14,156 research outputs found

    What Can Explain Excess Smoothness and Sensitivity of State-Level Consumption?

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    This article estimates marginal propensities to consume (MPC) out of current and lagged income for U.S. states using panel data regressions that control for time-specific and state-level fixed effects. The MPCs vary across states, in particular, the MPC out of current income is higher in states where income is more persistent and the MPC out of lagged income is lower in agricultural states. Several models of individual consumer behavior are analyzed and simulated in order to isolate a model which is able to match the estimated MPCs well.Permanent Income, Credit Rationing, Precautionary saving, Time-Aggregation, Durable Goods, Risk Sharing.

    Lattice Modeling of Early-Age Behavior of Structural Concrete.

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    The susceptibility of structural concrete to early-age cracking depends on material composition, methods of processing, structural boundary conditions, and a variety of environmental factors. Computational modeling offers a means for identifying primary factors and strategies for reducing cracking potential. Herein, lattice models are shown to be adept at simulating the thermal-hygral-mechanical phenomena that influence early-age cracking. In particular, this paper presents a lattice-based approach that utilizes a model of cementitious materials hydration to control the development of concrete properties, including stiffness, strength, and creep resistance. The approach is validated and used to simulate early-age cracking in concrete bridge decks. Structural configuration plays a key role in determining the magnitude and distribution of stresses caused by volume instabilities of the concrete material. Under restrained conditions, both thermal and hygral effects are found to be primary contributors to cracking potential

    Produção integrada: divulgando o sistema ao consumidor.

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    O presente artigo fornece um panorama da fruticultura brasileira e discute como o sistema de Produção Integrada pode fazer a diferença nesse cenário. O objetivo final é divulgar esse sistema e seus benefícios para a sociedade. Para tal, com base numa revisão bibliográfica e em análises de casos similares, algumas ações de marketing foram indicadas Dessa forma espera-se que o consumidor entenda que tem uma nova opção para o consumo seguro não só de frutas, como de toda a cadeia agropecuária

    La cobertura mediática de la violencia en el contexto de la guerra contra el narco en México

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    En el contexto de inseguridad y violencia que trajo consigo la guerra contra el narcotráfico comenzada por el ex presidente Felipe Calderón a inicios del 2006, los medios no se han limitado a informar ni a ser una vía de comunicación entre las partes involucradas, sino que, en su interacción, han jugado un papel en el conflicto mismo. Este artículo explora cómo ha sido la relación de los medios con los actores del conflicto en México y se cuestiona sobre si hubo una cobertura desproporcionada de la violencia y esto creó la imagen de un país más violento de lo que es en realidad.ITESO, A.C

    Middle Management Role in Informally Managing Conflict, Incivility, and Bullying in Higher Education Institutions

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    Middle-level managers in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) encounter various stress-related conflicts, including instances of incivility and bullying, yet literature on their role in improving workplace interpersonal relationships and suitable conflict-management training is limited. This article represents findings from the qualitative study that delves into conflict management through the lens of HEI middle-level managers within the manager-to-subordinate relationship. Through in-depth interviews with 10 managers, four overarching themes emerged: structural challenges, sources of conflict, conflict training, and managing conflict. Surprisingly, findings revealed that managers did not extensively apply knowledge from conflict-management training, instead crafting their own tactics and strategies. These results contribute to a deeper understanding of conflict management for HEI middle-level managers, shedding light on effective tools to navigate incivility and bullying within educational institutions

    Human myiasis in Ecuador.

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    We review epidemiological and clinical data on human myiasis from Ecuador, based on data from the Ministry of Public Health (MPH) and a review of the available literature for clinical cases. The larvae of four flies, Dermatobia hominis, Cochliomyia hominivorax, Sarcophaga haemorrhoidalis, and Lucilia eximia, were identified as the causative agents in 39 reported clinical cases. The obligate D. hominis, causing furuncular lesions, caused 17 (43.5%) cases distributed along the tropical Pacific coast and the Amazon regions. The facultative C. hominivorax was identified in 15 (38%) clinical cases, infesting wound and cavitary lesions including orbital, nasal, aural and vaginal, and occurred in both subtropical and Andean regions. C. hominivorax was also identified in a nosocomial hospital-acquired wound. Single infestations were reported for S. haemorrhoidalis and L. eximia. Of the 39 clinical cases, 8 (21%) occurred in tourists. Ivermectin, when it became available, was used to treat furuncular, wound, and cavitary lesions successfully. MPH data for 2013–2015 registered 2,187 cases of which 54% were reported in men; 46% occurred in the tropical Pacific coast, 30% in the temperate Andes, 24% in the tropical Amazon, and 0.2% in the Galapagos Islands. The highest annual incidence was reported in the Amazon (23 cases/100,000 population), followed by Coast (5.1/100,000) and Andes (4.7/100,000). Human myiasis is a neglected and understudied ectoparasitic infestation, being endemic in both temperate and tropical regions of Ecuador. Improved education and awareness among populations living in, visitors to, and health personnel working in high-risk regions, is required for improved epidemiological surveillance, prevention, and correct diagnosis and treatment