117 research outputs found

    Heights and totally real numbers

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    1973 Schinzel proved that the standard logarithmic height h on the maximal totally real field extension of the rationals is either zero or bounded from below by a positive constant. In this paper we study this property for canonical heights associated to rational functions and the corresponding dynamical system on the affine line. At the end, we will give a few remarks on the behavior of h on finite extensions of the maximal totally real field.Comment: Major changes regarding the first version. E.g. the last chapter was cancele

    Heights and totally pp-adic numbers

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    We study the behavior of canonical height functions h^f\widehat{h}_f, associated to rational maps ff, on totally pp-adic fields. In particular, we prove that there is a gap between zero and the next smallest value of h^f\widehat{h}_f on the maximal totally pp-adic field if the map ff has at least one periodic point not contained in this field. As an application we prove that there is no infinite subset XX in the compositum of all number fields of degree at most dd such that f(X)=Xf(X)=X for some non-linear polynomial ff. This answers a question of W. Narkiewicz from 1963.Comment: minor changes: rewording and reference update

    Fields with the Bogomolov property

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    A field is said to have the Bogomolov property relative to a height function h’ if and only if h’ is either zero or bounded from below by a positive constant for all for all elements in this field. In this thesis we study this property according to canonical heights associated to rational functions introduced by Call and Silverman in 1994. In the first part we will translate known results into the dynamical setting. Then we prove an effective version of a theorem of Baker which states that the Néron-Tate height of an elliptic curve with multiplicative reduction at a finite place v is bounded from below by a positive constant at points which are unramified over v. In the last section of this thesis we give a complete classification of rational functions f defined over the algebraic numbers such that the maximal totally real field has the Bogomolov property relative to the canonical height associated to f

    Heights of points with bounded ramification

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    Let EE be an elliptic curve defined over a number field KK with fixed non-archimedean absolute value vv of split-multiplicative reduction, and let ff be an associated Latt\`es map. Baker proved in 2003 that the N\'eron-Tate height on EE is either zero or bounded from below by a positive constant, for all points of bounded ramification over vv. In this paper we make this bound effective and prove an analogue result for the canonical height associated to ff. We also study variations of this result by changing the reduction type of EE at vv. This will lead to examples of fields FF such that the N\'eron-Tate height on non-torsion points in E(F)E(F) is bounded from below by a positive constant and the height associated to ff gets arbitrarily small on FF. The same example shows, that the existence of such a lower bound for the N\'eron-Tate height is in general not preserved under finite field extensions.Comment: Major changes regarding the first version. E.g.: the title was changed; errors were corrected; based on a remark of Joseph Silverman Example 5.7 and Theorem 5.9 were adde
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