72 research outputs found

    Fibrillation auriculaire et insuffisance cardiaque : une analyse de coût comparant la stratégie de contrÎle de la fréquence à celle du contrÎle du rythme

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    Contexte : La fibrillation auriculaire est commune chez les insuffisants cardiaques. L’efficacitĂ© des stratĂ©gies de contrĂŽle de la frĂ©quence et du rythme s’équivalent. Nous avons comparĂ© l’impact Ă©conomique des deux stratĂ©gies de traitement chez les patients avec fibrillation auriculaire et insuffisance cardiaque. MĂ©thode : Dans cette sous-Ă©tude de l’essai Atrial Fibrillation and Congestive Heart Failure, la consommation de soins de santĂ© des patients QuĂ©bĂ©cois ainsi que leurs coĂ»ts ont Ă©tĂ© quantifiĂ©s grĂące aux banques de donnĂ©es de la RĂ©gie de l’assurance-maladie du QuĂ©bec et de l’Ontario Case Costing Initiative. RĂ©sultats : Trois cent quatre patients ont Ă©tĂ© inclus, ĂągĂ©s de 68±9 ans, fraction d’éjection de 26±6%. Les caractĂ©ristiques de base Ă©taient bien rĂ©parties entre le contrĂŽle du rythme (N=149) et de la frĂ©quence (N=155). Les patients soumis au contrĂŽle de la frĂ©quence ont eu moins de procĂ©dures cardiovasculaires (146 versus 238, P<0.001) en raison du plus faible nombre de cardioversions et de moindres coĂ»ts reliĂ©s aux antiarythmiques (48 ±203versus1319±203 versus 1319 ±1058 par patient, P<0.001). Ces diffĂ©rences ont Ă©tĂ© compensĂ©es par un surplus de dĂ©penses dues aux hospitalisations non-cardiovasculaires, aux dispositifs cardiaques implantables et aux mĂ©dicaments non-cardiovasculaires dans le groupe du contrĂŽle de la frĂ©quence. Au total, les coĂ»ts par patient avec les stratĂ©gies du contrĂŽle de la frĂ©quence et du rythme s’élĂšvent Ă  78 767 ±79568et72764±79 568 et 72 764 ±72 800 (P=0.49). InterprĂ©tation : Chez les patients avec fibrillation auriculaire et insuffisance cardiaque, le contrĂŽle de la frĂ©quence est associĂ© avec moins de procĂ©dures cardiovasculaires et une pharmacothĂ©rapie cardiovasculaire moins coĂ»teuse. Toutefois, les coĂ»ts associĂ©s aux arythmies reprĂ©sentent moins de la moitiĂ© des dĂ©penses de santĂ© et le total des coĂ»ts s’équilibre entre les 2 stratĂ©gies.Background: Atrial fibrillation is common in patients with heart failure. Rhythm and rate-control strategies are associated with similar efficacy outcomes. We compared the economic impact of the two treatment strategies in patients with atrial fibrillation and heart failure. Methods: In a pre-specified substudy of the Atrial Fibrillation and Congestive Heart Failure trial, healthcare expenditures of patients from Quebec were analyzed from a single-payer perspective using a cost-minimization approach. In-trial resource utilization including hospitalizations, procedures, emergency department visits, outpatient encounters, and medications were estimated from Quebec Health Insurance Board administrative databases supplemented by disease-specific costs from the Ontario Case Costing Initiative. Results: A total of 304 patients were included, age 68±9 years, 86% male, ejection fraction 26±6%. Baseline characteristics were similar in rhythm (N=149) and rate-control (N=155) groups. Arrhythmia-related costs accounted for 45% of total expenditures. Rate-control patients had fewer cardiovascular procedures (146 versus 238, P<0.001), driven by fewer cardioversions, and lower costs related to antiarrhythmic drugs (48±203versus48±203 versus 1319±1058 per patient, P<0.001). However, these differences were offset by trends towards higher expenditures due to hospitalizations for non-cardiovascular diagnoses, implantable cardiac arrhythmia devices, and non-cardiovascular drugs with rate-control. Overall, the total cost per patient was similar with rate and rhythm-control strategies (78767±79568versus78 767±79 568 versus 72 764±72 800, P=0.49). Interpretation: In patients with atrial fibrillation and heart failure, rate control is associated with fewer cardiovascular procedures, most notably cardioversions, and less expensive cardiovascular drugs. However, arrhythmia-related costs account for less than half of all healthcare expenditures and overall costs are similar with the two strategies

    Les relations donneurs d’ordres sous-traitants dans l’industrie aĂ©rospatiale au QuĂ©bec : une Ă©tude exploratoire

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    L'industrie aĂ©rospatiale mondiale se rĂ©organise pour relever dans les prochaines annĂ©es les dĂ©fis d'une croissance considĂ©rable. L'importance de cette industrie dans une Ă©conomie nationale est clairement Ă©tablie et explique le dĂ©sir de pays en voie d'industrialisation d'acquĂ©rir l'infrastructure nĂ©cessaire pour atteindre le marchĂ© mondial. Ces nouvelles recrues de l'industrie bouleversent les rĂšgles du jeu et forcent les donneurs d'ordres et les sous-traitants Ă  Ă©tablir des rĂ©seaux globaux. Pour ce faire, ils doivent adopter des pratiques reconnues qui leur permettront d'interagir, d'innover et de se dĂ©velopper en partenariat avec des firmes Ă©trangĂšres. Dans cette Ă©tude exploratoire nous prĂ©sentons les rĂ©sultats d'une enquĂȘte sur les relations donneurs d'ordres/sous-traitants dans l'industrie de l'aĂ©rospatiale au QuĂ©bec. Vingt trois entreprises ont Ă©tĂ© interrogĂ©es. L'enquĂȘte veut mettre en lumiĂšre l'adoption par les entreprises quĂ©bĂ©coises des meilleures pratiques en ce qui concerne la planification et le contrĂŽle des relations, des transactions et des Ă©changes entre les donneurs d'ordres et les sous-traitants.CENTOR (Centre de recherche sur les technologies de l’organisation rĂ©seau), UniversitĂ© Laval, QuĂ©be

    Identifying conditions for inducible protein production in E. coli: combining a fed-batch and multiple induction approach

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    BACKGROUND: In the interest of generating large amounts of recombinant protein, inducible systems have been studied to maximize both the growth of the culture and the production of foreign proteins. Even though thermo-inducible systems were developed in the late 1970's, the number of studies that focus on strategies for the implementation at bioreactor scale is limited. In this work, the bacteriophage lambda P(L )promoter is once again investigated as an inducible element but for the production of green fluorescent protein (GFP). Culture temperature, induction point, induction duration and number of inductions were considered as factors to maximize GFP production in a 20-L bioreactor. RESULTS: It was found that cultures carried out at 37°C resulted in a growth-associated production of GFP without the need of an induction at 42°C. Specific production was similar to what was achieved when separating the growth and production phases. Shake flask cultures were used to screen for desirable operating conditions. It was found that multiple inductions increased the production of GFP. Induction decreased the growth rate and substrate yield coefficients; therefore, two time domains (before and after induction) having different kinetic parameters were created to fit a model to the data collected. CONCLUSION: Based on two batch runs and the simulation of culture dynamics, a pre-defined feeding and induction strategy was developed to increase the volumetric yield of a temperature regulated expression system and was successfully implemented in a 20-L bioreactor. An overall cell density of 5.95 g DW l(-1 )was achieved without detriment to the cell specific production of GFP; however, the production of GFP was underestimated in the simulations due to a significant contribution of non-growth associated product formation under limiting nutrient conditions

    Langerhans cell (LC) proliferation mediates neonatal development, homeostasis, and inflammation-associated expansion of the epidermal LC network

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    Most tissues develop from stem cells and precursors that undergo differentiation as their proliferative potential decreases. Mature differentiated cells rarely proliferate and are replaced at the end of their life by new cells derived from precursors. Langerhans cells (LCs) of the epidermis, although of myeloid origin, were shown to renew in tissues independently from the bone marrow, suggesting the existence of a dermal or epidermal progenitor. We investigated the mechanisms involved in LC development and homeostasis. We observed that a single wave of LC precursors was recruited in the epidermis of mice around embryonic day 18 and acquired a dendritic morphology, major histocompatibility complex II, CD11c, and langerin expression immediately after birth. Langerin+ cells then undergo a massive burst of proliferation between postnatal day 2 (P2) and P7, expanding their numbers by 10–20-fold. After the first week of life, we observed low-level proliferation of langerin+ cells within the epidermis. However, in a mouse model of atopic dermatitis (AD), a keratinocyte signal triggered increased epidermal LC proliferation. Similar findings were observed in epidermis from human patients with AD. Therefore, proliferation of differentiated resident cells represents an alternative pathway for development in the newborn, homeostasis, and expansion in adults of selected myeloid cell populations such as LCs. This mechanism may be relevant in locations where leukocyte trafficking is limited

    Étude des interactions entre les cellules HEK-293 et un adsorbant IMAC dans une colonne à lit en expansion

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    Essais de fluidisation dans une colonne développée au laboratoire -- Purification de la protéine TGF beta RIII-ED -- Validation du montage de purification intégrée -- Article : a study of the interaction of HEK-293 cells with streamline chelating adsorbent in expanded bed operation

    Manipulation of a mollusc by a trophically transmitted parasite: convergent evolution or phylogenetic inheritance?

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    International audienceWe investigated the influence of infection by the trematode Curtuteria australis on the burrowing behaviour of its intermediate host, the bivalve Austrovenus stutchburyi. Laboratory experiments and field observations revealed that cockles, unable to bury completely or even partially under the sediment, have a reduced foot length compared with buried individuals. The ability to bury proved to be highly repeatable in field experiments: cockles found at the surface and transplanted to an experimental area did not bury themselves, and cockles found buried stayed buried when relocated. All metacercariae of C. australis were found strictly in the foot and for each of 3 samples collected in different sites, there was a negative and significant relationship between the relative length of the foot and the parasite load. A predation test conducted under natural conditions indicated that cockles with the stunted foot and the altered behaviour are significantly more susceptible to predation by aquatic birds than other cockles. Given that the definitive host of C. australis is an oystercatcher, we first discuss our results in the context of transmission strategy. Comparisons with other studies on more or less related trematode species parasitic in bivalves and evolving under similar constraints for their transmission, shed light on the origin of this adaptation in C. australis

    Egg size variability in trematodes: Test of the bet-hedging hypothesis

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    International audienceThe hypothesis according to which egg size variability in hermaphroditic parasites results from bet-hedging was investigated in a comparative analysis using trematodes as a model. We hypothesized that the species reproducing mainly by self-fertilization should produce smaller eggs than those species that regularly practice cross-fertilization. Indeed, because self-fertilization is usually associated with inbreeding depression, selection should favor individuals spreading the risk of genetically disturbed development across more but smaller eggs, instead of producing fewer eggs, each possessing a large resource supply, of which many may fail to develop because of genetic deficiencies. On the basis of earlier theoretical and empirical studies, we assumed that the ratio length of testis-length of ovary positively correlates with the mating group size and, hence, with opportunities for cross-fertilization. In accordance with the bet-hedging hypothesis, we found, across trematode species, a positive relationship between this ratio and the mean egg volume produced by adults. This result was, however, observed only for the trematodes infecting birds and not for the species infecting fishes and mammals. In addition, once the influence of trematode phylogeny was taken into account, there was no significant trend, suggesting that phylogenetic legacies played a large role in generating the previous signal. Experimental tests of the bet-hedging hypothesis will be necessary to clarify the matter

    Phenotypic Variability Induced by Parasites: Extent and Evolutionary Implications

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    International audienceThe diversity of ways in which parasites can modify the host genotypic signal has been documented in recent years. For example, parasites can shift the mean value and increase the variance of phenotypic traits in host populations, or alter the phenotypic sex ratio of host populations, with several evolutionary implications. Here, Robert Poulin and Frederic Thomas review the types of host traits that are modified by parasites, then explore some of the evolutionary consequences of parasite-induced alterations in host phenotypes and suggest some avenues for future research

    Fluctuating asymmetry and parasitism in six New Zealand insects

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    International audiencePositive associations between parasitic infections and developmental instability are often reported in the literature. In some cases, developmentally unstable individuals are of lower genetic quality and more prone to infection, whereas in other cases, parasites appear to directly cause developmental instability. We determined whether parasitism correlated with fluctuating asymmetry in femur length, a measure of developmental instability, in two species of cockroaches harbouring benign nematodes, and four species of grasshoppers infected with harmful gregarine protozoans. We found no evidence that the more asymmetrical individuals were more heavily parasitized, in either of the six insect species. These results provide several exceptions to the pattern generally reported in the recent literature, and suggest that, at least among insects, fluctuating asymmetry and parasitism are not always associated
