744 research outputs found

    Excited state correlations of the finite Heisenberg chain

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    We consider short range correlations in excited states of the finite XXZ and XXX Heisenberg spin chains. We conjecture that the known results for the factorized ground state correlations can be applied to the excited states too, if the so-called physical part of the construction is changed appropriately. For the ground state we derive simple algebraic expressions for the physical part; the formulas only use the ground state Bethe roots as an input. We conjecture that the same formulas can be applied to the excited states as well, if the exact Bethe roots of the excited states are used instead. In the XXZ chain the results are expected to be valid for all states (except certain singular cases where regularization is needed), whereas in the XXX case they only apply to singlet states or group invariant operators. Our conjectures are tested against numerical data from exact diagonalization and coordinate Bethe Ansatz calculations, and perfect agreement is found in all cases. In the XXX case we also derive a new result for the nearest-neighbour correlator {σ1zσ2z}\{\sigma_1^z\sigma_2^z\}, which is valid for non-singlet states as well. Our results build a bridge between the known theory of factorized correlations, and the recently conjectured TBA-like description for the building blocks of the construction.Comment: 27 pages, v2: minor modifications, a table is added (displaying the numerical errors), v3: minor modification

    Overlaps between eigenstates of the XXZ spin-1/2 chain and a class of simple product states

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    We consider a class of quantum quenches in the spin-1/2 XXZ chain, where the initial state is of a simple product form. Specific examples are the N\'eel state, the dimer state and the q-deformed dimer state. We compute determinant formulas for finite volume overlaps between the initial state and arbitrary eigenstates of the spin chain Hamiltonian. These results could serve as a basis for calculating the time dependence of correlation functions following the quantum quench.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure, v2: one reference added, v3: minor modification, v4: minor modification, v5: calculation of the determinant formula simplified and a note added, v6: references update

    Form factor approach to diagonal finite volume matrix elements in Integrable QFT

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    We derive an exact formula for finite volume excited state mean values of local operators in 1+1 dimensional Integrable QFT with diagonal scattering. Our result is a non-trivial generalization of the LeClair-Mussardo series, which is a form factor expansion for finite size ground state mean values.Comment: 29 page

    Failure of the Generalized Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis in integrable models with multiple particle species

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    It has been recently observed for a particular quantum quench in the XXZ spin chain that local observables do not equilibrate to the predictions of the Generalized Gibbs Ensemble (GGE). In this work we argue that the breakdown of the GGE can be attributed to the failure of the Generalized Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis (GETH), which has been the main candidate to explain the validity of the GGE. We provide explicit counterexamples to the GETH and argue that generally it does not hold in models with multiple particle species. Therefore there is no reason to assume that the GGE should describe the long time limit of observables in these integrable models.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, v2: minor modification

    Mean values of local operators in highly excited Bethe states

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    We consider expectation values of local operators in (continuum) integrable models in a situation when the mean value is calculated in a single Bethe state with a large number of particles. We develop a form factor expansion for the thermodynamic limit of the mean value, which applies whenever the distribution of Bethe roots is given by smooth density functions. We present three applications of our general result: i) In the framework of integrable Quantum Field Theory (IQFT) we present a derivation of the LeClair-Mussardo formula for finite temperature one-point functions. We also extend the results to boundary operators in Boundary Field Theories. ii) We establish the LeClair-Mussardo formula for the non-relativistic 1D Bose gas in the framework of Algebraic Bethe Ansatz (ABA). This way we obtain an alternative derivation of the results of Kormos et. al. for the (temperature dependent) local correlations using only the concepts of ABA. iii) In IQFT we consider the long-time limit of one-point functions after a certain type of global quench. It is shown that our general results imply the integral series found by Fioretti and Mussardo. We also discuss the generalized Eigenstate Thermalization hypothesis in the context of quantum quenches in integrable models. It is shown that a single mean value always takes the form of a thermodynamic average in a Generalized Gibbs Ensemble, although the relation to the conserved charges is rather indirect.Comment: 32 pages, v2: minor changes, v3: minor correction

    Generalized Gibbs Ensemble for Heisenberg Spin Chains

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    We consider the Generalized Gibbs Ensemble (GGE) in the context of global quantum quenches in XXZ Heisenberg spin chains. Embedding the GGE into the Quantum Transfer Matrix formalism we develop an iterative procedure to fix the Lagrange-multipliers and to calculate predictions for the long-time limit of short-range correlators. The main idea is to consider truncated GGE's with only a finite number of charges and to investigate the convergence of the numerical results as the truncation level is increased. As an example we consider a quantum quench situation where the system is initially prepared in the N\'eel state and then evolves with an XXZ Hamiltonian with anisotropy Delta>1. We provide predictions for short range correlators and gather numerical evidence that the iterative procedure indeed converges. The results show that the system retains memory of the initial condition, and there are clear differences between the numerical values of the correlators as calculated from the purely thermal and the Generalized Gibbs ensembles.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figures. v2: minor changes, v3: minor change

    Overlaps with arbitrary two-site states in the XXZ spin chain

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    We present a conjectured exact formula for overlaps between the Bethe states of the spin-1/2 XXZ chain and generic two-site states. The result takes the same form as in the previously known cases: it involves the same ratio of two Gaudin-like determinants, and a product of single-particle overlap functions, which can be fixed using a combination of the Quench Action and Quantum Transfer Matrix methods. Our conjecture is confirmed by numerical data from exact diagonalization. For one-site states the formula is found to be correct even in chains with odd length, where existing methods can not be applied. It is also pointed out, that the ratio of the Gaudin-like determinants plays a crucial role in the overlap sum rule: it guarantees that in the thermodynamic limit there remains no O(1)\mathcal{O}(1) piece in the Quench Action.Comment: 22 pages, v2: references adde

    Real-time dynamics in a strongly interacting bosonic hopping model: Global quenches and mapping to the XX chain

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    We study the time evolution of an integrable many-particle system, described by the qq-boson Hamiltonian in the limit of strong interactions q→∞q\to\infty. It is shown that, for a particular class of pure initial states, the analytical calculation of certain observables simplifies considerably. Namely, we provide exact formulas for the calculation of the Loschmidt-echo and the emptiness formation probability, where the computational time scales polynomially with the particle number. Moreover, we construct a non-local mapping of the qq-boson model to the XX spin chain, and show how this can be utilized to obtain the time evolution of various local bosonic observables for translationally invariant initial states. The results obtained via the bosonic and fermionic picture show perfect agreement. In the infinite volume and large time limits, we rigorously verify the prediction of the Generalized Gibbs Ensemble for homogeneous initial Fock states.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figures, v2: minor mistakes in Appendix 2 corrected, v3: minor modification

    Short distance correlators in the XXZ spin chain for arbitrary string distributions

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    In this letter we consider expectation values of local correlators in highly excited states of the spin-1/2 XXZ chain. Assuming that the string hypothesis holds we formulate the following conjecture: The correlation functions can be computed using the known factorized formulas of the finite temperature situation, if the building blocks are computed via certain linear integral equations using the string densities only. We prove this statement for the nearest neighbour z-z correlator for states with arbitrary string densities. Also, we check the conjecture numerically for other correlators in the finite temperature case. Our results pave the way towards the computation of the stationary values of correlators in non-equilibrium situations using the so-called quench-action approach.Comment: 15 pages, v2: minor modifications, v3: minor modification
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