27 research outputs found

    Cooperation of polarized cell intercalations drives convergence and extension of presomitic mesoderm during zebrafish gastrulation

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    During vertebrate gastrulation, convergence and extension (C&E) movements narrow and lengthen the embryonic tissues, respectively. In zebrafish, regional differences of C&E movements have been observed; however, the underlying cell behaviors are poorly understood. Using time-lapse analyses and computational modeling, we demonstrate that C&E of the medial presomitic mesoderm is achieved by cooperation of planar and radial cell intercalations. Radial intercalations preferentially separate anterior and posterior neighbors to promote extension. In knypek;trilobite noncanonical Wnt mutants, the frequencies of cell intercalations are altered and the anteroposterior bias of radial intercalations is lost. This provides evidence for noncanonical Wnt signaling polarizing cell movements between different mesodermal cell layers. We further show using fluorescent fusion proteins that during dorsal mesoderm C&E, the noncanonical Wnt component Prickle localizes at the anterior cell edge, whereas Dishevelled is enriched posteriorly. Asymmetrical localization of Prickle and Dishevelled to the opposite cell edges in zebrafish gastrula parallels their distribution in fly, and suggests that noncanonical Wnt signaling defines distinct anterior and posterior cell properties to bias cell intercalations

    Polarized cortical tension drives zebrafish epiboly movements

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    The principles underlying the biomechanics of morphogenesis are largely unknown. Epiboly is an essential embryonic event in which three tissues coordinate to direct the expansion of the blastoderm. How and where forces are generated during epiboly, and how these are globally coupled remains elusive. Here we developed a method, hydrodynamic regression (HR), to infer 3D pressure fields, mechanical power, and cortical surface tension profiles. HR is based on velocity measurements retrieved from 2D+T microscopy and their hydrodynamic modeling. We applied HR to identify biomechanically active structures and changes in cortex local tension during epiboly in zebrafish. Based on our results, we propose a novel physical description for epiboly, where tissue movements are directed by a polarized gradient of cortical tension. We found that this gradient relies on local contractile forces at the cortex, differences in elastic properties between cortex components and the passive transmission of forces within the yolk cell. All in all, our work identifies a novel way to physically regulate concerted cellular movements that might be instrumental for the mechanical control of many morphogenetic processes.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Analyse critique de deux dispositifs pédagogiques de prototypage

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    International audienceCette contribution a pour objectif de présenter deux éditions d’un atelier interdisciplinaire et créatif à destination d’étudiantes et étudiants du bassin lausannois (Suisse) s’étant tenues sur deux années successives (2017 et 2018). En plus d’en décrire les origines, les buts et l’organisation, nous profiterons du recueil d’un certain nombre de données lors et après leur déroulement, pour en proposer une analyse critique au regard des modifications apportées suite aux limites attribuées à la première édition, et des perspectives pour la suite à donner à ces initiatives au sein des institutions impliquées

    Biomécanique de la gastrulation chez Drosophila Melanogaster

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    PARIS7-Bibliothèque centrale (751132105) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Hydrodynamic simulation of multicellular embryo invagination Related content Mechanotransduction in mechanically coupled pulsating cells

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    International audienceThe mechanical aspects of embryonic morphogenesis have been widely analysed by numerical simulations of invagination in sea urchins and Drosophila gastrulation. Finite element models, which describe the tissue as a continuous medium, lead to the global invagination morphogenesis observed in vivo. Here we develop a simulation of multicellular embryo invagination that allows access to both cellular and multicellular mechanical behaviours of the embryo. In this model, the tissue is composed of adhesive individual cells, in which shape change dynamics is governed by internal acto-myosin forces and the hydrodynamic flow associated with membrane movements. We investigated the minimal structural and force elements sufficient to phenocopy mesoderm invagination. The minimal structures are cell membranes characterized by an acto-myosin cortical tension and connected by apical and basal junctions and an acto-myosin contractile ring connected to the apical junctions. An increase in the apical-cortical surface tension is the only control parameter change required to phenocopy most known multicellular and cellular shape changes of Drosophila gastrulation. Specifically, behaviours observed in vivo, including apical junction movements at the onset of gastrulation, cell elongation and subsequent shortening during invagination, and the development of a dorso-ventral gradient of thickness of the embryo, are predicted by this model as passive mechanical consequences of the genetically controlled increase in the apical surface tension in invaginating mesoderm cells, thus demonstrating the accurate description of structures at both global and single cell scales

    Reverse engineering using a knowledge-based approach

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    International audienceThis paper focuses on Reverse Engineering (RE) domain in mechanical design. RE is an activity which consists of creating a Computer-Aided Design (CAD) model from a 3D point cloud. The CAD models obtained using modern software applications are generally 'frozen' (i.e. a set of free form surfaces or a set of geometrical features in a manifold static model). Redesigning activities of these models are thus impossible. This paper proposes Knowledge-Based Reverse Engineering (KBRE), an approach which combines knowledge-based engineering with classical approaches in RE. The combination allows us to obtain a dynamic model (i.e. a set of manufacturing and design features with constraints, parameters, rules and relationships). A redesigning activity is then possible from this type of model

    Plasticity of the MAPK signaling network in response to mechanical stress

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    Cells display versatile responses to mechanical inputs and recent studies have identified the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades mediating the biological effects observed upon mechanical stimulation. Although, MAPK pathways can act insulated from each other, several mechanisms facilitate the crosstalk between the components of these cascades. Yet, the combinatorial complexity of potential molecular interactions between these elements have prevented the understanding of their concerted functions. To analyze the plasticity of the MAPK signaling network in response to mechanical stress we performed a non-saturating epistatic screen in resting and stretched conditions employing as readout a JNK responsive dJun-FRET biosensor. By knocking down MAPKs, and JNK pathway regulators, singly or in pairs in Drosophila S2R+ cells, we have uncovered unexpected regulatory links between JNK cascade kinases, Rho GTPases, MAPKs and the JNK phosphatase Puc. These relationships have been integrated in a system network model at equilibrium accounting for all experimentally validated interactions. This model allows predicting the global reaction of the network to its modulation in response to mechanical stress. It also highlights its context-dependent sensitivity. © 2014 Pereira et al.A.M.P held a Spanish FPU PhD studentship, and C.T. was supported by the Marie Curie Research Training Network IMMUNANOMAP. Research in the E.M.-B. laboratory is funded by grants of the Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (DGI and Consolider). Research in the V.S. laboratory is supported by “Stitching voor Fundamenteel Onderzoek der Materie” (FOM), the Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelik Onderzoek (N.W.O.), and the European UnionPeer Reviewe

    Quelle remédiation à l’anxiété de performance en mathématiques ? Une étude comparant trois conditions d’évaluation en vue de minimiser l’anxiété mathématique.

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    L’objectif de cette étude est de déterminer si le fait de proposer certaines formes de remédiation lors d’une situation de test permet de limiter le niveau d’anxiété d’évaluation en mathématiques. Dans ce but, 115 étudiant∙es du secondaire, scolarisé∙es dans le canton de Vaud, ont répondu à plusieurs questionnaires leur demandant de s’imaginer dans trois conditions différentes : (1) passation d’un test sommatif sans possibilité de remédiation ; (2) passation d’un test sommatif avec possibilité de réaliser un test de remédiation en cas d’échec et conservation de la meilleure des deux notes et ; (3) passation d’un test sommatif avec possibilité de remédiation, mais seule la dernière des deux notes est prise en compte. Les comparaisons de ces trois conditions à l’aide d’ANOVAs à mesures répétées indiquent que les étudiant∙es rapportent autant d’anxiété lors d’une évaluation sans remédiation que lors d’une évaluation avec remédiation où la dernière des deux notes est gardée. En revanche, les étudiant∙es se disent significativement moins anxieux lorsque seule la meilleure des deux notes est prise en compte. Par ailleurs, le sexe de l’étudiant∙e influe significativement sur les paramètres d’anxiété de telle sorte que la différence entre les conditions semble plus marquée chez les filles que chez les garçons. Ces résultats nous amènent à considérer que le principe du « droit à l’erreur », en substance la possibilité de garder la meilleure des deux tentatives, est potentiellement un système de remédiation efficace pour limiter les effets négatifs de l'anxiété de performance en mathématiques. Les implications pédagogiques sont discutées dans l’interprétation des résultats

    Rab5ab-Mediated Yolk Cell Membrane Endocytosis Is Essential for Zebrafish Epiboly and Mechanical Equilibrium During Gastrulation

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    © 2021 Marsal, Hernández-Vega, Pouille and Martin-Blanco.Morphogenesis in early embryos demands the coordinated distribution of cells and tissues to their final destination in a spatio-temporal controlled way. Spatial and scalar differences in adhesion and contractility are essential for these morphogenetic movements, while the role that membrane remodeling may play remains less clear. To evaluate how membrane turnover modulates tissue arrangements we studied the role of endocytosis in zebrafish epiboly. Experimental analyses and modeling have shown that the expansion of the blastoderm relies on an asymmetry of mechanical tension in the yolk cell generated as a result of actomyosin-dependent contraction and membrane removal. Here we show that the GTPase Rab5ab is essential for the endocytosis and the removal of the external yolk cell syncytial layer (E-YSL) membrane. Interfering in its expression exclusively in the yolk resulted in the reduction of yolk cell actomyosin contractility, the disruption of cortical and internal flows, a disequilibrium in force balance and epiboly impairment. We conclude that regulated membrane remodeling is crucial for directing cell and tissue mechanics, preserving embryo geometry and coordinating morphogenetic movements during epiboly.This work was supported by the 2009SGR1009 Consolidated Scientific Group grant of the Generalitat de Catalunya and BFU2014-23451 and CSD-2007-00008 grants from the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain to EM-B

    Mechanical coordination is sufficient to promote tissue replacement during metamorphosis in Drosophila

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    During development, cells coordinate to organize in coherent structures. Although it is now well established that physical forces are essential for implementing this coordination, the instructive roles of mechanical inputs are not clear. Here, we show that the replacement of the larval epithelia by the adult one in Drosophila demands the coordinated exchange of mechanical signals between two cell types, the histoblasts (adult precursors) organized in nests and the surrounding larval epidermal cells (LECs). An increasing stress gradient develops from the center of the nests toward the LECs as a result of the forces generated by histoblasts as they proliferate and by the LECs as they delaminate (push/pull coordination). This asymmetric radial coordination of expansive and contractile activities contributes to epithelial replacement. Our analyses support a model in which cell–cell mechanical communication is sufficient for the rearrangements that implement epithelial morphogenesis.The Martín-Blanco and Buceta's laboratories were supported by funds from Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia (BFU2014-57019-P and BFU2017-82876-P for EM-B and BFU2010-21847-C02-01/BMC for JB, respectively) and from Fundación Ramón Areces to EM-B. CP-R was supported by a FPI Fellowship from the Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain