120 research outputs found

    Hot water heating systems.

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    Cílem této práce je shrnout základní prvky teplovodních otopných soustav a jejich rozdělení podle geometrických, materiálových a funkčních parametrů. Dále jsou uvedeny konkrétní možnosti řešení teplovodních otopných soustav, jejich zhodnocení z hlediska vhodnosti použití a hospodárnosti provozu a v neposlední řadě také pohodlí přinášející svému uživateli.This essay summarises essential components of hot water heating systems and theirs division as consistent with geometric, material and functional options. Further here are mentioned particular possibilities of hot warer heating systems, theirs estimation in the case of pertinence operating and last but not least also comfort for one´s user.

    Design of electronically reconfigurable filtering structures with modern active elements

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    Cílem diplomové práce bylo navrhnout elektronicky rekonfigurovatelné filtry s říditelnou změnou přenosové funkce za pomoci aktivních prvků v proudovém módu. V první části práce jsou probrány nezbytné znalosti a pojmy pro porozumění této práce, režimy ve kterých obvody pracují, jejich návrhy pomocí grafu signálových toků a vliv parazitních vlastností na obvod. Ve druhé části jsou probrány použité aktivní prvky, jejich schématické značky a zjednodušené M-C grafy. Ve třetí části bylo navrženo a sestaveno 5 elektronicky rekonfigurovatelných obvodů na základě M-C grafů, byly provedeny simulace jejich přenosových charakteristik a parazitních vlastností. Dva obvody byly navrženy, vyrobeny a následně změřeny. Bylo provedeno porovnání naměřených a simulovaných charakteristik.The aim of master's thesis was design of electronically reconfigurable filters. Adjustability of pole frequency or quality factor is possible. First part of thesis deals with theoretical analysis of filters, their operation modes, design of frequency filters using Signal-Flow graph method and parasitic analysis. The next part describes active elements used in thesis. In a third part, three reconfigurable filters are described and designed and their simulations and parasitic analysis are made. Last part deals with filter design in EAGLE and experimental measurement.

    The influence of computer games on English language knowledge

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    Navzdory skutečnosti, že počítačové hry stále nabývají na popularitě, postoj většiny vůči počítačovým hrám je stále převážně negativní. Cílem této bakalářské práce je demonstrovat fakt, že hraní počítačových her může být prospěšné při osvojování cizího jazyka. Tato bakalářská práce se skládá ze tří kapitol, ve kterých je probírán aktuální postoj k anglickému jazyku v dnešním světě, osvojení cizího jazyka a vliv počítačových her na znalost anglického jazyka. Empirická část této bakalářské práce se zaměřuje na analýzu průzkumu, který byl tvořen formou dotazníku.Despite the fact that computer games continue to gain in popularity, attitude of majority towards computer games is still rather negative. The aim of this bachelor’s thesis is to demonstrate that playing computer games can be beneficial while learning a second language. This bachelor’s thesis consists of three chapters in which is dealt with the current state of the English language, acquisition and learning of a second language, and influence of computer games on the English language knowledge. The empirical part of this bachelor’s thesis is devoted to the analysis of a survey in the form of a questionnaire.

    Automated Measurement of Acoustic Power

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    Tato semestrální práce se zabývá metodami pro měření a zpracování hladin akustického výkonu a výpočet nejistot měření podle mezinárodní normy ISO 3744:2010.This seminar project presents methods for the measurement and processing of acoustic power levels and mathematical calculation of measurement uncertainty according to international standard ISO 3744:2010.

    Silniční doprava v zemědělství

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    The bachelor thesis deals with the issue of road transport in agriculture. The first part focuses on the legislation of transport, terminology used in the field of agricultural transport, describes the historical development and technical milestones of agricultural transport vehicles. The theoretical part also presents the agricultural means of transport used today, their trends and categorization according to the legislation in force. The theoretical part concludes with a description of the types of financial costs associated with transport. The practical part of the thesis deals with the comparison of four transport sets used for road transport in ZOD Zálší, evaluation of the obtained data on the travelled route and evaluation of the outputs for different transport distances. The thesis concludes with an interpretation of the results and recommendations for practice. The calculated values show that the use of trucks is more efficient than tractors on the evaluated route of 20 km and longer

    Land law and legal relations to cultivated plants

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    This diploma thesis deals with the land law issue and legal relations to planted crops, to be more precise, vegetation which is located on a land. It puts emphasis on systematically grown plants and ownership of plants and their fruits. Land law is one of the most important sectors of civil law. Since the Act. No. 89/2012 Sb., the Civil Code, has brought a staggering alteration to the sector of land law, the thesis is concerned with land law in compliance with this new law in the way that causal link and news in this area could be distinctly understandable. This thesis is also focused on applicable case law and, in some places, on the legislation of the First Republic and of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which is followed by many institutes. The content of the thesis is divided into four main chapters, that are further subdivided into two levels of subchapters, and a conclusion. The first main chapter is dedicated to a basic division, sources, initial institutes and an introduction to the whole topic. The thesis is concerned with legal theory to the extent that is needed for the purpose of studying land law and legal relations to vegetation. The second chapter provides historical information necessary for understanding further development in the field of land law and understanding the current..

    Změny látkových složek během zrání hroznů révy vinné

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    In the presented work are the results of evaluation of four cultivars of grape in the period from veraison phase of the over ripening. Sampling of berries were in the three times over that period and were marked as unripen, ripe and over ripe berries. In this work a content of compound are divided as volatiles and non volatiles. As an evaluation criterion of non volatiles are soluble solid, titratable acid and impact firmness during the whole ripening. From formulated ripening index as soluble solids multiplied by impact firmness and divided by titratable acid were obtained values from 11 to 18 and the cultivars was in order -- Frankovka, Tramín červený, Chardonnay and Müller Thurgau. Volatiles in berries were analysed by gas chromatograph with mass spectroscopy. From the all compounds were quantified terpene lactons, a hexanols, hexanals a their esters. The concentrations values of terpene are in the level about nanograms per kilogram