13 research outputs found

    A high resolution study of the Martian water cycle with a global climate model

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    International audienceThe martian water cycle's main source is the northern polar cap. Running high resolution models, up to 360° per 180°, help better resolve this ice cap, and better mimic the gradual retreat of the seasonal cap. Atmospheric circulation is also better resolved. Water vapor advection and the subsequent formation of clouds quite differ when we compare these brand new high resolution simulations and the usual lower resolution ones at 64 per 48 grid points

    Periostin in lymph node pre-metastatic niches governs lymphatic endothelial cell functions and metastatic colonization.

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    peer reviewedAlthough lymph node (LN) metastasis is an important prognostic parameter in cervical cancer, the tissue remodeling at a pre-metastatic state is poorly documented in LNs. We here identified periostin (POSTN) as a component of non-metastatic LNs by applying proteomic analyses and computerized image quantifications on LNs of patients with cervical cancer. We provide evidence for remarkable modifications of POSTN and lymphatic vessel distributions and densities in non-metastatic sentinel and metastatic human LNs, when compared to distant non-metastatic LNs. POSTN deposition at a pre-metastatic stage was demonstrated in a pre-clinical murine model (the ear sponge assay). Its expression by fibroblastic LN cells was assessed by in situ hybridization and in vitro cultures. In vitro, POSTN promoted lymphatic endothelial cell functions and tumor cell proliferation. Accordingly, the in vivo injection of recombinant POSTN together with VEGF-C boosted the lymphangiogenic response, while the metastatic potential of tumor cells was drastically reduced using a POSTN blocking antibody. This translational study also supports the existence of an unprecedented dialog "in cascade", between the primary tumor and the first pelvic nodal relay in early cervical cancer, and subsequently from pelvic LN to para-aortic LNs in locally advanced cervical cancers. Collectively, this work highlights the association of POSTN deposition with lymphangiogenesis in LNs, and provides evidence for a key contribution of POSTN in promoting VEGF-C driven lymphangiogenesis and the seeding of metastatic cells

    A new Mars Climate Database v5.1

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    International audienceWhat is the Mars Climate Database? The Mars Climate Database (MCD) is a database of meteorological fields derived from General Circulation Model (GCM) numerical simulations of the Martian atmosphere and validated using available observational data. The MCD includes complementary post-processing schemes such as high spatial resolution interpolation of environmental data and means of reconstructing the variability thereof. The GCM is developed at Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique du CNRS (Paris, France) [1-3] in collaboration with the Open University (UK), the Oxford University (UK) and the Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia (Spain) with support from the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES). The MCD is freely distributed and intended to be useful and used in the framework of engineering applications as well as in the context of scientific studies which require accurate knowledge of the state of the Martian atmosphere. The MCD may be accessed either online (in a somewhat simplified form) via an interactive server available at http://www-mars.lmd.jussieu.fr (useful for moderate needs), or from the complete version which includes advanced access and post-processing software (contact [email protected] and/or [email protected] to obtain a free copy). Overview of MCDv5 contents: The MCD provides mean values and statistics of the main meteorological variables (atmospheric temperature, density, pressure and winds) as well as atmospheric composition (including dust and water vapor and ice content), as the GCM from which the datasets are obtained includes water cycle [4-6], chemistry [7,8], and ionosphere [9,10] models. The database extends up to and including the thermosphere[11-13] (~350km). Since the influence of Extreme Ultra Violet (EUV) input from the sun is significant in the latter, 3 EUV scenarios (solar minimum, average and maximum inputs) account for the impact of the various states of the solar cycle

    Increased insolation threshold for runaway greenhouse processes on Earth like planets

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    Because the solar luminosity increases over geological timescales, Earth climate is expected to warm, increasing water evaporation which, in turn, enhances the atmospheric greenhouse effect. Above a certain critical insolation, this destabilizing greenhouse feedback can "runaway" until all the oceans are evaporated. Through increases in stratospheric humidity, warming may also cause oceans to escape to space before the runaway greenhouse occurs. The critical insolation thresholds for these processes, however, remain uncertain because they have so far been evaluated with unidimensional models that cannot account for the dynamical and cloud feedback effects that are key stabilizing features of Earth's climate. Here we use a 3D global climate model to show that the threshold for the runaway greenhouse is about 375 W/m2^2, significantly higher than previously thought. Our model is specifically developed to quantify the climate response of Earth-like planets to increased insolation in hot and extremely moist atmospheres. In contrast with previous studies, we find that clouds have a destabilizing feedback on the long term warming. However, subsident, unsaturated regions created by the Hadley circulation have a stabilizing effect that is strong enough to defer the runaway greenhouse limit to higher insolation than inferred from 1D models. Furthermore, because of wavelength-dependent radiative effects, the stratosphere remains cold and dry enough to hamper atmospheric water escape, even at large fluxes. This has strong implications for Venus early water history and extends the size of the habitable zone around other stars.Comment: Published in Nature. Online publication date: December 12, 2013. Accepted version before journal editing and with Supplementary Informatio

    Unraveling the Martian water cycle with high-resolution global climate simulations

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    International audienceGlobal climate modeling of the Mars water cycle is usually performed at relatively coarse resolution (200– 300 km), which may not be sufficient to properly represent the impact of waves, fronts, topography effects on the detailed structure of clouds and surface ice deposits. Here, we present new numerical simulations of the annual water cycle performed at a resolution of 1° ×1° (∼ 60 km in latitude). The model includes the radiative effects of clouds, whose influence on the thermal structure and atmospheric dynamics is significant, thus we also examine simulations with inactive clouds to distinguish the direct impact of resolution on circulation and winds from the indirect impact of resolution via water ice clouds. To first order, we find that the high resolution does not dramatically change the behavior of the system, and that simulations performed at ∼ 200 km resolution capture well the behavior of the simulated water cycle and Mars climate. Nevertheless, a detailed comparison between high and low resolution simulations, with reference to observations, reveal several significant changes that impact our understanding of the water cycle active today on Mars. The key northern cap edge dynamics are affected by an increase in baroclinic wave strength, with a complication of northern summer dynamics. South polar frost deposition is modified, with a westward longitudinal shift, since southern dynamics are also influenced. Baroclinic wave mode transitions are observed. New transient phenomena appear, like spiral and streak clouds, already documented in the observations. Atmospheric circulation cells in the polar region exhibit a large variability and are fine structured, with slope winds. Most modeled phenomena affected by high resolution give a picture of a more turbulent planet, inducing further variability. This is challenging for long-period climate studies

    Water ice clouds on Mars: a study of partial cloudiness with a global climate model and MARCI data

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    International audienceThere is a large reservoir of water ice on Mars in the polar caps, that sublimates in summer and releases water vapor. Water is then advected in the atmospheric circulation that evolves seasonally. This vapor forms clouds, frost, and can also be adsorbed in the soil. In a global study of the water cycle, water ice clouds play a key part in the martian climate. There is a need to understand better their distribution and radiative effect. The tool used in this study is the global climate model (GCM) of the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique. It is made up of a core that computes fluid dynamics, and a physical part that gathers a number of parametrised processes. It includes tracers and the condensation and sublimation of water in the atmosphere and on the ground, allowing a study of the complete water cycle. To improve the representation of water ice clouds in the model, a new parametrisation of partial cloudiness has been implemented and will be presented. Indeed, model cells are hundreds of kilometers wide, and it is quite unrealistic to suppose that cloud coverage is always uniform in them. Furthermore, the model was quite unstable since the implementation of the radiative effect of clouds, and partial cloudiness had the effect of reducing this instability. In practice, a subgrid temperature distribution is supposed, and the temperature computed in the model is interpreted as its mean. The subgrid scale temperature distribution is simple, and its width is a free parameter. Using this distribution, the fraction of the grid cells under the water vapor condensation temperature is interpreted as the fraction of the cell in which clouds form (or cloud fraction). From these fractions at each height a total partial cloudiness (the clouds as seen from the orbit) is deduced. The radiative transfer is computed twice, for the clear area and for the cloudy one. Observing the water cycle with this new parametrisation, some differences are seen with standard runs. These changes mainly affect the aphelion cloud belt and the polar hoods. Partial cloudiness is compared to higher resolution (one per one degree) runs in which cloudiness diagnostics are done. MARCI data of cloud opacity is also used to verify the predicted water ice cloud distribution and patchiness. The aim is to understand the causes of patchiness and to validate the choice of a subgrid scale temperature distribution. There are seasonal variations, recurring patterns near major topographical features

    High-resolution mapping of Martian water ice clouds using Mars Express OMEGA observations - Derivation of the diurnal cloud life cycle

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    International audienceThe mapping in space and time of water ice clouds can help to explain the Martian water cycle and atmospheric circulation. For this purpose, an ice cloud index (ICI) corresponding to the depth of a water ice absorption band at 3.4 microns is derived from a series of OMEGA images (spectels) covering 5 Martian years. The ICI values for the corresponding pixels are then binned on a high-resolution regular grid (1° longitude x 1° latitude x 5° Ls x 1 h local time) and averaged. Inside each bin, the cloud cover is calculated by dividing the number of pixels considered as cloudy (after comparison to a threshold) to the number of all (valid) pixelsWe compare the maps of clouds obtained around local time 14:00 with collocated TES cloud observations (which were only obtained around this time of the day). A good agreement is found.Averaged ICI compared to the water ice column variable from the Martian Climate Database (MCD) show a correct correlation (~0.5) , which increases when values limited to the tropics only are compared.The number of gridpoints containing ICI values is small ( ~1%), but by taking several neighbor gridpoints and over longer periods, we can observe a cloud life cycle during daytime. An example in the the tropics, around the northern summer solstice, shows a decrease of cloudiness in the morning followed by an increase in the afternoon

    Martian cloud climatology and life cycle extracted from Mars Express OMEGA spectral images

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    International audienceA Martian water-ice cloud climatology has been extracted from OMEGA data covering 7 Martian years (MY 26–32) on the dayside. We derived two products, the Reversed Ice Cloud Index (ICIR) and the Percentage of Cloudy Pixels (PCP), indicating the mean cloud thickness and nebulosity over a regular grid (1° longitude × 1° latitude × 1° Ls × 1 h Local Time). The ICIR has been shown to be a proxy of the water-ice column derived from the Mars Climate Database.The PCP confirms the existence and location of the main cloud structures mapped with the ICIR, but also gives a more accurate image of the cloud cover. We observed a more dense cloud coverage over Hellas Planitia, the Lunae Planum region and over large volcanoes (Tharsis volcanoes, Olympus and Elysium Montes) in the aphelion belt.For the first time, thanks to the fact that Mars Express is not in Sun-synchronous orbit, we can explore the clouds diurnal cycle at a given season by combining the seven years of observations. However, because of the eccentric orbit, the temporal coverage remains limited. Identified limitations of the dataset are its small size, the difficult distinction between ice clouds and frosts, and the impact of surface albedo on data uncertainty. We could nevertheless study the diurnal cloud life cycle by averaging the data over larger regions: from specific topographic features (covering a few degrees in longitude and latitude) up to large climatic bands (covering all longitudes). We found that in the tropics (25°S – 25°N) around northern summer solstice, the diurnal thermal tide modulates the abundance of clouds, which is reduced around noon (Local Time). At northern midlatitudes (35°N – 55°N), clouds corresponding to the edge of the north polar hood are observed mainly in the morning and around noon during northern winter (Ls = 260° – 30°). Over Chryse Planitia, low lying morning fogs dissipate earlier and earlier in the afternoon during northern winter. Over Argyre, clouds are present over all daytime during two periods, around Ls = 30° and 160°

    A New Vision of the Martian Atmosphere and Surface Through Mesoscale Modeling

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    We discuss several examples in which mesoscale modeling for the martian atmosphere unveils new possible interpretations of regional and local phenomena and has implications on climatology, geology, glaciology, chemistry, etc