123 research outputs found

    Pertimbangan Hakim dalam Penetapan Dispensasi Perkawinan Dini Akibat Hamil di Luar Nikah pada Pengadilan Agama Bantul

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    This research aims to analyze the following issues: first, KHI or Compilation of Islamic Laws as a base of consideration for the judge to determine the dispensation towards early marriage – particularly the one due to the illegal pregnancy and second, the law implication towards the establishment of dispensation for the early marriage due to the illegal pregnancy at Religious Court in Bantul. This research is conducted using a field survey method along with the techniques of interview, observation and library research. The method of the research is a judicial-normative one. The result of the research shows that: first, the consideration of a judge in determining the dispensation of an early marriage is classified into two: legal consideration and public equity consideration. The legal consideration here means that when a judge issues his or her legal determination, it must be in accordance with the proposed legal arguments and evidences. Meanwhile, public equity consideration deals with fact that a marriage frequently is considered as an alternative solution for the coming social issues. Another consideration of a judge is that the one who will get married is the biological father of the infant conceived. Second, the dispensation of the early marriage needs to be more tightened in consideration to the increasing underage marriage

    Otoritas dan Pola Pengawasan Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia

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    The monetary crisis in Indonesia has shown that the syariah banking proves that it has the significant endurance. For law protection interest for customers, syariah banking need thesupervision authority for two both aspects. The first is banking administrative supervision, and the second is the syariah supervision. This task is actually takenby the institution of authority consent of supervision (Bl or OJK), because the effectiveness of syariah depends greatly on the sanction available. Through single supervision pattern, the dualism of guidance and counseling for banking in Indonesia is deni able. The syariah protection for the customers can as well as be taken by optimalization of the National Syariah Board and Syariah Supervision Board

    Pemodelan Sistem Kontrol Motor DC Dengan Temperatur Udara Sebagai Pemicu

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    Motor dc lebih sering digunakan untuk beberapa kegiatan yang memerlukan pengaturan kecepatan daripada motor ac. Disamping pengontrolan kecepatan putar, sistem control motor dc juga mengatur arah putar rotor, searah jarum jam atau berlawanan dengan arah jarum jam. Salah satu sistem control motor dc adalah menggunakan Modulasi Lebar Pulsa (PWM) sebagai pemicu pada driver control seperti transistor H-Bridge. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang sistem control motor dc menggunakan suhu udara sebagai pemicu

    Konsep Akad Murabahah pada Perbankan Syariah (Analisa Kritis terhadap Aplikasi Konsep Akad Murabahah di Indonesia dan Malaysia)

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    There are significant differences in the practice of murabahah scheme between Indonesia and Malaysia. The most distinct feature between them is in the adoption of bai’ ail-inah in Malaysia wich is not applicable in Indonesia. National Shariah Council of Indonesia condemns such contract as fraudelent, and hence is fobiddento apply. Here, the contract is designated to be two folds, namely from the bank to customers and from the customers to the bank. Clearly, this a disguised riba. In respect to the fiduciary security (dhaman), there is no difference between the both countries. The reasons for the adoption of the security is for the sake of prudentiality in financing disbursed to the customers

    The Practice of Murabahah Scheme in Syariah Banking (Critical Analysis Towards the Application of Murabahah Scheme in Indonesia and Malaysia

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    Terdapat perbedaan signifikan pada konsep akad murabahah antara Indonesia dan Malaysia. Perbedaan yang paling besar terletak pada adopsi bai’ ail-inah di Malaysia yang tidak dapat diaplikasikan di Indonesia. Lembaga Shariah Nasional di Indonesia menegaskan bahwa jenis perjanjian tersebut adalah haram (fraudulent) sehingga di larang untuk diaplikasikan. Dalam hal ini, akad dibagi menjadi dua bagian, yaitu dari bank untuk nasabah dan dari nasabah untuk bank. Jelaslah bahwa ini adalah riba yang terselubung. Berkenaan dengan keamanan rasa percaya (dhaman), tidak terdapat perbedaan antara ke dua negara. Alasan untuk mengadopsi keamanan ini hanya karena didasarkan prudensialitas dalam pembiayaan yang dikucurkan kepada nasabah

    Perlindungan Hukum Nasabah sebagai Syarik dalam Pembiayaan Al Musyarakah di Bank Syariah Mandiri

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    Musyarakah is a profit and loss sharing partnership. In Musyarakah financing, bank and customer contribute capital and skill in a project. The profit and loss will be normally divided based on the contribution. The discussed problem in this research is legal protection for customer in musyarakah financing and the legal status of guaranty and encumbrance in musyarakah financing of Yogyakarta Branch of Bank Syariah Mandiri. This research is a juridical empiric research. The secondary data is obtained by literary study from primary, secondary, and tertiary legal material. The result of this research showed that there must be equality in every transaction in Yogyakarta Branch of Bank Syariah Mandiri, because every financial process contains risk and profit in order to be a bound of trust which guarantees mudharib to find their obligation in the future as stipulated in musyarakah financing agreed before


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    The objectives of this study are;1) to know kinds of teachers’ questioning strategies that teacher use in the classroom. 2) to know the way the teachers use the questioning strategies in the classroom. The design of the research is descriptive qualitative. The writer got the data of this research from interview notes. The observation sheet source of the data research were from the teacher and students. The Instrument used are observation sheet, interview, and document. The techniques for analyzing the data is descriptive. The steps were; comprising interactive reducing the data, presenting the data, and drawing conclusion. The result of this research shows that are: 1) The teaching strategies are; (a) the teaching techniques used lecturing, group project and small group discussion, (b) the seating arrangement, the students seating position changed, (c) the teacher give feedback when the students have difficulties, the teacher give some clue to the students to help them understand the material given, (d) the teacher evaluates the students: the teacher given task and motivations for the students. 2) The problems faced by the teacher are the classroom conditions, the crowded conditions, controlling individually, the interaction between the teacher and students in the classroom is ineffective, the students' less vocabulary, the limited media and the problems faced by the students are lack of confidence, the students have difficulties in translation. The conclusion are Not all English teachers in SMP PGRI 01 Semarang have good understanding of how to implement teacher’s questioning. Some of them still have some problems with their understanding. It is caused by some reasons, such as: (1) the teachers do not want to get out of their comfort zone, some of them are thinking that the most important part of teaching is how to make the students understand the materials; (2) they can not move on from their old views of teaching English in the classroom; (3) last but not least, because the training done by the authoritative government is not sufficient to make them mastering teacher’s questioning

    Mixed Grazing Between Bali Cattle and Kacang Goats on Native Pastures

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    ABSTRACT: An experiment to study the carrying capacity of native pasture for continuous grazing of growing cattle and goats grazed concurrently was conducted in Gowa Sub Research Institute for Animal Production, South Sulawesi. Twenty four Bali steers (1.5 -2 years) were divided randomly into :.six groups %%here each group was kept continuously tit a 4-ha paddock of native pasture (1 animalfha). lato three of the paddocks. 15 male Kacang kids (4 -6 months) were also grazed for 8 hours/day. During one year observation covering the rain and dry sasens. pasture forage production in the paddocks fluctuated along with changuig of rainfalls in the :area Daily forage dry matter production was in the range of 28.2 - 42.7 kg/ha, averaging 40.9 kipha and 29.2 kg/ha, respectively, for the rainy and dry season. Grazing inuna.gentents (cattle alone or cattle with goats) did not affect (P>0.05) the average daily gain (ADG) of cattle, averaging 239 g and 64 g. respectively, for the rainy and dry season. The ADC5 of goats were 52 g in the rainy season and 17 g the dry season. It is concluded that carrying capacity of native pasture for continuous grazing of growing cattle with stocking rate of I animaliha may he increased with addition of goats at â¢75 headtha. \u27l\u27o maintain the optimum growth of the animals, feed supplementation is suggested in the dry season. Key Words: Cattle. Coats. Mixed Grazing, Native Pasture, Carrying Capacit
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