122 research outputs found

    Brown Bag Radio

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    Review of Brown Bag Radio / Vanderbok, Bill. http://brownbagradio.net

    Mobilizing Marginalized Citizens: Ethnic Parties Without Ethnic Movements.

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    This dissertation answers three questions: How is the mobilization of marginalized ethnic groups distinct from other groups? How do the social movements of a marginalized group impact its electoral mobilization by political parties? Why do ethnic parties of a marginalized group succeed in some cases, but fail in others? I study the democratic participation and mobilization of Dalits (former untouchables) across four large states in India – Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra, and Tamil Nadu. The study design takes advantage of a natural experiment created by the early movements of Dalits in some states, but not in others. Variation in the electoral performance of Dalit political parties at a moment of opportunity marked by party system fragmentation across all the states enables an exploration of how historical Dalit movements impact the prospects of Dalit parties. Drawing on data from the Indian National Election Study and findings gathered through eighty focus groups and more than four hundred open-ended interviews during fourteen months of fieldwork, I demonstrate that prior social movements demanding social inclusion curtail the electoral success of Dalit-based political parties. Where historically Dalits were able to participate in social movements, political parties seeking their support began to mobilize them directly. Consequently, historical movements opposing the principle of social hierarchy resulted in the early inclusion of Dalits into multiethnic parties. Conversely, the absence of movements prevented multiethnic parties from developing inclusive mobilization strategies; this preserved the opportunity for ethnic parties to mobilize the marginalized on the basis of their exclusion. The divergent paths through inclusive multiethnic politics in some states and exclusive ethnic politics in others point towards different consequences for the quality of governance, in particular for the provision of public services.Ph.D.Political ScienceUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/61773/1/aahuja_2.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/61773/2/aahuja_1.pd

    “İdeoloji ve kimlik: Hindistan'ın değişen parti sistemleri” kitabının incelemesi

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    Bu çalışma, büyük bir kurumsal değişim sürecinin yaşandığı Hindistan siyaseti bağlamında oldukça yankı uyandıran Pradeep Chhibber ve Rahul Verma’nın “İdeoloji ve Kimlik: Hindistan'ın Değişen Parti Sistemleri” eserinin incelenmesidir. Bir süredir anayasadan yasama, yürütme ve yargı kurumlarına, ordudan parti ve parti sistemlerine kadar Hindistan’daki kamusal ve siyasal kurumların değişim ve dönüşümü karşılaştırmalı siyaset literatürü açısından ilgiyle takip edilmektedir. Ülkede yaşanan son 2019 seçimleri sonrasında ise, iktidar partisi BJP’nin galibiyetiyle birlikte ülke siyasetindeki dönüşüm, parti sistemlerinin değişimi üzerinden ortaya çıkan yeni güç ilişkileri bağlamında analiz edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Bağımsızlık sonrası ülke tarihinin çoğunluğunda hâkim parti konumunda bulunan Kongre Partisi’nin düşüşü sonrası ortaya çıkan çok partili ve de iki kutuplu çok partili sistemlerin yerini artık BJP’nin hâkim parti olduğu “BJP Sistemi”ne bıraktığı tartışılmaya başlanmıştır. Diğer yandan literatürde ülkenin ulusal parti sisteminin yanında, eyaletler düzleminde de her bir eyaletin farklı bir parti sistemine sahip olduğunu inceleyen ve ülkenin artık çoklu parti sistemlerine sahip olduğunu vurgulayan çalışmaların varlığı da oldukça artmıştır. Tabi analiz birimi kurumlar olunca, ülke siyasetindeki güç değişimi kurumsal değişim tartışmaları üzerinden ilerlemiş ve de söz konusu kurumsal dönüşümlerin köken ve sebepleri de doğal olarak ilgi konusu haline gelmiştir. İşte ülke siyasetindeki parti sistemi değişimlerini fikirler ve ideoloji üzerinden okuyan Chhibber ve Verma’nın çalışması bu doğrultuda oldukça kritik bir önem arz etmektedir. Bu bağlamda öncelikle ülkedeki parti sisteminin dönüşümü hatırlatılacak ve ardından çalışmanın analizi yapılmaya çalışılacaktır

    Pengaruh Struktur Modal Terhadap Profitabilitas Emiten Indeks Saham Syariah Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji hubungan struktur modal terhadap profitabilitas Perusahaan yang termasuk dalam kategori Indek Saham Syariah Indonesia (ISSI). Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel sebanyak 149 Perusahaan dari tahun 2011 sampai 2016 yang secara konsisten masuk dalam daftar ISSI. Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE) sebagai variabel dependen. Sedangakan Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), Short Term Debt (STD) dan Long Term Debt (LTD). Pengujian statistik dengan menggunakan regresi data panel dengan metode ramdom fixed effect. Hasil dari penelitian adalah struktur modal yang di proksikan dengan variabel DAR berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap profitabilitas Perusahaan dengan pengukuran ROA dan ROE, sedangkan struktur modal yang diproksikan dengan STD berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap profitabilitas Perusahaan dengan pengukuran ROA dan RO

    Targeting to the "poor": Clogged pipes and bureaucratic blinkers

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    Drawing on a household and village-level community survey of social income, this paper offers a critique of the widespread use of targeting in Indian social policy primarily through the use of the below poverty line card system, to include or exclude groups from access to subsidised goods and sometimes to public works. It argues that targeting is inefficient and inequitable. In India, this situation is largely an outcome of the bureaucratic raj, which has created a vast system of clogged pipes. While successive governments have dismantled state controls and interventions for the private sector, delivery of services, especially to the poor, is still firmly controlled by the same bureaucratic system, with its attendant problems. Given the limitations of targeting, the principle of universalism is worth considering as an alternative

    Trends in social capital: Membership of associations in Great Britain, 1991–98

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    This Note uses the British Household Panel Study (BHPS) to consider the changing volume and distribution of voluntary association membership (and hence social capital) in Great Britain. We aim to supplement Hall's study of trends in social capital published in this Journal with more recent and longitudinal data. This allows us to show that whilst the volume of social capital is not declining, it is becoming increasingly class specific, and that its relative aggregate stability masks considerable turnover at the individual level. These findings are significant for current debates on social capital

    Economic voting and electoral volatility in Turkish provinces

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    Two groups of questions were addressed in this paper: (1) Is voter punishment of the incumbent the primary factor in electoral volatility? Are there any other types of vote swings that underlie volatility? (2) In general, does a decline in economic growth destabilize voter behavior? If so, what kinds of vote swings does an economic downturn tend to generate? Provincial-level panel data analysis yielded the following results: (1) Changes in volatility is primarily due to vote swings from the incumbent to the opposition and also to and from left-wing and right-wing parties. (2) Lower economic growth increases electoral volatility. Economic decline induces vote swings not only from the government to the opposition but also from left-wing to right-wing parties. This is probably because right-wing parties seem more concerned with economic issues and are thus more popular than left-wing parties with lower-income voters.Electoral volatility, Economic voting, Panel analysis, Elections, Turkey, Constitutional law

    Capital Structure, Short Run Policy, And Performance Of Listed Manufacturing Firms In Greece

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    Assuming the national culture and the legal tradition of Greece, this paper addresses two questions. First, does the capital structure affect performance in the same way as in the mature economies? Second, does the short run financial policy of the firm affect the performance and under what circumstances? We apply a panel data analysis using data from the Athens Stock Exchange to test for these questions