50 research outputs found

    Mempelajari Sifat Fisika Sol Karet Cetak Dengan Filler Cangkang Telur Ayam

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    Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menpelajari sifat fisika sol karet cetak dengan filler cangkang telur ayam. Sifat fisika yang dipelajari meliputi kekerasan, tegangan putus, ketahanan sobek dan ketahanan kikis. Penelitian dilakukan dengan 4 tahap yaitu pembuatan filler cangkang telur ayam, pembuatan sol karet cetak, pengujian sifat fisika dan penilaian secara visual. Perlakuan terdiri dari penggunaan cangkang telur ayam menggantikan filer karbon hitam meliputi perlakuan tanpa penggunaan cangkang telur ayam (A1), penggunaan filler cangkang telur ayam 15 Phr (B1), penggunaan filer cangkang telur ayam 30 Phr (C1) dan penggunaan filler cangkang telur ayam 45 Phr (D1). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa cangkang telur ayam dapat digunakan sebagai filler pada pembuatan sol karet cetak. Penggunaan filler cangkang telur ayam yang semakin meningkat menghasilkan sol karet cetak dengan kekerasan yang cenderung semakin menurun, tegangan putus yang semakin menurun, ketahanan sobek yang semakin menurun dan ketahanan kikis yang semakin meningkat. Secara fisual sol karet cetak yang dihasilkan dari filler cangkang telur ayam menghasilkan sol karet cetak yang baik (tidak cacat berupa sobek, lubang, lepuh, retak dan goresan)

    Interaction network analysis of datasets.

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    <p>(A, B, C, D, E) represents interaction network of PTSD<sub>GSE860</sub> vs Post-deploy PTSD<sub>GSE63878</sub> condition (F, G) represents interaction network of PTSD<sub>GSE860</sub> vs Pre- vs Post-deploy PTSD<sub>GSE63878</sub> condition. In G, L solid lines represent direct interactions and dashed lines represent indirect interactions. In B, C, D, E, G nodes represent the genes and the edges represent their corresponding interactions.</p

    List of genes resulted after filtering out 30% of the non-informative genes using Meta-analysis.

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    <p>List of genes resulted after filtering out 30% of the non-informative genes using Meta-analysis.</p

    Effect of AEA on miRNA induction in mice with mBSA-induced DTH: Affymetrix miRNA array analysis.

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    <p>[A] Heat map of miRNA expression patterns. RNA was isolated from five pooled popliteal lymph nodes of mBSA-sensitized mice rechallenged with mBSA and treated with either AEA or Vehicle. The samples were analyzed using Affymetrix miRNA 1.0 microarray. The values for each sample were generated by normalizing the expression of the microRNA to each sample. Ward's Method was used for clustering patterns and the samples were ordered by the Input Rank method. [B] AEA induced differential regulation of several miRNA species, as enumerated by the Venn diagram. [C] The most differential regulated miRNA expressed as a bar chart. [D] Ingenuity Pathway Analysis of the most differentially regulated biological networks.</p

    Prediction of Possible Biomarkers and Novel Pathways Conferring Risk to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

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    <div><p>Post-traumatic stress disorder is one of the common mental ailments that is triggered by exposure to traumatic events. Till date, the molecular factors conferring risk to the development of PTSD is not well understood. In this study, we have conducted a meta-analysis followed by hierarchical clustering and functional enrichment, to uncover the potential molecular networks and critical genes which play an important role in PTSD. Two datasets of expression profiles from Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells from 62 control samples and 63 PTSD samples were included in our study. In PTSD samples of GSE860 dataset, we identified 26 genes informative when compared with Post-deploy PTSD condition and 58 genes informative when compared with Pre-deploy and Post-deploy PTSD of GSE63878 dataset. We conducted the meta-analysis using Fisher, roP, Stouffer, AW, SR, PR and RP methods in MetaDE package. Results from the rOP method of MetaDE package showed that among these genes, the following showed significant changes including, <i>OR2B6</i>, <i>SOX21</i>, <i>MOBP</i>, <i>IL15</i>, <i>PTPRK</i>, <i>PPBPP2</i> and <i>SEC14L5</i>. Gene ontology analysis revealed enrichment of these significant PTSD-related genes for cell proliferation, DNA damage and repair (p-value ≤ 0.05). Furthermore, interaction network analysis was performed on these 7 significant genes. This analysis revealed highly connected functional interaction networks with two candidate genes, <i>IL15</i> and <i>SEC14L5</i> highly enriched in networks. Overall, from these results, we concluded that these genes can be recommended as some of the potential targets for PTSD.</p></div

    Circos plot and Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment analysis at a <i>P</i> value ≤ 0.05.

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    <p>(A, C) Shows the expression of the up-regulated informative genes in relation to the corresponding datasets (B, D) shows the expression of the up-regulated informative genes in PTSD<sub>GSE860</sub> vs Post-deploy PTSD<sub>GSE63878</sub> condition and PTSD<sub>GSE860</sub> vs Pre- vs Post-deploy PTSD<sub>GSE63878</sub> condition. Each connection between a gene and the condition represents the absolute fold change (E, F) Represents the gene ontology in PTSD<sub>GSE860</sub> vs Post-deploy PTSD<sub>GSE63878</sub> condition and PTSD<sub>GSE860</sub> vs Pre- vs Post-deploy PTSD<sub>GSE63878</sub> condition.</p

    AEA treatment induces IL-10 expression, while suppressing IL-17 and IFN-γ.

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    <p>DTH response against mBSA was induced as described in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0093954#pone-0093954-g001" target="_blank">Fig 1</a>. Cells from draining lymph nodes of mBSA-rechallenged mice were isolated and cultured overnight to allow for spontaneous cytokine secretion. The culture supernatants were then analyzed for IL-17 [A], IFN-γ [C], and IL-10 [D]. ELISA data are representative of 3 individual experiments with n = 3. [B] RNA was isolated from LN of mice treated with AEA or Vehicle to analyze the expression of RORγt by RT-PCR. PCR plot is representative of 3 individual experiments with n = 3. *p<0.05 **p<0.01 when compared to vehicle.</p

    Hierarchical clustering of differential expressed genes in the datasets.

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    <p>(A) Represents PTSD<sub>GSE860</sub> (yellow) vs Post-deploy PTSD<sub>GSE63878</sub> (red) condition (B) Represents PTSD<sub>GSE860</sub> (red) vs Pre-deploy PTSD<sub>GSE63878</sub> (orange) vs Post-deploy PTSD<sub>GSE63878</sub> (red) condition. All the probes were clustered based on normalized signal intensity ratios. Each row represented a single gene; each column represents the samples in each condition with an average linkage of expression.</p

    Histopathological analysis of mBSA rechallenged footpad.

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    <p>Mice were sensitized with mBSA and treated with either vehicle [A, C] or AEA [B, D], and rechallenged with either PBS [A, B] or mBSA [C, D], as described in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0093954#pone-0093954-g001" target="_blank">Fig 1</a>. The footpad was isolated and fixed/decalcified in Cal-Rite. The footpad was then embedded in paraffin and sectioned into 6μm sections and stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin. Pictures are representative of 2 individual experiments with n = 5. Magnification: 10×.</p

    TCDD-mediated downregulation of miRs and their role in apoptosis and immunotoxicity.

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    <p>TCDD-mediated downregulation of miRs and their role in apoptosis and immunotoxicity.</p