188 research outputs found

    Physiological and genetic control of anthocyanin pigmentation in different species

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    Koes, R.E. [Promotor]Quattrocchio, F. [Copromotor]Perata, P. [Copromotor

    Structure and Functionality of the Mesozooplankton Community in a Coastal Marine Environment: Portofino Marine Protected Area (Liguria)

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    This research is part of the LTER (Long-Term Ecological Research) project, a network of terrestrial, freshwater, transitional water and marine sites, on which ecological research is conducted on a multi-decade scale. LTER studies ecosystems, their dynamics and evolution, the relationships between biodiversity and ecological functionality, water quality, productivity, the role of resource availability, the effects of pollution and climate change. The research focuses on the study of the variability of zooplankton groups in the Portofino marine protected area, in Punta Faro. The samplings were carried out in the years 2018\u20132019, and the results were compared with the values of the years 2003\u20132005, interesting from a meteorological climatic and biological point of view. The plankton community of the Punta Faro system was analyzed by means of a modeling approach to obtain information on the functionality and health status of the system and to verify whether this has undergone any alterations in the last decade. The analyses carried out show a clear difference between the three-year period 2003\u20132005 and the two-year period 2018\u20132019, highlighting how environmental changes, such as the increase in temperature, have led to higher costs of system functioning in the last two years. The mesozooplankton community has changed both in terms of abundance of organisms and in terms of organization and functionality

    The driving forces of the biotic processes along an offshore gradient in the Ligurian basin (Portofino Promontory) during 2008

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    The marine coastal area of the Portofino Promontory, located in the North-East side of the Ligurian basin (Mediterranean Sea), has been studied since 1980’s to identify its main ecological characteristics. The large physical, chemical and biological dataset available for this site (LTER sites) represents a powerful tool for the reliable reconstruction of seasonal cycles and allow the differentiation of regular and recurrent patterns from occasional and exceptional events. This long-term monitoring reveled an increases in the average monthly temperature along the water column in the last 10 years compare with the previous decade (1985-1995), with a high inter-annual variability and some specific episodic occurrence of thermal anomalies. The physical features of the water column seems to have a strict relation with the phytoplankton biomass fluctuations. A detailed study of 2008 intended to analyze a wider area, in order to compare the driving forces influencing the development of biotic process along an offshore gradient

    Phaeocystis antarctica unusual summer bloom in stratified antarctic coastal waters (Terra Nova Bay, Ross Sea)

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    This study focuses on the potential explanations for a Phaeocystis antarctica summer bloom occurred in stratified waters of Terra Nova Bay (TNB) - which is part of the Antarctic Special Protected Area (n.161) in the Ross Sea - trough a multi-parameter correlative approach. Many previous studies have highlighted that water column stratification typically favors diatom dominance compared to the colonial haptophyte P. antarctica, in the Ross Sea, and this correlation has often been used to explain the historic dominance of diatoms in TNB. To explore the spatial and temporal progression of P. antarctica bloom in coastal waters, four stations were sampled three times each between December 31, 2009 and January 13, 2010. Taxonomic and pigment composition of phytoplankton communities, macro-nutrient concentrations and various different indices, all indicated the relative dominance of P. antarctica. Cell abundances revealed that P. antarctica contributed 79% of total cell counts in the upper 25 m and 93% in the lower photic zone. Similarly, a strong correlation was observed between Chl-a and the Hex:Fuco pigment ratio, corroborating the microscopic analyses. Recent studies have shown that iron can trigger colonial P. antarctica blooms. Based on the Hex:Chl-c3 proxy for iron limitation in P. antarctica, we hypothesize that anomalously higher iron fluxes were responsible for the unusual bloom of colonial P. antarctica observed in TNB

    Transcript profiling of chitosan-treated Arabidopsis seedlings

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    In nature, plants can recognize potential pathogens, thus activating intricate networks of defense signals and reactions. Inducible defense is often mediated by the detection of microbe or pathogen associated molecular pattern elicitors, such as flagellin and chitin. Chitosan, the deacetylated form of chitin, plays a role in inducing protection against pathogens in many plant species. We evaluated the ability of chitosan to confer resistance to Botrytis cinerea in Arabidopsis leaves. We subsequently treated Arabidopsis seedlings with chitosan and carried out a transcript profiling analysis using both ATH1 GeneChip microarrays and quantitative RT-PCR. The results showed that defense response genes, including camalexin biosynthesis genes, were up-regulated by chitosan, both in wild-type and in the chitin-insensitive cerk1 mutant, indicating that chitosan is perceived through a CERK1-independent pathway

    LTER-AMP-Portofino (Mar Ligure): variabilitĂ  stagionale ed interannuale delle forzanti meteo-climatiche, delle variabili fisico-chimiche e biologiche del comparto pelagico

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    L’area marina costiera antistante il Promontorio di Portofino è stata inserita nella rete ILTER – International Long Term Ecological Research dal 2007, grazie ai numerosi studi ecologici che si susseguono nell’area dagli anni ’80, ed in particolare dal 1999, quando è iniziata la raccolta sistematica delle principali variabili fisiche e chimico-biologiche lungo la colonna d’acqua e delle principali forzanti meteo-climatiche. L’analisi dei dati ha messo in evidenza un incremento della temperatura media lungo la colonna d’acqua negli ultimi anni rispetto al decennio precedente (1985-1995) ed in particolare un progressivo aumento della temperatura superficiale nelle stagioni primaverili ed autunnali, che ha portato ad un ampliamento del periodo caldo. L’area di studio è inoltre caratterizzata da una forte variabilità interannuale: sono state registrate importanti anomalie termiche nell’estate 2003 e nei periodi autunnali e primaverili del 2006-2007 con temperature superficiali più elevate rispetto alla media del periodo, dovute a due importanti anomalie termiche atmosferiche. Negli ultimi anni, le precipitazioni annuali sono sempre al di sotto della media climatica, ad eccezione del 2002, con conseguente modificazione della struttura termo-alina dell’area di studio. Le variabilità riscontrate si riflettono sui popolamenti planctonici, modificando le risposte delle comunità, in particolare nel periodo tardo primaverile. L’area conserva, comunque, le caratteristiche oligotrofiche tipiche del Mar Ligure: infatti, pur mostrando una evidente variabilità interannuale, la biomassa planctonica media nello strato superficiale continua a rimanere bassa, con una tendenza a diminuire negli ultimi anni
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