13 research outputs found

    Anatomy of a mixed-influence shelf edge delta, Karoo Basin, South Africa

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    The position and process regime of paralic systems relative to the shelf edge rollover is a major control on sediment transfer into deep water. The depositional strike and dip variability of an exhumed Permian shelf edge succession has been studied in the Paardeberg Ridge, Karoo Basin. Siltstone-rich slope turbidites are overlain by 25–75 m-thick prodelta parasequences. These are truncated by a 30 m-thick sandstone-prone unit of tabular or convex-topped sandstones, interpreted as wave-modified mouth bars, cut by multiple irregular concave-upwards erosive surfaces overlain by sandstones, interpreted as distributary channels. The stratigraphic context, lithofacies and architecture are consistent with a mixed-influence shelf edge delta; the erosional base to the unit marks a basinwards shift in facies, consistent with a sequence boundary. Channels become thicker, wider, more erosive and incise into deeper-water facies downdip and correlate with sandstone-rich upper slope turbidites, all of which support the bypass of sand across the rollover. The overall progradational stacking pattern results in a stratigraphic decrease in channel dimensions. The results of this study suggest a predictable relationship between channel geometry, facies and position on the shelf-to-slope profile under a mixed wave and fluvial process regime

    Topographic controls on the development of contemporaneous but contrasting basin-floor depositional architectures

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    Sediment-laden gravity-driven-flow deposits on the basin floor are typically considered to form either discrete lobes that stack compensationally, or packages of laterally extensive beds, commonly termed “sheets.” These end-member stacking patterns are documented in several basinfills. However, whether they can coexist in a single basin, or there are intermediate or transitional stacking patterns, is poorly understood. An analysis of depositional architecture and stacking patterns along a 70 km dip-oriented transect in the Upper Broto Turbidite System (Jaca Basin, south-central Pyrenees, Spain), which displays disparate stacking patterns in contemporaneous strata, is presented. Proximal and medial deposits are characterized by discrete packages of clean sandstones with sharp bed tops which exhibit predictable lateral and longitudinal facies changes, and are interpreted as lobes. Distal deposits comprise both relatively clean sandstones and hybrid beds that do not stack to form lobes. Instead, localized relatively thick hybrid beds are inferred to have inhibited the development of lobes. Hybrid beds developed under flows which were deflected and entrained carbonate mud substrate off a carbonate slope that bounded the basin to the south; evidence for this interpretation includes: 1) divergent paleoflow indicators and hummock-like features in individual beds; 2) a decrease in hybrid-bed thickness and abundance away from the lateral confining slope; 3) a carbonate-rich upper division, not seen in more proximal turbidites. The study demonstrates the co-occurrence of different styles of basin-floor stacking patterns in the same stratigraphic interval, and suggests that characterization of deep-water systems as either lobes or sheets is a false dichotomy

    Internal mouth‐bar variability and preservation of subordinate coastal processes in low‐accommodation proximal deltaic settings (Cretaceous Dakota Group, New Mexico, USA)

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    Mouth bars are the fundamental architectural elements of proximal deltaic successions. Understanding their internal architecture and complex interaction with coastal processes (fluvial, tide and wave‐dominated) is paramount to the interpretation of ancient deltaic successions. This is particularly challenging in low‐accommodation systems, because they are commonly characterized by thin, condensed and top‐truncated sections. This study analyses the exhumed Cenomanian Mesa Rica Sandstone (Dakota Group, Western Interior Seaway, USA), a fluvio‐deltaic system covering a ca 450 km depositional dip‐parallel profile. The study targets the proximal deltaic expression of the system, using 22 sedimentary logs (total of 390 m) spatially correlated within a ca 25 km2 study area at the rim of the Tucumcari Basin. Analysis of facies distributions, depositional architecture and spatial extent of stratigraphic surfaces reveals a 6–10 m thick, sharp‐based and sand‐prone deltaic package, comprising several laterally extensive (>1.4 km width) mouth bars. Composite erosional surfaces infilled with multi‐storey fluvial and marine‐influenced channel deposits (12–20 m thick, 100–250 m wide) scour locally into the deltaic package. Based on differences in sedimentary structures, bed thicknesses, occurrence of interflood beds and bioturbation indexes, four different sub‐environments within single mouth bars were distinguished. These range from mouth‐bar axis, off‐axis, fringe to distal‐fringe deposits, which reflect waning depositional energy with increasing distance from the distributary channel mouth. The interpreted mouth‐bar components also show internal variability in dominant process regime, with overall river dominance but local preservation of tide influence in the fringe and distal fringe components. Mouth‐bar deposits amalgamate to form an extensive sand‐rich sheet body throughout the study area, in which interflood mudstone to very‐fine grained sandstone beds are nearly absent. These features reflect successive coalescence of mouth bars in a low accommodation/supply (A/S) setting. These conditions promoted recurrent channel avulsion/bifurcation and thus the potential reworking of previously deposited mouth‐bar fringe and distal‐fringe sediments, where time and background processes are better recorded. Results of this study evidence internal process‐regime variability within mouth‐bar components. They also caution against the possible loss of preservation of subordinate coastal processes (e.g. tidal indicators), and consequent underestimation of the true mixed influence in low‐accommodation deltaic settings