8 research outputs found

    Česká škola = učící se škola?

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    V zahraničí je diskutován koncept školy jako učící se organizace. Příspěvek ukazuje, jak obava škol (jejich pracovníků) z přiznání případných nedostatků a chyb v práci může v českém prostředí překážet v přijetí tohoto konceptu

    Pracovníci školy jako důležitý zdroj informací o stávající situaci školy

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    Příspěvek se zabývá možností aktivně zapojit do tvorby projektu rozvoje školy pedagogický sbor a externího spolupracovníka – „kritického přítele“. Na konkrétním příkladu je popsán možný postup. Spočívá ve společném provedení analýzy SWOT pedagogickým sborem, v porovnání závěrů této analýzy s projektem rozvoje vypracovaným vedením školy a ve formulaci otázek, které by měly vedení školy vést k hlubšímu promyšlení „kritických“ bodů projektu rozvoje

    Influence of selected factors on the content and properties of starch in the grain of non-food wheat

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    Three non-food cultivars of winter wheat (Biscay, Clarus, Rapsodia) were grown at four locations in the Czech Republic with different agro-ecological conditions in the years 2005-2008 and two levels of nitrogen fertilization 90 and 120 kg N/ha were used. The influence of growing conditions (year, location, cultivation technology) on grain yield, starch content, protein, gluten, share of amylose in starch, falling number and amylographic characteristics. All qualitative indicators were significantly affected by the weather. Wheat grown in the areas 500 m a.s.l. had lower grain yield of 2.8 t/ha (8.4 t/ha), higher starch content of 2.1% (69.0%) and lower content of proteins by 1.8% (10.2%) in grain than wheat grown in the fertile conditions (below 300 m a.s.l.). The cv. Biscay had the highest starch content of 68%; the proportion of amylose in the starch was in the range 22-27%. The content of proteins was negatively correlated with starch content (r = -0.89). The level of damage of starch a-amylase was most affected by wet weather during ripening falling number was 62 s, with a very low amylographic gelatinization maximum (30-155 Brabender units) and a low gelatinization temperature at the maximum (67-74 degrees C). The respective values recorded in dry conditions were ca 300 s, AU 600 and 90 degrees C. Most damaged starch was recorded in the cv. Clarus.Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic [1G57056, RO0414

    Comparison of Agricultural Costs Prediction Approaches

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    The paper submitted offers an assessment and comparison of three approaches to agricultural cost inputs short-term forecasting, that have been proposed as possible alternatives to tackle the problem. The data applied have been taken from the Czech Statistical Office and the Farm Accountancy Data Network data sources. The forecasts were prepared using time series analyses based on methods of exponential smoothing and Box-Jenkins methodology of autoregressive integrated process moving averages. The proposed change index numbers for the 2012, 2013 and 2014 years from three approaches were confronted with the real development of costs time series as it was found in the statistical FADN survey results. The main conclusion drawn pointed out that, for the purpose of economic income estimation based on the FADN database, the cost prediction approach based on the same database, i.e., on time series analysis of the FADN panel data, is the most applicable one. However, it is recommended, too, to use other approaches for crops protection products cost and labour cost development