23 research outputs found

    Visualizing the Unseen: Illustrating and Documenting Phantom Limb Sensations and Phantom Limb Pain With C.A.L.A.

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    Currently, there is neither a standardized mode for the documentation of phantom sensations and phantom limb pain, nor for their visualization as perceived by patients. We have therefore created a tool that allows for both, as well as for the quantification of the patient's visible and invisible body image. A first version provides the principal functions: (1) Adapting a 3D avatar for self-identification of the patient; (2) modeling the shape of the phantom limb; (3) adjusting the position of the phantom limb; (4) drawing pain and cramps directly onto the avatar; and (5) quantifying their respective intensities. Our tool (C.A.L.A.) was evaluated with 33 occupational therapists, physiotherapists, and other medical staff. Participants were presented with two cases in which the appearance and the position of the phantom had to be modeled and pain and cramps had to be drawn. The usability of the software was evaluated using the System Usability Scale and its functional range was evaluated using a self-developed questionnaire and semi-structured interview. In addition, our tool was evaluated on 22 patients with limb amputations. For each patient, body image as well as phantom sensation and pain were modeled to evaluate the software's functional scope. The accuracy of the created body image was evaluated using a self-developed questionnaire and semi-structured interview. Additionally, pain sensation was assessed using the SF-McGill Pain Questionnaire. The System Usability Scale reached a level of 81%, indicating high usability. Observing the participants, though, identified several operational difficulties. While the provided functions were considered useful by most participants, the semi-structured interviews revealed the need for an improved pain documentation component. In conclusion, our tool allows for an accurate visualization of phantom limbs and phantom limb sensations. It can be used as both a descriptive and quantitative documentation tool for analyzing and monitoring phantom limbs. Thus, it can help to bridge the gap between the therapist's conception and the patient's perception. Based on the collected requirements, an improved version with extended functionality will be developed

    Counteracting Electrode Shifts in Upper-Limb Prosthesis Control via Transfer Learning

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    Prahm C, Schulz A, PaaĂźen B, et al. Counteracting Electrode Shifts in Upper-Limb Prosthesis Control via Transfer Learning. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. 2019;27(5):956-962.Research on machine learning approaches for upper limb prosthesis control has shown impressive progress. However, translating these results from the lab to patient's everyday lives remains a challenge, because advanced control schemes tend to break down under everyday disturbances, such as electrode shifts. Recently, it has been suggested to apply adaptive transfer learning to counteract electrode shifts using as little newly recorded training data as possible. In this paper, we present a novel, simple version of transfer learning and provide the first user study demonstrating the effectiveness of transfer learning to counteract electrode shifts. For this purpose, we introduce the novel Box and Beans test to evaluate prosthesis proficiency and compare user performance with an initial simple pattern recognition system, the system under electrode shifts, and the system after transfer learning. Our results show that transfer learning could significantly alleviate the impact of electrode shifts on user performance in the Box and Beans test

    Rehabilitation of Upper Extremity Nerve Injuries Using Surface EMG Biofeedback: Protocols for Clinical Application

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    Motor recovery following nerve transfer surgery depends on the successful re-innervation of the new target muscle by regenerating axons. Cortical plasticity and motor relearning also play a major role during functional recovery. Successful neuromuscular rehabilitation requires detailed afferent feedback. Surface electromyographic (sEMG) biofeedback has been widely used in the rehabilitation of stroke, however, has not been described for the rehabilitation of peripheral nerve injuries. The aim of this paper was to present structured rehabilitation protocols in two different patient groups with upper extremity nerve injuries using sEMG biofeedback. The principles of sEMG biofeedback were explained and its application in a rehabilitation setting was described. Patient group 1 included nerve injury patients who received nerve transfers to restore biological upper limb function (n = 5) while group 2 comprised patients where biological reconstruction was deemed impossible and hand function was restored by prosthetic hand replacement, a concept today known as bionic reconstruction (n = 6). The rehabilitation protocol for group 1 included guided sEMG training to facilitate initial movements, to increase awareness of the new target muscle, and later, to facilitate separation of muscular activities. In patient group 2 sEMG biofeedback helped identify EMG activity in biologically “functionless” limbs and improved separation of EMG signals upon training. Later, these sEMG signals translated into prosthetic function. Feasibility of the rehabilitation protocols for the two different patient populations was illustrated. Functional outcome measures were assessed with standardized upper extremity outcome measures [British Medical Research Council (BMRC) scale for group 1 and Action Research Arm Test (ARAT) for group 2] showing significant improvements in motor function after sEMG training. Before actual movements were possible, sEMG biofeedback could be used. Patients reported that this visualization of muscle activity helped them to stay motivated during rehabilitation and facilitated their understanding of the re-innervation process. sEMG biofeedback may help in the cognitively demanding process of establishing new motor patterns. After standard nerve transfers individually tailored sEMG biofeedback can facilitate early sensorimotor re-education by providing visual cues at a stage when muscle activation cannot be detected otherwise

    Echo State Networks as Novel Approach for Low-Cost Myoelectric Control

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    Prahm C, Schulz A, PaaĂźen B, Aszmann O, Hammer B, Dorffner G. Echo State Networks as Novel Approach for Low-Cost Myoelectric Control. In: ten Telje A, Popow C, Holmes JH, Sacchi L, eds. Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME 2017). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol 10259. Springer; 2017: 338--342.Myoelectric signals or muscle signals provide an intuitive and rapid interface for controlling technical devices, in particular bionic arm prostheses. However, inferring the intended movement from a surface myoelectric recording is a non-trivial pattern recognition task, especially if myoelectric data stems from low-cost sensors. At the same time, overly complex models are prohibited by strict speed, data parsimonity and robustness requirements. As a compromise between high accuracy and strict requirements we propose to apply Echo State Networks (ESNs), which can be seen as an extension of standard linear regression with 1) a memory and 2) nonlinearity. We find that both features, memory and nonlinearity, independently as well as in conjunction, improve the prediction accuracy on simultaneous movements in two degrees of freedom (hand opening/closing as well as pronation/supination) recorded from four able-bodied participants using a low-cost myoelectric sensor. However, we also find that the model is still not sufficiently resistant to external disturbances such as electrode shift

    Transfer Learning for Rapid Re-calibration of a Myoelectric Prosthesis after Electrode Shift

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    Prahm C, Paaßen B, Schulz A, Hammer B, Aszmann O. Transfer Learning for Rapid Re-calibration of a Myoelectric Prosthesis after Electrode Shift. In: Ibáñez J, Gonzáles-Vargas J, Azorín JM, Akay M, Pons JL, eds. Converging Clinical and Engineering Research on Neurorehabilitation II: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on NeuroRehabilitation (ICNR2016). Springer; 2016: 153--157.For decades, researchers have attempted to provide patients with an intuitive method to control upper limb prostheses, enabling them to manipulate multiple degrees of freedom continuously and simultaneously using only simple myoelectric signals. However, such controlling schemes are still highly vulnerable to disturbances in the myoelectric signal, due to electrode shifts, posture changes, sweat, fatigue etc. Recent research has demonstrated that such robustness problems can be alleviated by rapid re-calibration of the prosthesis once a day, using only very small amounts of training data (less than one minute of training time). In this contribution, we propose such a re-calibration scheme for a pattern recognition controller based on transfer learning. In a pilot study with able-bodied subjects we demonstrate that high controller accuracy can be re-obtained after strong electrode shift, even for simultaneous movements in multiple degrees of freedom

    Translational evaluation of gait behavior in rodent models of arthritic disorders with the CatWalk device – a narrative review

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    Arthritic disorders have become one of the main contributors to the global burden of disease. Today, they are one of the leading causes of chronic pain and disability worldwide. Current therapies are incapable of treating pain sufficiently and preventing disease progression. The lack of understanding basic mechanisms underlying the initiation, maintenance and progression of arthritic disorders and related symptoms represent the major obstacle in the search for adequate treatments. For a long time, histological evaluation of joint pathology was the predominant outcome parameter in preclinical arthritis models. Nevertheless, quantification of pain and functional limitations analogs to arthritis related symptoms in humans is essential to enable bench to bedside translation and to evaluate the effectiveness of new treatment strategies. As the experience of pain and functional deficits are often associated with altered gait behavior, in the last decades, automated gait analysis has become a well-established tool for the quantitative evaluation of the sequalae of arthritic disorders in animal models. The purpose of this review is to provide a detailed overview on the current literature on the use of the CatWalk gait analysis system in rodent models of arthritic disorders, e.g., Osteoarthritis, Monoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Special focus is put on the assessment and monitoring of pain-related behavior during the course of the disease. The capability of evaluating the effect of distinct treatment strategies and the future potential for the application of the CatWalk in rodent models of arthritic disorders is also addressed in this review. Finally, we discuss important consideration and provide recommendations on the use of the CatWalk in preclinical models of arthritic diseases