas and behavior, which are influenced by additional functions in the space element. This study aims to explain the process of adapting spatial elements in tourist villages in the Borobudur area, using a rationalistic qualitative research method with multiple case studies with case units of 3 tourist villages in the Borobudur area, including Borobudur, Candirejo, and Wanurejo villages. The research findings are the process and form of adaptation of rural spatial elements. This research is expected to be used for village development to maintain its authenticity value as a tourist attraction. Keywords: adaptation, spatial elements, tourism village, Borobudur &nbsp

    Community-based tourism: concepts, opportunities and challenges

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    Purpose: The community-based tourism concept needs to be understood deeply. We need to know and predict the opportunities and challenges that exist and will occur in the future in developing the community and tourism as a mutualism. This research analyzed the theories to describe it and derive conclusions for the basic concepts of community-based tourism as well as further explore the cases of applying these concepts to gain opportunities and challenges from community-based tourism  Research methodology: This study is a conceptual article using the literature review method Results: This study elaborates the concepts, opportunities and challenges of the community-based tourism paradigm. Limitations: This study is a secondary data-based analysis (literature review) on the concept of community-based tourism in the social and cultural context of the community, as well as the opportunities and challenges of its application to tourism development Contribution:   This study provides an in-depth and comprehensive view of community-based tourism to assist in exploring approaches and theories in community-based tourism research and planning and policymaking in the tourism sector, especially in the local community aspect


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    Perkembangan kepariwisataan di kawasan Borobudur meningkat, sejak ditetapkannya Candi Borobudur menjadi situs warisan budaya UNESCO pada tahun 1991, hal ini memberikan dampak pada kawasan permukiman di sekitarnya. Kegiatan pariwisata di sekitar candi berdampak pada permukiman yang berubah menjadi kawasan wisata pedesaan, mendorong respon hunian yang mampu berperan sebagai akomodasi dan fasilitas wisata atau sebagai Usaha Berbasis Rumah Tangga (Home Based Enterprise). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat perubahan yang terjadi pada hunian di Desa Borobudur yang diakibatkan karena perkembangan permukiman menjadi kawasan pariwisata, baik dari tatanan fisik, teritorial dan kultural. Penelitian ini mengunakan metode kualitatif studi kasus, dengan pendekatan transformasi dari Habraken. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah penjabaran tentang perubahan yang terjadi pada hunian di Desa Borobudur, terutama yang dipengaruhi oleh kegiatan pariwisata. Penelitian ini diharapkan memberikan manfaat pada dasar kebijakan, strategi, dan program dalam pengembangan pariwisata di Desa Borobudur, untuk menjaga kelestarian budaya lokal setempat

    Desa Pariwisata Berorientasi sebagai Pengembangan Wilayah Perkotaan dengan Pendekatan Hybrid Space

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    Sudimoro Village is one of the villages that suffered from the eruption of Mount Merapi in October 2010. Over time, Sudimoro has become a potential space to learn about disaster mitigation and about the use of bamboo as a sustainable building material. Geographically, Sudimoro is surrounded by many developing tourist destinations, in the west there are Elo Progo River Rafting and Mendut Temple, on the east side there is Gunungpring Cemetery. This village has the potential as a strategic Hybrid Space to connect all tourist points as tourist magnets, to support urban development. After 10 years, the temporary bamboo shelter in Sudimoro village began to be gradually developed by residents into a tourist village. Apart from preserving the historical value of the Bamboo Shelter and increasing the socio-cultural and local ecological values, the use of bamboo buildings is also a strategy for the sustainability of the Bamboo Shelter’s existence. In this paper, the author aims to make a comparison of the position of Sudimoro village compared to other tourist villages, as well as an assessment of Sudimoro's potential to become an urban tourism development area with the Hybrid Space approach