58 research outputs found

    Intra-cluster knowledge exchange and frequency of product innovation in a digital cluster.

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    We investigate how intra-cluster knowledge exchange affects the frequency of product innovation. Based on self-administered survey data of digital SMEs from Bournemouth and Poole regions of England, this study shows that digital firms that sustain both temporary and prolonged relationships with outbound employees have a higher probability of introducing frequent product innovation. Moreover, while cognitive proximity and the use of external knowledge providers increase the probability of frequent product innovation, geographical proximity reduces it. Our findings suggest that managers of young digital firms with limited resources in peripheral regions should ‘act near’ before reaching out

    Theory and research in strategic management: Swings of a pendulum

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    The development of the field of strategic management within the last two decades has been dramatic. While its roots have been in a more applied area, often referred to as business policy, the current field of strategic management is strongly theory based, with substantial empirical research, and is eclectic in nature. This review of the development of the field and its current position examines the field’s early development and the primary theoretical and methodological bases through its history. Early developments include Chandler’s (1962) Strategy and Structure and Ansoff’s (1965) Corporate Strategy. These early works took on a contingency perspective (fit between strategy and structure) and a resource-based framework emphasizing internal strengths and weaknesses. Perhaps, one of the more significant contributions to the development of strategic management came from industrial organization (IO) economics, specifically the work of Michael Porter. The structure-conduct-performance framework and the notion of strategic groups, as well as providing a foundation for research on competitive dynamics, are flourishing currently. The IO paradigm also brought econometric tools to the research on strategic management. Building on the IO economics framework, the organizational economics perspective contributed transaction costs economics and agency theory to strategic management. More recent theoretical contributions focus on the resource-based view of the firm. While it has its roots in Edith Penrose’s work in the late 1950s, the resource-based view was largely introduced to the field of strategic management in the 1980s and became a dominant framework in the 1990s. Based on the resource-based view or developing concurrently were research on strategic leadership, strategic decision theory (process research) and knowledge-based view of the firm. The research methodologies are becoming increasingly sophisticated and now frequently combine both quantitative and qualitative approaches and unique and new statistical tools. Finally, this review examines the future directions, both in terms of theory and methodologies, as the study of strategic management evolves.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    Small firm innovation performance and employee involvement

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    How Unions Affect Shareholder Wealth in Firms Announcing Layoffs

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    We investigate whether investor anticipation of future performance differs between union and nonunion firms following corporate layoff announcements. Using event-study methodology and multivariate regression analysis, we find that the stock market reaction to layoff announcements is negatively related to nonunion firms and positively related to union firms.

    Evolution and change in industrial clusters: An analysis of Hsinchu and Sophia Antipolis

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    The aim of this paper is to advance understandings of the processes of cluster-building and evolution, or transformative and adaptive change, through the conscious design and reflective activities of private and public actors. A model of transformation is developed which illustrates the importance of actors becoming exposed to new ideas and visions for industrial change by political entrepreneurs and external networks. Further, actors must be guided in their decision-making and action by the new vision, and this requires that they are persuaded of its viability through the provision of test cases and supportive resources and institutions. In order for new ideas to become guiding models, actors must be convinced of their desirability through the portrayal of models as a means of confronting competitive challenges and serving the economic interests of the city/region. Subsequent adaptive change is iterative and reflexive, involving a process of strategic learning amongst key industrial and political actors

    Regionale Bedeutung von Familienunternehmen in Westdeutschland

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    Family firms play an important role for the German economy. Using data on the level of districts (NUTS-3), we investigate the regional distribution of family firms in West Germany. Our empirical analyses show that family firms can be found in rather rural areas; however, a certain proximity to regional metropolis is also apparent. North Rhine-Westphalia and Baden-WĂŒrttemberg show the highest densities of family firms. Moreover, family firms are located in economically strong regions. We explain our findings using the theory of organizational ecology. Our study contributes to the discussion about the importance of family firms for the German economy
