16 research outputs found

    Parallelization of Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM) in K-Medoids Clustering on GPU

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    K-medoids clustering is categorized as partitional clustering. K-medoids offers better result when dealing with outliers and arbitrary distance metric also in the situation when the mean or median does not exist within data. However, k-medoids suffers a high computational complexity. Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM) has been developed to improve k-medoids clustering, consists of build and swap steps and uses the entire dataset to find the best potential medoids. Thus, PAM produces better medoids than other algorithms. This research proposes the parallelization of PAM in k-medoids clustering on GPU to reduce computational time at the swap step of PAM. The parallelization scheme utilizes shared memory, reduction algorithm, and optimization of the thread block configuration to maximize the occupancy. Based on the experiment result, the proposed parallelized PAM k-medoids is faster than CPU and Matlab implementation and efficient for large dataset

    Bottom-up visual attention model for still image: a preliminary study

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    The philosophy of human visual attention is scientifically explained in the field of cognitive psychology and neuroscience then computationally modeled in the field of computer science and engineering. Visual attention models have been applied in computer vision systems such as object detection, object recognition, image segmentation, image and video compression, action recognition, visual tracking, and so on. This work studies bottom-up visual attention, namely human fixation prediction and salient object detection models. The preliminary study briefly covers from the biological perspective of visual attention, including visual pathway, the theory of visual attention, to the computational model of bottom-up visual attention that generates saliency map. The study compares some models at each stage and observes whether the stage is inspired by biological architecture, concept, or behavior of human visual attention. From the study, the use of low-level features, center-surround mechanism, sparse representation, and higher-level guidance with intrinsic cues dominate the bottom-up visual attention approaches. The study also highlights the correlation between bottom-up visual attention and curiosity


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    The Covid-19 pandemic has spread throughout all countries including Indonesia. Kediri Regency has also experienced the impact and has become an area in the red zone category for the Covid-19 pandemic. The continued spread of covid 19 has made the government implement conditions to make peace with the corona virus through healthy and clean living habits. The purpose of this activity is to increase public knowledge about clean and healthy living habits by washing hands properly, and proper cough etiquette in a new life order. The activities carried out were in the form of health education using leaflets, songs / movements and distribution of masks. There is an increase in public knowledge about clean and healthy living habits regarding hand washing and cough etiquette towards adapting to new habits

    Pre-trained convolutional networks for classification of training leather image

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    Leather craft products, such as belt, gloves, shoes, bag, and wallet are mainly originated from cow, crocodile, lizard, goat, sheep, buffalo, and stingray skin. Before the skins are used as leather craft materials, they go through a tanning process. With the rapid development of leather craft industry, an automation system for leather tanning factories is important to achieve large scale production in order to meet the demand of leather craft materials. The challenges in automatic leather grading system based on type and quality of leather are the skin color and texture after tanning process will have a large variety within the same skin category and have high similarity with the other skin categories. Furthermore, skin from different part of animal body may have different color and texture. Therefore, a leather classification method on tanning leather image is proposed. The method uses pre-trained deep convolution neural network (CNN) to extract rich features from tanning leather image and Support Vector Machine (SVM) to classify the features into several types of leather. Performance evaluation shows that the proposed method can classify various types of leather with good accuracy and superior to other state-of-the-art leather classification method in terms of accuracy and computational time