27 research outputs found

    A Preconditioned Inexact Active-Set Method for Large-Scale Nonlinear Optimal Control Problems

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    We provide a global convergence proof of the recently proposed sequential homotopy method with an inexact Krylov--semismooth-Newton method employed as a local solver. The resulting method constitutes an active-set method in function space. After discretization, it allows for efficient application of Krylov-subspace methods. For a certain class of optimal control problems with PDE constraints, in which the control enters the Lagrangian only linearly, we propose and analyze an efficient, parallelizable, symmetric positive definite preconditioner based on a double Schur complement approach. We conclude with numerical results for a badly conditioned and highly nonlinear benchmark optimization problem with elliptic partial differential equations and control bounds. The resulting method is faster than using direct linear algebra for the 2D benchmark and allows for the parallel solution of large 3D problems.Comment: 26 page

    A direct method for the numerical solution of optimization problems with time-periodic PDE constraints

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    In der vorliegenden Dissertation entwickeln wir auf der Basis der Direkten Mehrzielmethode eine neue numerische Methode fĂŒr Optimalsteuerungsprobleme (OCPs) mit zeitperiodischen partiellen Differentialgleichungen (PDEs). Die vorgeschlagene Methode zeichnet sich durch asymptotisch optimale Skalierung des numerischen Aufwandes in der Zahl der örtlichen Diskretisierungspunkte aus. Sie besteht aus einem Linearen Iterativen Splitting Ansatz (LISA) innerhalb einer Newton-Typ Iteration zusammen mit einer Globalisierungsstrategie, die auf natĂŒrlichen Niveaufunktionen basiert. Wir untersuchen die LISA-Newton Methode im Rahmen von Bocks kappa-Theorie und entwickeln zuverlĂ€ssige a-posteriori kappa-SchĂ€tzer. Im Folgenden erweitern wir die LISA-Newton Methode auf den Fall von inexakter Sequentieller Quadratischer Programmierung (SQP) fĂŒr ungleichungsbeschrĂ€nke Probleme und untersuchen das lokale Konvergenzverhalten. ZusĂ€tzlich entwickeln wir klassische und Zweigitter Newton-Picard Vorkonditionierer fĂŒr LISA und beweisen gitterunabhĂ€ngige Konvergenz der klassischen Variante auf einem Modellproblem. Anhand numerischer Ergebnisse können wir belegen, dass im Vergleich zur klassichen Variante die Zweigittervariante sogar noch effizienter ist fĂŒr typische Anwendungsprobleme. Des Weiteren entwickeln wir eine Zweigitterapproximation der Lagrange-Hessematrix, welche gut in den Rahmen des Zweigitter Newton-Picard Ansatzes passt und die im Vergleich zur exakten Hessematrix zu einer Laufzeitreduktion von 68% auf einem nichtlinearen Benchmarkproblem fĂŒhrt. Wir zeigen weiterhin, dass die QualitĂ€t des Feingitters die Genauigkeit der Lösung bestimmt, wĂ€hrend die QualitĂ€t des Grobgitters die asymptotische lineare Konvergenzrate, d.h., das Bocksche kappa, festlegt. ZuverlĂ€ssige kappa-SchĂ€tzer ermöglichen die automatische Steuerung der Grobgitterverfeinerung fĂŒr schnelle Konvergenz. FĂŒr die Lösung der auftretenden, großen Probleme der Quadratischen Programmierung (QPs) wĂ€hlen wir einen strukturausnutzenden zweistufigen Ansatz. In der ersten Stufe nutzen wir die durch den Mehrzielansatz und die Newton-Picard Vorkonditionierer bedingten Strukturen aus, um die großen QPs auf Ă€quivalente QPs zu reduzieren, deren GrĂ¶ĂŸe von der Zahl der örtlichen Diskretisierungspunkte unabhĂ€ngig ist. FĂŒr die zweite Stufe entwickeln wir Erweiterungen fĂŒr eine Parametrische Aktive Mengen Methode (PASM), die zu einem zuverlĂ€ssigen und effizienten Löser fĂŒr die resultierenden, möglicherweise nichtkonvexen QPs fĂŒhren. Weiterhin konstruieren wir drei anschauliche, contra-intuitive Probleme, die aufzeigen, dass die Konvergenz einer one-shot one-step Optimierungsmethode weder notwendig noch hinreichend fĂŒr die Konvergenz der entsprechenden Methode fĂŒr das VorwĂ€rtsproblem ist. Unsere Analyse von drei RegularisierungsansĂ€tzen zeigt, dass de-facto Verlust von Konvergenz selbst mit diesen AnsĂ€tzen nicht verhindert werden kann. Des Weiteren haben wir die vorgestellten Methoden in einem Computercode mit Namen MUSCOP implementiert, der automatische Ableitungserzeugung erster und zweiter Ordnung von Modellfunktionen und Lösungen der dynamischen Systeme, Parallelisierung auf der Mehrzielstruktur und ein Hybrid Language Programming Paradigma zur VerfĂŒgung stellt, um die benötigte Zeit fĂŒr das Aufstellen und Lösen neuer Anwendungsprobleme zu minimieren. Wir demonstrieren die Anwendbarkeit, ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit und EffektivitĂ€t von MUSCOP und damit der vorgeschlagenen numerischen Methoden anhand einer Reihe von PDE OCPs von steigender Schwierigkeit, angefangen bei linearen akademischen Problemen ĂŒber hochgradig nichtlineare akademische Probleme der mathematischen Biologie bis hin zu einem hochgradig nichtlinearen Anwendungsproblem der chemischen Verfahrenstechnik im Bereich der prĂ€parativen Chromatographie auf Basis realer Daten: Dem Simulated Moving Bed (SMB) Prozess

    Penalty alternating direction methods for mixed-integer optimal control with combinatorial constraints

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    We consider mixed-integer optimal control problems with combinatorial constraints that couple over time such as minimum dwell times. We analyze a lifting and decom- position approach into a mixed-integer optimal control problem without combinatorial constraints and a mixed-integer problem for the combinatorial constraints in the control space. Both problems can be solved very efficiently with existing methods such as outer convexification with sum-up-rounding strategies and mixed-integer linear programming techniques. The coupling is handled using a penalty-approach. We provide an exactness result for the penalty which yields a solution approach that convergences to partial minima. We compare the quality of these dedicated points with those of other heuristics amongst an academic example and also for the optimization of electric transmission lines with switching of the network topology for flow reallocation in order to satisfy demands

    N-Acetyl-L-Leucine Accelerates Vestibular Compensation after Unilateral Labyrinthectomy by Action in the Cerebellum and Thalamus

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    An acute unilateral vestibular lesion leads to a vestibular tone imbalance with nystagmus, head roll tilt and postural imbalance. These deficits gradually decrease over days to weeks due to central vestibular compensation (VC). This study investigated the effects of i.v. N-acetyl-DL-leucine, N-acetyl-L-leucine and N-acetyl-D-leucine on VC using behavioural testing and serial [18F]-Fluoro-desoxyglucose ([18F]-FDG)-mu PET in a rat model of unilateral chemical labyrinthectomy (UL). Vestibular behavioural testing included measurements of nystagmus, head roll tilt and postural imbalance as well as sequential whole-brain [18F]FDG-mu PET was done before and on days 1, 3, 7 and 15 after UL. A significant reduction of postural imbalance scores was identified on day 7 in the N-acetyl-DL-leucine (p < 0.03) and the N-acetyl-L-leucine groups (p < 0.01),compared to the sham treatment group, but not in the N-acetyl-D-leucine group (comparison for applied dose of 24 mg i.v. per rat, equivalent to 60 mg/kg body weight, in each group). The course of postural compensation in the DL-and L-group was accelerated by about 6 days relative to controls. The effect of N-acetyl-L-leucine on postural compensation depended on the dose: in contrast to 60 mg/kg, doses of 15 mg/kg and 3.75 mg/kg had no significant effect. N-acetyl-L-leucine did not change the compensation of nystagmus or head roll tilt at any dose. Measurements of the regional cerebral glucose metabolism (rCGM) by means of mu PET revealed that only N-acetyl-L-leucine but not N-acetyl-D-leucine caused a significant increase of rCGM in the vestibulocerebellum and a decrease in the posterolateral thalamus and subthalamic region on days 3 and 7. A similar pattern was found when comparing the effect of N-acetyl-L-leucine on rCGM in an UL-group and a sham UL-group without vestibular damage. In conclusion, N-acetyl-L-leucine improves compensation of postural symptoms after UL in a dose-dependent and specific manner, most likely by activating the vestibulocerebellum and deactivating the posterolateral thalamus

    A systems level analysis of epileptogenesis-associated proteome alterations.

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    Despite intense research efforts, the knowledge about the mechanisms of epileptogenesis and epilepsy is still considered incomplete and limited. However, an in-depth understanding of molecular pathophysiological processes is crucial for the rational selection of innovative biomarkers and target candidates. Here, we subjected proteomic data from different phases of a chronic rat epileptogenesis model to a comprehensive systems level analysis. Weighted Gene Co-expression Network analysis identified several modules of interconnected protein groups reflecting distinct molecular aspects of epileptogenesis in the hippocampus and the parahippocampal cortex. Characterization of these modules did not only further validate the data but also revealed regulation of molecular processes not described previously in the context of epilepsy development. The data sets also provide valuable information about temporal patterns, which should be taken into account for development of preventive strategies in particular when it comes to multi-targeting network pharmacology approaches. In addition, principal component analysis suggests candidate biomarkers, which might inform the design of novel molecular imaging approaches aiming to predict epileptogenesis during different phases or confirm epilepsy manifestation. Further studies are necessary to distinguish between molecular alterations, which correlate with epileptogenesis versus those reflecting a mere consequence of the status epilepticus

    Partial outer convexification for traffic light optimization in road networks

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    Penalty alternating direction methods for mixed-integer optimal control with combinatorial constraints

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    We consider mixed-integer optimal control problems with combinatorial constraints that couple over time such as minimum dwell times. We analyze a lifting and decomposition approach into a mixed-integer optimal control problem without combinatorial constraints and a mixed-integer problem for the combinatorial constraints in the control space. Both problems can be solved very efficiently with existing methods such as outer convexification with sum-up-rounding strategies and mixed-integer linear programming techniques. The coupling is handled using a penalty-approach. We provide an exactness result for the penalty which yields a solution approach that convergences to partial minima. We compare the quality of these dedicated points with those of other heuristics amongst an academic example and also for the optimization of electric transmission lines with switching of the network topology for flow reallocation in order to satisfy demands

    Partial Outer Convexification for Traffic Light Optimization in Road Networks

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