726 research outputs found

    Studies on the Interaction Between Upland Rice and Other Crops in Intercropping System

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    The national rice requirement in Indonesia today is very high, and can not be fullfiled from irrigated lowland rice area only. However, the contribution of upland rice, which is grown in dryland and rainfed area, to national rice production is lower compared to lowland rice, although dryland area in Indonesia is much wider compared to lowland area. One of the advantages of upland rice culture compared to lowland rice is that it can be grown side by side with other crops under intercropping system. Studies on the interaction between upland rice and other crops is needed to get the crops suited to grow together. This paper is a review of the results of a series of field experiments on the intercropping between upland rice and other (legume and horticultural) crops conducted in agriculture experiment station, Gadjah Mada University, in Kalitirto district, Yogyakarta, from 2000 up to 2005. The methodology used is based on the replacement series technique. Basically, there are three different types of interaction, i.e. (1) Mutual inhibitation, when the actual yield of each species is less than expected. (2) Mutual cooperation or complementation, when the actual yield of each species is greater than expected. (3) Compensation, one species yield is less and the other is more than expected. The results of the experiments was classified into two groups i.e. (1) upland rice vs legume crops and (2) upland rice vs horticultural crops. Most of legume crops stimulated upland rice yield. However, the effect of upland rice on each legume was different, i.e. decreased yield such as in mung bean and groundnut, or no significant effect such as in velvet bean (Mucuna sp.). Thus a compensation type of interaction occurred. In horticultural crops, the results varied depending on the species of the crop. Complementary was shown on the interaction between upland rice and water melon. In intercropping upland rice-onion, upland rice stimulated onion yield while onion did not affect to upland rice yield. However, in intercropping upland rice-pineapple, both Cayenne and Queen types of pineapple gave positive effect (increased) to upland rice yield, while upland rice did not give harmful effect to pineapple.Special Revie

    Ukuran Omfalokel: Apakah Berhubungan dengan Anomali Kongenital ?

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    ABSTRACT                                                                     Background: Omphalocele (also known as exomphalus) is a condition that is seen in newborn infants, and is thought to result from failure of the intestines to return to the abdomen after the migration into the umbilical cord. Omphalocele is often associated with the presence of other congenital anomalies. One study says that a small of defect omphalocele is often accompanied by intestinal disorders and have a better prognosis. Purpose(s): Based on this study the researcher wants to review the relationship between the size of  omphalocele defect and the presence of associated congenital anomaly in Hasan Sadikin Hospital. Methods: This is a retrospective cross-sectional study. All patient with omphalocele between February 2007 – March 2012 were included in this study. Data collected were patient demographics, size of omphalocele defect and congenital anomalies identified. In this study, patients were  designated as those with large (greater than 4 cm) or small (4 cm and less) defect omphaloceles. This study analyzed correlation between size of defect with associated anomaly using Fisher exact test  and  p < 0.05 is considered to be significant. Results: There were 52 omphalocele cases (24 girls, 28 boys), median birth weight 2710gr (range 1300gr–4000gr). Twenty seven patients were classified as small defect, with 25 classified as large defect. Anomaly found in the small defect groups consists of facial anomaly (7%); cardiac anomaly (7%); intestinal disorder (22%,P=0,02) include patent omphalomesentericus duct, anorectal malformation and cloaca extrophi; limb anomaly (7%). Meanwhile, anomalies identified in the large defect group consist of facial anomaly (8%); cardac defect (32%) include dextrocardi and tetralogi Fallot; limb anomaly (16%).In this study, cardiac defects was significantly higher in the large defect group, meanwhile intestinal diorder is statistically significant in small defect groups. Conclusion: Small defect omphalocele correlates with an increased prevalence of associated gastrointestinal anomalies and a lower prevalence of cardiac anomalies.Keyword: Omphalocele; Exomphalus; Associated congenital anomalies; Defect siz

    Suatu Konsep Tentang Stabilitas Serta Kemungkinan Penerapannya Dalam Analisa Sistem Pertanian. (Stability Concept and The Possibility of Its Application in Agticultural System Analysis)

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    ABSTRAK This paper briefly describes the concept of stability, in which its mathematical theorems were developed by Liapunov some years ago in the field of electrical engineering. Using a relatively simple mathematical model, the author tries to explain the possibility of its applications in agricultural system analysis. Key words: Stabilitas, teori Liapuno


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penguasaan materi prediksi UN SMP 2009 bagi guru-guru pamong murid SMP Terbuka. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 70 guru Matematika SMP yang bertugas untuk memberikan tutorial kepada murid SMP Terbuka di provinsi-provinsi : Nangro Aceh Darussalam, Sumatera Barat, Lampung, Banten , Jawa Barat, Jawa Timur dan Sulawesi Selatan Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian populasi karena dikenakan kepada semua guru-guru yang bertugas memberikan totorial kepada murid SMP Terbuka. Jumlah populasi sebanyak 60 guru terdiri dari 7 provinsi saat dilakukan pembinaan persiapan menghadapi UN 2009 yang dilaksanakan region Bandung dan region Surabaya Perhitungan dengan melihat persentase penguasaan materi prediksi UN . Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa 14,93 % guru kurang menguasai masalah perhitungan jarak dan waktu, 11,94% kurang menguasai himpunan bagian, 17,91% kurang menguasai kesebangunan, 11,94% kurang menguasai kekongruenan, 14,93% kurang menguasai statistik, 19,407% kurang menguasai pertidaksamaan, 13,43 % kurang menguasai rumus fungsi, dan 14,93 % kurang mengetahui aplikasi unsur lingkara

    Program pemuliaan konvensional tanaman salak di Fakultas Pertanian UGM. Salak conventional breeding program in Faculty of Agriculture GMU.

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    Salak as an original crop from Indonesia has a high potential to develop as one of the main fruit product to export to international market. However in fulfilling international standard quality of fruit production, the salak cultivars in Indonesia should be improved through an integrated breeding program. The paper told about salak breeding program conducted in Faculty of Agriculture, Gadjah Mada University. The model was developed based on materials have it, i.e. bulk population of local varieties. As many aspects of the crop have not been investigated yet, the paper also suggests that research on fisiological genetics and biotechnology should be stressed in the future to support the breeding program of this crop. Salak merupakan tanaman ash Indonesia yang berpotensi tinggi untuk dikembangkan sebagai salah satu produk ekspor utama ke pasar internasional. Akan tetapi untuk memenuhi standar kualitas produksi buah, kultivar salak di Indonesia seharusnya diperbaiki melalui program pemuliaan yang menyeluruh. Program pemuliaan tanaman salak dilaksanakan di Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Gadjah Mada. Model dikembangkan berdasarkan materi utama yang dimiliki, antara lain: populasi bulk varietas lokal. Banyak aspek tanaman salak yang belum diteliti sebelumnya, ditegaskan lagi bahwa penelitian genetikfisiologi dan bioteknologi harus lebih mendukung program pemuliaan tanaman salak

    A Theoritical Framework).

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    ABSTRAK A model for optimizing crop production in transmigration area, where farmers have a lirnitedala.nds (about two hectares) was developed .0 sing a multistage programming the model try to optimize farmer\u27s net income through :(1) optimizing the management packages for each crop, and (2) optimizing the land allocation It is belief that in some cases the model is not fitted. However, at least this can be used as a starting point in looking for a better solution on developing the transmigration areas. Key word: musim tanam, produksi tanaman, pola tana


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    PEMBUATAN DAN ANALISIS EXCITER GENERATOR RF UNTUK SIKLOTRON PROTON DECY-13.Telah dilakukan analisis dan pembuatan exciter generator RF untuk siklotron proton 13MeV. Generator RFakan digunakan sebagai sumber tegangan pemercepat bolak-balik siklotron DECY-13 rancangan PTAPBBATAN.Berdasarkan dokumen rancangan dasar yang telah dibuat siklotron Decy-13 akan menggunakanmedan magnet 1,275 Tesla, sehingga frekuensi generator RF bila menggunakan harmonik keempat adalah77,667 MHz. Salah satu teknik pembangkitan sinyal radio frekuensi untuk siklotron yang saat inidikembangkan di dunia adalah dengan teknik Direct Digital Synthesizer (DDS).Teknologi DDS adalah sirkuit arsitektur inovatif yang memungkinkan manipulasi frekuensi dengan cepatdan tepat pada keluarannya dan sepenuhnya di bawah kontrol digital. Prototip exciter generator RF yangtelah dibuat menggunakan DDS tipe AD9851 buatan Analog Device dengan frekuensi dasar 30 MHz. dandikendalikan oleh mikrokontroler ATmega16. Untuk menghindari timbulnya frekuensi yang tidak diharapkanpada keluarannya, keluaran DDS dilewatkan rangkaian band pass filter pasif. Hasil pengujian menunjukkanbahwa rentang frekuensi keluaran exciter adalah 2 MHz dengan frekuensi tengah 77,667 MHz. dan stopband -3dB. Sedangkan keluaran daya RF 10 Watt memerlukan catu daya + 12 V dengan arus 2,9 A.Meskipun prototip sudah berhasil dibuat dan hasilnya sesuai yang diharapkan, tetapi masih perludisempurnakan.Kata kunci: Exciter, generator RF, band pass filter, siklotro