14 research outputs found

    Relevância do artigo 33 do código nacional de segurança e convivência cidadã na Colômbia na pandemia de covid-19

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    The research emphasized recognizing the factors that affect the execution and appropriation of article 33 of thenational code of citizen security and coexistence in the municipality of Fusagasugá Cundinamarca Colombia duringthe COVID-19 pandemic, the mixed-type methodology of sequential exploratory design (DEXPLOS) , the population ofthe study, the community of the Municipality of Fusagasugá, the census or intentional sample, due to the fact that theinformation reported in the police stations of the municipality of Fusagasugá is taken, as well as of the actors MunicipalMayor’s Office, Secretary of Government, Security and Coexistence, Fusagasugá City Hall, Fusagasugá Police Station,Fusagasugá Stations, Pasca, Granada, Silvania, Sibate, Arbeláez, Pandy, Tibacuy, San Bernardo, Cabrera, Venecia,Chinauta, Cumaca Substations, San Raimundo, the findings on how to transform the media of communication and theemergence of new spaces around cities, structure a new reality geographic that can only be analyzed from the approachesof geography, in relation to the purposes of the study, the role of the uniformed in the replacement of application ofarticle 33 is recognized where the coexistence and the identification of the factors become models of intervention oftime, space, by identifying and georeferencing the actors, the location of intervention strategies is achieved, their addedvalue is established by the social components that underlie the behaviors, so what is reflected for the police authority isto know the idiosyncrasy to use the media of adequate communication, with the COVID-19 pandemic it becomes a toolfor phenomenological analysis of the pseudo behaviors due to respective confinements.La investigación enfatizó en reconocer los factores que inciden en la ejecución y apropiación del artículo 33 del CódigoNacional de Seguridad y Convivencia Ciudadana en el municipio de Fusagasugá Cundinamarca Colombia durante lapandemia COVID-19, la metodología de tipo mixta de diseño exploratorio secuencial (DEXPLOS), la población del estudiola comunidad del Municipio de Fusagasugá, la muestra censal o intencionada, debido a que se toma la información reportadaen las estaciones de policía del municipio de Fusagasugá, como de los actores Alcaldía Municipal, Secretaría de Gobierno,Seguridad y Convivencia, Alcaldía de Fusagasugá, Estación de Policía Fusagasugá, Estaciones Fusagasugá, Pasca, Granada,Silvania, Sibate, Arbeláez, Pandy , Tibacuy, San Bernardo, Cabrera, Venecia, Chinauta, Subestaciones Cumaca, San Raimundo,los hallazgos sobre como la transformación de los medios de comunicación y surgimiento de nuevos espacios alrededor delas ciudades, estructuran una nueva realidad geográfica que solo puede ser analizada de los planteamientos de la geografía,en relación con los propósitos del estudio, se reconoce el papel del uniformado en el recambio de aplicación del artículo33 donde la convivencia y la identificación de los factores se convierten en modelos de intervención de tiempo, espacio, alidentificar y georreferenciar los actores se logra la ubicación de estrategias de intervención, su valor agregado lo establecelos componentes sociales que subyacen los comportamientos, por lo que se refleja para la autoridad policial es conocerla idiosincrasia para utilizar los medios de comunicación adecuados, con la pandemia COVID-19 se convierte en unaherramienta de análisis fenomenológicos de los seudo comportamientos por confinamientos respectivos.A pesquisa enfatizou o reconhecimento dos fatores que afetam a execução e apropriação do artigo 33 do código nacionalde segurança e convivência cidadã no município de Fusagasugá Cundinamarca Colômbia durante a pandemia de COVID-19,a metodologia de tipo misto de desenho exploratório sequencial (DEXPLOS) , a população do estudo, a comunidade doMunicípio de Fusagasugá, o censo ou amostra intencional, pelo facto de serem tomadas as informações reportadas nasesquadras do concelho de Fusagasugá, bem como dos intervenientes da Câmara Municipal, Secretaria de Governo, Segurançae Convivência, Câmara Municipal de Fusagasugá, Delegacia de Polícia de Fusagasugá, Delegacias de Fusagasugá, Pasca,Granada, Silvania, Sibate, Arbeláez, Pandy, Tibacuy, San Bernardo, Cabrera, Venecia, Chinauta, Subestações Cumaca, SanRaimundo, os resultados sobre como transformar os meios de comunicação e o surgimento de novos espaços ao redor dascidades, estruturar uma nova realidade geográfica que só pode ser analisada a partir das abordagens da geografia, em relaçãoaos propósitos do estudo, reconhece-se o papel do uniformizado na substituição da aplicação do artigo 33 onde a convivênciae a identificação dos fatores tornam-se modelos de intervenção de tempo, espaço, ao identificar e georreferenciar os atores,consegue-se a localização das estratégias de intervenção, o seu valor acrescentado é estabelecido pelos componentes sociaisque subjazem aos comportamentos, pelo que o que se reflete para a autoridade policial é conhecer a idiossincrasia parautilizar os media de comunicação adequada, com a pandemia COVID-19 torna-se uma ferramenta de análise fenomenológicados pseudocomportamentos devido aos respetivos confinamentos

    Teaching Experience on The Concept of Sensory Disability

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    The development of teaching skills from educational innovation seen from inclusive education recognizes the parameter of alignment from the role of how to relate new alternatives, the use of virtual reality in didactic situations device called SISI that accounts for the role of the relational aspects of teachers when faced with social problems, and collects through a Likert-type survey the perceptions of 166 teachers about their knowledge and teaching skills to work with deaf, blind, deafblind and low vision students. This is a descriptive, non-experimental, quantitative study. This type of alternative as a result of research in the field facilitates the coupling of new work elements

    Investigación en Educación Virtual y A Distancia en y para la Diversidad

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    Con la premisa que: "La innovación social es una solución a un problema que limita el logro de mejores condiciones de vida en una Comunidad; debe contar con la participación de la Comunidad en las diferentes fases del proceso de Innovación, facilitando el empoderamiento de la solución y la apropiación social del conocimiento"; nace esta obra que reune algunos de los aportes más significativos en el tema vistos desde diferentes perspectivas de la educación superior. &nbsp

    Percepción académica sobre la evaluación en el contexto universitario modalidad a Distancia Tradicional y virtual

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    El presente artículo se fundamenta en los resultados obtenidos de la investigación sobre el impacto del modelo de evaluación que se lleva a cabo en las modalidades distancia y virtual en los programas académicos profesionales de la Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO, Centro RegionalIbagué, tipo de investigación Mixto, en instrumentos  y procedimientos, por medio de la recolección de información con una población participante de 308estudiantes y 30 docentes, los resultados encontrados permiten ver que existen discrepancias entre los planteamientos de los docentes y sus prácticas educativas, evidenciadas desde la percepción de los estudiantes, respecto a las concepciones sobre evaluación de los aprendizajes (definición y finalidad), se logro contrarrestar la metodología empleada a nivel institucional en el proceso (procedimientos y técnicas), permitiendo que se genere una mayor conciencia por parte de los docentes en cuanto a la interpretación de los parámetros institucionales definidos, sus conocimientos sobre evaluación y las formas como llevan este proceso a la práctica, bajo el modelo de educación virtual y a distancia, la reflexión propuesta tendrá hincapié en el ejercicio y el discurso docente

    Teaching Practices as a Contribution Effect in The Development of Inclusive Education in A Higher Education Institution Knowledge Processes and Metacognition in The Educational Improvement Bet

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    Educational inclusion is established from a legal framework, articulated with the country of origin which accounts for the purposes of continuous improvement, in Colombian higher education institutions it is regulated how to meet these requests for educational inclusion, it is parameterized and accommodates an element of self-regulation and self-evaluation that builds a concept of expanding the recognition of prior knowledge, the research performs the determination of the incidence of the recognition of knowledge, attitudes and practices of teachers in inclusive education. Method: Semi-structured interviews were applied to teachers of a higher education institution. Teachers are unaware of the regulations, consider that everyone has the right to access education, but disagree about the permanence and graduation of students with cognitive disabilities, and present weaknesses in planning, flexibility and curricular evaluation

    University Dropout Problems and Educational Trends

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    School dropout is an issue that worries and threatens the permanence and student success in universities, becoming a decision factor that accounts for the lack of sensitive opportunities of the social purpose of universities. The lack of academic training constitutes them as relegated by society; from the research or it was possible to identify school dropout as a problem not particular to the educational institution but on the contrary, a serious problem that presents today's world, very marked in Latin America due to multiple factors that are encouraging adolescents to take the easiest path, which is the total neglect of their academic commitments

    Strategies For Support Based on The Articulation of Secondary and Higher Education in Accordance with Educational Gaps

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    The development of an articulation process from the point of view of secondary education and how it is articulated with higher education generates new management models that shows that the applied point recognizes the case of the school Institución Educativa Distrital El Rodeo, hereinafter (I.E.D.) with the student population of the eleventh grade, it is sought to respond to What importance has the directive management in the processes of articulation of secondary education with higher education to facilitate the continuous improvement of the educational quality? In order to develop this problem, the processes of directive management are analyzed, under the analysis of the research that will allow visualizing the antecedents, which have been previously worked in favor of the strengthening of the educational quality from the articulation in secondary education. The methodological approach that was applied to address this qualitative approach and the instrument applied was through questionnaires applied to eleventh grade students and teachers who guided the subjects in the middle school stage, the value of the findings recognizes the importance of articulating education with the productive sectors and regional development. &nbsp

    Google Cardboard 3D-VR: Dispositivo de realidad virtual para el aprendizaje inmersivo en el entrenamiento policial.

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    Virtual reality (VR) devices are more affordable and accessible, which are of importance in education by taking learning with them to another level of application and enhancing experience, bone immersive learning by the action and application of the experienced, both in training and / or face-to-face training, remote and virtual (online and offline). Explaining this from a methodological point of view made it necessary to apply a systematic literature review (RSL), to track advances in the development of educational applications in teaching and learning. The goal was to develop an immersive learning tool that would be useful for police training, recreating the real view of real-life cases, suitable for training and training in police procedures using Google Cardboard 3D-VR, an integrated mobile electronic device with low-cost glasses and headphones, offering immersive virtual reality experiences through a "Smartphone" to all kinds of users, without requiring spatial movements and hand interaction, in a simple and affordable way. To achieve educational innovation, three guiding questions were raised, showing such mobile devices as an effective alternative to training, as a technological tool recently introduced to the educational environment, finding satisfactory results, and being able to establish replicas in various areas of application.Los dispositivos de realidad virtual (VR) son más asequibles y accesibles, por lo que revisten una importancia en la educación, ya que, llevan el aprendizaje a otro nivel de aplicación y potencialización de la experiencia, o sea, un aprendizaje inmersivo por la acción y de la aplicación de lo experimentado, tanto en la formación y/o capacitación presencial, a distancia y virtual (online y offline). Para explicar esto desde un punto de vista metodológico, se hizo necesario aplicar una revisión sistemática de literatura (RSL), para rastrear los avances en el desarrollo de aplicaciones educativas en enseñanza y aprendizaje. El objetivo fue desarrollar una herramienta de aprendizaje inmersivo que sea útil para el entrenamiento policial, al recrear la visión experiencial de casos en la vida real adecuados para la formación y capacitación en procedimientos policiales, utilizando Google Cardboard 3D-VR, un dispositivo electrónico móvil integrado con gafas y auriculares de bajo costo, que ofrece experiencias de realidad virtual envolventes a través de un smartphone a toda clase de usuario, sin que sean necesarios movimientos espaciales e interacción con las manos. Para lograr que se dé una innovación educativa, la investigación que muestra este tipo de dispositivos móviles es una alternativa eficaz para el entrenamiento, como herramienta tecnológica de reciente introducción al entorno educativo, frente a la cual se encontraron resultados satisfactorios, que pueden establecer replicas en diversos ámbitos de aplicación

    Construction of Territory Through Cyberspace: A Latin American View of Young People's Perception of Virtual Space

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    This article presents a balance about the chapter guidelines for teaching construction of the territory concept in schools today, which is part of the doctoral thesis "La construcción del territorio a través del ciberespacio: una mirada latinoamericana de la percepción de los jóvenes frente al espacio virtual. Presented at University of Valencia, Spain. This unit was focused on the construction of guidelines for learning the territory concept in geography, it is set from a comparative analysis between Spain, Colombia and England, in order to reflect the contributions of the Latin American, European and Anglo-Saxon countries, in line with the reconstitution of geographic knowledge at a global level to expand new approaches to the concept. This is in contrast to the policies in charge of regulating education in these countries. In this way, it is intended to make analytical and conceptual contributions of the territory from teachers' point of view in relation to the discussion of the territorial approach given by these institutional spaces to expand and develop a conceptual framework that contributes to generating significant transformations in the daily activity of educators. proposing a shift in the geography learning, which allows re-meaning the concept of territory in accordance with innovations in knowledge

    Use of Study Techniques from an Intellectual Intervention Program

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    The research relates the work skills through study habits, which accounts for the role of analyzing how they relate and communicate space from the study techniques in ninth grade students of a rural educational institution, in order to establish a process of improvement in the didactics of teaching, focused on educational quality parameters, this was done through a study with quantitative approach, with descriptive and correlational scope, non-experimental design of transectional or cross-sectional type, the sample consisted of 36 students between 13 and 16 years of age. Two instruments were applied, the first was the Primary Mental Aptitudes Questionnaire "PMA" (Thurstone & Thurstone, 2007) and the second was the Habits and Study Techniques Questionnaire "CHTE" (Álvarez & Fernández, 2015), in addition to the information of school academic performance of the first period of the 2019 school cycle, the values delivered strengthen the role of reasoning with the factors of verbal comprehension, spatial conception and numerical calculation, as well as the relationship between academic performance and spatial conception, and the relationships between different aspects of study habits