7,138 research outputs found

    Comptomization and radiation spectra of X-ray sources. Calculation of the Monte Carlo method

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    The results of computations of the Comptomization of low frequency radiation in weakly relativistic plasma are presented. The influence of photoabsorption by iron ions on a hard X-ray spectrum is considered

    One loop light-cone QCD, effective action for reggeized gluons and QCD RFT calculus

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    The effective action for reggeized gluons is based on the gluodynamic Yang-Mills Lagrangian with external current for longitudinal gluons added, see [1]. On the base of classical solutions, obtained in [2], the one-loop corrections to this effective action in light-cone gauge are calculated. The RFT calculus for reggeized gluons similarly to the RFT introduced in [3] is proposed and discussed. The correctness of the results is verified by calculation of the propagator of A+A_{+} and AA_{-} reggeized gluons fields and application of the obtained results is discussed as well.Comment: 24 page

    Timing and Spectral Properties of X-ray Emission from the Converging Flows onto Black hole: Monte-Carlo Simulations

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    We demonstrate that a X-ray spectrum of a converging inflow (CI) onto a black hole is the sum of a thermal (disk) component and the convolution of some fraction of this component with the Comptonization spread (Green's) function. The latter component is seen as an extended power law at energies much higher than the characteristic energy of the soft photons. We show that the high energy photon production (source function) in the CI atmosphere is distributed with the characteristic maximum at about the photon bending radius, 1.5r_S, independently of the seed (soft) photon distribution. We show that high frequency oscillations of the soft photon source in this region lead to the oscillations of the high energy part of the spectrum but not of the thermal component. The high frequency oscillations of the inner region are not significant in the thermal component of the spectrum. We further demonstrate that Doppler and recoil effects (which are responsible for the formation of the CI spectrum) are related to the hard (positive) and soft (negative) time lags between the soft and hard photon energy channels respectively.Comment: 9 pages and 4 figures, to be published in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    On the application of the effective action approach to amplitudes with reggeon splitting

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    Application of the effective action approach to amplitudes with loop integration is studied for collisions on two and three centers with possible gluon emission. A rule is formulated for the integration around pole singularities in the induced vertices which brings the results in agreement with the QCD. It is demonstrated that the amplitudes can be restored from the purely transverse picture by introducing the standard Feynman propagators for intermediate gluons and quarks.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures; submitted to Eur.Phys.Jour.

    Diffractive scattering on the deuteron projectile in the NLO: triple interaction of reggeized gluons

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    High-mass diffractive production of protons on the deuteron target is studied in the next-to-leading order (NLO) of the perturbative QCD in the BFKL approach. The non-trivial part of the NLO contributions coming from the triple interactions of the exchanged reggeons is considered. Analytic formulas are presented and shown to be infrared free and so ready for practical calculation.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figures; to be published in Eur.Phys.Jour.

    X-ray Spectral Signatures of the Photon Bubble Model for Ultraluminous X-ray Sources

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    The nature of ultraluminous X-ray sources in nearby galaxies is one of the major open questions in modern X-ray astrophysics. One possible explanation for these objects is an inhomogeneous, radiation dominated accretion disk around a 10M\sim 10 M_{\odot} black hole -- the so-called ``photon bubble'' model. While previous studies of this model have focused primarily on its radiation-hydrodynamics aspects, in this paper, we provide an analysis of its X-ray spectral (continuum and possible edge and line) characteristics. Compton reflection between high and low density regions in the disk may provide the key to distinguishing this model from others, such as accretion onto an intermediate mass black hole. We couple a Monte Carlo/Fokker-Planck radiation transport code with the XSTAR code for reflection to simulate the photon spectra produced in a photon bubble model for ULXs. We find that reflection components tend to be very weak and in most cases not observable, and make predictions for the shape of the high-energy Comptonizing spectra. In many cases the Comptonization dominates the spectra even down to \sim a few keV. In one simulation, a \sim 9 \kev feature was found, which may be considered a signature of photon bubbles in ULXs; furthermore, we make predictions of high energy power-laws which may be observed by future instruments.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Endothelotropic activity of 4-hydroxy-3,5-di-tret-butylcinnamic acid in the conditions of experimental cerebral ischemia

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the endothelioprotective activity of 4-hydroxy-3,5-di-tret-butylcinnamic acid in conditions of experimental cerebral ischemia. The brain ischemia was reproduced by the method of irreversible right-sided thermocoagulation of the middle cerebral artery. As comparative drugs, mexidol (30 mg/kg) and sulodexide (30 U/kg) were use

    X-ray Polarization Signatures of Compton Scattering in Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables

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    Compton scattering within the accretion column of magnetic cataclysmic variables (mCVs) can induce a net polarization in the X-ray emission. We investigate this process using Monte Carlo simulations and find that significant polarization can arise as a result of the stratified flow structure in the shock-ionized column. We find that the degree of linear polarization can reach levels up to ~8% for systems with high accretion rates and low white-dwarf masses, when viewed at large inclination angles with respect to the accretion column axis. These levels are substantially higher than previously predicted estimates using an accretion column model with uniform density and temperature. We also find that for systems with a relatively low-mass white dwarf accreting at a high accretion rate, the polarization properties may be insensitive to the magnetic field, since most of the scattering occurs at the base of the accretion column where the density structure is determined mainly by bremsstrahlung cooling instead of cyclotron cooling.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, accepted by MNRA