196 research outputs found

    Rheological behaviour of selected commercially available baby formulas in simulated human digestive system

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    A variety of formulas are available in the global market for infants (< 12 months old) who do not have access to mother's milk. The rheological properties of four different commercially available infant formulas – newborn, anti-reflux, soy and lactose free – in an in vitro digestive system were investigated. The enzymatic saliva when mixed with the formulas did not influence their viscosity in the mouth possibly due to the short residence time. Systematic measurement (every 15 min) of viscosity during gastrointestinal digestion process revealed a decrease in viscosity as time progressed. The most interesting observation was that the viscosity of the anti-reflux formula was relatively higher compared to the other formulas throughout the simulated gastrointestinal digestion process. The results suggest that viscosity of the infant formula in the stomach may have a role to play in preventing gastroesophageal reflux

    Mephentermine abuse of prescription drugs in gym

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    A case report of 32 years old male presented to the drug addiction OPD and treatment center for the withdrawal symptoms of mephentermine.  Mephentermine a synthetic derivative of amphetamines with cardiac stimulatory action is been misused for boast of endurance in bodybuilders. Abuse of mephentermine result in psychosis, cardiovascular disorder and development of tolerance and dependence over time. Given its potential of causing harm, the abuse and dependence liability of mephentermine needs to be highlighted to gym instructors and general public

    3D printing of meat

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    Three-dimensional printing (3DP) process stands as a developing technology for food manufacturing, which offers the opportunity to design novel food products with improved nutritional value and sensorial profile. This review analyses the potential applications of 3DP technology for meat processing and the elemental aspects affecting the printability and post-processing feasibility of 3D printed meat products. The combination of nutritionally balanced ingredients and novel internal structures may be schemed into a multi-material 3D model that meets special individual needs, such as chewing and swallowing difficulties. Furthermore, a temperature-controlled extruder-type 3D printer built with multi-head system is suggested to suit the required conditions for meat safety and rheological requirements

    Comparison of ultra high temperature (UHT) stability of high protein milk dispersions prepared from milk protein concentrate (MPC) and conventional low heat skimmed milk powder (SMP)

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    This study compared the UHT (145 °C for 5 s) stability and fouling behavior of high protein milk dispersions prepared from reconstituted low heat skimmed milk powder (RSMP) and milk protein concentrate powder (RMPC). It was found that RMPC at 10 and 14% protein content was more UHT stable as compared to lower protein content RSMP (3.25, 6.5, 7, 7.5, 8%). Matching the total solids and mineral composition of 7.5-RMPC with 7.5-RSMP by addition of minerals and lactose markedly reduced its UHT stability (UHT run-time reduced to 66 min from >120 min). The RP-HPLC analysis showed increased casein dissociation but similar whey protein aggregation in 7.5-RSMP as compared to 14-RMPC. UHT processing lead to formation of larger particles in case of 7.5-RSMP (1.84 μm D(0.9)) as compared to 14-RMPC (0.23 μm D(0.9)). It was observed that mineral environment affected protein interactions leading to the differences in UHT behavior of RSMP and RMPC

    Sixth cervical vertebra with bilateral double foramen transversarium and non-bifid spine: a rare case

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    Anatomical knowledge of variations is of utmost clinical importance to all of us as they may be one of the reasons as etiological as well as of surgical importance. Vertebral region also presents many variations. Foramen transversarium are typical feature of cervical vertebrae and give way to neurovascular bundle, like vertebral artery, vertebral veins and sympathetic plexus around them throughout. Foramen transversarium and spine or spinous process of cervical vertebrae are important to all of medical specialists as well as for surgeons specially the surgeons dealing with head & neck surgeries. Knowledge of anatomical/surgical variations is very important for neurosurgeons and radiologists for reporting and planning for surgeries as this type of variation if ignored may be a cause for fatal or undesirable outcome of the surgical procedure or may lead to a different planning/approach at the time or during the surgical procedure. In the present case we observed very uncommon finding of bilateral double foramen transversarium as well as a nonbifid spinous process in sixth cervical vertebra which is extremely rare. Right and left both main foramen transversarium were bilateral symmetrical and rounded in shape. Right accessory foramen transversarium was complete while left was incomplete. Finding of present study is important in neurosurgery for posterior approaches of the cervical vertebrae and also useful for radiological studies to avoid erroneous counting of cervical spines in clinical observations as surface landmark

    A Political Economy? Some Preliminary Thoughts on Economic Privileges in Early Modern Venice

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    The paper provides a general view of different typologies of privilege existing in the Republic of Venice from 1500 to 1800, connecting together the results of previous research on the subject to build a more complex view of the Venetian “political economy”. The focus on the Venetian case is justified by its alleged exceptionality, which challenges both the usual assumptions about the operation of economic and political privileges, and the general interpretations of their historical evolution. Yet Venice is here used as a laboratory in which historians could elaborate new questions and concepts useful in the investigation of privileges in pre-industrial economies. In this perspective, the authors deal with 1) fair and export privileges of subject cities, their origin and adaptation from the Renaissance up to the fall of the Republic; 2) the role of commercial privileges and how they were used by central authority in order to allow business cooperation, market integration and industrial development; 3) the functions that industrial privileges performed as tools of the Venetian mercantilist policy in order to foster import-substituting and export activities

    Protein concentration and hydrocolloid effect on the rheological and tribological behaviour of resulting protein solution

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    In recent years, the consumption of high protein beverages has increased due to the consciousness among consumers about their body weight. This study investigated the rheological, tribological and visual properties of pure proteins solutions with variable protein concentrations and with/without hydrocolloids (gelatin, κ-carrageenan, low methoxy pectin and curdlan). Although whey protein addition did not have any obvious influence on the appearances of protein solutions, it increased the stability against agglomeration and improved viscosity and lubrication property (measured as a friction coefficient) to some extent. The protein solutions became less stable with addition of the hydrocolloids under investigation, however the flow and lubrication behaviour of the protein solutions improved as the amount of hydrocolloids increased. The protein solution containing 0.25 g/100 g of curdlan showed the best lubrication property at both 15 and 37 °C

    Usporedba lidokaina i kombinacije lidokaina i ketamina primijenjenih za distalnu intravensku regionalnu anesteziju (DIVRA) u goveda

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    The hoof diseases of cattle can be managed surgically under intravenous regional anesthesia (IVRA). For routine induction of IVRA, a tourniquet is placed circumferentially at the metacarpus/metatarsus. In the present study, hoof diseases of cattle were corrected using a modified IVRA technique. The cattle with hoof ailments were randomly divided into two groups and a tourniquet was placed just distal to the dew claws instead of at the metacarpus/metatarsus in order to decrease the dose of anesthetic. In group I lidocaine (2mg/kg) and in group II a mixture of lidocaine and ketamine (2mg/kg+1.5mg/kg) was injected into the axial digital vein to induce distal intravenous regional anesthesia (DIVRA). The heart rate, respiration rate, systolic and diastolic pressure were unaffected in both groups. Oxygen saturation was significantly (P<0.05) lower between 5 and 60 minutes in group I and between 15 and 40 minutes in group II animals. The sensory and motor block onset time was shorter, and the sensory and motor block recovery time was longer in group II animals as compared to group I animals. It was concluded that the DIVRA technique using lidocaine alone and lidocaine admixed with ketamine are suitable for hoof examination and surgery.Bolesti papaka u goveda mogu se kirurški liječiti pod intravenskom regionalnom anestezijom (IVRA). Za rutinsko uvođenje u IVRA-u postavlja se kružno čvrsti zavoj na metakarpus/metatarzus. U ovom su istraživanju bolesti papaka u goveda liječene modificiranom IVRA metodom. Istražene životinje nasumično su podijeljene u dvije skupine a zavoj kojim se samnjuje doza anestetika postavljen je, umjesto na metakarpus/metatarzus, distalno od rudimentiranih papaka. U skupini I primijenjen je lidokain (2 mg/kg), a u skupini II kombinacija lidokaina i ketamina (2 mg/kg + 1,5 mg/kg). Za uvođenje u distalnu intravensku regionalnu anesteziju (DIVRA) anestetici su aplicirani u aksijalnu digitalnu venu. Srčana frekvencija, frekvencija disanja, sistolički i dijastolički tlak u obje su skupine bili nepromijenjeni. Zasićenost kisikom bila je znakovito niža (P<0,05) između 5. i 60. minute u skupini I te između 15. i 40. minute u skupini II. Vrijeme pojave senzornih i motoričkih blokova bilo je kraće, a vrijeme oporavka tih blokova dulje u životinja u skupini II u usporedbi sa skupinom I. Zaključeno je da je DIVRA, uz upotrebu i samog lidokaina i lidokaina u kombinaciji s ketaminom, prikladna metoda za pregled i obavljanje kiruških zahvata na papcima goveda

    Development of rheological and sensory properties of combinations of milk proteins and gelling polysaccharides as potential gelatin replacements in the manufacture of stirred acid milk gels and yogurt

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    Combinations of gelling polysaccharides (xanthan/locust bean gum [X/L], carrageenan and starch) and milk proteins (whey protein isolate [WPI], sodium caseinate and skim milk powder) were evaluated as potential gelatin replacers in acid milk gels. Gels with added X/L alone showed rheological (gelling and melting) and microstructural (typical casein network with thin strand-like structures) properties similar to those of gels with gelatin. Similar to the effect of adding gelatin, milk protein fortification enhanced water holding capacity (WHC) of the gels, with WPI being the most effective. Gels with combinations of polysaccharides (except carrageenan) and WPI were stronger and had higher WHC than gels with no stabilizer. In yogurt, the combination of WPI and X/L (WPI-X/L) produced similar effects on consistency, pseudoplasticity and apparent viscosity as gelatin and higher sensory scores for thickness and stickiness than gelatin; a lower score for smoothness was observed with WPI-X/L than with gelatin