8 research outputs found

    Usability Testing Menggunakan Model PACMAD Pada Aplikasi Mobile Tabanan Dalam Genggaman

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    Aplikasi Tabanan Dalam Genggaman adalah aplikasi mobile milik Pemerintah Kabupaten Tabanan. Aplikasi ini memuat beragam data dan informasi tentang Kabupaten Tabanan. Sebagai aplikasi yang bersifat public penting untuk melakukan uji guna mengetahui tingkat usability sehingga dapat memaksimalkan kebergunaan aplikasi. Pengujian usability testing menggunakan model PACMAD (People At The Center Of Mobile Application Depelovment) dengan 7 atribut pengukuran serta melibatkan 12 responden pada rentang usia 15-41 tahun. Dari hasil pengujian usability testing yang dilakukan dengan teknik performance measurement, RTA, Kuesioner SUS dan NASA-TLX diketahui bahwa aplikasi tabanan dalam gengaman dapat dikategorikan telah memenuhi tingkat usability yang baik untuk sebuah aplikasi mobile. Hal ini berdasarkan pada terpenuhinya 7 atribut usability pada model PACMAD yaitu efficiency sebesar 0,0380050295 goals/second, effectiveness 97%, learnability 92%,  memorability 98%, error 0,090278, satisfaction 59,375 dan cognitive load 43,4444. Sebagai upaya meningkatkan usability pada aplikasi Tabanan Dalam Genggaman maka  dirancangan rekomendasi perbaikan dalam bentuk wireframe/mockup yang didasarkan pada teori 8 golden rules dari Benn Sneidermann dan 10 prinsip user interface aplikasi mobile dari Jonathan Stark. Hasil analisis data performance measurement dan data hasil RTA dijadikan sebagai acuan dan pertimbangan untuk memutuskan bagian, halaman dan fitur dalam aplikasi Tabnanan Dalam Genggaman yang akan diberikan rekomendasi perbaikan.


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    Information security is an asset that has value so it must be protected, along with increasing assets it is undeniable that many people wish to gain access and control it so that behind the convenience in the digital world there are many risks to information assets. There are several cases that occur related to information security such as data theft, illegal access, information leakage and vandalism where this becomes the privacy of the user. So it is necessary to do research from the user's perspective to measure the level of information security and privacy awareness of students and lecturers as well as recommendations that will be suggested based on the results of measuring information security and privacy awareness. The objects in this research are students and lecturers at the XYZ University. The method used is Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) by measuring the dimensions of knowledge, attitude, behavior in six areas of information security and three areas of privacy. Data were obtained by distributing questionnaires using a Likert scale of 5. Based on the questionnaire from the respondents, it can be seen students and lecturers have awareness that is at a "good" level of 85% in information security while privacy is at a "good" level with a result of 89% but in the behavior dimension there are several areas that are included in the "average" level including the area passwords by 62%, mobile equipment area by 77% incident area by 70% and on privacy security on the behavior dimension there is one area namely the login activity area by 78% so this needs to be given recommendations for improvement in order to reach a "good" level by providing socialization/ training for students and lecturer

    Mengembalikan Kejayaan Industri Kerajinan Cadas Silakarang di Kabupaten Gianyar melalui Penerapan Teknologi Cadas Termokromik Buatan

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    Covid-19 pandemi affects most of craft industries, including the formerly fabulous Silakarang stone’s arts and crafts located in the Gianyar Regency, Bali Province. Environmental issues regarding to river basin ecological protection along Ubud and Sukawati Districts, the mining of basaltic stones from the river banks was restricted strictly by the government. Thus, the natural stones resources for the Silakarang crafts became more difficult to afford. Hence, todays the Silakarang stone craftsmen are more and more dependent on the so-called white stone of Yogya from Java Island. Artificial stone, composing of volcanic ashes, rice husk ash silica-carbon nanocomposite, Portland cement could be the solution the problem. The addition of thermochromic natural inorganic pigment to the mixture could improve their color and performance of the artificial stones. The implementation of the thermochromic artificial stones technology to solve the stone crafts problem was conducted through community service using the participatory action and learning system approuch. As results, the artificial thermochromic stone crafts and arts products could be well accepted by costumers and it impacted to better selling of the stone crafts. The craftsmen gained better income and the Silakarang stone arts and crafts enterprises could better survive among the pandemic time

    Evaluasi Usability Aplikasi Rudaya Menggunakan Metode Usability Testing dan USE Questionnaire

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    Rudaya merupakan platform yang menjembatani pencari jasa seni dengan seniman tradisional diseluruh Indonesia. Saat ini aplikasi Rudaya sudah diunduh oleh 150 pengguna yang terdiri dari berbagai kalangan, serta seniman dari berbagai daerah. Meningkatnya jumlah user aplikasi Rudaya dengan pengguna yang bervariasi, menimbulkan permasalahan baru terkait usability. Berdasarkan permasalahan terkait usability, dilakukan pengukuran usability menggunakan metode usability testing dengan melakukan evaluasi secara langsung pada sampel pengguna 10 responden. Pengujian dilakukan melalui tiga tahapan, tes task scenario, mengisi kuesioner dan wawancara. Pengujian juga menggunakan USE Questionnaire (Usefulness, Ease of Use, Ease of Learning, Satisfaction). Tahap akhir dilakukan perbaikan dengan menggunakan teori 8 golden rules dan 10 prinsip user interface aplikasi mobile, sehingga dihasilkan rekomendasi perbaikan prototype tampilan aplikasi Rudaya yang baru. Hasil pengujian usability pada success rate seniman pada pengujian awal 71,6%, Success rate pencari jasa seni 64%, Sedangkan success rate seniman pengujian akhir 93,3% dan success rate pencari jasa seni 90%. Untuk hasil time of working seniman dan pencari jasa seni rata-rata mengalami peningkatan pengerjaan waktu yang lebih cepat. Selanjutnya hasil pengujian usability berdasarkan USE Questionnaire yang dilakukan di awal diperoleh hasil 57,5%, terjadi perubahan yang signifikan pada pengujian kedua pada aplikasi Rudaya diperoleh nilai usability berdasarkan USE Questionnaire sebesar 89,4%

    Revealing the Characteristics of Balinese Dance Maestros by Analyzing Silhouette Sequence Patterns Using Bag of Visual Movement with HoG and SIFT Features

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    The aim of this research was to reveal and explore the characteristics of Balinese dance maestros by analyzing silhouette sequence patterns of Balinese dance movements. A method and complete scheme for the extraction and construction of silhouette features of Balinese dance movements are proposed to enable performing quantitative analysis of Balinese dance movement patterns. Two different feature extraction methods, namely the Histogram of Gradient (HoG) feature and the Scale Invariant Features Transform (SIFT) descriptor, were used to build the final feature, called the Bag of Visual Movement (BoVM) feature. This research also makes a technical contribution with the proposal of quantifying measures to analyze the movement patterns of Balinese dances and to create the profile and characteristics of dance maestros/creators. Eight Balinese dances from three different Balinese dance maestros were analyzed in this work. Based on the experimental results, the proposed method was able to visually detect and extract patterns from silhouette sequences of Balinese dance movements. Quantitatively, the pattern measures for profiling of Balinese dances and maestros revealed a number of significant characteristics of different dances and different maestros

    Revealing the Characteristics of Balinese Dance Maestros by Analyzing Silhouette Sequence Patterns Using Bag of Visual Movement with HoG and SIFT Features

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    The aim of this research was to reveal and explore the characteristics of Balinese dance maestros by analyzing silhouette sequence patterns of Balinese dance movements. A method and complete scheme for the extraction and construction of silhouette features of Balinese dance movements are proposed to enable performing quantitative analysis of Balinese dance movement patterns. Two different feature extraction methods, namely the Histogram of Gradient (HoG) feature and the Scale Invariant Features Transform (SIFT) descriptor, were used to build the final feature, called the Bag of Visual Movement (BoVM) feature. This research also makes a technical contribution with the proposal of quantifying measures to analyze the movement patterns of Balinese dances and to create the profile and characteristics of dance maestros/creators. Eight Balinese dances from three different Balinese dance maestros were analyzed in this work. Based on the experimental results, the proposed method was able to visually detect and extract patterns from silhouette sequences of Balinese dance movements. Quantitatively, the pattern measures for profiling of Balinese dances and maestros revealed a number of significant characteristics of different dances and different maestros

    Usability Testing Aplikasi Jinom Customer Menggunakan Model Pacmad

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    Aplikasi mobile Jinom Customer berperan sebagai penyedia layanan internet publik sehingga sangatlah penting untuk melaksanakan uji usability guna mengevaluasi sejauh mana tingkat kemanfaatan aplikasi ini. Sampai saat ini masih ditemukan masalah dalam aplikasi Jinom Customer salah satunya adalah pengguna masih susah melakukan pembayaran karena tidak bisa mendownload bukti pembayaran melalui aplikasi. Dengan demikian, dilakukan uji usability menggunakan model PACMAD melibatkan 10 responden yang terbagi dalam kelompok pengguna dan calon pengguna dengan rentang usia 17-40 tahun. Hasilnya menunjukkan tingkat usability yang baik, dengan atribut seperti effectiveness (92,5% dan 84%), efficiency (0,051030017 goals/second dan 0,004545175 goals/second), learnability (67% dan 64%), memorability (92% dan 84%), serta error rate (0,1545825 dan 0,1462955). Meski begitu, terdapat aspek-aspek yang perlu perbaikan, terutama cognitive load dan tingkat kepuasan pengguna. Dengan itu dilakukan perancangan rekomendasi perbaikan menggunakan high fidelity design, dengan fokus pada elemen-elemen yang perlu ditingkatkan, desain rekomendasi yang dilakukan berpedoman dengan eight golden rules, human computer interaction. Dilakukannya penelitian ini sangat bermanfaat dikarenakan mendapat data valid dari uji usability yang sudah dilakukan dan mengetahui permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh pengguna, Perbaikan desainpun yang dilakukan berfokus dari masalah pengguna. Sehingga tepat sasaran dan meningkatkan kenyamanan pengguna aplikasi Jinom Customer

    Pengembangan Virtual Reality Pengenalan Binatang Buas Untuk Anak Usia Dini

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    Submission of learning materials with animal themes, especially wild animals to early childhood becomes a challenge for teachers. Two-dimensional displacement media in the form of a monotonous image has the potential to decrease interest in children's learning. Bringing wild animals directly or bringing the children to the zoo requires considerable cost and time and harm. Based on these problems, the authors develop android-based applications that contain fourteen species of wild animals in 3D format that is packed with Virtual Reality (VR) technology. The authors develop applications using development research methods with the ADDIE model. The developed VR application is capable of displaying wild animal animations complete with the sounds and environment of the habitat, as well as the description narrative features and food that can be viewed in 3D and VR modes. The test results showed that the application received a positive response from users, especially children in TK Negeri Pembina Singaraja. The average percentage for the user response test is 88.50%, which means it is very good where children can know the types of wild animals, the movements of wild animals, the sounds of wild animals, the habitats of wild animals and can use them easily