11 research outputs found

    Potential of Solar Drying of Sewage Sludge in Czech Republic

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou současných způsobů nakládání s kaly z čistíren odpadních vod. Cílem této práce je popsat procesy a zařízení v čistírně odpadních vod, především zařízení na zpracování kalu a vytvořit investiční propočet přidání solární sušárny kalu do kalové koncovky čistírny odpadních vod.This Bachelor Thesis deals with a question of the current methods of treatment of sewage sludge. The aim of this Thesis is to describe processes and equipment in the wastewater treatment plant, particularly facilities for processing sludge and create investment calculation adding solar drying of sludge in the sludge ending of wastewater treatment plants.

    Entrepreneurial Project

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou tvorby podnikatelského plánu. Obsahuje vhodné strategie pro dosažení vysoké prosperity podniku. K posouzení úrovně progrese je vypracován podrobný marketingový plán a návrh řízení finančních zdrojů. Práce se dále zabývá řízením lidských zdrojů a dalšímu nezbytnými součástmi podnikatelského plánu. Diplomová práce se skládá z části teoretické, z analýzy problémů současné situace a z vlastního návrhu řešení.This Master’s Thesis is engaged with creating an Entreprenurial Project. The Thesis includes appropriate and right strategies to accomplish a high success of a business firm. To considerate the level of progress, a detailed marketing plan and financial analysis were created. Thesis also deals with human resources management as well as other important parts of an entreprenurial project This Thesis consists of the theoretical part, analysis of the current situation and of the part designing own business solution.

    Drying of sewage sludge using solar energy

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou současných způsobů nakládání s kaly z čistíren odpadních vod. Hlavním cílem je porovnání finančních nákladů konvenčního sušení se sušením solárním. V první části je uvedena deskripce procesu zpracování kalu a možnosti jeho likvidace. Dále práce popisuje různé metody sušení čistírenských kalů.This Master’s Thesis deals with a question of the current methods of treatment of sewage sludge. The main objective is to compare the financial cost of conventional drying with solar drying. In the first part is described process of the treatment sludge and its disposal options. The Thesis also describes different methods of drying sewage sludge.

    Modification of Working Electrode Surface with Carbon Nanotubes as an Electrochemical Sensor for Estimation of Melting Points of DNA

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    Screen-printed with three electrode system was used in this study. A working electrode has been printed from carbon nanotubes based paste on silver layer modified with nano-patterned structures for the first case. In the second case, vertically aligned carbonnanotubes were grown on the Au working electrode. The process of the nanotubes growing was tested to create homogenous and high density carbon nanotubes layer directly on the thick-film silver layer. Based on the characterization of electrodes, we used Au based for detection of nucleic acids. Moreover, we were able to estimated melting points of DNA. © 2009

    Entrepreneurial Project

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    This Master’s Thesis is engaged with creating an Entreprenurial Project. The Thesis includes appropriate and right strategies to accomplish a high success of a business firm. To considerate the level of progress, a detailed marketing plan and financial analysis were created. Thesis also deals with human resources management as well as other important parts of an entreprenurial project This Thesis consists of the theoretical part, analysis of the current situation and of the part designing own business solution

    Business Plan

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    This Bachelor Thesis is engaged with creating a business plan. The Bachelor Thesis includes appropriate and right strategy to accomplish a high prosperity of a business firm. To considerate of the level of progress, I have worked up a detailed marketing plan, suggestions of conducting money and human resources as well as other important and significant parts of a business plan

    Business Plan

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou tvorby podnikatelského plánu. Obsahuje strategii pro dosažení vysoké prosperity podniku. K posouzení úrovně progrese je vypracován podrobný marketingový plán, návrh řízení finančních a lidských zdrojů a další nutné součásti podnikatelského plánu.This Bachelor Thesis is engaged with creating a business plan. The Bachelor Thesis includes appropriate and right strategy to accomplish a high prosperity of a business firm. To considerate of the level of progress, I have worked up a detailed marketing plan, suggestions of conducting money and human resources as well as other important and significant parts of a business plan.

    Business Plan

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    This Bachelor Thesis is engaged with creating a business plan. The Bachelor Thesis includes appropriate and right strategy to accomplish a high prosperity of a business firm. To considerate of the level of progress, I have worked up a detailed marketing plan, suggestions of conducting money and human resources as well as other important and significant parts of a business plan

    Modifikace povrchu pracovní elektrody uhlíkovými nanotrubicemi jako elektrochemický senzor pro odhadnutí bodu tání DNA

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    Screen-printed with three electrode system was used in this study. A working electrode has been printed from carbon nanotubes based paste on silver layer modified with nano-patterned structures for the first case. In the second case, vertically aligned carbon nanotubes were grown on the Au working electrode. The process of the nanotubes growing was tested to create homogenous and high density carbon nanotubes layer directly on the thick-film silver layer. Based on the characterization of electrodes, we used Au based for detection of nucleic acids. Moreover, we were able to estimated melting points of DNA.Screen-printed with three electrode system was used in this study. A working electrode has been printed from carbon nanotubes based paste on silver layer modified with nano-patterned structures for the first case. In the second case, vertically aligned carbon nanotubes were grown on the Au working electrode. The process of the nanotubes growing was tested to create homogenous and high density carbon nanotubes layer directly on the thick-film silver layer. Based on the characterization of electrodes, we used Au based for detection of nucleic acids. Moreover, we were able to estimated melting points of DNA