29 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Jumlah Industri dan Tenaga Kerja Terhadap Nilai Produksi Industri Formal Kecil

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    The purpose of this study to analyze the effect of the number of industries and labor on the value of production in small industries in Lamongan Regency using the Durbin-Watson test. The Durbin-Watson test is an autocorrelation test that assesses the presence of autocorrelation in residuals. Data taken from the Central Bureau of Statistics of Lamongan Regency. Furthermore, it was analyzed using SPSS assistance. Based on the results of the analysis, it is known that there is no autocorrelation between the number of industries and workers on the value of production in small industries in Lamongan Regency

    Analisis Manajemen Ruas Di Simpang Empat Pasar Sidoharjo Lamongan Menggunakan Algoritma Genetika

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    A common problem in the traffic system is the inaccuracy of traffic lights on road conditions, often problems with these traffic lights cause traffic jams on roads, specifically at the intersection of four in Sidoharjomarkets, Lamongan district. In the section at the intersection of four Sidoharjo markets, the green light flashes in 3 phases, there are north, south, and east – westwhich are together, meaning that there are incompatible currents, namely two or more currents that are allowed to run together, potentially resulting in crowds. especially busy hours at the Sidoharjo market. Therefore, it takes traffic management to manage these problems. The use of Genetic Algorithm is used in this problem to find predictions for optimizing the cycle time phase of traffic lights. The results obtained are optimal for vehicle density of 30SSM/minute and red light delay time of 0.82 minute


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    Nowdays, education has support by modern facilities like a computer. So, this facilities should be utilized maximally, especially in mathematics. One of the computer program for learning mathematics is Geogebra. This program provides a geometric visualization to clarify certain concepts to students. The purpose of this research is determine the activity of learners using Geogebra program and its effect for students achievement. The research type is not purely experimental studies with one shot case studymodels. This is an experiment models conducted without comparison group and also preview test. The research population is students at XI MIA-1 until XI MIA-7 Senior High School 1 Manyar Gresik academic years 2014-2015. While the sample is XI MIA-2 randomly selected after homogenity test. The research instrument using observation sheet and test. From the data collected and analyzed using normality test, liniearity test, linear regression test, F test, t test and determination coefficient results regression equatio


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    The Covid-19 virus has an impact on all fields including education. All face-to-face activities must be stopped so that educational activities are carried out at home using an online system. This online learning process is switched by students to play at any time regardless of learning, because there is no face-to-face meeting by students and teachers. So that in this online learning, parents hope that there are people to teach their children to learn at home. With the Unisda Thematic KKN, it reduces parents' anxiety in overcoming student lazines


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    The Covid-19 virus has an impact on all fields including education. All face-to-face activities must be stopped so that educational activities are carried out at home using an online system. This online learning process is switched by students to play at any time regardless of learning, because there is no face-to-face meeting by students and teachers. So that in this online learning, parents hope that there are people to teach their children to learn at home. With the Unisda Thematic KKN, it reduces parents' anxiety in overcoming student lazines


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    The integrated agricultural system is one form of a sustainable agricultural system. This system is a combination of agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries, forestry and other sciences which are still related to agriculture in a land. By combining these several fields, it is expected to be able to increase land productivity, agricultural development programs and environmental conversion as well as efforts to improve the welfare of rural farmers. In the context of utilizing livestock waste as agricultural fertilizer, and agricultural waste as animal feed. This activity will lead to mutual benefits for each other, on the one hand the livestock is able to produce fertilizer needs and agriculture provides animal feed. This is able to add additional value to business actors so as to reduce the number of losses for each other. This activity begins with socialization to the community, then field practice and mentoring


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    The integrated agricultural system is one form of a sustainable agricultural system. This system is a combination of agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries, forestry and other sciences which are still related to agriculture in a land. By combining these several fields, it is expected to be able to increase land productivity, agricultural development programs and environmental conversion as well as efforts to improve the welfare of rural farmers. In the context of utilizing livestock waste as agricultural fertilizer, and agricultural waste as animal feed. This activity will lead to mutual benefits for each other, on the one hand the livestock is able to produce fertilizer needs and agriculture provides animal feed. This is able to add additional value to business actors so as to reduce the number of losses for each other. This activity begins with socialization to the community, then field practice and mentoring

    Implementasi Algoritma Greedy Pada Pewarnaan Wilayah Kecamatan Sukodadi Lamongan

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    Graph theory can be applied in various fields of science such as transportation problems, communication networks, operations research, chemistry, cartography and so on. Graph theory does not only represent structure but in its application, a graph can also be colored. Many problems have graph coloring characteristics such as regional coloring. This regional coloring theory was applied to the map area of ​​Sukodadi District which consists of 20 villages. In this area coloring uses the Greedy algorithm by first making a dual graph consisting of 20 vertices and 43 edges. Based on the results of regional coloring, the minimum number of colors is 4, namely red, blue, green and yellow, with each neighboring village having a different color

    Klasifikasi Multi Output pada Harga Smartphone Menggunakan Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) dan Backpropagation (BP)

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    There are many smartphones with various price sold in market. The price of smartphone is affected by some components such as weight, internal storage, memory (RAM), rear camera, front camera and brands. There are two methods for classifying price class of smartphone in market such as Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) and Backpropagation (BP). From classifying price class of smartphone in market using LVQ and BP, there are the differences on the both of them. LVQ classifies price range of smartphone by euclidean distance of weight and data on its iteration. BP classifies price range of smartphone by gradient descent of target and output on its iteration. In multi output classification, one object may have multi output. Based on simulation results, BP gives the better accuracy and error rate in training data and testing data than LVQ.  Terdapat banyak smartphone dengan harga yang bermacam-macam yang terjual di pasaran. Harga smartphone dipengaruhi oleh beberapa komponen seperti berat, penyimpanan internal, memory (RAM), kamera belakang, kamera depan dan merek. Terdapat dua metode untuk mengklasifikasikan kelas harga smartphone di pasaran seperti Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) dan Backpropagation (BP). Dari klasifikasi kelas harga smartphone di pasaran menggunakan LVQ and BP, terdapat perbedaan pada keduanya. LVQ mengklasifikasikan kelas harga smartphone dengan jarak euclidean dari bobot dan data pada iterasinya. BP mengklasifikasikan kelas harga smartphone dengan penurunan gradient dari target dan output pada iterasinya. Pada klasifikasi multi output, satu obyek bisa memiliki lebih dari satu output. Berdasarkan hasil simulasi, BP memberikan akurasi dan error yang lebih baik pada data training dan data testing daripada LVQ