460 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Neuroprotective effect of medicinal plants in Drosophila melanogaster model

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    In this study, we investigated the neuroprotective effects of ethanolic extract of Bombax ceiba (EEBC) and ethanolic extract of Gymnemasylvestre (EEGS) against the toxicity induced by rotenone (ROT) in Drosophila melanogaster. Materials and Methods:Adult wild-type flies were concomitantly exposed to ROT (500 μM), EEBC (0.05% w/v and 0.1% w/v) and EEGS (0.05% w/v and 0.1% w/v) in the culture medium for 7 days. Results: ROT treated flies produced marked decreased in locomotor performance (i.e., climbing capability) in the negative geotaxis assay when compared to control group. EEBC and EEGS flies after treatment offered protection (24-42%) against the ROT-induced locomotor impairment in the negative geotaxis assay suggesting attenuation of ROT-induced locomotor deficits. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that EEBC and EEGS were effective in reducing the toxicity induced by ROT in D. melanogaster as well as it confirms the significance of this model to explore possible therapeutic approaches in Parkinson’s disease (PD)

    Evaluation of anti-Parkinson’s activity of ethanolic extract of Tridax procumbens (Asteraceae)

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    9-17Parkinson's disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disease characterized by loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra. In the present study was designed to evaluate anti-Parkinson’s activity of ethanolic extract of Tridax procumbens (EETP) leaves, family Asteraceae. The experimental paradigm included haloperidol-induced catalepsy in rat model and rotenone-induced locomotor impairment in the fruit fly. In the catalepsy model, the rats received treatment of EETP (100 and 200 mg/kg, p.o.) followed by haloperidol (1 mg/kg, i.p.) for 15 days. The significant (P p.o.). The catalase and reduced glutathione levels were found to be significantly (P P <0.05) improved the performances of locomotor activity in flies when compared with ROT treated flies. Thus, the study proved that EETP treatment significantly attenuated motor defects and also protected the brain from oxidative stress

    Optimal Control Promotional Policy for a New Product Incorporating Repeat Purchase in Segmented Market: A Control Theoretic Approach

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    This chapter considers an optimal control model to obtain dynamic promotional policies for a product considering a segmented market where first-time and additional repeat purchase sales are assumed to be generated through mass and differentiated promotions. Mass promotion is carried out in the whole market which reaches each segment with a fixed spectrum, and differentiated promotion is catered to each segment individually. The firm’s finite promotional resources are to be allocated for promoting a product at mass and segment levels of the market in a finite time period. The formulated control problem obtains optimal promotional effort policy for each segment using the maximum principle. The applicability of the proposed control model is illustrated through a numerical example by discretizing the model

    High resolution ultra sound and color Doppler in evaluation of thyroid nodule with fine needle aspiration cytology correlation

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    Background: Thyroid gland is the first to develop in fetal life and is largest of all the endocrine glands. It is superficial in location which helps in its excellent visualization of normal anatomy and pathologic condition by high resolution real time grey scale sonography. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usage of grey scale ultrasound and color Doppler with FNAC correlation for differentiation of benign and malignant thyroid nodule.Methods: This prospective study was carried out on sixteen patients who came to our department from period of 1 February to  31 march 2016.Grey scale ultrasound of neck  and Doppler followed by USG guided FNAC of thyroid swelling was done.Results: Out of 16 cases, 3 were malignant, 10 were benign, and 3 were indeterminate. One case was diagnosed as benign lesion on sono which came out to be malignant on pathology as follicular carcinoma. The cases were presented as hypoechoic lesion with regular margins with peripheral and internal vascularity. Due to well defined margins it was diagnosed as benign adenoma but turned out to be malignant on pathology as follicular carcinoma. Colloid goiter was most common presentation on ultrasound and it showed wide spectrum of appearance, majority being nodular with anechoic echotexture.Conclusions: High resolution grey scale ultra sound with color Doppler has emerged as initial modality of choice for evaluating the patient with thyroid enlargement


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    Objective: Iron stores in the body exist primarily in the form of ferritin. Iron deficiency anemia is the state where iron level is below normal, low transferrin saturation and ferritin as well as high iron binding capacity. National Family Health Survey-3 shows the prevalence of anemia in 56.2% of women of 15–49 year, 79.2% among children aged 6–35 months, 57.9% in pregnant women. Methods: 50 (apparently healthy female students of the medical college) were included in the study. Ferritin level was estimated by Advia Centaur XP Immunoassay System. Results: About 50% of non-vegetarian and about 79% of vegetarian were anemic. Ferritin level among non-vegetarians was significantly higher than vegetarians. Discussion: Although vegetarian lifestyle has great advantages, vegetarians do have a high risk of a deficiency of some nutrients, including iron. The most readily absorbed type of iron is hemiron which comes from meat, poultry, and fish. Furthermore, plant foods contain several iron-absorption inhibitors. Getting enough iron from non-hemiron sources can be a challenge. Iron requirements for vegetarians are about 1.8 times higher, compared to non-vegetarians. Conclusion: This form of malnutrition is most common and one of the leading causes of disease among girls and women in developing countries. Knowing about ferritin level will help understand iron status and thus avoiding the disease

    Evaluation of anti-Parkinson’s activity of ethanolic extract of Tridax procumbens (Asteraceae)

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disease characterized by loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra. In the present study was designed to evaluate anti-Parkinson’s activity of ethanolic extract of Tridax procumbens (EETP) leaves, family Asteraceae. The experimental paradigm included haloperidol-induced catalepsy in rat model and rotenone-induced locomotor impairment in the fruit fly. In the catalepsy model, the rats received treatment of EETP (100 and 200 mg/kg, p.o.) followed by haloperidol (1 mg/kg, i.p.) for 15 days. The significant (P &lt;0.05) reduction in muscle rigidity, catalepsy at EETP (100 mg/kg) while; improved locomotor activity was found with the EETP (100 and 200 mg/kg, p.o.). The catalase and reduced glutathione levels were found to be significantly (P &lt;0.05) increased and decreased lipid peroxidation at EETP (100 and 200 mg/kg). In fruit fly model; rotenone (ROT) 500 μM co-exposed with EETP (0.05% w/v and 0.1% w/v) to flies for 7 days. Treatment with EETP (0.05 and 0.1% w/v) significantly (P &lt;0.05) improved the performances of locomotor activity in flies when compared with ROT treated flies. Thus, the study proved that EETP treatment significantly attenuated motor defects and also protected the brain from oxidative stress


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    In present study plant of Arjuna has been taken for physical and chemical analysis in terms of microtome of bark, powder study, loss on drying, ash values, extractive values, bulk density, Acid insoluble ash, Water-soluble Ash, Water-soluble extractive value, Alcohol-soluble extractive, pH range, TLC, Tapped density, Compressibility index, Hauser ratio, Angle of repose, Ultra violet fluorescence analysis of drug, etc. Physical and chemical analysis an important place in standardization of Ayurvedic drugs in order to make its global acceptability. The plant of Arjuna botanically named as Terminalia arjuna linn.; family Combretaceae, has traditionally been used to treat many diseases especially heart disease for centuries, thats why it is called as “Guardian of the heartâ€. Transverse sections of Arjuna bark shows the calcium oxalate crystal, starch grains and lignified cells respectively shows that Xylem Vessels, Sclerenchymatous Fibers, Cork Cells, Tracheids, Sclereids, LOD value of the sample of Arjuna is 5.63%. According to result the Arjuna has three Rf vaule0.70, 0.42, 0.28 table1.4. Angle of repose of powder sample shows the flow of powder. The extractive value of Arjuna have different solvent like water, ethanol, isopropanol, acetone, chloroform, benzene, toluene, petroleum ether, hexsene are respectively 50.80, 41.07,30.37, 8.95, 0.96, 0.67, 0.52, 0.51, 0.46

    Next generation sequencing-based exploration of genomes and transcriptomes of medicinal plants

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    Medicinal plants are known for their therapeutic potential and have been associated with human history for their use in traditional medicine systems in different countries. Recent advances in next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies have accelerated research on medicinal plants with reduced cost and efforts. NGS technologies not only provide opportunity for high throughput whole genome sequencing, they also facilitate direct RNA sequencing. The sequence data-sets generated can further be explored for application in various areas of research such as comparative genomics, data mining for small and long non-coding RNAs, mining of molecular markers, gene discovery, etc. Continuous efforts are being made by commercial sequencing service providers in improving technology to overcome bioinformatics challenges in NGS data analysis. In recent past, genome sequence projects on various medicinal plants have been successfully accomplished and few others are in pipeline. Similarly, enormous NGS-based transcriptome data have been generated in a number of medicinal plants. In the present review, we have briefly attempted to address advancement in NGS technology, genomic and transcriptomics studies on medicinal plants with special emphasis on seabuckthorn (Hippophae sp.), a medicinally important plant of Indian Himalayas. Moreover, the scope of implementation of NGS based research on medicinal plants have been explored for the selection of candidate genes involved in particular biosynthesis pathways. The identified genes can be exploited for engineering medicinal plants for producing improved quality biologically active phytocompounds

    DeepSAGE based differential gene expression analysis under cold and freeze stress in Seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.)

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    Seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.), an important plant species of Indian Himalayas, is well known for its immense medicinal and nutritional value. The plant has the ability to sustain growth in harsh environments of extreme temperatures, drought and salinity. We employed DeepSAGE, a tag based approach, to identify differentially expressed genes under cold and freeze stress in seabuckthorn. In total 36.2 million raw tags including 13.9 million distinct tags were generated using Illumina sequencing platform for three leaf tissue libraries including control (CON), cold stress (CS) and freeze stress (FS). After discarding low quality tags, 35.5 million clean tags including 7 million distinct clean tags were obtained. In all, 11922 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) including 6539 up regulated and 5383 down regulated genes were identified in three comparative setups i.e. CON vs CS, CON vs FS and CS vs FS. Gene ontology and KEGG pathway analysis were performed to assign gene ontology term to DEGs and ascertain their biological functions. DEGs were mapped back to our existing seabuckthorn transcriptome assembly comprising of 88,297 putative unigenes leading to the identification of 428 cold and freeze stress responsive genes. Expression of randomly selected 22 DEGs was validated using qRT-PCR that further supported our DeepSAGE results. The present study provided a comprehensive view of global gene expression profile of seabuckthorn under cold and freeze stresses. The DeepSAGE data could also serve as a valuable resource for further functional genomics studies aiming selection of candidate genes for development of abiotic stress tolerant transgenic plants
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